MTL - When The Incubus Enters The World Of Quick Transmigration-Chapter 61 moonlight and you 16

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In the early morning, when You Ning was still sleeping in Su Fu's arms, his cat came looking for him.

Yesterday, after You Ning and Yue Feng mentioned something, he asked his cat to do something quietly in the evening. If Yue Feng didn't dawdle today, he would go to his brother earlier, and there is a high probability that he will find the problem.

For You Ning, this was just a sideline. He didn't pay too much attention, and shrank back into Su Fu's arms, rubbing the man's chest.

It has to be said that although the little succubus felt his teeth itch when he thought of this guy before, he also had to admit that he wanted to be in this guy's arms.

On the other side, Yue Feng has packed himself up and is going to talk to Yue Cheng. It's not too early now. One day before at this time, Yue Cheng asked someone to invite him to have breakfast with him, but he didn't go.

However, when he arrived at Yuecheng's bedroom, he found that he was still early. Because of the estrangement between the two brothers, Yue Feng just waited quietly in the outer hall and did not go in directly to find Yue Cheng.

After waiting for half an hour, Yue Cheng came out and asked him to sit in.

The breakfast was put on the table one by one by the waiter. The two people sitting facing each other were silent. After a while, Yue Cheng laughed, "Brother, let's eat together? I remember you used to eat this kind of breakfast."

"En." Yue Feng responded lightly, and asked everyone around him to go out, only the two brothers were left in the spacious hall.

There was a quiet chewing sound, Yue Cheng looked at Yue Feng's expression, and asked tentatively: "Brother, did you come to see me today?"

When he asked, Yue Feng put down the cutlery and stared straight at him, his voice was still as scary as when he was a child: "Who were you with last night? Who is the Alpha who marked you?"

Yue Cheng opened his eyes wide suddenly, he subconsciously wanted to smell the unclean smell of the shower gel on his body, and his face also turned pale.

Yue Feng frowned deeply: "As a brother, I just want to ask, why are you so afraid?"

"No, it's nothing, I'm just afraid that my brother won't accept him..." Yue Cheng's expression didn't improve, and the hand holding the tableware was also trembling.

Yue Feng looked at his hands and his face, pursed his lips, and then got up - he stood up together, and Yue Cheng on the opposite side flinched. Yue Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, and finally said to Yue Cheng: "It's okay if you don't want to say it, wait until you tell me something."

"Also, pay attention to safety." Yue Feng turned around and turned around to remind him, and then the breakfast ended hastily like this, and he left.

Yue Cheng didn't stand up to see him off, he sat in his original position, almost curled up into a ball. Even if Yue Feng didn't ask who that person was from his mouth, but just being looked at by Yue Feng like that, he already felt suffocated.

He never knew what a despicable thing he was doing now. The little bit of dignity he had left was only enough to maintain his appearance, and he didn't want that bit of dignity to be torn off by others.

After waiting for a while, Yue Cheng gradually calmed down, and then he figured out the reason why Yue Feng came to him today, it was nothing more than that he came to Xingshi to inquire about what he had done to An Yuanguang in the academy before.

He laughed mockingly, picked up the tableware and ate breakfast again, but avoided the few dishes that Yue Feng liked before.

After returning, the more Yue Feng thought about Yue Cheng's reaction, the more he felt that something was wrong, so he arranged someone to find out who Mark Yue Cheng was.

Perhaps it was because Yue Cheng kept it a secret, Yue Feng waited for two days but still didn't hear any news.

Then two days passed, three days passed, and a week passed, Yue Feng still didn't get what he wanted. But maybe because he went to find Yuecheng, An Yuanguang didn't encounter any bullying at school this week.

Just when Yue Feng felt weird, Su Fu brought him the answer.

An audio and a stack of files.

The audio was given to Su Fu by You Ning, but Su Fu did not mention it to Yue Feng. The other documents are the result of his in-depth investigation these days.

Yue Feng flipped through the files at first, and there were many overlaps between what Su Fu collected and the information he had spent several years in his previous life to understand.

Yue Feng's heart trembled. He raised his head to look at Su Fu, he was sure now that he had never seen Su Fu in the previous life.

Full of doubts, Yue Feng was about to open the audio memory, but Su Fu said at this moment: "I suggest you watch it alone, this is what the person who handed it over said."

Before Yue Feng said anything, Su Fu had already retreated. But it was just an audio recording. Although Yue Feng felt that Su Fu, who had no memory of his previous life, was suspicious, he didn't think it was too dangerous.

So, he turned on the audio. The holographic projection clearly reflected the entangled two people in front of Yue Feng's eyes.

Yue Feng's eyes widened in disbelief. That was Yue Cheng and the venerable marshal of their empire! !

He didn't look at those pictures again, but Xu Yuan's insulting words still reached his ears. Yue Feng supported the table tightly with both hands, the blood vessels on his neck burst, as if they would burst in the next second, as his fingers became more and more forceful, the hard table was directly crushed to pieces.

Hearing the movement in the hall, Su Fu who was guarding outside just subconsciously raised his head and glanced at the steering wheel inside, but did not enter to watch. The soldiers guarding outside the hall hesitated to look inside and then at the expressionless general , making eye contact, whether to go in and see what happened to His Highness.

Before they could communicate the result, Yue Feng came out angrily.

