MTL - Why Harem Intrigue When You Can Just Raise a Dog Instead-Chapter 13 Explosion (3)

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When Mengmu went far, Meng Sangqi walked slowly toward the sleeping hall step by step, and Feng Xiao lost her soul behind her, and she stopped holding her mouth several times.

"If you have anything, just ask." Meng Sang glared at the back of A Bao's hair and faintly opened his mouth.

"The Niangniang, Mrs. Guogong said that you are fighting for the disaster, what is the meaning? Is it true that the emperor's love for you is all fake?" Feng Wei still can not accept the reality.

"Yeah, the emperor pet me only to lift the Meng family, to contain the Queen's mother and Li family. I am just a gun in the hands of the emperor, he said where I am going to fight, can not be violated, violate the end of the ...... You can see the Queen's motherland now. As for Liangzhu, it is also three years into the palace. It is also a five-year rise in five years. Her grace is no less than me, but let me be under the deliberate arrangement of the emperor. I pressed her a second time, so I became a favorite, and she hid in my light. I said that between the two, who is the emperor?" Meng Sangqi's tone is light and windy. There is no injustice or anger, as if telling a story that has nothing to do with him.

"It turns out!" Feng Xiao whispered, his eyes emptied and he fell into memories. Suddenly, she looked up and asked in anxiously, "The real child who the emperor specially asked for you is really..."

"Well, my father holds a million males. If I have a prince, my father will not be willing to abdicate in order to protect me and my children. The literati must pay a lot of money to sneak into the country. If the military commander is against it, just pick up the hand. The steel knife is fine. The emperor is the most arrogant, and he will never allow this to happen. Not only me, how do you think the queen died? Is it really my death? She was killed by the emperor. The woman in the whole harem is dying!" Meng Sang sneered, his eyes cast on the horizon outside the window, and did not notice that A Bao, who was kneeling on her knee, looked stiffly at her sight.

"Is the Queen not killed by you?" Feng Wei asked.

"Her mother has fallen, and the prince who gave birth is also stunned. The body is full of lights. What good is it for me to force her to die? She listened to the rumors and suspected that her emperor was not prescribed by me. I want to I tried my best to go with me, I can't sit still." Meng Sang sighed and whispered. "I just found her and told her all the truth. I never shot the child, she just needs to calm down." Down, let people know how to investigate. In the palace, except me, who did not have a hand on her stomach? Yinxian's screen, sly purse, Li Yan's words, her confidant's incense... ... Even the arrogant Liangzhu sent a set of poisonous glazed porcelain. These people did not look for me, but I was looking for my shield to retaliate. I can't let her die. I will probably find out about it one day later. The truth, anger and anger under the heart will go. Some people did not achieve the purpose of killing by knife, naturally to make some rumors to let the emperor clean up me. Just a pity, I still have use in the emperor, the emperor will not be to me, and finally let They are disappointed "

"It turns out that..." In addition to this sentence, Feng Xiao in the horror can no longer find other languages ​​to express his feelings.

Zhou Wudi has completely turned into a fossil. Deyi did not say that he always thought that the Queen was killed by Deyi. The Queen's mother has fallen, he did not think about the life of the Queen, let alone the nephew of his heart? I heard that Deyi had seen the empress, and the emperor was very angry and dying. He was so angry that he was so angry that he was ashamed and disgusted. However, it turned out that he was blinded from beginning to end and was juggled by a group of women! There are also Liangzhu, even pushing a back! Lonely HD proud? it is good! A lonely HD proud!

For the first time, Emperor Zhou began to reflect on whether he was too conceited, so that he turned his head into stupidity!

"Not only that, why do you think my brother will become the present look? How smart he was when he was a child, you won't remember it. He was born and raised by my father and mother! Because of the high power of the country The government does not need a clever and powerful heir! Killing your own children, it is the heart of the father and mother! But in order to survive, what is the way for them?" Meng Sang squatted, using The hand rubbed his eyes and prevented the tears inside from being glimpsed.

Zhou Wudi's heart was tight, and she did not dare to look at her expression.

"The girl is suffering! Why don't you tell the slaves earlier?" Feng Wei was at her feet and couldn't stop crying.

