MTL - Who Moved My Mountain-Chapter 18 Into v

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Let's die and die?

The people present were all stunned and turned to show a happy expression. Lu Nanxian was the most suffocating and cautiously asked: "What does Mr. Zhang mean by finding a way to crack the dead?"

Mr. Zhang shook his head and sighed: "I have not found a 100% successful method, but according to my calculations, the turning point of the Year of the Crane should be in the sea market, as long as you seize this turn, you will have Great hope."

Everything in the world is unpredictable, and Mr. Zhang is also the leader of Xuanmen, but the fate is destined for heaven. One person fights with Heaven, and after all, it is the arm.

Lu Nanxian also understood this truth. Although he was disappointed, he nodded and asked: "Mr. Mr. Zhang, what is our Lujia can do?"

"There is still no need to turn around. After all, there is still one year. We don't know where this turn is. We are people, things or things." Mr. Zhang comforted and turned his head and looked at the disciples behind him. A glance.

Standing behind Mr. Zhang, Wan Bo immediately took out two jade cards and handed them to him. I saw that the jade card was not a precious jade, but it was very transparent, and it was all in one piece. There was no impurity at all. It seems to be as clear as a glass.

He took the jade card and put it on the coffee table: "I haven't been in the sea for about half a month. This is what I did well in advance, first for the crane year."

"Mr. Zhang, if you are not in the sea market, we are always uneasy in this heart." Jiang Shuhua heard, hesitated on his face.

"You don't have to worry, I will leave Wanbo, and you will find him if there is anything." Mr. Zhang waved his hand and looked at Lu Nanxian: "Mr. Lu, the jade that is suitable for the Pingyu brand is getting less and less. You still have to find something about jade. Once there is no suitable material, if the year of the crane does not carry a jade card, then the suffocation will have a great impact on others."

Hearing this Lu Nan first sighed, this is really not his heart to find, it is really the jade used by Lu Henian to make jade is too special, or the money of the Lu family, the money spent, what good jade can not be found.

"Mr. Zhang rest assured that I have specially sent people to find things about jade. Recently, an old pit was found in Myanmar. The quality is very good. When it is shipped back to China, it will be delivered to you."

Mr. Zhang nodded, knowing that finding the right jade is really a matter of fate. It is not an easy task. Making a jade card is actually drawing a magical charm in the jade, using the aura in the jade. Only suppress the suffocation of Lu Henian.

It’s hard to find that the current aura has almost disappeared. It’s hard to find a piece of jade that is rich in aura. It’s rare to see the best jade that is transparent and free of impurities, let alone find a piece of it. Enriched with aura, it is like a needle in a haystack. For so many years, Lu Jia has paid a lot of financial and material resources in the search for suitable jade. If ordinary people, it can't afford it.

Thinking this way, Mr. Zhang once again told himself that he had to pay attention to the matter. When everyone listened carefully, Gu Yuanyuan, who was playing the log cabin on the stairs not far away, suddenly slipped, wooden house. Rolled down from the stairs and made a loud noise.

The wooden house rolled down the last staircase and slammed into the decorative vase on the side of the stairs. Then it stopped and slammed. A green, blue stone was hit by this, from the break of the wooden house. , rolled out, and kept rolling out a dozen meters.

The awkwardness of this voice suddenly interrupted everyone’s words, and even Mr. Zhang turned his head and took a look.

Chen Ma quickly came out of the kitchen, picked up the things on the ground, went to the side of Gu Yuanyuan, and smiled and said: "Yuanyuan, Chen Ma takes you to the upstairs to play well, the doll in your small room has been washed white. Just wait for the round to hug."

Gu Yuanyuan grabbed the stone that Chen Ma took in his hand, and then nodded cleverly: "Good."

Just when Chen Ma took Gu Yuanyuan’s hand on the floor, Mr. Zhang suddenly stood up. He slowly walked to the side of Gu Yuanyuan, kneeling down, gently looking at the little girl, laughing and saying: “Circle Round, the stone in your hand is so beautiful, can you give Zhang Grandpa a look?"

Lu Nanxian, Jiang Shuhua and Lu Huanian saw the movement of Mr. Zhang and felt a bit strange. They could not help but stand up and walk towards the two.

