MTL - Who Moved My Mountain-Chapter 45 Fake drug dealer

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"Don't you paint yourself? The last time you sold it to Jiang Yan 100,000!" Speaking of this cloud is distressing. If she knew that the safety symbol could be sold so expensive, she would paint it on the spot. !

Wanbo was keenly aware that Yunrong’s tone was not right. He smiled and said: “The cloud predecessors, I don’t want you to say, I will only draw low-level peace signs, this high-level peace can’t be painted.”

"Cough." Yunrong still did not speak, Lu Henian on the side of the light cough, looked at Wan Bo holding the hand of Yunrong, buy a peace sign to buy a peace, grasp so tight!

Wanbo only felt a layer of coolness on his body. When he looked up, he just saw Lu’s eyes, and he let go of his hand. He smiled and said: "The cloud predecessors, how do you sell this peace?"

"You are not already no money?" Yunrong said, that is, there is money not to sell to you!

Wanbo suddenly stopped, just to buy the sedge, he did take out his wife, but this high-level peace he really wants, to know that Wanjia is also a spell to start, but now Wanjia can draw Out of the high-level peace, there are only grandfathers, but in recent years, Wan’s grandfather’s age is already high, and his paintings are not enough.

Seeing Yunrong, it is necessary to collect the peace sign. Qiu Dongming quickly pressed and said: "The cloud predecessors, although we don't have money, we can owe it!"

Xiao Xiao also looked at Yunrong with pity: "For the predecessors of the cloud, you will sell us one."

Yunrong is the most unspeakable scorpion pleading. Just want to promise, just the waiter came in and settled. He was already ready to see the collective grazing. As a result, he came in and was scared. One room of men and women were surrounded. Together, there is cinnabar yellow paper on the table.

They don't eat grass and change the characters!

This group of people is grazing and drawing characters. Is there any evil or teaching activity? She bumped into it twice, will it be ruined!

Seeing that everyone turned to look at her, the waiter took the opportunity to make a decision, and once again slammed the door of the box.

"Forget it, you can write a piece of owe." Yunrong looked at the waiter who had just come in. The eyes were not quite right, and they didn't make a lot of fun. They pulled out one on the table and said, "One hundred thousand one."

The ordinary Ping Fu is 100,000 pieces, not to mention that Yun Rong is a high-level peace symbol. Wan Bo even bargained for bargaining, and immediately took out the pen and paper to write the debt.

Lu Henian looked at the little girl's eyes, and she knew that she was deliberately saying that she still remembered 100,000 pieces of hatred. After all, it was only 50,000 pieces sold to Zhang Chongming.

Thinking about it, he couldn't help but hook the lips.

Yunrong looked up and saw Lu’s smile, and raised his eyebrows to make a gesture of ban.

Wanbo quickly wrote the owe, and after handing it to Yunrong, he immediately collected the Pingyi. After eating and drinking enough money, everyone was scattered. Yunrong and Lu Henian returned to the company. Mediation, Wu Xuangang and dyed Xiang directly returned to Beijing.

When I walked out of the hotel, Yunrong looked at the balance in the mobile account and increased it. He was in a good mood. He walked and said: "Second brother, I made money today, I invite you to eat ice cream!"

"I am so happy when I make money?" Lu Henian knew that the little girl was trying to make money to make up the mountain, but seeing his smile was still a little uncomfortable in his heart.

If you don’t have a conscience, do you have enough money to leave?

"Of course I am happy. I think that selling and selling spells plus the salary of work, I will soon be able to get together a hundred million." Yun Rongmei thought, when the whole Danqiu Mountain belongs to her, think of it, She asked: "Second brother, why have you stopped me?"

"The sedge is an inconspicuous thing in your eyes. In their eyes, it is a fairy grass. You take out too much at once. Others will take you as a big head." Lu Henian paused and said: "What's more, It’s rare, you don’t have much money if you take too much.”

Yunrong glimpsed, the original people do business, there are so many bends around here, I really did not think so much, she took the cone from the clerk and handed it to Lu Henian, sincerely said: "Second brother, later I will bring you out with me, so I won’t be fooled."

Upon hearing this, Lu Henian could only smile helplessly. The little girl may not know that no more than 50 million businesses, Lu will not personally talk about it.


Zhou Yufeng went to the hospital with the stems and fruit. When she entered the ward, she saw her daughter Zhou Minmin sitting down at the window and weeping. Her family was in poor condition. She lived in a ward where four people lived together, so Zhou Minmin did not dare to cry. Out of voice, afraid of people laughing.

"Min Min, your ears are saved, my mother found the medicine to cure your ears!" Zhou Yufeng suddenly felt very distressed. When he had not walked to the bed, he shouted loudly, and then he realized that his daughter could not hear now. He ran to the bedside and stuffed the stems into his daughter's hand. He was incoherent: "Min Min, eat fast, and hear the ears."

