MTL - Who Moved My Mountain-Chapter 34 Underage demon

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Jiang Yan first went to a professional hair stylist to make a hair, and went home to change the clothes of Saobao. She also sprayed perfume and wore earrings. Looking at the handsome look in the mirror, she nodded with satisfaction. It was this feeling.

Still do the real self-comfortable, his appearance, small flat head, T-shirt with jeans, where can be worthy!

Everything was ready, Jiang Yan drove into the sports car, and all the way to the wind, he went downstairs to the company, got off the bus, threw the keys to his assistant, and took care of the clothes, and walked toward the company.

When Jiang Yan went up to the top floor, Yunrong and Lu Henian were watching the news. In just two and a half months, 13 young people under the age of 25 were missing. In fact, eight men and five women. .

In the TV, the parents of the missing children are all insane and tears. Now many of them are only children. These missing children have pinned the hopes of the whole family. Now they are missing, and no clues can be found. How can I accept it?

This incident has already attracted a lot of attention. Almost all the police in the maritime city have been dispatched. The people in the maritime city are full of people's hearts. In the past week, many people have dared not go out at night.

Yunrong read the news, and even the snacks in his hand had no appetite. She watched the TV news, and there was a trace of grief in her eyes.

Lu Henian saw that the little girl was in a bad mood. She just wanted to comfort her two words. When she looked up, she saw Jiang Yan coming in and asked, "How come you?"

"Uncle, the last time Yun Yun saved me, I don't want to thank her?" Jiang Yan saw Lu Henian's leg soft, as if he could see through his purpose with a glance, he quickly stretched his expression and looked calm. "The newly opened racecourse in the suburbs was opened by my friend. No, I sent a gold card. I want to take Yunyun out to play."

Also to Yun Rongdao: "Yun Rong, do you want to go horse riding? It is very fun."

Jiang Yan has already done his homework. Yunrong is from the countryside. I don’t think I have ever been riding a horse. The girl is sure to be afraid of riding for the first time. When he arrives, he encourages me to take a few laps. That good feeling is not a surge.

In addition, he learned to ride horses from an early age, the equestrian is also a certificate, running handsome and handsome on the racetrack for two laps, doing a few difficult moves, it is a girl who does not worship death.

This feeling has been brushed up. In the past two days, I arranged a cruise ship to go out to sea. What did the hot air balloon take off? Since the second uncle likes Yunrong, I will definitely go with it. When he and Yunrong kissed each other, they talked about the little words. This is a The man can't stand it.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yan proudly picked up his eyebrows and felt that his plan was great. He looked at Lu Henian: "Uncle, do you want to go together?"

Lu Henian: I will watch you perform.

Jiang Yan grew up with him. He knew what he wanted to do with this expression. Although Lu Henian didn't know what Jiang Yan was going to do, he took the initiative to come to Yunyun to go horse racing. This kind of thing looked right.

Yunrong saw the news in a bad mood and had no interest in running horses. He shook his head and said: "I can't ride horses, and now it's working hours, I won't go."

I also thought that I had saved Jiang Yan last time. Jiang Yan had not given any money yet. He said: "If you really want to thank me, you can transfer it directly to me."

This is a family, it is not the same, the president of a wild ginseng a piece of jade gave her 20 million, he saved his life, actually told her to go horse riding, the horse has something to ride, shrink into the ground Inch runs much faster than horses.

In this way, Yunrong suddenly felt the atmosphere of Lu Henian, and sure enough, his boss is great!

How can a little girl come up with money, how can I not play cards according to the routine? Jiang Yan stunned and asked, "How much do you want?"

Yunrong just wanted to talk, Lu Henian said faintly: "Yunyun saved you a life, Jiang's life is a life, how is it worth 20 million?"