Lu Nan first whispered: "Mr. Zhang, what happened?"

Mr. Zhang raised his hand and told everyone not to talk first, but his eyes fell on the hand that Gu Yuanyuan clenched. To be precise, it was the aura that fell on the hand of Gu Yuanyuan.

Gu Yuanyuan’s children noticed Mr. Zhang’s gaze, and the little face was full of tangles. This stone was given to her by Yunrong’s sister. She didn’t want to show it to others. This grandfather liked this stone very much at first glance. What if I haven’t returned in the past?

The child is the most sensitive. At first glance, she sees the hotness of Mr. Zhang’s eyes. She involuntarily shrinks back. The little meat grabs the stone in the palm of her hand, but the more she grasps, the more the meat is toot. The more faint green is exposed in the fingers, the more people can see that the things in her hands are not ordinary.

As soon as I saw the green color in my hand, it was about to be exposed. Gu Yuanyuan’s child was in a hurry and stepped back two steps. He carefully asked: "You can take a look and can't take it."

"Well, I will take a look and promise not to take it away." Mr. Zhang did not have a wife or a child in his life. He saw the look of the round and looked very cute. He nodded and said seriously, even if it was a good thing, There is no reason to grab it with children.

I got the guarantee from Mr. Zhang. I was relieved in the heart. After hesitating, I reached out and opened it. I saw her white and tender little palm on an egg-sized, irregular oval stone. There is no trace of impurities. Under the light, it seems that there is water flowing inside, shining with shimmering light.

Mr. Zhang showed a surprised expression. He just saw the aura in a vague way. He asked me casually. I didn’t expect the aura of this jade to be so rich, as if I could see the essence.

If the aura is like water vapor, then the aura in this jade has turned into a small water droplet.

"Yuanyuan, where did you come from?" What happened to her daughter, Lu Huanian is the clearest. When she saw the stone she had never seen, the color was bright, unlike the pebbles on the side of the road, she asked: "Is it not? Kindergarten children give you?"

Gu Yuanyuan hasn't talked yet. Mr. Zhang has reached out and carefully took the stone in his hand. When he touched the stone, his fingertips came with a feeling of coldness. He passed his fingers to the limbs. Hundreds of miles.

Mr. Zhang couldn’t help but feel a loose body. He had a feeling of refreshingness on his body. His eyes were a little surprised. Shen Sheng said: "This is not a stone, this is a piece of jade!"


Everyone glimpses, this color, this transparency, it is said that there are people who believe in colored glass, to say that jade is hesitating, after all, this quality of jade is so big, that is not tens of millions can not buy Who has such a piece of jade, which can be used as a treasure of the family.

Lu Nan first came back to God. In recent years, he was looking for a suitable jade for Lu Henian. The understanding of jade was also an expert. He reached out and took the thick green color from Mr. Zhang’s hand. When I started, my heart was already at the bottom, and I nodded. "It is indeed jade. This color and transparency is already the best emperor green."

Emperor Green is the highest level in jade. Usually it is a million dollars, so the whole piece is so complete, so big, I am afraid that 10 million can not be bought, at least 20 million.

As the daughter of Lu Jia, Lu Huanian also saw good things from a young age, but such a good jade has never been seen, she knows the value in her heart, and quickly asked: "Yuanyuan, where did you come from this jade?"

Gu Yuanyuan bit his lip and didn't talk. This was given to her by Yunrong's sister. It was their little secret. She didn't want to say it.

"Isn't the children in kindergarten give it to you?" Chen Huanian saw that her daughter didn't talk, and her heart was a little anxious. This valuable thing appeared in her daughter's hands. I don't know if the lost person should be anxious, she thought of it first. It is the kindergarten, the kindergarten that is enrolled in the round, is the best kindergarten in the city, and the children inside are naturally from the people who have heads and faces in the city. It is not unusual to be able to come up with such a good jade.

However, even if there is money, such a good jade will be distressed.

Seeing the round or not talking, Jiang Shuhua also squatted down and looked at her granddaughter gently. Wen Sheng asked: "Yuanyuan, do you tell the grandmother whether this jade is sent to you by the kindergarten children? This is the child's father and mother gave it to you. His, now he gave it to you, Mom and Dad will be sad."