Zhou Minmin couldn't hear the sound, and his hand was suddenly stuffed with a round fruit. He was shocked and quickly wiped his tears and asked: "Mom, what is this?"

"Eat, eat it, you can hear it." Zhou Yufeng, while doing the action of eating, while looking at her daughter.

Zhou Minmin understood the gesture and looked down at the fruit in her hand. She had never seen it before, but her mother told her to eat it. She didn't think much, she wanted to put the stem and fruit into her mouth.

"This patient's family, what do you give the patient?" At this moment, a doctor just came in to check the room. At a glance, he saw Zhou Minmin stuffing a thing into his mouth and quickly grabbed it: "Zhou Minmin, you just got it." After the brain surgery, all the food should be in accordance with the regulations of the hospital, and now you can't eat anything outside!"

When Zhou Yufeng saw the doctor take the fruit, he suddenly got excited and looked nervous. "Doctor, this is the medicine I have found for my daughter. I can hear it when I eat my ears. You will return the fruit to me."

The doctor thought that the patient was eating something. When he heard Zhou Yufeng say this, he was shocked and frowned. "Mr. Zhou Minmin, the reason why the patient's ear can't hear is very complicated. It may be that the brain has blood clots. It may be Damage to the nerves, and now even the latest instruments can not determine the cause, how can you give the child medicine?"

When the doctor looked down and glanced at the fruit in his hand, the stem of the stem looked like a huge red date, but the two pointed ends were like a small shuttle. The color was red and bright, like a regular ruby, and it looked pleasing to the eye. But the doctor really can't recognize what it is.

"Mr. Zhou Minmin, this fruit, where did you come from? The patient's condition is definitely not cured with a single fruit, you have to believe in modern medicine!" This kind of thing has been working in hospital for many years, doctors see There are so many hospitals that there are many diseases that can't be cured. Those family members are rushing to the hospital and being deceived by fake drug dealers.

Holding a fake medicine as a fairy medicine, the result can not only cure the disease, but also make the condition worse.

However, considering the family's emotions, the doctor did not directly say fake medicine. This thing is a wild fruit in the mountains. The color is so beautiful. It may be poisonous and poisonous. You can't eat it.

The family members of the patient also advised: "Min Min mother, this disease is not going to come, now is a lot of squandering fake drugs, specifically at the hospital door to deceive, drugs can not be casually eaten."

"That is, Min Min mother, how can there be a fruit to cure the ear, isn't that a panacea? You are also confused, Chinese medicine is pseudoscience!"

"No, this is not a fake medicine, I have not been cheated." Zhou Yufeng quickly said, she looked nervously at the doctor's hand, and there was a voice in her heart telling her that this medicine could cure her daughter's ear.

Seeing that the doctor was going to take the fruit away, Zhou Yufeng did not know where the courage came from, and rushed over to grab the stems and fruit, and when everyone did not respond, they suddenly stuffed into Zhou Minmin’s mouth.

"Quickly spit it out!" The doctor cried, and it was too late to stop.

Zhou Minmin only felt that the fruit had just been stuffed into the mouth, and it turned into a cool and slipped down the throat. She didn't even chew it. What followed was a kind of coolness that flowed all over the body.

Originally fell to the head, she was dizzy and disgusting these days, and when she moved, she stared at Venus, but when the fruit was eaten in, the uncomfortable feeling suddenly eased a lot.

"Min Min, how do you feel?" Zhou Yufeng grabbed Zhou Minmin's shoulder and asked nervously.

"I feel much better." Zhou Minmin shunned, and finished, even she was stunned. She touched her ear in disbelief: "Mom, I, I can hear it!"

"Great, great!" Zhou Yufeng burst into tears and cried her daughter.

Can this be heard? The doctor had stood by and observed. I was afraid that the patient would have had any accidents with fake drugs. Even if the preparation for first aid was done well, this should not blame him for being nervous. Before, the patient had heard the remedies and used chicken mother beads to cure the disease. What is the chicken mother bead? It is a plant that will die when it is orally administered 0.5 micrograms. At that time, the hospital was not saved. Later, the family members of the patient came to the hospital and made a mistake, injuring several doctors and nurses.

Really scared!

Now I could hear it, and I was so shocked that I was surrounded by the families of the patients around me.

"You can really hear? Eight plus twelve equals a few?" The doctor hesitated to ask.

Zhou Minmin cried and laughed again: "I can really hear it, equal to twenty!"

The people around you are boiling. What kind of medicine is this? It is effective to eat so quickly. If you don’t see it, you don’t believe it.

Half an hour later, Zhou Minmin finished the whole body examination. More than a dozen attending physicians held the report face to face. No one opened the mouth for a time. This is really strange. It is such a small fruit that has such a big effect. ?

