MTL - When The Incubus Enters The World Of Quick Transmigration-Chapter 43 in the name of the father 16

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In front of the traffic lights at a certain intersection in City C, several police officers in charge of escorting the prisoners stopped temporarily because of the red lights ahead.

The road conditions are also a bit congested at the moment, there is a red light in front of them, and there are many vehicles waiting on the opposite side.

At this moment, a car from the opposite side rushed out and quickly slammed into a turning car. The tragic car accident happened at this moment.

This made the traffic jams that were already somewhat congested even more congested.

Some car owners who were waiting for the green light under the traffic light got out of the car one after another, wanting to come forward to help. Amidst the noise, the people in the overturned car were finally rescued by passers-by.

At this time, it also happened that an ambulance came, but the ambulance was still empty, and the doctors and nurses inside, together with the people around, sent the injured to the car.

"It's too scary, it hurts so badly, it's full of blood..."

"The ambulance came so timely, I hope the person is okay."

"Hey, what's this called. I don't know what happened to the person in the white car, drunk driving in broad daylight? He's fine, nothing wrong with him."

"Walk, walk, don't walk for an entire afternoon..."

Under the command of the traffic police who arrived, the intersection quickly resumed smooth flow. And the police car with the prisoners also safely arrived at the extremely strictly controlled prison area outside C city.

All of this was unknown to Bai Xiaoshu, who was playing games on the Internet with the air conditioner blowing on in the apartment.

And the departure of the two people outside his house, just like their arrival, was unaware of Bai Xiaoshu.

At night, Su Fu and Chen Yao, who were supposed to be on vacation today, appeared at the police station.

In Su Fu's office, Chen Yao paced back and forth, with anger that could not be vented on his face.

"Don't shake." Su Fu looked away from the computer screen, frowned and glanced at Chen Yao, and then continued the filing work in hand.

"Damn it! I said you are really calm." Chen Yao didn't bother to care about his boss, "What do you think it is? If you want to save two scumbags, let someone else's family become an 'opportunity'! Well, I can't wait to..."

"Give him a shot?" Su Fu continued.

"..." Chen Yao was speechless. The police are like this. They know how heinous this person is, but they must produce evidence to let the law sanction him, instead of thinking that they are the law and have the power to execute.

But they couldn't give the notebook and the very ordinary-looking pen to the court as evidence. No one will believe it or say it, and the damned will not get any punishment.

Seeing that Chen Yao's feet were finally staying in one place peacefully, and Su Fu's work was over, he said to Chen Yao: "Officer Chen, I think that newcomer named Bai Xiaoshu in your team has great potential, I plan to let him What do you think of him going on a secret mission?"

Chen Yao immediately thought of something, and his irritability disappeared. He rubbed his chin, which was clean shaved in the morning, and smiled sullenly. Son, you are really amazing, I have seen it today."

Su Fu didn't even give him a look, and said in a business-like tone: "This matter is very special, and I don't want the people I care about to have any trouble because of it, so I should be more careful."

Chen Yao hummed, but did not speak.

Generally speaking, Jiang Chi and You Ning, who voluntarily provided so many people's criminal evidence and information, themselves need to be monitored and protected. In terms of personal emotions, of course Chen Yao trusted Jiang Chi very much, but since he had already done this job, when doing things, the first thing to abandon was personal emotions.

The next day, some strangers came to Jiang Chi's house. Jiang Yingying felt strange and secretly asked her father what was going on. Jiang Chi replied that they were all his former colleagues. Now they work in the police station just like Chen Yao. The little girl was not suspicious, she knew that her father was a soldier.

You Ning didn't make things troublesome, and he also lived directly in Jiang Chi's house so that he could be monitored and protected by the police. It's just a pity that the former superintendent is really busy, and I'm afraid he won't be able to see him for the next few days.

Today, Bai Xiaoshu arrived at the police station as usual, but he didn't know what kind of luck he happened to go in with the new superintendent.

Su Fu glanced at him, and Bai Xiaoshu greeted him squarely. Su Fu nodded, but didn't leave directly, but told him to go to his office later.

After Su Fu left, colleagues surrounded him and asked Bai Xiaoshu why the big head came to him.

Bai Xiaoshu shook his head, saying that he didn't know.

Bai Xiaoshu was very puzzled, he didn't understand why Su Fu would call him, it's a great deed, he didn't do it these days. If it was Chen Yao's incident a few days ago, according to Chen Yao's personality, even if his subordinates were kicked away, they would not need to report to Su Fu.

After a while, Bai Xiaoshu entered Su Fu's office with some trepidation. After all, this young police superintendent seems to be a very powerful character, and his cowardice is purely out of physical instinct.

"Sit." Su Fu didn't look at him, but at the computer.

Bai Xiaoshu sat down next to the edge of the chair, looked at the person across the desk, and asked, "Me, what did I do wrong?"

Bai Xiaoshu's appearance is pretty good. He made such a careful appearance. People in the original text thought he was like a little white rabbit. He was afraid that he would scare him if he spoke harshly. There was a buff bonus that would make the opponent lose his intelligence. .

Hearing his voice, Su Fu finally shifted his gaze to his face, then chuckled lightly, and said, "No, you did a good job."

Bai Xiaoshu felt chills down his spine for no reason, but he couldn't hear the coldness of Su Fu's laughter and the sarcasm in his words, so he continued to act cute and pitiful, "Yes, yes?"

"Are you stuttering?" Su Fu laughed again, as if he just made a casual joke, and then continued to talk about the business, "I came to you today because I think you are qualified for a special task with your ability."

"What task?" Bai Xiaoshu put away his pathetic expression, why didn't he think of it before? He is the protagonist, of course there must be some adventures! The role of this superintendent may be an NPC who distributes adventures.