"Not a kindergarten child." Gu Yuanyuan lowered his head and felt aggrieved and afraid.

When Lu Huanian listened to this, he was even more anxious. If the kindergarten children went to school tomorrow, they would return to the family. If not, where did this jade come from? It can't be where you can get it.

She took the jade from Lu Nanxian's hand. When the jade started, the warm and delicate touch made her amazed. The quality of this jade was better than she thought. After thinking about it, she deliberately sinks her face. : "Yuan Yuan, if you don't say where this jade comes from, my mother can't return it to you."

Gu Yuanyuan glanced at Lu Huanian incredulously, his eyes were red at once, his flat mouth was flat, and his sadness suddenly poured into his heart. "You said it will be returned to me!"

Just when Gu Yuanyuan was going to burst into tears, the door suddenly opened. Lu Henian, who was holding a suit jacket in his hand, came in and saw everyone around the prostitute. He wondered, "What happened?"

"Hey!" Gu Yuanyuan ran to the gate, hugged Lu's thigh, raised a little face of grievance, and sue: "Hey, my mother took my stone!"

Lu Henian bent down and lifted the prostitute with one hand and walked in while asking: "What happened?" Lu Huan will take away the round things, there must be a reason.

I saw Mr. Zhang also, and nodded slightly, and the words were respectful: "Mr. Zhang."

"The year of the crane is back, it looks good." Mr. Zhang walked to Lu Huanian's side, carefully looked at his body, did not see any anger, and nodded with satisfaction.

"This is to thank Mr. Zhang for his last improvement. After wearing the jade card, the suffocation has basically no effect on the people around him." Lu Henian walked round the sofa and sat down.

"Don't hold it, round, mother, talk to you well, you must tell mom where this jade came from today?" Lu Huanian walked to his side and sat down, looking seriously at the round.

As soon as he heard Chen Huanian’s voice, he immersed his face in Lu’s neck and curled his buttocks into a ball, like a big escape from reality.

This self-deception-like appearance fell into the eyes of everyone, and the atmosphere could not help but laugh. The atmosphere eased down. Jiang Shuhua whispered to her daughter: "Now the circle is not willing to say, you can’t ask, wait until she is not so resistant. Then ask again."

This can only be the case. Lu Huanian glanced at the green jade in his hand and asked: "Mr. Zhang, I think you just care about this jade. Is there any special place?"

Lu Nanxian and Jiang Shuhua also reacted. It is said that the value of this jade is seen at a glance. Mr. Zhang will not stand up and look at it. Although this piece of jade is worthy of the city, Mr. Zhang is a mysterious door. He usually deals with jade. A lot, what good jade has not seen, I am afraid that there are many at home.

What is special about this piece of jade like the expression of surprise?

Mr. Zhang is not prepared to swear, telling the truth: "The greatest value of this jade is not in its color and quality, but in ample aura. I have never seen a jade with such aura."

Lu Henian did not pay attention to this piece of jade, but also fell his eyes on Lu Huanian's hand. He licked his lips and said: "Mr. Zhang, you said before, making a safe jade card requires a reiki jade, then this piece is not Like those jade?"

"Not the same, the Year of the Crane, if you use this piece of jade to make a safe jade card for you, you don't have to replace it in the first half of the year." Mr. Zhang replied, "You need to change a jade card one month, because it is a jade card." The aura inside is exhausted."

After Mr. Zhang’s words were finished, Lu’s family looked at the egg-sized jade, and all eyes were eager to see. The jade that was usually sent to Mr. Zhang for making jade cards was carefully selected. Take out, the market price is in the millions, but even so, there are very few that can be used, even if it can be used, it will be eroded by suffocation in a month or two, and can no longer be used.

If you change to such a jade as a jade card in the future, can you change it half a year? For a time, everyone was very excited. Jiang Shuhua was the most happy. For so many years, the body of the younger son became her heart disease. She quickly turned her head and looked at the roundness held by Lu Henian, slowing down the voice: Round, you tell Grandma, where did this jade come from? This is very important to you!"