Zhou Minmin not only heard the ear, but even the head trauma was better than half. If it wasn't for the surgery himself, he suspected that it was a fake drug dealer acting!

Even if the hospital is unbelievable, the fact is that Zhou Minmin’s ears can be heard, and there is no problem except for the wounds on the head.

Since there is nothing, there is no need to be hospitalized. Zhou Yufeng went to the hospital on the spot. When he left, the doctor also asked, what is this? If it is really precious medicine that has not been discovered, it may be used in medicine to benefit more patients.

Zhou Yufeng then listened to Yunrong and said that the truth is the stems and fruits. The doctors rushed back to check, what is the fruit of the plant? Only one sentence was found, the stem and fruit are the plants in the mountains and seas, and they can treat deafness.

Isn't this awkward?

They also want to ask again, Zhou Yufeng and Zhou Minmin have been discharged.

When I got home, Zhou Minmin just thought about it and asked, "Mom, who is it for you?"

Zhou Yufeng thought of Yunrong, his face could not help but show his respectful expression. He said: "I am an employee of our company. I used to be a little girl. I didn't expect her to save you."

"I can cure my ears at once. The fruit must not be an ordinary medicinal material. Mom, we can thank her very much." Zhou Minmin said, this is not just a simple cure for the ear, it is simply saving her. future.

Zhou Minmin couldn't imagine that if he couldn't hear him for a lifetime, how could it be after that?

"That must be, Mom is going to give her a long-lived tablet. After the first fifteenth, I will bless her for a lifetime." Zhou Yufeng thought about it. This is a custom in their rural areas. Only the most important people will Only do it, and swear: "Min Min, this is a kind of love for you for a lifetime, you can't forget!"

Zhou Minmin nodded seriously: "Mom, I know!"

When Yunrong and Lu Henian returned to the company after eating, suddenly the golden light of the stars drifted into the body of Yunrong. She couldn’t help but have a faint smile on her face.

"What's wrong?" Lu Henian also stopped.

"I just got a real thanks from a person." Yunrong smiled and said: "Second brother, I am so happy, it is more fun than how much I have earned."

She hasn't received the sincere dedication of the Terran for a long time, which makes her feel that she is doing something worthwhile.

The little girl is always easy to be satisfied. Lu Henian touched her hair and smiled.

In the afternoon, I went to work as usual. When I got off work, Yunrong received a call from Jiang Shuhua, asking her to come to the house to eat at night. Jiang Shuhua knew her son. If she said directly to Lu Henian, it would definitely not work, so she directly played. Call the little girl, as long as Yun Rong agreed, the son can only promise.

This Jiang Shuhua has opened up, Yunrong has no reason to refuse, not to mention the last time to go to Lu Henian's family to eat, Jiang Ayi is very good to her, so it is natural to agree.

After work, Yunrong sat in Lu’s car to Lujia. When Lujia Garage came out, Lu Henian stopped and said: "If you wait for my mom to say something weird, you say you don't know. do you know?"

Strange things?

Yun Rongyi, Jiang Ayi can say something strange, but since Lu Henian said so, she nodded.

As soon as the two entered the gate, Yunrong just prepared to take off his shoes and put on the slippers that the guests wore. Jiang Shuhua walked out with a pair of new slippers: "Xiaoyun, Auntie prepared new slippers for you, wear this pair."

Yunrong glanced, looked at Lu Henian with a subconscious mind, and saw that he had no reaction, only smiled and said: "Thank you, Auntie." In fact, it doesn't matter what slippers she wears, but Yunfang is very grateful for it.

Lu Henian didn't look at Ms. Jiang Shuhua until the little girl looked down. The little girl didn't understand. He still didn't understand who could have a special slippers in one's house. It either lived together or often came. The **** thoughts are written on the face.

Looking at her son's eyes and looking at her, Ms. Jiang Shuhua did not fear, but also raised an eyebrow, deliberately said: "Thank you, often come to accompany you later, aunt, the last time you left, Aunt has been thinking of you! ”

The slippers that Jiang Shuhua chose for Yunrong were white. After changing, they stood with Lu Heinian's black slippers. It was like a couple of eyes. She didn't show up on her face, but she was happy.

While pulling the hand of Yunrong, I walked inside: "The last time I saw you came to eat seafood, Aunt specially called Wang Ma to make a few seafood, you can eat more tonight."

As soon as he heard the food, Yunrong smiled more sincerely and said: "Thank you, Auntie."

The little girl smiled like a virgin next to Guanyin Bodhisattva, and she was ashamed and clear-minded. Jiang Shuhua’s heart was changed. It was originally a look at the future daughter-in-law’s likes. This time it became like watching her daughter’s likes. Sitting down on the sofa, squatting on the shoulder of the little girl: "Xiaoyun, where are you from?"

