MTL - Where’d My Delicate Little Wife Go?-Chapter 2 floating person

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Xie Yunnan sat on the chair, her face pale.

"Yunnan, what's wrong with you?" Noticing that Xie Yunnan's face was wrong, everyone asked.

"I'm fine, let's all go." Xie Yunnan smiled at the people around him.

Everyone has business to do, Xie Yunnan's injury is not particularly serious...

Everyone went back to work.

Xie Yunnan changed her clothes and sat down on the chair again, so that she had time to sort out the memories related to the future that suddenly appeared in her mind.

That memory started when Yan Yuge came to trouble him.

Can't take it seriously, and said that Liao Muye likes him.

He didn't believe it at all, but Liao Xingyuan said it firmly.

After that, Liao Xingyuan also excused himself to take care of the injured him... Of course, a few days later, Liao Xingyuan was taken away by Liao Muye.

But within a few days, Liao Xingyuan came again.

After half a month, a lot of beasts suddenly appeared in the marginal area, which became dangerous, and from time to time, beasts attacked the humans in the marginal area.

At that time, people in the town were panicked, and Liao Xingyuan, who lived on his side, was also frightened and planned to go back.

In the end, before Liao Xingyuan left, their town was attacked by wolves.

He and Liao Xingyuan's companion beasts are very weak and have no fighting power. Fortunately, he is good... But no matter how good he is, he is just an ordinary person, not even a warrior, but the wolves are red leaves Mutant beasts of the forest...

In order to protect Liao Xingyuan, he was seriously injured. Fortunately, Liao Muye appeared at this time and saved them.

After the incident, Liao Muye took him and Liao Xingyuan to the central district to treat him.

In the end, he was still lying on the hospital bed, and Yan Yuge's neuropathy came to trouble him several times, almost making his injury worse.

He couldn't stay in the hospital and had to leave early.

If it weren't for him, Liao Xingyuan would be dead, and he injured his hand in the process of saving Liao Xingyuan... When he was discharged from the hospital, the Liao family gave him a small house in the central district as a thank you.

Severe hand injuries, he couldn't repair the car, and the marginal area was already occupied by wild beasts...

The surviving people in their town all moved to the general area. He simply lived in the central area and planned to work here to support himself.

But he was having a hard time—almost every time his life got a little better, he was in trouble.

During the period, Yan Yuge came to him several times to trouble him.

After a period of time, he became ill and the old hand injury recurred. He had no choice but to borrow money from Liao Xingyuan, but Liao Xingyuan avoided seeing him and blocked him.

After thinking about it, he planned to sell the house given to him by the Liao family and move to an ordinary area, but before the house was sold, he was attacked.

Someone tied him outside the city and threw him into the herd. The man also said that he did this because he had been pestering Liao Muye.

Damn it, he never pestered Liao Muye from beginning to end!

In the beast group, only his companion beast Xiaobai desperately protected him, but the two of them were outnumbered and both died in the end.

Xie Yunnan trembled with anger after reading this memory that appeared inexplicably.

Who did he provoke? Lose your life in vain!

That Yan Yuge is simply crazy! The two brothers of the Liao family are also disaster stars!

He shouldn't have any contact with this group of people!

Xie Yunnan was angry when she suddenly thought... This memory is not necessarily true.

He just had this idea when he saw a car parked in front of his auto repair shop.

The car door opened, and Xie Yunnan saw a familiar face—Liao Xingyuan came.

Liao Xingyuan got out of the car and ran towards him: "Brother Yun Nan, are you all right? Did Yan Yuge come to trouble you?"

This scene is exactly the same as in that memory.

Xie Yunnan was shocked and asked like in that memory: "Who is that Yan Yuge?"

Liao Muye's name is well known in Hongye City, but Yan Yuge... This name he has never heard before today.

"Yan Yuge is my brother's childhood. Did he tell you that he is my brother's fiancé? That was just a joke between my uncle and his father back then. He took it seriously and said it everywhere!" Liao Xingyuan Looking very angry, "Brother Yun Nan, don't believe what he said, let me tell you, the person my brother likes is you."

Liao Xingyuan said later, lowered his voice, as if he had told a big secret.

Xie Yunnan: "..." Liao Xingyuan's words were exactly the same as what he had inexplicably acquired before.

So...that memory is real?

Xie Yunnan recalled all the things that happened in that memory, thinking that she was so unlucky later, and even died in three months, she was so angry.