If you know who it is, Lujia spends more money to buy it. Maybe you can still find out the place of origin. After that, the jade used in the year of the crane will not be lost. The Lu family is in this heart.

"Mom, don't be like this, you will be scared." I felt that the small corps in my arms shrank and shrunk. Lu Henian opened her mouth.

"What is called this is not the case, the child does not understand things, you are not sensible, such jade is very good for your body." Lu Huanian Lu Lunian, her younger brother, looking at the cold and cold noodles, is actually the most unprincipled person, As long as you are soft and soft, you can agree to everything. Can this kind of thing be done by children?

Turned back to the round road: "Yuanyuan, do you like it?"

Gu Yuanyuan looked up at his mother and thought it was still asking? She likes it a lot, and she nodded subconsciously: "Like, like it."

"That is the hope that every birthday can be round together?" Chen Huanian asked again.

Lu Henian’s birthday is in August, and every year’s birthday is the time when he is the strongest. He needs to go to Mr. Zhang’s home three days in advance to retreat. He will come back after three days of birthday, so since the memory, Gu Yuanyuan’s children have I didn’t have a birthday with you, because her birthday and Lu Huanian are one day apart.

I heard my sister ask this question, Lu Henian clasped Gu Yuanyuan's hand tightly, and his heart also raised a look.

Gu Yuanyuan looked at Lu Henian and looked at his mother again. My heart was more entangled. Of course, she wanted to have a birthday before, but she didn't want to violate the agreement with Yunrong's sister. What should I do?

Silence for two seconds, rounded his teeth and whispered: "It was given to me by Yunrong’s sister."

When this statement came out, Lu Henian and Lu Huanian were very surprised.


Lu Henian sighed, the drooping scorpion sank, he really did not expect this little girl.

"How could it be Yunrong?" Lu Huanian couldn't believe it. At that time, Yunrong's dress was really not like a tens of millions of jade. But let's just give it to the jade. How can a child have five thousand openings?

"It’s really Yunrong’s sister!” Gu Yuanyuan saw that everyone didn’t believe it. All of a sudden, the adults were all going on. When they didn’t say it, they chased after asking, and they didn’t believe it. She immediately said it. .

Mr. Zhang, who has been listening to the non-talking side, his eyes flashed, revealing a deep thought, and smiled and asked: "When the Yunrong sister gave it to you, what did you say?"

In order to prove that he was telling the truth, Gu Yuanyuan looked back and thought about it carefully. He said with uncertainty: "It seems to say that it is safe to keep it... What does it mean to keep peace?"

"Protect to be safe? Is she also a Xuanmenzhongren?" Wanbo whispered behind Mr. Zhang.

"I am afraid that it is not only a mysterious man, but also a master!"

Mr. Zhang took the jade and looked at it carefully. Except for the aura, there is nothing in it. It is reasonable to say that if it is used safely, it should be painted in the jade. The ordinary jade is not only warm. Raising the body, there is no function to keep the peace.

I can't even see myself, then this person is only afraid to cultivate on top of him.

"There are still more powerful people in the maritime market than Mr. Zhang?" Lu Nan did not believe.

Mr. Zhang laughed. "There are people outside the mountains. There are such things as metaphysics. It is a gift. I am only a few years old. I rely on experience and experience. If this high man is willing to help, then the year of the crane The life may be changed."

"Mr. Zhang said it is true?" But Jiang Shuhua was excited at once.

Mr. Zhang nodded. "Of course it is true. I think this person's level is far above me."

When the words came out, the Lu family was excited. Lu Henian’s fingertips were clicked on his knees, but he could not connect the little girl with the high man.

Just when everyone was discussing how to find Yunrong, Gu Yuanyuan, who was on Lu’s body, suddenly cried. “Hey, how can you have the fragrance of Yunrong’s sister?”

When everyone heard the name of Yunrong, they turned their heads to look at him.

Lu Henian was in a stiff body, and his expression on his face was stagnant for a second. He kept his eyes on the ground and licked his lips. "No, you smell wrong." I don't know why, about my life. Things, he did not want to involve a little girl, Mr. Zhang once said that he wants to break the dead, it is a life of nine deaths, why do you have to pull an innocent little girl into the water?

