MTL - When The Incubus Enters The World Of Quick Transmigration-Chapter 6 Bamboo Horse Tour 06

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By the way, why did Union make a deal that other demons are not interested in?

There are three reasons.

Firstly, being asked to sleep by many devils and angels every day is really annoying and boring, he needs something new to adjust his life; secondly, he just graduated from college, and a teacher he respected introduced him to try new There may be unexpected gains in the devil's deal; the third is that he slept with the professor who came to their college to give lectures.

The professor is an archangel who was solemnly welcomed in by the college not long ago. It is said that he is quite an old angel, as if he is tens of thousands of years old. However, the face of his true self is actually not old at all, on the contrary, he is surprisingly handsome, to what extent? For example, after seeing this professor for the first time, Yuning also had a strong sleepiness for the first time in his succubus career.

But fortunately, after Unioning met the archangel's eyes, they communicated with each other very tacitly: "Spend tonight together?"

"Are you free tonight?"

Very good, the archangel who looked aloof and aloof was particularly duplicity, which saved Unioning a lot of trouble.

That night, Yuning had a good sleep.

Afterwards, You Ning said that such a life is indeed what the succubus should enjoy—he actually didn't feel that he was so different among the succubus, he just didn't meet someone who was right for him before.

In the final analysis, it is picky eaters.

But one thing, good and bad are often accompanied together. Early the next morning, You Ning woke up in bed and was pressed down by the great heaven with holy wings, and was proposed: "You are beautiful, sweet, and I like it very much. I want you, sign a contract with me? "

You Ning immediately rolled his eyes very bluntly, not knowing what to say first. Is it really an old antique over ten thousand years old? What a ghost contract, there are no such lines in idol dramas now, okay? Also, my friend, can you figure out who you are confessing to? As a succubus, I only understand **** but not love. Is it okay to talk about love with a succubus? the most important point is! How many times do I have to say that! I don't need anyone to praise me! Labor and management know it themselves!

So You Ning acted on the spot and turned his face and refused to recognize anyone when he lifted his pants, and cursed very bluntly: "What a psycho!"

All good moods were ruined.

But that's not all. The professor's lectures were held for two days in a row. This archangel has a high reputation, and it is impossible for serious academic masters to miss it. Unioning's academic master character design does not allow him to confess his love for no reason in the morning. That psychopath stopped listening. So Yuning, who was sitting below, was forced to accept the special attention of the professor archangel.

In fact, special attention seems to be almost non-existent in the eyes of others. After all, the archangel has a calm expression from beginning to end, and occasionally glances at the students below, and it will not exceed a second, as if those blue eyes were born without Deliberately staying for someone, seems ruthless and almost ruthless.

But Yuning could read the emotion that the person brought when his gaze swept over him, and the translation probably meant "Oh, scumbag, we meet again", which made the little succubus very painful.

But Yuning thought about it again, hey, this guy is tens of thousands of years old, doesn't he know that their succubus is not responsible for sleeping?

You Ning narrowed his eyes slightly, could it be that the professor is playing a novel routine with him? Want to go a different route than those other beggars? He still wants to come one more night?

Yuning recalled the feeling for a while.'s not really impossible.

The professor in the lecture hall soon received ambiguous eyes from the little succubus.

Professor: "..." He was seducing me again.

So Yuning slept well that night.

He ate very full for two nights, and he didn't want to listen to the archangel's domineering president's after-the-fact testimonials for the time being. Let's talk about it later when he is hungry.

So the next morning when he woke up from the strong arms of the archangel, Yuning ran away without saying hello.

He left immediately. Naturally, he didn't know how a certain angry professor scared the headmaster of their Y01 Hell Academy after he left. He had already graduated, but he was forced to care about the whereabouts of the students after graduation.

Principal: Bald.JPG

anyway. You Ning got up early the next morning, they were all young people, and the birthday party was to have fun with a few Xiangyang, so You Ning dressed more casually.

But mother deer saw him, thought he was on a date, and sprayed him with men's perfume. The perfume is the booty of mother deer yesterday. This perfume is fresh and lively, and she thinks it goes well with Union.

Xiangyang's manor was left to him by his mother. It was in the outskirts of the city, and it took about two hours for You Ning to get there from home.

The Xiang family is one of the top wealthy families in China, compared to the Lu family, it can only be regarded as an ordinary wealthy family. The Xiang family is rich, but the family relationship fully proves the statement that there are many right and wrong among rich and powerful families. Xiangyang's father was young and fashionable with a sense of enterprise and family responsibility. In his middle age, he felt that he had built a business empire and should be like an emperor, so he began to raise young lovers everywhere.

But Xiangyang's mother is not a soft persimmon. Ever since she realized that her husband had changed his mind and gave birth to Xiangyang, she asked someone to perform a ligation operation on her husband. It is conceivable that the daily life of the couple will be in dire straits.

But later, when Xiang Yang was twelve years old, his mother died of liver cancer. At that time, the couple had already divorced, and Xiangyang's mother left all her inheritance to her son, ensuring that he would have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of his life.

Since then, Xiang Yang has embarked on a rebellious path, and there is no turning back in recent years.

When You Ning arrived, Lin Yuan and the others also arrived. When Lin Yuan saw his car, he was slightly surprised, but after the accident, he frequently winked at Xiangyang.

Xiang Yang pretended not to see, and went to meet You Ning.

You Ning took the gift from the co-pilot and got out of the car. He was taken aback by Xiang Yang's dark circles, and joked: "What's the matter? It's not a child. It's my birthday and I'm so excited that I can't sleep Huh? Little friend Xiaoyang?"

The boys in the back hooked their shoulders together and let out a muffled laugh.

