MTL - When The Incubus Enters The World Of Quick Transmigration-Chapter 36 In the name of the father 09

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Seeing that You Ning was looking at him, Chen Yao took it away, and then used a line he would say every time they met: "What a coincidence."

You Ning didn't say "um" this time, but slightly raised the corner of his mouth, and said, "It's quite a coincidence."

However, Chen Yao is thick-skinned, even if his purpose is seen, he will not feel guilty, instead he showed his big white teeth to You Ning and smiled shamelessly.

Chen Xiaoxing beside him rolled his eyes greatly, but he knew why his uncle brought him to play, the purpose of cooperating with his uncle was this handsome uncle!

Chen Xiaoxing's grandparents passed away early, and Chen Yao followed his brother when he was ten years old. Those of the same generation are easier to communicate with than those of the older generation. After his brother knew that he was, his reaction was not very big. It's just that I was worried about his future at the beginning.

But don't look at Chen Yao's rough surface, he is actually a romantic. He looks forward to love, longs for love, and says that if he meets someone he really likes, he is willing to give up his career and accompany him to work that he is not good at.

So later, his brother didn't persuade him. And Chen Yao felt that it was not something to be ashamed of, except for his brother, his sister-in-law, this elder nephew and his buddies who had a very strong relationship, they all knew that he was.

Having said so much, Chen Xiaoxing still couldn't help pulling his uncle, and reminded him in a low voice with shame on his face: "I said uncle! Didn't you see that Uncle Jiang has a child, does he have a family? If you are like this, I will tell him when I go back. My dad!"

"You little bastard!" Chen Yao ruthlessly rubbed his nephew's hair into a chicken coop, "You are the smartest!"

Although the child spoke in a low voice, You Ning still heard it clearly. He looked at Chen Yao subtly. This time, Chen Yao didn't feel confident, but avoided his gaze.

Jiang Yingying tugged at the corner of You Ning's clothes: "Father, are they whispering?"

"Yeah." You Ning took her and went to the equipment area, ignoring the two uncles and nephews.

The guns here spray out paintballs. If you wear a helmet, knee pads, wrist guards, and equipment clothes, it won't hurt much to hit someone.

After You Ning taught Jiang Yingying how to use it a few times, she asked Jiang Yingying if the classmate she had an appointment with was still coming.

Speaking of Jiang Yingying's little face, she got angry. She took out her mobile phone and called the classmate, asking him if he was afraid to come, if he was afraid, why he hadn't arrived when the appointed time was up.

The little boy on the other end of the phone was so irritated that he yelled loudly: "I can't be afraid! Even if all the boys in the world are afraid, I can't be afraid! Just wait for me! There are still ten minutes, My dad and I will be here!"

Chen Yao and his nephew, who had been chasing after him, heard such words, Chen Xiaoxing clenched his fists angrily: "Damn it, he actually plays the law of true fragrance!"

"..." Chen Yao brought Chen Xiaoxing closer to You Ning and the two, looked at You Ning's face and said, "Jiang team, let's play together? Just the two of you, you are weak."

You Ning glanced at him lightly: "They are also two people."

"Tsk tsk." Chen Yao sighed twice, "Jiang Dui, you are so naive. In a situation like this, I can assure you that the little boy must not only bring his father with him!"

"!!" Jiang Yingying widened her eyes in shock, with a look of disbelief, the other party didn't keep their promises? !

"Don't be afraid!" Chen Yao patted his strong chest towards her, "Uncle, I am also very good, I think my father and I..."

You Ning stared at him, Chen Yao turned around, "Anyway, they must be beaten to death."

After he finished speaking, Chen Xiaoxing also took the initiative to start a topic with Jiang Yingying, sharing his previous experience of playing this game, and the atmosphere between the two adults was not as harmonious as that of the children, it was quiet, and no one spoke anymore .

Ten minutes passed quickly, and two cars came down the hill. Seeing this number, the little girl's eyes became sharp. Hmph, it's really dishonest!

Before coming here, Jiang Yingying also made preparations. She watched some real-life game videos on the Internet, and combined with what her father taught just now, she has always been good at learning, and she feels that she should not hinder her father too much.

And even if her performance is not very good, the focus today is on "Dad", this is a game between fathers!

It was a boy and three adults who came.

This team is not fair at first glance. There are two children and two adults on one side, but three adults on the other.

Jiang Yingying stared and said angrily: "Wang Xiaoping! You are lying!"

The boy who was named also blushed a little, and was about to say something, but his father preempted him. Father Wang stretched out his hand to Chen Yao: "Coincidentally, Team Chen, I didn't expect you to be here."

Chen Yao shook hands with him, then turned his head and explained to You Ning: "The ones in Xicheng District have handled a case together."

You Ning nodded, "I am Jiang Yingying's father."

Father Wang touched his chest, and smiled a little embarrassedly, "Hey, my son, after listening to the weekly diary written by your daughter, I feel very unconvinced, so I have to pull me to compare..."

Union: "It's nothing, it's just a game."

One of the two who followed Father Wang was his colleague, and the other was the partner of the colleague. They were bored today.

The colleague looked at Chen Yao, and said to Jiang Yingying: "Little sister, let me tell you, neither of us adults can beat this uncle—you want a team, right? So I really can't say which one is unfair." .”