"Nothing!" Gu Yuanyuan slammed her feet, her nose was very strong, and she refuted her. She immediately wrinkled her eyebrows: "When Yunrong’s sister is holding me in kindergarten, it is this fragrance, round. Nothing wrong!"

Lu Henian: are not my most loved prostitute!

As soon as he looked up, he just saw his mother's suspicious eyes, frowned, and said helplessly, "Mom, how are you..."

When the words were not finished, his hand moved, and the suit jacket on his hand was hooked down. The suit jacket fell to the ground and spread out all at once, revealing the white tender and tender, like wild radish. ......

For a time, the rich ginseng smell filled the room.

Lu Henian’s face suddenly remembered that when he came out of the hotel, Yunrong stuffed him into his hand. He thought about how to explain it. Mr. Zhang, who was sitting opposite, had changed his look and stood up.

"This is... this is wild ginseng!" When he approached the ginseng, his face slowly showed a pleasant expression, carefully knelt down, and his hands put the ginseng up. "Look at the main roots on the horizontal stripes, One circle and one circle is like the wrinkles on the skin of the old man. The shape is big and complete, I am afraid that the year is not shallow!"

What surprised Mr. Zhang most is that wild ginseng is not easy to find, but there are still some. After the ginseng is processed, the aura disappears and it is an ordinary medicinal material, but this one in his hand is fresh. In the morning of the vegetable market, the cabbage is so refreshing, the aura is almost overflowing, and it is richer than the jade.

This is only a wild ginseng that is going to become a fine!

Even if Mr. Zhang saw more good things, the hand holding wild ginseng was shaking slightly. He eagerly asked: "Heyen, where did you get wild ginseng?"

Lu Henian said faintly: "Friends sent!"

When I heard this, Mr. Zhang only felt a pain in his heart. Just the jade was just right. Now there is a wild ginseng. They are all good things that will be put outside the Xuanmen people. The result is sent by friends. Why didn't he have such a friend?

Everyone saw Mr. Zhang so excited, and knew that this wild ginseng was a good thing. I was afraid that it would be better than the round jade. Lu Huanian asked subconsciously: "Heyen, this ginseng will not be Yunrong to send you?" ”

"No." Lu Henian was straightforward.

Perhaps Lu Henian’s expression was too real, and everyone did not ask. Lu Nanxian saw that Mr. Zhang did not speak. He just took the wild ginseng and looked over it. He seemed to want to take a bite on the spot. He could not help but ask: “Mr. Zhang, what is this wild ginseng? What is special?"

For example, Lu Nanxian and Jiang Shuhua, who are old, will eat some nourishing soup water. Although wild ginseng is precious, it is not unusual. He also has several centuries-old wild ginseng collections.

"This is a thousand years of wild ginseng!" Mr. Zhang was excited at once. "And it is still a new ginseng. The aura contained in it is dozens of times that of ordinary ginseng. This is the key to life-saving baby!"

millennium? Everyone listened to a cold breath, not to mention the millennium, that is, five hundred years of ginseng, Huaguo can not find a few, let alone the millennium? It is no wonder that Mr. Zhang is so excited.

Mr. Zhang looked at the year of the crane with a burning gaze: "Heyen, is there such a wild ginseng in your friend's hand? If I am willing to take it, I am willing to pay a price of 10 million."

Lu Henian shook his head. "There is only one such thing in her hand." He lied subconsciously and did not want to involve Yunrong.

"Really, such a good thing, it is already fortunate to see one, and there will be more." Mr. Zhang, although disappointed, can understand, nodded slightly.

But still do not give up: "Henan, in fact, this wild ginseng is the most effective body, the effect is very strong, only need a small piece at a time, you look so big, can you give me a little more?"

Said, looking at Lu Henian with a look of anticipation.

If other people, Lu Henian must directly refuse, this kind of good thing is to keep the life, who has not hidden, and life-saving things are not too much, not to mention this is Yunrong sent, think of that smile Yingying Looking at his little girl, I don’t know why, he doesn’t want to send things out.

"The Year of the Crane, since Mr. Zhang is useful, give him a little more." Lu Nanxian took the lead.