"Hey, get up." Meng Sangqi quickly raised her and said softly, "You can't hide things. If you let me know what is right and wrong, you will inevitably reveal your way when the emperor comes. I was suspicious, so I kept staring at you. But now it’s different, Liangzhu’s wish is paid, my father is about to surrender the military power and withdraw from the court. I’m useless in the emperor, and I won’t let you know the truth. I’m afraid you’re I will urge me to fight for favor, so I will be very troubled."

"The maiden, the slave is dull, the slave is no longer!" Feng Yili swears in the sky, and he regrets and regrets.

"I believe you." Meng Sang looked up and forced the tears in his eyes back into his eyes. His voice was open-minded and with a strange appeal. "We will start to suffer hard in the future. I still have many things to rely on." Hey, will you take care of me as always, help me?"

"Slaves are willing to cover the liver of the maiden, and die!" Feng Yan wiped his tears and quickly cheered up.

"Hey is serious." Meng Sangqi shook his head and laughed. "I don't really have to be pitiful. There are people in this palace who are more pitiful than me. Every time I think about him, I feel comfortable in my heart."

"Who is it?" Feng Wei looked blank.

"This person is the present sage. Shen Huiru's theory of appearance is not as good as the character, but she has an advantage. She has no powerful mothers, and she is arrogant and disdainful, giving people a feeling of indifferent fame and fortune. Pampering such a woman is the safest and most worry-free, and will not pose a threat to the imperial power. The emperor loves not her person, but this kind of security. Even her own feelings must be calculated through layers of calculation. In the cage below, do you say that the emperor is the most pitiful?" What is more pitiful is that he still loves the wrong person! Does Shen Huiru really only love people and do not love power? not necessarily! Meng Sangyu coveted and shook his head.

Feng Wei nodded slightly after thinking about it, his face showing a few minutes.

Zhou Wudi quickly looked up and looked at the woman with a burning gaze. The heart swayed with some strong emotions, such as thundering and bombarding his heart. How can this woman be so intelligent and so thorough? I will wipe out his heart-wrapped heart! He thought that Shen Huiru was the person who knew the most about himself. Now it seems that the person who knows the most about himself is here.

Deyi pays attention to himself like this. Has she ever been confronted with 朕 噗 噗 , , , , , , , 周 周 周 周 周 周 周 周 周 周 周 周 周 周

"Isn't you so understanding of the emperor, is it so deep in the emperor's love?" Feng Yiyu said with hesitation. Only love makes a woman pay attention to a man.

Zhou Wudi suddenly squeezed his claws and waited for the woman's answer with full of hope.

"The roots of the roots are deep?" Deyi chewed these four words, and the expression on his face looked like a smile. "Hey, would you fall in love with someone who used you to hurt you and then abandoned you after you were useless? I am not a masochist, I am not looking for a dead end! The emperor and I are in a subordinate relationship, and they are mutually utilizing each other. There is nothing else. A woman with a heart and a heart can not survive in this house."

Zhou Wudi’s mad heart slammed into a stop, except for a chaos in his mind, only the remaining four words – use each other!

Feng Wei’s worried expression was a little slow. After hesitating for a while, he asked, “Would you like to hate the emperor?”

Zhou Wudi stretched his back and tail and felt that he could not breathe.

"Oh, huh~" seems to hear a joke, Meng Sangqi smirked. "Why should I hate the emperor? Hate him, what can I do for myself? When you really can't avoid the medicines? I just don't want to He has a baby. No love has no hate. Instead of wasting his feelings on him and entangled pain, it is better to love yourself and live your own life. Hey, are you right?"

Feng Wei also smiled comfortably, nodding his head and saying yes.

This sentence became the last straw to crush the camel. The pain of heartbreaking lungs came from the chest. Zhou Wudi’s painful choked, leaping from the knees of Deyi’s knees. go with. He urgently needs a quiet person to clarify the feeling of this heart.

Seeing that A Bao ran away, Meng Sangqi was not in a hurry, only when he wanted to go out alone for a while. Recently, A Bao has become more and more well-behaved. He does not need to look after him and knows that he can't run out of the Tourmaline Palace. The time spent wandering around the garden will never exceed half an hour.

However, Meng Sangqi’s return was wrong. Abao’s trip was more than two hours, and he didn’t come back when he used dinner.

"The niece, all the places that Abao loves to go to find all over the place, did not see him." Bishui and Yin Cui rushed in from the outside of the hall and whispered back.

"Let's find it again! Look carefully!" Meng Sangqi's face was tight, with an anxious command. This filthy palace can be eaten even by people, let alone a puppy? Because of the long-term depression, the people in the palace have more or less psychological defects, and the metamorphosis of love and small animals is not rare.