Yunrong looked at Lu Henian with a subconscious mind and replied: "I am Danqiushan."

"Danqiu Mountain, Danqiu Mountain is a good place, the scenery is good and the air is good." Jiang Shuhua boasted, the mind has already lived open, there are several small villages on the side of Danqiu Mountain, it seems that the little girl is a village person, but it does not matter. Lujia is not the first person to watch the door. The grandmother's wife is also an ordinary businessman's house. The conditions of the children's daughter-in-law are almost nothing. Anyway, my son has the ability and does not rely on the Yue family to eat.

Besides, the life of his son must be solved by the little girl. When she holds it, she will not be able to take it away.

The girl’s character is the most important, and the others are secondary. When I think of it, Jiang Shuhua’s look at Yunrong’s eyes is more gentle. He asks: “Xiaoyun, what are your parents doing? Are there other brothers and sisters at home? ?"

How to ask these? Where is her parents, brothers and sisters! But this question can't be answered without knowing, Yunrong took another look at Lu Henian.

When Lu Henian was just about to speak, Jiang Shuhua was not happy. He took the little girl into her arms and said to her son: "Heyen, being a man can't be too strong. I ask you not to answer questions."

Said, and patted the little girl's back, the voice instantly gentled down: "Xiaoyun, there is nothing to say to the aunt, don't be afraid of him, even if you are wrong, don't worry, can you blame you?"

Lu Henian was speechless for a while, which became his fault?

Yunrong was held in his arms by Jiang Shuhua, and looked at Lu Henian with pity. She was afraid of her, she didn't know how to answer!

"Yun Rong’s family is her alone, and her parents have passed away.” Seeing the little girl’s eyes, Lu Henian couldn’t help but speak.

Jiang Shuhua did not expect such a situation. For a time, she was even more distressed by the little girl. While touching the little girl’s hair, she comforted: "It’s all aunts who don’t ask this question. If there is anything in the future, come to the aunt, Auntie will give you support."

Yunrong has never been held in this way. It was a little uncomfortable at one time. It happened that Lu Nan first came downstairs. She quickly stood up and sat next to Lu Henian, and gave the position to Lu Nanxian.

Lu Nanxian has already listened to his wife’s story about Yunrong. Now he looks at the little girl and tries to make herself look awkward. She smiles and puts a small gift box on the coffee table. “Xiaoyun, the last time you came to your uncle, you didn’t give it. You are going to meet up, this time to make up for you, just look at hi or not."

The last time Jiang Shuhua said that she met a face-to-face ceremony and sent a house directly. The house is still being renovated. She now knows the family conditions of Lujia. The first shot is hundreds of thousands of millions, which is hard to accept.

"Uncle, I saw the last time the aunt had given it, I really can't accept it." Yunrong quickly said.

Lu Nan first waved his hand: "Your aunt is your aunt, mine is mine, not the same, the children come to the door to have gifts, you just put away, do not have to bear the burden."

Lu Henian looked helplessly at the old man, whispering to the little girl: "Open it and see it." They are all taken out, and they can't be taken back.

Yunrong has never understood the etiquette of the Terran. Lu Heinian has spoken, hesitated, and said a thankless uncle, he carefully opened the small gift box.

The small gift box is light and fluttering. After opening it is a car key. Lu Nan first smiled and said: "This is the latest sports car, the style is most suitable for your girls to open." Originally sent to the junior is nothing more than jewelry, but when I think of the little girl The son can take out tens of millions of jade, he dismissed the idea, Jiang Shuhua sent the house, he was equipped with a car.

Lu Henian looked at the sign on the car key, and the scorpion could not help sinking. His father was really big.

Yunrong just wanted to say that he would not drive, and there was a sharp voice on the side. "What day is it? The home is so lively, hey, who is this girl, parents, are you planning a blind date for the year of the crane?" This age is too small, and the life of the Year of the Crane is not something that can be suppressed by casual girls."

Yunrong listened to this voice and felt a little disappointment. When he turned around, he saw a woman in her forties who was thin and standing at the door. She had a face that was a little dark and her face was nothing. Meat, eyes are big and godless, looking a little mean, standing next to a similar teenage girl.

"Xu Bi, Qing Qing, how come you?" Jiang Shuhua frowned and frowned when he heard this. He felt a anger in his heart. He wouldn’t even talk, but there was a guest, a mouth was stinky, a little bit of eyesight. There are no prices.

"Mom said this, I can't come without it?" Xu Biyi looked at Lujia two old and angry, and he was happy in his heart. He said to himself: "Songnian went to m country for business trip and brought something to his parents. I sent it to Qingqing. Come over." Speaking, put a large bag of things on the table, no one to greet, sit down.

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