Chen Yao laughed angrily.

The little girl couldn't understand his smile, and his eldest nephew rolled his eyes again, but Yuning glanced at him calmly.

This glance made Chen Yao immediately want to stand at attention reflexively.

Although Jiang Yingying still felt it was unfair, Chen Xiaoxing secretly told her that although his uncle looked very unreliable, he was still very capable, and he would definitely not hold back her father.

Jiang Yingying believed it for the time being, and there was nothing she could do if she didn't believe it, otherwise she would become a father and fight three against one!

Soon, the two sides chose their camps, Jiang Yingying's side was the red side, and Wang Xiaoping's side was the blue side.

The venue of Xiaowan Lake is very spacious and there are various obstacles, because this type of mobile games and online games have been popular all the time. There are also some equipment randomly arranged on the battlefield, which requires players to explore by themselves, even the Resurrection Armor.

Before the war, the three children made an appointment. They had 2V2, Jiang Yingying and Chen Xiaoxing played against Wang Xiaoping and that aunt, and You Ning and Chen Yao played against Wang's father and his colleagues.

Chen Xiaoxing analyzed the tactics, they first took Wang Xiaoping's head, and then tried to hold the aunt down, so that the battle was as fair as possible.

Although they spoke very logically, because the aunt was a complete veteran, the two passionate children died honorably after wandering outside for a while.

Jiang Yingying looked tearfully at Wang Xiaoping, who was also lying on the ground opposite, and said to Chen Xiaoxing, "It's a good thing you killed him, otherwise we would be at a loss."

Chen Xiaoxing lay on the ground, conscientiously loaded the corpse, and gave a very calm "hmm".

Chen Yao, who was hiding in a pile of broken wooden boards with You Ning, saw his nephew's expression and knew what was going on in his mind. He and You Ning complained: "When that kid's tail is up, I knew he was going to What are you talking about... Uh, he must be very proud at the moment and didn't ask me to take the head, so he took the head himself."

You Ning chuckled twice when he heard the words, and then said without warning: "How have you been all these years?"

Chen Yao's smile froze on his face for two seconds, and then he said nonchalantly, "What kind of topic is this..."

You Ning turned his head, looked at him, and asked, "OK, or not?"

Chen Yao: "..."

At this time, because of the sound of their conversation, the other side noticed their direction and fired a few bullets at them. Chen Yao and You Ning retreated from the spot at the same time, and took a few shots back when they found the opportunity.

You Ning and Chen Yao were hiding behind the cement bag, and they gasped slightly. In the relatively quiet environment around them, the voice was a bit too ambiguous, so that people could not pay attention to those memorable words in their minds. Charming memory.

"I'm not doing well." You Ning said while looking in the opposite direction vigilantly, "I broke up with my parents, was forced to marry someone I didn't like, and took over a job I didn't like..."

Chen Yao almost asked the question "Don't like it? Then who do you like?"

But the opposite party just wanted to interrupt their conversation, and another bullet rain hit.

The three children lying on the ground were called up by the aunt, and sat in a row under a big tree to enjoy the shade. Because they were "corpses", they could only watch the battle and could not give a sound reminder.

The three of them were breathing in softly as they watched this continuous attack, tense.

Chen Yao's heart is beating very fast at the moment, he doesn't know what You Ning is going to say next, but in order to be able to listen to him quietly for a while - after all, Dui Jiang is a character whose silence is golden, let him take the initiative to speak The opportunity was really hard to come by, so Chen Yao fought back.

Or it's not called a counterattack, but a sneak attack. He arranged for the three children to shoot and kill the woman who was approaching his teammates secretly.

"..." The corpse stood up indifferently, patted the dirt, and went back to sit in a row with the three children.

Sure enough, the battlefield was quiet for a moment because of this head, and You Ning and the two found a trench with excellent defense, and the sight around them was surrounded, leaving only a bright blue sky.

As soon as he came in, Chen Yao threw himself on You Ning and suppressed him. If those children came to see him, they would definitely yell "You traitor", "Are you an undercover agent" or something like that.

"Captain Jiang asked me if I was doing well, what do you want to do?" Chen Yao raised the corner of his mouth and approached dangerously, "If I said something bad, would you apologize to me?"

Chen Yao was too close, and You Ning frowned uncomfortably, but this action stimulated Chen Yao, and he kissed him almost immediately.

You Ning felt a "fuck" in his heart, and came out of Jiang Chi's body before being kissed.

Jiang Chi who was kissed suddenly: "..." However, he did not push Chen Yao away suspiciously.

After hearing the slight sound of footsteps, Chen Yao let go of Jiang Chi, and rubbed Jiang Chi's lips with his fingertips in a rough manner, "Captain Jiang should test me like this, don't mess with those hypocrites."

You Ning was not in the mood to pay attention to them at the moment, and he rubbed his lips with his fingers, repeating "this is too strange, what's going on with me" over and over again in his heart.

As a succubus, would he be frightened by a man's kiss? Of course not. Even if that man is someone else's white moonlight, he can't be afraid.

But unfortunately, when Chen Yao approached, You Ning couldn't stand it and escaped.

-Um? Can't stand it? Who can stand it?

The author has something to say:

Gong: me.

Author: Upstairs, I seem to see the corners of your mouth crazily raised.

Read The Duke's Passion