Liao Xingyuan is eighteen years old this year, and has some acne on his forehead, but he is not ugly at all—there are few ugly people in those big families that have lasted for hundreds of years.

In addition to his youth and naivety, Xie Yunnan regarded him as a younger brother before, and felt that such a young master could not be offended, and he was always coaxing him.

But now he has no good feelings for Liao Xingyuan.

Not to mention, when Liao Muye never expressed his position, Liao Xingyuan repeatedly told him that Liao Muye liked him, and even encouraged him to chase after Liao Muye, what is this?

Also, in that memory, he saved Liao Xingyuan and was taken to the hospital in the Central District for treatment. Liao Xingyuan didn’t show his face, what is this?

When he went to find Liao Xingyuan later, he saw Liao Xingyuan from a distance, Liao Xingyuan should have seen him too, but turned around and left.

For a while, Xie Yunnan's eyes on Liao Xingyuan changed.

Liao Xingyuan also felt something was wrong: "Brother Yun Nan, what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay, don't say such things again!" Xie Yunnan's tone was not very good.

"Brother Yun Nan, I'm telling the truth, my brother really likes you, he pays special attention to you, it's the first time I've seen him pay such attention to a person..." Liao Xingyuan said again.

After Liao Xingyuan appeared, the people around looked over worriedly.

It's just that Liao Xingyuan is the young master of the Central District, and no one dares to offend him or even approach him.

Because of this, no one else heard what Liao Xingyuan said.

Fortunately no one heard.

He really doesn't want to have anything to do with Liao Muye!

The wound on his shoulder is still aching, and he cannot offend such a young master.

Liao Xingyuan said: "It's fine, I'll just stay by myself."

"I'm going out."

"Where are you going? I'll go with you!"

"I'm going to wash clothes by the river, what are you doing?" Xie Yunnan put some of the clothes she was wearing at work into the washbasin.

The clothes he wears every day will be washed in the washing machine, but the clothes he wears at work have organic oils or something. The washing machine cannot wash them cleanly and must be washed by hand.

If you wash by hand, you have to go to the river near the town to wash. There is only a river there, and there is no place to play.

Xie Yunnan's indifference and impatience, Liao Xingyuan felt that he was the eldest young master, and he didn't want to put his face on others' cold buttocks, and immediately said: "Then I'll go back."

Xie Yunnan can't wait for him to go; "Goodbye!"

Liao Xingyuan was so angry that he walked faster.

His companion beast is a peacock, which has no fighting power at all, and is simply different from his cousin's tiger.

Because he was not valued at home, he ran away from home because of his temper.

But he is the eldest young master and can't stand Xie Yunnan's anger.

Seeing Liao Xingyuan leave, Xie Yunnan took the pot of clothes and walked to the river.

But when he got to the river, instead of washing clothes, he turned a corner and came to the bushes by the river.

He is not in the mood to do laundry now, he just wants to find a place to organize his thoughts.

At the same time, Liao Xingyuan drove out of the town, planning to find a place to play.

His car didn't drive very far when he was stopped by another car, the window of that car slid down, revealing Liao Muye's stern face.

Liao Xingyuan's car is expensive and gorgeous, but compared with Liao Muye's car, it is nothing.

The purchase price of Liao Muye's car was more than ten times that of his car, and he also spent a lot of money for special modifications.

"Brother..." Liao Xingyuan looked at Liao Muye with complicated eyes. He used to come out often, and Liao Muye never ignored him, but every time he came to Xie Yunnan, Liao Muye would come over, and Liao Muye still looked for him. People go to investigate Xie Yunnan... Liao Muye is not interested in Xie Yunnan, what is it?

"Why didn't you stay longer this time?" Liao Muye asked.

"Xie Yunnan was probably frightened by Yan Yuge and didn't want me to stay." Liao Xingyuan was not stupid and could see Xie Yunnan's attitude.

"Scared?" Liao Muye chuckled lightly.

"Brother?" Liao Xingyuan frowned slightly, why did he feel that when Liao Muye said this... like he was sarcastic?

"Okay, go back!" Liao Muye said nothing.

Xie Yunnan didn't know about the Liao brothers.

He sat in the bushes and released his companion animal Xiaobai.

Seeing Xiaobai, Xie Yunnan couldn't hold back her emotions. He hugged Xiaobai tightly and buried his face in Xiaobai's soft fur.

That memory was not his own experience, it was more like watching TV.

But he could still feel his despair inside.

Especially at the end…

In the herd, Xiaobai, who has never been an adult, still looks like a child, desperately protects him and dies in front of him...

