MTL - When The Incubus Enters The World Of Quick Transmigration-Chapter 39 in the name of the father 12

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After Bai Xiaoshu woke up this morning, he turned on his mobile phone as usual, flipping through some news and gossip about the world while eating.

But today he just looked at it for a while, when the people from the police station called, saying that they wanted them to assist the police in District X to arrest a suspect and let him go as soon as possible.

Bai Xiaoshu didn't have any sense of urgency, and still ate at the same speed as before. He finds the job of the police really annoying. While eating, he flipped through a photo sent in the group. There was nothing special about that photo. The person he wanted to arrest was neither particularly ugly nor handsome, just very popular.

Until Bai Xiaoshu saw this man's profile, he couldn't hold his chopsticks anymore. He looked at this man's photo profile no less than three times.

"What's going on here?" Bai Xiaoshu was not in the mood to eat now. According to these materials, the man who was about to be arrested by the police was the murderer who killed Jiang Yingying later.

According to the plot and timeline, this man should have just met Jiang Chi's ex-wife, and they are still not together, let alone Jiang Yingying's matter, and before Jiang Yingying's matter appeared, what he did was always hidden, why? Will be suddenly discovered by the police?

He looked through the group again, and his colleagues said that this man was suspected of many cases of molesting and **** minors and young children.

One doubt was not answered, and other doubts followed.

How could the police have his evidence? Didn't Jiang Chi find out his evidence after a long search?

Wait, Jiang Chi?

Bai Xiaoshu scratched his hair irritably, why is the plot messed up? If this man was caught, then Jiang Yingying wouldn't die, and if she didn't die, then Jiang Chi wouldn't be blackened. Then how could he make a name for himself by arresting the big villain Jiang Chi? !

Not to mention the messed up career line, he also discovered recently that his, the protagonist's emotional line is not right. Chen Yao, who was supposed to have a good impression of him, went to pick up Jiang Chi's daughter every day after work, and then they had dinner together, seeing the relationship getting closer and closer.

It's not like the alienation mentioned in the original text at all.

On the other hand, no matter what he wrote in the book that Chen Yao had a crush on him, why did he feel suddenly moved? Ever since he went to the orphanage for the second time, Chen Yao was bored seeing him. , let alone a smiling face, the person who led the whole team on missions just didn't take him.

Even if the people in the police station still have a good impression of him because of his protagonist's aura and golden finger, and after seeing Chen Yao obviously isolated him, they would offer comfort and so on, but those are just trash without a name, nothing at all use.

The only use is to show that his aura and golden fingers are good, and the ones who are wrong are Chen Yao and Jiang Chi.

If that's the case... Bai Xiaoshu thought to himself: Should I use the golden finger in the right place? For example, let the plot return to its original track.

In the afternoon, You Ning went to pick up Jiang Yingying as usual, but did not see Chen Yao. Chen Xiaoxing was waiting at the school gate, saw that You Ning and the others hadn't left yet, so he came over to say hello, they were all together these days.

After waiting at the school gate for a while, Chen Yaocai came by bicycle. He became the first time Yuning saw him again, sloppy, as if he hadn't slept all night.

You Ning asked him to leave the car at school, take his car, and don't drive tired. Without further ado, Chen Yao talked to the school, put the car away and got into the co-pilot.

As soon as he came up, Chen Yao frowned, and said in a voice that You Ning could hear: "That **** thing ran away."

"Fucking old man chased him all night, until he got to..." You Ning handed him a bottle of water, he unscrewed it and drank a couple of sips, licked his chapped lips, and continued, "When I chased to the top of a mountain, That guy just disappeared."

You Ning looked at his expression and asked, "What's wrong?"

Chen Yao hesitated and said: "There is a strange place. There is a tunnel in the mountain, and he went in—we had people in front and behind us, but he didn't come out of the tunnel, and just disappeared."

"Later we went to check the tunnel and found that there was indeed a passage that could accommodate one person, but according to the information we got, this person had never been to that area before, and he got wind of it and fled early. How could he know that? There is a road in the tunnel? And the tunnel was built in recent years, and the workers said that there was no such passage before. Do you think it is strange?"

You Ning looked at the red light in front of him, and said: "It's strange, it's like the protagonist has nowhere to go, and an escape route was drawn, appearing out of thin air."

Chen Yao suddenly stopped, and turned his head to look at You Ning, "Tsk, you really look alike when you say it. However, life is not a cartoon or a novel. I suspect there is someone behind him..."

He thought that You Ning would say "yes", but he didn't expect that You Ning said: "That may not be."

Chen Yao raised his eyebrows, as if by accident, Dui Jiang would have a big brain.

Two days later, two children disappeared from the orphanage that Jiang Chi had donated to. Chen Yao put all his energy into this case - the man who escaped was put under the supervision of the police force in another district.

At the same time, the primary schools in C City also started their summer vacation.

Jiang Yingying encountered an accident during this summer vacation in her last life. This time, You Ning first showed her a few news items to give her an understanding of the dangers of society. "Don't trust the words of strangers, and don't eat what strangers eat" These words have been heard since childhood, but every year people fall into it, and many of them are even adults.