Xiang Yang bared his teeth for a while, thinking to himself that I am all because of someone. He stepped forward to take the gift from Yuning's hand. The gift box was not small, and someone asked what it was for.

He was trying to make them shut up, but he heard You Ning answer: "The clothes I chose for Xiang Yang when I went shopping with my mother yesterday."

There was a burst of "ouch" in the crowd.

Someone beeped softly: "Oh? What do you think Xiaolu is doing? My girlfriend and my mother only give me clothes on my birthday. So he is now...?"

The one next to him shrugged and said, "Who knows? Brother Yang is happy."

That's right, didn't you see that the corners of Brother Yang's mouth were almost grinning to the base of his ears?

Xiangyang's manor is very large, with orchards, ponds, vegetable fields and a small horse farm. A group of people had a great time. In the afternoon, they used fresh vegetables and fish they caught for barbecue.

Obviously there is a chef in the garden, but a group of young masters insist on coming by themselves. The result is either black and smoky or red on the outside (raw), and each of them can only admit that they really have not lit up their cooking skills, and eat the chef honestly made.

After autumn, the sky began to get dark early, and after dinner, a group of big boys were lying on their sofas and carpets, very casually.

Single dogs form groups to fight against each other, and those who have girlfriends and boyfriends start to "hack" like no one else, trying to bring crit to others. There were a few others playing cards together, one or two sneered at the corners of their mouths, thinking that the God of Gamblers possessed a very suspenseful expression, but in fact they were very silly.

And You Ning sorted out the photos during the day and posted them on Moments, and Xiang Yang was the first to give him a thumbs up.

After nine o'clock, this group of lazy guys regained their spirits, started playing games, and drank when they lost. You Ning doesn't like to smell of alcohol all over his body, and he hasn't lost even after several rounds.

On the other hand, Xiangyang, he seemed to be in such a good mood today, he drank it no matter if he won or lost, and at the end of the game, he lay down without any surprise.

Seeing that today's protagonists are all lying down, the boys are ready to go back to their respective homes. Some drivers who drive to drink, and some drivers in the manor will send them back. In the end, only You Ning and Lin Yuan are left.

Lin Yuan didn't drink much, but he looked like he was drifting away, and said to You Ning: "It's okay, it's okay, then, Brother Yang will leave it to you, I'll go back first."

You Ning pretended not to notice, nodded, "Then you should be careful on the road."

Lin Yuan waved his hand: "It's all right, there's a driver, I'll send you a WeChat message when we arrive. Let's go..." After finishing speaking, he sneaked a glance at the drunk Xiangyang, and expressed, "I'll help you if you can. Come on" sincere brotherhood.

Of course there were people invited in the manor, but except for the few drivers who had already left, there were no men in the villa. I don't know if this was planned by Xiang Yang long ago, or it was a pure coincidence. But judging from the fact that so many people didn't help Xiang Yang into the room just now, the former is very likely.

After looking around, You Ning helped Xiang Yang up with his own hands, and walked upstairs to the bedroom.

After all, Xiangyang didn't have the embarrassment to put all his weight on Yuning's body like mud, but took a deep breath of the sweet perfume on Yuning's body. He was about to wake up like this, but unexpectedly, Unioning's feet staggered slightly, his lips Then brushed against Unioning's earlobe.

Soft and delicate, white and tender.

Xiang Yang almost had a nosebleed on the spot, and distanced himself from You Ning in a jerk. Facing You Ning's simple and doubtful eyes, his body reacted uncontrollably. He hurriedly took a few steps up the stairs, covering his mouth Arching her body and turning her back to You Ning, she said: "...An'an, don't come here, I, I'm going to vomit... Then what, you go back first, be careful on the road!"

You Ning looked at him worriedly, and asked, "Should I buy you some medicine? Just drink to have fun, too much will hurt your health."

"No, no, no, just finish vomiting, it's getting late, don't worry uncles and aunts."

"Okay then, I'll ask my aunt to cook you a hangover soup, and you can drink it later and go to bed early." You Ning stopped looking at him, turned and went downstairs.

Xiang Yang breathed a sigh of relief, and then went back to the room with a flushed face and locked the door. He listened to the sound of the engine downstairs, the scent still lingered on the tip of his nose, and the touch of the pink earlobe remained on his lips, he couldn't help stretching his hand down, and said "An'an" full of affection and desire. " Shout out.

You Ning didn't drink at night, he drove by himself, it was getting late, and there was little traffic on the suburban roads.

Probably because there were few cars, a car with high beam headlights was oncoming, which made You Ning's eyes very uncomfortable. When the car passed by him, his cat jumped onto the car with a posture and speed that was definitely not a normal cat, and lay firmly on the roof of the car.

One look at the owner of that car and nothing good will happen next.

You Ning continued to drive without looking back: "Oh, I told you to turn on the high beam when you are so close!"

Lu Anlan: "..." Creatures like demons really must take revenge.

Although she knew that the demon was not in a very good mood at the moment, Lu Anlan couldn't help but want to ask: "Xiang Yang, why did you... like him?"

what kind of him? Tease him? After understanding what Lu Anlan meant, You Ning didn't understand why Lu Anlan asked, and said strangely: "You humans, usually the quickest revenge on your boyfriend is to give him a cuckold?"


Shu Yu, who had no idea that he was about to have a cuckold, looked at pictures of bright smiles in You Ning's circle of friends, pinching the phone so hard that his knuckles turned white.

If You Ning's rejection yesterday just made him feel strange, seeing these photos today, Shu Yu was sure that something went wrong.

But he might not be able to figure out the answer in a short period of time.

The author has something to say:

In the early morning after the second X, I listened to my friends' advice not to follow the route of the overlord and pretend to sleep, waiting to be woken up by the little succubus kiss.


Friends died.

Read The Duke's Passion