20 million? Yunrong suddenly opened her eyes. She thought that one million would be the top. After all, she only paid 30,000 a month. She had inquired that the salary of 30,000 was already high. Even Wang Jing, Zhang Chongming This kind of busy day to night is only about 20,000, I did not expect Lu Heinian to directly open 20 million.

"Second brother..." Yunrong looked at Lu Henian and wanted to say that there is not much.

Lu Henian held her hand and hooked her lips at the place where Jiang Yan could not see. She smiled at Yunrong and motioned her not to speak.

Regardless of the purpose of this kid, let him have a bleeding first!

Yunrong glanced, immediately understood, nodded, the president and Jiang Yan are relatives, he spoke, and he still has any disagreement, not to mention her gap is quite large.

Yunrongmei is more grateful to the president, and he has a big smile toward Lu Henian.

Jiang Yan didn't notice the look of the two. When he heard Lu Heinian's words, he suspected that he had misunderstood, and he said incredulously: "Two thousand, two million? Two uncles, this will be more, my account temporarily Not so much..."

Even if he is not willing, 20,000 is not two dollars. He has not worked yet. This money is equal to all his savings. If he gives it, he will go to the streets when he goes abroad.

"There is no money to pay in installments." Lu Henian did not seem to see Jiang Yan's painful expression, and continued: "Just in the company, I directly make people owe an owe?"

Jiang Yan looked at his own uncle in horror. Why did he just come in for ten minutes and he was going to owe it? Are you my uncle?

"In fact, not so much..." Yunrong just wanted to talk.

Jiang Yan remembered his own task. He came to Yun Yunrong. How can he let the girls down? These two million are deducted and searched. How will Yunrong see him?

I definitely feel that he is stingy!

This stingy is not a good impression. Once Yunrong feels stingy, the efforts made later will be greatly reduced.

Everything for the aunts and aunts!

Jiang Yan bit his teeth and said: "Not much, not much at all, Yunrong, you saved my life, what is 20 million? It is necessary for me to do everything, and nothing is more important than life."

With your body? Wanting to get pretty, Lu Henian’s eyes sank, and Jiang Yan’s eyes were cold.

Yunrong stunned, thinking that Jiang Yan was serious, and quickly said: "We don't have to be a body, we are not suitable." She is a mountain ghost, how can she find a human being to be a partner, if she wakes up, her partner is old It’s so sad.

The little girl refused so simply, the anger that Lu Heinian had just raised suddenly disappeared. He hooked his lips and looked very good.

Jiang Yan also said that this has always been confessed by others. Today, it is still inexplicably rejected. He is even more uncomfortable in his heart, but after thinking about it and cheering up, these two million have been spent. Results.

He quickly said: "The money goes back to the bank and I am transferred to you, Yunrong. I told you that the racecourse is really fun. After we finished the horse, we just went to the barbecue. You have not gone out to play in the city. There are so many fun places in the city, I will take you there when I have time."

Yunrong just prepared to refuse, the phone rang, and she took out the mobile phone, which was called by Wanbo.

"Cloud predecessors, I am sorry to bother you during work hours. I have some questions about the mirror demon. I used a lot of methods when I interrogated the mirror demon today. The mirror demon only said that Xianjun often appeared in the Suri River. You When I went to the Suri River to save Lin Xiaoman, did I find any abnormalities?" On the phone, the voice of Huambo was a little anxious.

Can you not worry? The murderer has killed 13 people, but they have no clues at the special office. Even the monitoring is provided by the Public Security Bureau. For the first time, Wanbo felt that he was not good at learning. When he left Master, he could not do anything.

Upon listening to this, Yunrong was serious and replied: "I didn't find the demon, nor the suffocating, it should not be the demon, if it is a monster, it is also the ancient demon."

“The ancient demon?” Wanbo said with amazement: “Predecessors, this is impossible. Legend has it that there was a god-destroy war three thousand years ago, the gods retired, the ancient demon disappeared, and the rumors have died in this war. It is impossible to return. What is the ancient demon."

