MTL - Where’d My Delicate Little Wife Go?-Chapter 64 The vest falls

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At that time, the ghost king was fighting against Wen Che, and suddenly someone wearing a ghost king mask appeared and attacked Wen Che.

That's a ninth-level warrior too!

When the Ghost King attacked Wen Che at first, Wen Che wanted to explain that the explosion had nothing to do with him, but the person wearing the Ghost King mask suddenly appeared... Wen Che's first reaction was Xie Yunnan and the others Calculated to kill yourself!

Wen Che stopped talking and tried his best to fight the ghost king and another person wearing the ghost king mask.

At this time, the ghost king realized that something was wrong.

He is the ghost king! Where did this person come from?

What the **** is going on with these people! Why does everyone like to pretend to be him?

The key is...this time he and Xie Yunnan came here, this person is definitely not from their side, where did he come from? Why are you attacking Wen Che?

The ghost king realized that he might have encountered a conspiracy, and he directly attacked the two people in front of him.

Wen Che fights two, and the ghost king also fights two, so the other person naturally has to fight two.

And the battle of three ninth-level soldiers... Wen Che's subordinates were more or less affected, and some people died directly.

And among the three, the one who is the most skilled should be the ghost king. After he runs his new practice, the other two will always be stunned from time to time, and then stop attacking him.

As a result, he was much more relaxed, and saw the two of them the first time Xie Yunnan came up with Duan Changqing on his back.

"Yunnan!" The Ghost King breathed a sigh of relief.

As for the other two…

But now he realizes...things are not quite what he thought.

Especially this Xie Qing, who attacked the person wearing the ghost king mask!

Although Wen Che couldn't stand Xie Qing's talent and skills, and felt very distressed that he was inexplicably attracted to Xie Qing, he still said at this time: "I have no malice towards Xie Yunnan! The next thing must be designed by this person, we will kill him together!"

Wen Che didn't even call the person wearing the ghost king mask the ghost king - the ghost king belongs to Xie Yunnan and the others, and Xie Qing could not attack the ghost king.

The ghost king is also unambiguous, attacking the fake ghost king with Wen Che.

The fake ghost king was a little annoyed.

He set up a plan to make Wen Che and Xie Yunnan fight, and then he would take advantage of the fisherman.

I didn't expect Xie Yunnan to have a ninth-level soldier here, so that's fine, Wen Che didn't know why, he didn't hate Xie Yunnan and the others who got the treasure left by the high priest. He kept his hands on Xie Qing's attack and wanted to explain.

He can only shoot early.

He wore the ghost king mask and wanted to join forces with Xie Qing to kill Wen Che first, and then run away directly, but... Xie Qing actually attacked him.

The scene was chaotic.

As soon as this fake ghost king was in a hurry, he wanted to escape from here, but...the ghost king's charms were all directed at him!

It wasn't until the attack approached that he briefly woke up.

His strength is very strong, but two ninth-level warriors attacked together, and a high-level priest was eyeing him, he could not escape.

If he surrenders...he is a traitor on the high priest's side, Wen Che will not let him go, Xie Yunnan and the others acted in the name of the high priest, they will certainly not let him go.

Today, he is afraid of death.

The man gritted his teeth and rushed towards Wen Che, ready to explode.

He died here. After killing Wen Che by self-destruction, his relatives can be properly taken care of.

He was ordered to kill Wen Che, so he was ready to die.

His lifespan is not long.

This man's decision to self-destruct was very decisive. By this time, the charm of the ghost king was useless to him.

People who want to die, how can they care about love?

Wen Che felt the breath of this man climbing, his face changed greatly: "Go!"

This man really came at him, he would rather die than pull him back!

Just the battle of the ninth-level fighters has already razed all this area to the ground, and the ninth-level soldiers blew themselves up... This mountain may collapse!

The attack power of the soldier's self-destruction is amazing!

Wen Che's subordinates are still alive, Duan Changqing, Xie Yunnan and others are nearby, Wen Che's first reaction is to drag him down the cliff.

He recognized the man!

This is one of the traitors!

"Old thief, it turns out you are a traitor!" Wen Che roared and was about to pull the man off the cliff.

But at this moment, a powerful coercion suddenly enveloped everyone, making the people on the cliff unable to move.

The people, trees, and even flowers and plants on this cliff have become forbidden and motionless at this time.

Everyone present felt as if they had come to another space, and there was no sound around.

What kind of power is this? Is there such a strong person in this world? !