"Yes!" Bishui and Yin Cui felt the anxiety of the master's heart, and immediately sent many palace people to find.

Meng Sangzhen waited for three quarters of an hour, seeing the outside sun like blood, hanging obliquely on the flying raft of a palace, the sky is almost dim, the cool air rushing from the bottom of the ground, the huge temperature difference between day and night has begun to appear, the heart can not help but more anxious .

"A bald hair dares to play until this time is not coming back! After you find it, you can't teach you a good meal!" Meng Sangqi circled in the temple, and there was a word in his mouth.

"Is it found?" After another half of the hour, seeing the water and water stepping, Meng Sangqi quickly asked.

"The goddess forgives her sins, and the tourmaline palace has searched all over and not see Abao, but the attendant who guards the palace gate said, and did not see Abao ran out. The slaves were afraid of the sissy, and they came back with a slap, and then they continued to look for it. "Lishui said quickly.

"Go," Meng Sang squinted and waved back the clear water, and he paced back and forth in the main hall.

"Anniling, A Bao small group, just looking for a hole to drill in is also a good look. Don't worry, he is afraid of falling asleep where, and will wake up naturally will come back." Feng Yurou Sound comfort. If it was before, Abao would lose it if she lost it. She would never worry about it, but now she knows the special meaning of Abao for her own maiden, and she is also inevitable.

"Asleep?" Meng Sangyu's eyes flashed a bright light, and immediately lifted his foot to the sleeping hall. Open the door and walk straight to the luxurious rosewood carved bed, pick up the sheets, bend down and look down, a small group really crouched at the bottom of the bed, holding a pair of grape-like black eyes Look at yourself in shock!

"Found you!" Meng Sang sighed, my heart was dark: the kittens and puppies really loved to run under the bed!

Still not ready to face the psychological preparations of Deyi, suddenly saw her bright and extraordinary face, Zhou Wudi breathe a sigh, reflexively lifted two front paws, holding their eyes.

"What's wrong with this? The little things are coming out!" The anxiety and anger of the heart were extinguished by the stupid and cute appearance of A Bao, and Meng Sang screamed with a smile.

"A Bao seems to be very upset?" Feng Yi-hsuan looked and asked in disbelief. This puppy is too aura, and the figure curled up in the darkness reveals a lingering taste.

Meng Sangzhen’s face was tight, and the darkness was not his own illusion. Abao’s state was very wrong. Unlike the ancients who were indifferent to animals, Meng Sangqi knew that small animals also had thoughts and feelings, and they also had their own emotions. Abao was injured twice before and after. He was always detained in the tourmaline palace this month. He was just affected by the negative emotions of himself and his mother. Don’t you suffer from depression?

"A Bao is coming out, come to my arms, I will give you a good meal, play with you, and take you to the Imperial Garden for a walk in the morning and evening..." She was tempted by the hustle and bustle. A strange magic, straight into the heart of Zhou Wudi.

Everything that was firmly believed in the past is slowly falling apart, and both the outlook on life and the world view are undergoing a thorough subversion. This process is not good for Zhou Wudi. He has never been so introspective so far, and he has never seen his weakness so clearly: he is biased towards the close people, but too skeptical about others, lacking the amount of tolerance, and seems to be self-contained and arbitrary. So, the third phase of the sage, Junchen centrifugation is only morning and evening! Isn’t the chaotic hall now a good example?

He hates himself and is uneasy, as if he is trapped in the mud. He thought that he might be better when he was quiet, but when the face of Dean’s bright face appeared, when she smiled and smiled, the words with gentle and petty words tapped on his eardrum and atrium, he did not Consciously put down the front paws, stood up, and the ghosts slowly walked out of the bottom of the bed, uncontrollable input that has long been waiting for a long time.

"A Bao 乖乖 乖乖 乖乖 乖乖 」 」 」 ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ”

Zhou Wudi whimpered, screaming at the beautifully shaped lips in front of his eyes, and secretly groaned in his heart: Waiting to find your body, you will definitely hurt you, love you, please don’t say it again. Those who are stinging and sorrowful!

Meng Sangzhen only played Abao while playing with himself. When he saw him suddenly and lively, he felt relieved and greeted him with a few enthusiasm. He provoked Abao’s little tail to swing.

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