"They are all dead?" Yun Rong glanced, do not know whether it is uncomfortable or sorry.

Wanbo did not notice the emotion of Yunrong and replied: "Yes, the ancient demon is not allowed for the heavens. It is still alive, and it also retreats from the mountains and acts in a low-key manner. It should not kill so many people with high-profile."

Although the news reports are missing, these children are afraid of being fierce.

"I don't think there is anything in the mirror demon. I don't know if the predecessor is inconvenient to come to the special tune. Help me to interrogate this mirror demon." Didn't hear Yunrong speak, Wanbo cautiously.

Yunrong paused and looked at Lu Henian: "Second brother, Wanbo let me go to the special office to help me, can I take time off?"

Lu Heinian, who just called the voice, also heard it. He nodded immediately: "I will go with you and let Wanbo send the address to me."

"Let's go now, your address is sent." One listened to Lu Henian, Yun Yun said to the mobile phone, even if Weibo does not open, she will help this thing, Danqiu Mountain, the safety of this people, she also has her A responsibility of the mountain ghost.

Jiang Yan listened for a long time on the side, did not understand, what is the ancient demon, demon, is Yunrong a fantasy novel?

"Where are you going?"

Yunrong remembered that Jiang Yan was still there. He said: "I can't go to the racecourse. It's okay to call the money. Let's go." Then, go straight out.

Jiang Yanyi, why does he have a feeling of being a big head?

Lu Henian walked behind and saw the big blind man who was still not dying. His eyes flashed and flashed: "Would you like to go together?"

Jiang Yan did not figure out where they were going, but he thought that the task of Jiang Shuhua’s account had not been completed yet. If he went, he might find an opportunity and quickly said: "Go, I will go!"

Looking at Jiang Yan's back, Lu Henian's mouth swelled and revealed a meaningful smile. His nephew really needs a little stimulation.

Wanbo quickly sent the address. The special meeting is not convenient for too many people to know. After all, this society promotes atheism, so there is no driver. Lu Henian personally drives. Yunrong is the first to sit in the co-pilot. Usually she is Sitting in this position, I am used to it.

Jiang Yan originally wanted to chat with Yunrong, and only one person could sit in the back row.

The special adjustment office is far from the company. It takes half an hour to drive. The three people went to the special adjustment office at 6 o'clock in the afternoon. Wan Bo personally waited at the door. When he saw the three people, he smiled.

When the three came in, they looked around. Although it was a metaphysical department, the decoration of the special section was very modern. Apart from occasionally seeing the cinnabar yellow paper on the table, it was no different from the general office.

Jiang Yan did not know where the special tone was. Until she saw Wanbo, she couldn’t help but look white. The scene of the night’s deep confession suddenly came to my eyes, and I couldn’t help myself.

When I saw the sacred paper on the table and the cinnabar, I was even more afraid. He lowered his voice and asked: "Two uncles, Yunrong, what are we doing here?"

Yunrong’s heart hangs the thing of the mirror demon, and replies casually: “Come and ask the mirror demon.”

Lu Henian glanced at his nephew and said faintly: "If you are afraid, go back first. After a while, the old town is full of fish and dragons. I have to eat with Yunrong and go back."

If in the usual time, Lu Henian said such a long sentence to him, Jiang Yan will remember strangely, Lu Henian has always been ignorant, but this will be nervous in his heart, and he is not aware of it at all.

As soon as he heard what Lu Henian said, Jiang Yanyi said, "I am coming, what are I going to do? I will go out to eat with you later."

How can he go now, his mission has not been completed yet, to eat, to send Yunrong back to the hotel, that is what he is doing, Jiang Yan always remembers his task, he is jealous of the reconciliation of Lu Henian, this time to go However, how to mix it up.

"I really don't leave, I won't regret it later." Lu He's young fluttering road.