Yue Feng passed Su Fu directly, leaving only one sentence "You go back first", and walked towards Yue Cheng's palace without looking back.

The attendants in the Yuecheng Hall saw Yue Feng's angry appearance, and they trembled more and more than the other, but they did not dare to hide Yue Cheng's whereabouts from him, and confessed that Dao Yuecheng went to the Marshal's Mansion today.

Hearing this, Yue Feng's bright red eyes frightened the attendants, the attendants knelt down, and after Yue Feng left, the people all over the place let out a sigh of relief. Some of them quickly sent out the news that Yue Feng came to see Yue Cheng today.

After the news was uploaded several times, it didn't take much time for it to be delivered to Xu Yuan. He looked up at the aircraft that had just left, feeling a little disappointed.

Someone around him persuaded him: "Marshal, the prince seems to have discovered your relationship with... Do you need to..."

Xu Yuan raised his hand to stop the other party's words, looking like an outsider, without the slightest nervousness: "No need. Yue Feng has only been back for a few days? He thinks that the empire is really his, and everyone will obey when he comes back? Oh, he dare not , even if he dares to confront me, he can't do anything with me, and it won't be me who loses the face of the royal family."

In the end, Yue Feng did not find Yue Cheng in the Marshal's Mansion, but he saw Xu Yuan and Xu Jiayu, his omega son who he originally wanted to give to him.

Although he wished to tear the person in front of him to pieces, Yue Feng restrained himself. He was not a person who could not hold his breath. Judging from the present, Xu Yuan was still the same as in his previous life, with the same arrogance and arrogance. Put him in your eyes.

Yue Feng clenched his molars and came out of the marshal's mansion.

Xu Yuan was still behind him, falsely asking him if he needed to send someone to **** him back. His protective posture of a strong man was another kind of mockery of Yue Feng.

To ridicule him for thinking he is strong, but in fact no one can protect him.

Just when Yue Feng's anger was ignited again, he received a short message from You Ning: Are you looking for your own brother? I saw him on XX Street.

Yue Feng took a deep breath and walked towards the place given by You Ning.

Xu Yuan was just watching a play, so of course he wouldn't kindly tell Yuecheng that Yuefeng was looking for him all over the world. So when Yue Cheng asked Joyce to meet him in a certain store, he watched Yue Feng angrily walking towards him unsuspectingly.

Yue Feng's facial features are already sharp, and when they are serious, they are like blades full of threats. Yue Cheng has been afraid since he was a child, let alone now.

He was almost about to cry out of fear, but Joyce, who was sitting across from him, stopped Yuefeng with a smile on his face, and said a few words, "Why are you so angry?", "Your Highness is still young and ignorant." ", "Look at you, your Highness is about to cry in fright" and so on.

Yue Feng is not in the mood to pay attention to this rival in the past, and he has not done anything to Yue Cheng. He knows the difference in physique between himself and Yue Cheng, so he just shakes off Joyce's hand on his arm trying to stop him, and then orders: : "Yuecheng, come out."

Yue Feng was approaching menacingly. Although the environment of this store was quiet, it was not empty. People who saw Yue Feng were too scared to speak when they saw Yue Feng's angry appearance. As soon as he walked out of the store, they couldn't help talking .

Within a few minutes, people all over the Internet knew about Yue Feng angrily taking Yue Cheng back, and started a series of speculations about it.

Yue Cheng followed Yue Feng back to the palace, his expression was very ugly. Because Yue Feng's visit to him a few days ago frightened him, so he didn't bother An Yuanguang anymore. He just found Joyce today, and before he even started to say anything, Yue Feng came to him.

It is conceivable that the anger must not be aimed at his malice towards An Yuanguang, but...

Yue Cheng closed his eyes, his white lips trembling uncontrollably. At this moment, he was like a person who made a big mistake outside, was caught by his family, and was about to undergo the cruelest torture.

Along the way, Yue Feng never said a word. After arriving at the bedroom, it was also Yue Cheng who spoke first.

He said, "You know..." His tone was weak and self-deprecating.

He looked at Yue Feng with a deep frown and turned his head to look at him. He sat down on the ground and looked up at his elder brother, "I'm not as strong as you. If I want to survive, I have to pay something."

Yue Feng looked at him deeply, but still didn't speak.

"I know, I know you hated my coquettishness since you were a child. But what can I do, I was born an Omega, I am afraid of pain or death, but I can't stand a little bit of suffering. I didn't kneel at the beginning, I also tried , but he is too powerful, he knows my weakness, he knows what I am afraid of, he tortured me to make me submit, he drugged me and forced me to mark me, so that I can't resist. I am an Omega, and the other is in heat. I will only beg What can I do with the Omega on the human body?"

"Ah? You tell me! Brother?!"

"You also have an Omega by your side, isn't he the same? Look, you can be so considerate and gentle to an outsider, why didn't you take me with you back then, and you were so considerate and gentle to me, protecting me and pampering me so that I wouldn't get hurt a little bit?" ? That's right, I'm just unwilling and jealous, I can't wait to..."

Yue Feng's throat was astringent, and he said with difficulty the truth that he had spent many years finding out in his previous life: "He killed his father and mother."

Yue Cheng's throat suddenly seemed to be firmly pinched by two hands, he could only open his eyes wide, unable to speak a word.

The author has something to say:

I knelt down and couldn't grow thicker. What kind of flag do you want to set up?