The ghost king wanted to see Duan Changqing, but he couldn't turn his neck at all.

At this moment, the man blew himself up.

The process of self-destruction is irreversible, even in this silence, he still blew himself up.

Not even a bit of blood was splattered, and there was no injury at all.

The cloud of blood was firmly imprisoned in the space where this person was.

Wen Che was horrified and fearful.

He is the confidant of the high priest and has seen countless strong men, but among the many strong men he has seen, there is no one stronger than this person.

How powerful is this, who is this person?

Who is this person? Of course Duan Changqing.

At this moment, only Xie Yunnan is most certain of this.

Xie Yunnan was about to leave with Duan Changqing in his arms, when he suddenly felt this power burst out from Duan Changqing... Realizing this, he was stupid.

In his heart, Duan Changqing has always been a poor young man who has been bullied.

After all, Duan Changqing was too miserable when we first met.

In addition, Duan Changqing was covered in injuries at that time, and there was almost no flesh on his body. He was watching Duan Changqing's body a little bit better... How could Duan Changqing be a strong man?

Duan Changqing is satisfied with the health of ordinary people.

But now, where is Duan Changqing an ordinary person? He is so strong!

Isn’t that saying that the ninth-level warrior is already the strongest in the world? Duan Changqing, what is this?

Just when Xie Yunnan was shocked, the huge pressure suddenly disappeared, and at the same time, Duan Changqing spit out a mouthful of blood.

He unsealed his divine consciousness for a while, and the excessive divine consciousness instantly destroyed his body. His current body is not as bad as when he first passed through, but it will take a long time to maintain it. to take good care of.

In addition, his vest... was exposed in front of Xie Yunnan.

But that doesn't matter.

Duan Changqing felt that this was a good time to expose the vest. First of all, he had already determined Xie Yunnan's feelings for him, and he had made up his mind not to let go of Xie Yunnan.

Secondly...he was injured this time, in the final analysis, it was for Xie Yunnan, and he was seriously injured... Could Xie Yunnan still ignore him?

Xie Yunnan is not the kind of person who cares about things. Before the ghost king lied to him, he didn't tell him his true identity, but later said... He was not angry with the ghost king.

Now that he is here, Xie Yunnan will not make trouble with him.

Duan Changqing thought so, he didn't hold back at all, and his whole body was soft in Xie Yunnan's arms.

He doesn't move, but everyone else can move.

After being able to move, the ghost king looked at Duan Changqing for the first time, Wen Che also realized something, and his eyes fell on Duan Changqing.

The powerful coercion has been withdrawn by Duan Changqing, but there are still some lingering around him.

The ghost king is okay, Wen Che is already trembling at this time, after all, Duan Changqing is too strong.

He even caught such a strong man before, and it was a little rude to carry people around.

It's just...Why didn't Duan Changqing resist?

Why was he taken away by him?

Is this... a trap?

Well, this is definitely not a trap, he is so strong, it is easy to kill him, so why set a trap?

"What the **** is going on? You are so strong, why was I arrested yesterday?" Wen Che murmured.

Duan Changqing's face was pale, as if using his last strength: "I was just helping Yun Nan break through and was injured."

"Who are you?" Wen Che asked again.

Duan Changqing was hesitating what to say when the Ghost King spoke first: "He is the Ghost King."

Duan Changqing is 80% of the people around the high priest, maybe he is the one who betrayed the high priest and robbed the high priest's treasure.

Identity has been robbed... Just use it for Duan Changqing!

Don't say that Duan Changqing had saved their lives before, just say that today... if it weren't for Duan Changqing, the ninth-level soldier would self-destruct, and both he and Xie Yunnan would be injured.

Also... Xie Yunnan broke through to become a high priest, it really was because of Duan Changqing, and Duan Changqing was injured because of it...

Isn't Duan Changqing just borrowing his identity? what is this? !

Let him be a ghost king in the future!

It turns out that Duan Changqing is the "Ghost King"!

No wonder the fake ghost king appeared before, Xie Qing would attack him without hesitation!

Wen Che suddenly realized and was a little shocked - I didn't expect the ghost king to look like this, and to marry a young man like Xie Yunnan.

Xie Yunnan also instantly accepted the answer.

No wonder they encountered danger in the plantation that day, the ghost king would suddenly appear, no wonder then the ghost king disappeared...because he is Duan Changqing.

Duan Changqing was a little helpless.

He took off his vest, but the ghost king put another vest on him.

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