After reading the news, Jiang Yingying also understood what her father meant. She said that she would take good care of herself and work hard to grow and become stronger.

Later, she also took the initiative to ask Yuning to teach her fighting. You Ning will give her exercises every day.

Jiang Yingying almost stayed at home, and with You Ning's cat around, no matter who has the ability to reach the sky, it is impossible to hurt her this summer vacation.

With Jiang Yingying's safety guaranteed, You Ning went to the orphanage. The dean still came to pick him up in person, but because of the disappearance of the child, his face was much worse than the last two times, and You Ning casually comforted him.

The dean said that it must have been done by those two men before, but You Ning knew that those two men were just as they said, just peeping, doing some obscene things, and did not really turn **** into reality .

In addition, the reason why You Ning came out in person is also that this case of missing children in the orphanage is a precursor to Jiang Yingying's accident.

In his previous life, Jiang Chi also donated to the welfare home. After he heard about it, he went home and told Jiang Yingying, but due to the lack of communication between the father and daughter, it didn't help much. Jiang Yingying still thought that her father didn't want her to take summer vacation. I just mentioned it to her after playing crazy all day.

This feeling of being about to be restricted in her freedom, and her serious father made her feel oppressed. So Jiang Yingying called her mother, and after getting her consent, she got on the plane to her mother.

But now, Jiang Yingying has learned a lot about Jiang Chi's strengths, and she clearly feels her father's love for her. She will not give such a call to a mother who has not come to visit her for a long time, and will not care about taking care of her when she is sick— Besides, since her mother and father divorced, she even changed her number, and Jiang Yingying didn't know her current phone number.

You Ning came back from the orphanage and said to Jiang Chi: "It seems that the other protagonist likes to make trouble."

Jiang Chi also suspected that Bai Xiaoshu did it, but there were many unreasonable things in it.

What he knew was that Chen Yao had secretly monitored Bai Xiaoshu. During the period when the missing child case occurred, Bai Xiaoshu had no contact with any suspicious people. He would go home after work, either playing games or sleeping. He was very homely.

And if it was really the case that he brought up, with his excellent ability, what kind of confidence does he have, and how did he not be suspected by others, without leaving any clues?

In the original text, Bai Xiaoshu's golden finger is a notebook. As long as you write the key words or items of the case, the notebook will remind you who the murderer is. This hint is also some key words, and Bai Xiaoshu uses these key words to match the suspects and find the most suitable one. It was this golden finger that earned him the title of detective.

In addition, his protagonist's halo, luck against the sky, glamorous physique, turning evil into good luck, another protagonist or villain and supporting characters will collectively reduce their intelligence when they encounter something related to him, causing his doubts and he will be beaten every minute Face, it can be said that no one can beat it.

After Jiang Chi signed the transaction contract with You Ning, he had read two editions of the novel written by the author. And judging from Bai Xiaoshu's golden finger and the aura of the protagonist, he can't be the mastermind or facilitate the occurrence of the abduction case.

Moreover, a protagonist who has done such an obviously huge mistake, can he really be called a protagonist? The obvious example is Jiang Chi himself.

You Ning didn't think so much like Jiang Chi, want the truth? Don't you know it just by looking at it?

You Ning called his cat, and the black cat opened the picture of Bai Xiaoshu's house for them to see without You Ning opening his mouth.

In the picture, Bai Xiaoshu is leaning over the desk, holding a pen and writing the words "Jiang Yingying left home on July 12 and was arrested", and the rest of the content is still being written.

But Yuning knew what it was without looking.

"He wants the incident to happen again." You Ning twisted his neck, the black cat jumped on his shoulders and gave him a massage, and You Ning narrowed his eyes comfortably, and continued, "The pen in his hand is a good thing , modify any plot?"

"Unfortunately, for a book, only the author can modify the plot. Who does he think he is? The creator? The **** of creation? Did he buy the copyright of this book?"

Yuning laughed unceremoniously, this human being is really stupid and naive.

Jiang Chi looked at Bai Xiaoshu in the picture, with murderous intent in his eyes.

You Ning said to him: "Hey? Calm down. Your daughter is fine. As for those abducted children, you don't have to worry too much. Don't forget what life you want, don't ruin it again Myself. Huh? I'm really... I'm a devil and advise you to be kind?"

Yuning shook his head speechlessly and amusedly.

The painting of the small white tree in the room disappeared, and the black cat jumped onto You Ning's lap. You Ning unconsciously stroked the soft fur of the black cat and looked at the bright moon outside the window.

You Ning looked a little dazed, he seemed to remember that someone came to see him in the moonlight like this. I also seem to remember that someone taught him to give traders the life they want most, and they will give him an excellent taste in return.

But who that person was, he forgot.

The black cat looked at Yuning's side face illuminated by the moonlight, and said, "What are you looking at?"

"Look at the moon, the moonlight is so beautiful tonight." You Ning looked down at his cat, with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth.

No matter who that person was, Yuning knew that there must be something wrong with his cat.

The black cat Fu Zheng, who was unaware of this, fell into the doubt of "is he seducing me again" every day because of a suspected confession from the little succubus.

Read The Duke's Passion