Su Fu could see what was going on in his head from the micro-expression on Bai Xiaoshu's face, he twitched the corner of his mouth again, "This task is very special, if you complete it, you can be directly promoted to superintendent after you return to the police station. "

After saying this sentence, Su Fu clearly saw the greedy light in Bai Xiaoshu's eyes.

"What is it?" Bai Xiaoshu completely lost the uneasiness he felt when he first came in, but was excited and looking forward to it.

Su Fu finally looked him in the eyes and said, "Undercover."

The excitement and anticipation in Bai Xiaoshu's eyes instantly went out, and at the same time, he also realized that his expression was too big, and explained in a remedial way: "I'm not good at being an undercover agent... I'm really not good at being an undercover officer, I, I haven't learned it before..."

Su Fu still looked at him, not allowing him to dodge: "I think you can do it. I haven't learned it before, and it's not too late to learn it now."

"No!" Seeing that Su Fu didn't listen to his own wishes, Bai Xiaoshu said loudly, "I refuse, I won't go. I won't go."

Su Fu closed his mouth, looked at him, was silent for a while, then waved his hand, "You go out first." He didn't agree with Bai Xiaoshu's refusal.

After Bai Xiaoshu came out, he said "heh" twice in a very speechless way, was it a human thing to go undercover? He is not as perverted as Jiang Chi, nor is he as powerful as Chen Yao, so asking him to be an undercover agent is not equivalent to sending him to death?

The den of thieves is no different than an ordinary place, if you are not careful, you will die, even if he has a golden finger, he will not risk his life to win a position - he is not stupid.

This matter was left alone, Bai Xiaoshu played a few games after dinner and forgot all about it.

The prototype of this novel is a criminal investigation novel. After the revision, there are murderers. In this kind of world, Bai Xiaoshu is not even the slightest vigilant. I locked it again in the bedroom.

So when he saw a dark shadow appearing in the house, he was so frightened that he lost his voice and his whole body went limp. Then, before he could speak, he was knocked unconscious by the shadow.

Bai Xiaoshu's only thought before losing consciousness was: This is impossible, I am the protagonist, this is absolutely impossible! I will definitely not die!

As it turned out, he was indeed not dead.

Bai Xiaoshu was woken up by a nauseating nausea. This feeling is a bit like motion sickness. But when he opened his eyes, he was not in the car, but on a boat.

ferry? How is he on board? Bai Xiaoshu touched himself first, and found that his limbs were sound, and there was no injury on his body except the place where the head was hit was still aching.

This is so weird. Bai Xiaoshu thought.

Immediately afterwards, he heard a low cry. He is very hungry now, and he still has his wallet with him to buy some food. So he searched for the source of the sound, and the more he walked, the more strange he felt—it was like the cabin of a ship. Bai Xiaoshu himself has never been on a boat, and he doesn't know what the structure of the boat is like, he has only seen it on TV and in movies.

He realized that ordinary passengers should not be able to enter this kind of place, so he wanted to exit, but when he left, due to the light, he knocked over a small empty wooden barrel, and the sound echoed in the empty cabin. It's a little more obvious inside.

Bai Xiaoshu clearly heard the footsteps coming this way - at this moment he didn't realize that it was the voice urging him to die, he thought that he was just on an ordinary passenger ship, even if the staff found out, he only needed to explain a few words, You can be guided out of here, to a place where there is plenty of light and no darkness.

"Oh, is there a little mouse running in?" The person who came over did not hide his voice, and approached Bai Xiaoshu step by step.

Bai Xiaoshu instinctively felt that it was dangerous, so he started looking for a place or an exit, but his movements were too slow, and he accidentally bumped into something again, this time, it wasn't an empty barrel, but something filled. Bai Xiaoshu glanced down reflexively, a few big eyes were opening in the barrel, looking at him full of fear.

"Ah—" Bai Xiaoshu was so frightened by this scene that he screamed, which gave the people who came here a clearer direction.

Bai Xiaoshu finally knew what this place was. The "livestock boat" mentioned by the original author is a boat that sells people as livestock at will. Each product is packed in wooden barrels like this, waiting for buyers to choose.

But, but why did he appear here? why would he...

wait! In the blink of an eye, Bai Xiaoshu finally remembered Su Fu's face and those few unknown laughters in the office.

In fact, that means—whether you like it or not, you have to be this undercover agent!

Bai Xiaoshu's face instantly became pale and bloodless, his legs were too weak to support his body, and he fell to the ground.

"Yo?" It was a strong man who came, looked at Bai Xiaoshu's appearance, and said with a smile, "Scared like this? This is the first time you see me? How did you come in?"

The strong man looked at Bai Xiaoshu and began to guess the identity of this person. So weak, without reaction speed or response, it seemed impossible to the police, so he broke in by mistake? Tsk, trouble, I have to solve another one.

Seeing the figure of the strong man covering him, Bai Xiaoshu breathed heavily, and said in a panic: "Don't kill me, don't kill me... Please don't kill me, you, I will do whatever you ask me to do! I won't call the police, I, I can help you..."

It's also fortunate that Bai Xiaoshu never thought of himself as a person of this world since he came to this world, and he was not a policeman in his consciousness, otherwise he might not be able to escape today.

The strong man sized him up again, and lifted his collar, "The weak chicken is a little weaker, but it's not without its merits...Let's go, I'll take you to ask."

Bai Xiaoshu leaned against the two children in the barrel, his eyes changed from fear to expectation to fear to despair, and when the footsteps in the cabin disappeared, there was only dead silence left. It was dark in the cabin, there was no light here.

The author has something to say:

Tomorrow is probably the end of this world.

Read The Duke's Passion