Xie Yunnan's eyes were a little red.

After a while, he calmed down and began to think about what to do next.

Yan Yuge and the Liao brothers, they must be hiding, and then there are all kinds of things that will happen next...

The Red Leaf City where he lives is divided into three areas, the middle is the Central District, where the richest people in Red Leaf City live.

On the periphery of the central area, the area surrounding the central area is the ordinary area.

Outside the general area, there is a fringe area that is much larger than the general area and the central area combined.

There are farms, plantations, etc. The food supply for people in the central and ordinary areas is mostly grown in the marginal areas.

There are many people in the general area, they actually work in the fringe area.

At the same time, there are some people living in the fringe area itself, and most of the residents in their town have always lived in the fringe area.

Since it's called the "marginal area", it's not a good place to be.

In this world, there are many powerful beasts called "extraordinary beasts", these beasts live in the wild and generally do not attack humans, but they occasionally cannot find food, or are provoked, But it will do it to humans.

The central area and the general area are very safe, but the fringe area, which is vast and sparsely populated, is not so safe.

Especially the reason why their Red Leaf City is called Red Leaf City is because there is a red leaf forest not far away.

The Red Leaf Forest is very large, and there are countless alien beasts in it. It is a place where the most powerful warriors dare not go deep, and those low-level alien beasts will occasionally attack people living in the marginal area.

Of course, like the small town where he is located, security can still be guaranteed because of the large number of people, but some people who live in more remote places because they have no money, or those who are single, will Dangerous.

And in that memory, soon, there will be many alien beasts running out of the red leaf forest.

The wolves who seriously injured him and lost one hand are alien beasts. In addition, some other people in the town were bitten to death by alien beasts.

Fortunately, they were later admitted to the general area.

But even if they go to the general area, they will have to pay for food, drink, and Lhasa there, and they have to pay for it themselves!

When his grandfather passed away two years ago, he was hospitalized and spent all his family savings. Although his income in the past two years was good, his savings were really small.

The price of goods in the ordinary area is higher than that in the fringe area. After the accident in the fringe area, the price of food in Hongye City has skyrocketed... He has too little money.

Thinking of this, Xie Yunnan annoyed Liao Xingyuan even more.

From when Liao Xingyuan ran away from home to live in his house... Liao Xingyuan has been eating and drinking at his house for free!

He has a good income, and his hands are still loose. Usually, the neighbors will give him a little money when they borrow money from him. At first, he saw Liao Xingyuan being pitiful, so he took him in without asking Liao Xingyuan for money.

Later, Liao Xingyuan's identity was exposed, and he came to him from time to time. He regarded Liao Xingyuan as a friend and did not want to charge people for food.

But now... just think about it.

In the future, he will never do such stupid things. When Liao Xingyuan comes again, he will directly ask Liao Xingyuan for money!

And the people in the town... Before the alien beasts attack the border area, he should warn the people in the town to avoid them being in danger.

Well, he will also find a way to notify people in other places.

Xie Yunnan thought about the ins and outs, heaved a sigh of relief, picked up his companion animal Xiaobai and kissed a few times.

Although Xiaobai is not powerful enough, he is still his favorite Xiaobai!

Xiao Bai kept rubbing against him, cupping his shoulders with his head, whimpering.

Xie Yunnan knew that Xiaobai found the injury on his shoulder.

"It's all right, it's a minor injury, it'll be fine soon." Xie Yunnan kissed Xiaobai and took Xiaobai back. Xie Yunnan came to the river with his clothes, ready to do laundry.

He was washing when he suddenly saw a person floating on the river.

Seeing this, Xie Yunnan frowned slightly.

The river is very large, it originates from the holy mountain, then bypasses the holy city, all the way east to their side, and then passes through the red leaf city.

Because of this, occasionally there will be some people in the river, or corpses will float, and many of them were killed by the Holy City and thrown their corpses.

His grandfather picked him up by this river.

If it was someone else, he would not care if he saw someone floating on the river, but every time Xie Yunnan saw it, he would go to see if the floating person was dead or alive.

Of course, he never encountered a living one, almost all of them were dead, and then he buried them nearby.

I'm going to bury another person today, I hope it doesn't taste too big.

Thinking this way, Xie Yunnan picked up a pair of trousers to be washed and plunged into the water.

He swam to the man's side, and was about to hook his trousers around the man's neck and pull to the river, when he met the man's gaze.

This man is alive.

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