"Repent? What do I regret?" Jiang Yan did not return to God. As soon as he looked up, Yun Rong and Lu Henian went away. He bit his teeth and chased him. He came to assist. What can I regret?

"Cloud predecessors, it is really trouble for you to come to a special trip." Wan Bo walked in front, from time to time to look back, it seems very respectful.

"No trouble, this matter also has a responsibility that I should do." Yunrong waved his hand and asked: "Where is the mirror demon, I will go directly to interrogate."

"On the lock demon array, the front side, the lock demon array is arranged by my master, afraid of the staff mistakenly entered, so in the back room." Wan Bo quickly replied, and looked at Lu Hounian and Jiang Yandao behind: " Henian and Jiang Yan, do you want to rest outside, I let Black Uncle give you tea."

He knew that Yunrong was going to interrogate the mirror demon, and paused: "I will go in with her, just seeing this kind of thing." Then he turned to ask Jiang Yan, "Would you like to wait here?" What?"

Jiang Yan can't wait here, even if he is afraid, he will immediately say: "You have all gone in, I am waiting for something, I will go and see, maybe I can help." ”

When the words came out, even Yunrong looked back at him. She remembered that when she saw Jiang Yan last time, he looked like a tear in his nose and sincerely advised: "I think you still stay outside." ”

Jiang Yanyi did not even believe him, and suddenly took a sigh of relief, biting his teeth, and glanced at Lu Henian, pretending to be affectionate: "No, I am going in with you, Yunrong, I am worried about you, after all, it is a monster. I don't care if you don't look at you."

Yunrong:? ? ?

Yunrong glanced, did not understand how Jiang Yan suddenly said such inexplicable words, Lu Henian's face was dark, he grinds his back molars, cold voice: "Since he wants to come, let him have long experience. ”

This time, Jiang Yan understood that his second uncle is angry. He subconsciously shrinks his neck. If he is usually, he can hide far away, but what he shoulders today is the task of making Lu Henian jealous. Suddenly, I was both scared and gratified. I finally saw the effect. Today I am depreciating.

Jiang Yan returned to God, the three have gone far, maybe it is too happy to complete the task, and he is not so scared, and quickly chased up.

The lock demon array was in a secret room at the special tone. The three people followed Weibo and turned around. In the room, Qiu Dongming and Xiao Xiao were there. When they heard the sound, both of them turned their heads. Qiu Dongming saw Yunrong. Surprisingly, his eyes widened. "Wan’s brother, is this little girl?"

"What nonsense, there are no points, this is the cloud predecessor." Wan Bo listened, and quickly scolded.

Qiu Dongming was scorned by Wanbo, and all the words to be said later swallowed back, and looked up and down again. Seeing that there is no trace of demon, no monk's breath, it is an ordinary girl, can't help. I am not convinced.

However, this time he did not directly scream, but shouted: "This is not an emergency medical treatment."

One side of the dawn heard, frowning and elbows licked Qiu Dongming, and lowered his voice: "Can you say less!"

Dawn is a kind of dust in the hands of the Taoist Taoist Taoist three hundred years ago. She has not yet formed a shape. She is familiar with Taoist classics and has higher comprehension than other monsters. Although she can’t see the cultivation of Yunrong, she is faint. The covenant can see the golden light of her merits, and the person with the merits and golden light is by no means an ordinary person.

Although Qiu Dongming’s voice was small, it was still clearly in the ears of Yunrong. She looked at him, but it was a little bit of a scorpion who had just started practicing for a few years. He didn’t want to care about him, but he didn’t see his face. Convinced, faintly said: "I have been learning for three or four years, even the peace of the characters are so messy, is it a very proud thing?"

"You..." This sentence suddenly poked Qiu Dongming's painful foot. He is also a family of Xuanmen. As a result, his brother and sister are very talented. Now he works at the headquarters of the special office in Beijing. He is a nephew. He was held in the palm of his hand by the elders. When he grew up, he was very talented. He barely learned the basic techniques of Xuanmen, and even the paintings were not good.