When Lu Henian heard the voice of Lu Nanxian, he came back and nodded. Mr. Zhang is not a neighbor. He can live peacefully until now, relying on his suppression of suffocation for so many years.

As soon as he saw Lu Henian nod, Mr. Zhang looked very happy. Even the look of the fairy wind bones could not be maintained. Can the Xianfeng bones be eaten? Does the fairy wind have a reiki? That jade is not divided into two, but this ginseng can be ah, such ginseng gets back, the group of old things in the special bureau only envy his share!

In the end, Mr. Zhang left only a few ginsengs, so that the Lu family would take fresh food as soon as possible, and the others would take it away. When they were hand-made, and then sent back some of them, the pharmacy would not be at ease.

When he left, Mr. Zhang always smiled. When he reached the gate, he remembered one thing. He pressed the corner of his mouth and showed a serious expression: "This gentleman should find it as soon as possible, if he has him, crane Fifty percent of the hopes of the year can change."

Mr. Zhang’s words allowed Jiang Shuhua and Lu Nanxian to pay attention to the matter of finding Yunrong. When he left, Lu Nan said: “I will inform the following people, only after a long time, should be still in the sea.”

Jiang Shuhua also nodded. "There is a chance, and I have to give it a try."

Lu Henian looked at his parents' worried feelings, and he sighed slightly. He also wanted to unravel his life, but he didn't want to involve innocent people. What's more, how the little girl looked is not like an expert.

I was not in a hurry to find someone. I discussed it for a while. Everyone remembered the fresh ginseng left by Mr. Zhang and said that it was necessary to take it as soon as possible. The effect of the aura was not good.

Jiang Shuhua immediately ordered Chen Ma and the old hen to stew, and the whole family will drink a bowl tomorrow.

The Lu family couldn't sleep at night thinking about Yunrong. Another person in the police station couldn't sleep, and didn't even sleep.

After Jin Hongmei was brought back to the police station, she accepted a simple inquiry. She insisted that she was doing a serious business. In the usual clubhouse, she sang and sang, sold and sold wine, and Zou Lan’s husband and her employees were derailed. I don’t know at all, not to mention that people are derailed, and it’s not a crime. Even if she knows it, it’s not good to stop it.

The reason for the governor, in fact, everyone knows that Jin Hongmei’s clubhouse must have anecdotes, but Jin Hongmei’s fineness is that she can’t grasp the evidence. The derailment is only morally condemned, and the law really can’t take her. .

From the inquiry room, the policeman Xiao Wang wrote the record: "Captain, I think this club is not simple. We almost caught it several times, but they were still slipped by them. This time it’s hard to find an excuse to take this boss. Detained, I still can’t ask a word."

"This kind of person is old fritters. It’s too late. I will be detained for 24 hours. I will send a female colleague to ask tomorrow." Zhu Mingsi patted Xiao Wang’s shoulder and comforted him. As a result, he had expected it, so Not too disappointed.

Looking at the door of the inquiry room, Jin Hongmei sitting in the chair showed a contemptuous look, casually licking his mouth, every time he asked to ask questions, she could recite the problem, but they did not The evidence, can not take her how to do, for many years in the meeting, she was not afraid of a sliver, after twenty-four hours, still have not let her put.

Jin Hongmei wants to be more proud, cocked Erlang's legs and shook, and remembered that Zou Lan, who was jumping off the top floor of her club today, couldn't help but sneak a sigh of relief. She couldn't control her husband's belt and complained about her. The girl in the clubhouse does not look at what she is, it is a yellow face!

Also become a ghost, become a ghost, she will find a priest to directly accept her!

After a while, Jin Hongmei was tired, and she was asleep on the chair in the inquiry room. After all, she was not a suspect, so she could move freely in the room without any restrictions on behavior.

Jin Hongmei just slept in the middle of the night, the night was getting darker, the sea market was gradually quieter, and the bright moon in the night sky did not know when it was hidden into the dark clouds. The dark waves in the sky loomed, and the night wind gradually rose through the half-open window. Humming.

Jin Hongmei was shocked by the cold wind, and opened her eyes in confusion. The lights in the inquiry room did not know when it was closed. The surrounding black area could only see a vague shadow standing not far away.