These two days because of the fermentation of the disappearance, more and more children whose parents have disappeared have been unable to hold on. Looking at the families who are unhappy, the investigation has no clues. Qiu Dongming’s pressure is getting bigger and bigger. I thought it was today. It was a master. As a result, I saw a little girl. I felt that my heart was so disappointed that I would not speak.

"Qiu Dongming, don't go to work with emotions, if you don't want to do it, go out now!" Wanbo knows Qiu Dongming's thoughts. The pressure of the two-day special commission is not big, even the black-headed courage, All go out to contact the family and juniors, pay more attention to abnormal situations, is he under pressure?

Qiu Dongming did not expect that Wanbo would say such a harsh sentence. When he was in the same place, his face would be red.

"It is not the age, the talent and the diligence that you look at from the high and low level. If you are not as good as others, you will blame others. Have you ever thought about it, is it that you are not working hard enough?"

Yunrong looked at Qiu Dongming, and his look was faint.

Qiu Dongming’s eyes were red, his face was embarrassed and he was biting his teeth. “How do you know that I have not worked hard?”

"If you work hard, it won't be so useless!" There is no emotion in Yun Yun's tone. It seems that he is only expounding a fact, but it seems like a slap in the face of Qiu Dongming, hot.

He still wants to say something, Yunrong turned away, ignored him, but slowly walked to the transparent container, "mirror demon." She called.

The mirror demon inside the transparent container was originally a group of translucent fog. As soon as I heard the sound of the cloud, the whole group of misty and smoldering was compressed into a ball, and desperately squeezed away from the side far away from the cloud.

"Say, who is Xianjun?" Yunrong did not bend around, asked directly.

The mirror demon opened his mouth and said, "Our great fairy is the only **** in the world. He can do everything and lead our demon to re-emerge..."

After the mirror demon has not finished, Yunrong interrupted her. A serious question: "Do you think I am a good-tempered person?"

"Ah?" The mirror demon was suddenly asked such a question, and suddenly he was in the same place, his temper is very good? Nothing to joke, don't say hello, one hand took her out of Lin Xiaoman's soul, not a little defense, how to see is not a good temper.

"I know that these questions have already been asked about you. The reason why I ask again is to give you a chance. If you don't say it, I can't just stand and ask." Yun Rong sinks his face.

Lu Henian stood on the side and looked at it. It was obviously a little girl. When she was serious, she had an imposing manner.

This time the mirror demon understands, she immediately shrinks smaller, screaming: "I am still a young demon, you are breaking the law for the underage demon, you can not move me, believe it or not, I will tell you the sea market Special tone!"

"Do you still have this kind of law?" Yunrong heard, and turned to ask Wanbo.

Wanbo is embarrassed to say: "Because of the lack of aura in recent years, it has become more and more difficult to cultivate into a demon, especially when it is cultivated into a demon, but the state has introduced this law."

I just didn't expect this law to protect the underage demon, but also to give up the evil spirits.

Since Yunshan has been down the mountain, Yunrong has always been a good-going ghost who obeys the law. Now, when she hears such a law, she frowns and avoids the evils that are not allowed for the heavens. She usually breaks down directly. Now she even I can't beat it, it's really awkward.

For a time, Yunrong was a bit embarrassed.

The mirror demon saw the embarrassment of Yunrong, and suddenly he was proud of it. He did not shrink his body. He smiled and said: "Lin Xiaoman is not dead. I am not guilty of doing crimes against the Terran. You will give me sooner or later. !"

How can I listen to this person?

Suddenly, Yunrong’s eyes lit up and smiled and said: “I’ll just break you down. The law stipulates that you can’t use the sentence. You can’t say that you can’t kill it directly. If you don’t say it, you can’t use it for us. Killed directly!"

Mirror demon: not to play cards according to common sense?

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