Jin Hongmei was shocked and patted her chest. She was dissatisfied: "Comrade comrades, what kind of lights do you turn off? It’s all public electricity, you don't need to save!"

However, her complaints were finished for a while, and the vague shadows in front of them were motionless, as if they had not heard.

"Police comrades, why don't you talk? I have a very good cooperation tonight. You ask what I said, you can't be scary!" Jin Hongmei was a little panicked and shrank into the chair, but a mouth was still screaming. A clear-minded look.

"Golden sister, I am so painful~" Her voice just fell, the shadow in front of her eyes gradually moved, and then, a sad female voice rang.

The voice is like the ear of Jin Hongmei. Jin Hongmei’s scalp is numb, and the whole person is scared to jump from the chair. This voice is not familiar to her. It is obviously not the police, and the police will not call her Kim. .

Calling her sister Kim is the girls and staff of the clubhouse!

"How do your policemen still pretend to be ghosts, believe it or not, I will complain to you tomorrow!" Jin Hongmei thought of this, the cold sweat on his head was down, but he still shouted at the darkness, as if he was courageous.

But her voice just fell, the dark shadow in the dark finally appeared in her sight, it was a girl who was almost undressed, all with bruising scars and black blood wounds, broken corners The skin, the cheeks are all densely packed with palm prints, and the grievances are coming to Jin Hongmei step by step.

"Golden sister, how much pain do I know?"

When Jin Hongmei saw this female ghost, she scared her lips and shivered. "You are, you are Qiuli... Don't come over, I didn't mean it, I didn't want you to die..." She knew that Ma boss liked it. Playing on the bed, but he gave more money, a few tops, this kind of thing is a two-time life, and will not be able to endure, she will think of the horse boss to live and die.

Just when Jin Hongmei was shaking, her eyes suddenly blackened, as if she was covered by something. She looked up subconsciously and saw only two red bloodshot eyes and a long tongue, suddenly scared. I have to pounce on the ground.

"Golden sister, I don't want to do it. Why do you force me?" The owner of the tongue stared at her with a cold eyes, like a snake's core, wrapped around Jin Hongmei's neck.

"Sorry, Ding Xiaojing, I didn't want to force you. It was the guest who saw you, and I couldn't help it..." Jin Hongmei held her head because she was so afraid that her body would shake like a sieve. She just wanted to The girl who did not obey the lesson and the lesson, where did she think of Ding Xiaojing’s strength, she hanged herself directly!

In the monitoring room, the policeman on duty went forward a little, suddenly woke up from the sleepy, and looked up and watched subconsciously. He saw the inside of the inquiry room, Jin Hongmei shrank in the corner, and he was horrified and talking to himself...

"Do you think this is the case?" He pushed the colleague who was sleeping around.

Colleagues looked up and looked at Jin Hongmei, and said: "Is it awkward?" The southern cockroach is really big, and it will fly. He is afraid of a Northeastern man, not to mention Jin Hongmei. Female.

The author has something to say: Since I knew that the northern scorpion is so small, my southern girl is envious!

Have you scared the little cute, this is really sweet, I am not terrible, the author of the sand sculpture will not write horror.


On the first day of the v, the comment randomly dropped the red envelope, and by the way, the advance receipt: "After one night, the chief is pregnant"

The secret of the decade of love, but dare not confess, the most daring thing, is to sleep drunken secret love and head boss Gu Shaoze. Resignation, leaving, in one go, the dream of running with the ball disappeared in Gu Shaoze's life.

However, after three months...

The man who has always been cold and self-sufficient uses her powerful arms to circle her between herself and the wall. The roots of the wrath of the forehead are bulging, and the violent jump is like a thunder: a woman, who wants to run when I grow my stomach?

Xin Yao stunned: Gu Zong, will you make a mistake...

What kind of joke? It is her to be pregnant!

Gu Shaoze is close to her ear, biting her teeth: "Is it wrong? Do you want to see the hospital's B-ultrasound?"

Xin Yao: lying trough? !

This is a loved one after marriage, a two-way crush of cookies.

To love you is to be responsible for you!

Simple and delicate temper is better than female host x appearance strong inner lack of love proud male master

Read The Duke's Passion