MTL - When The Incubus Enters The World Of Quick Transmigration-Chapter 24 Bamboo Horse Tour 24

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Lu Anlan didn't expect You Ning to casually give away the gift he was going to give to Xiang Yang, he didn't dare to lose his temper, he could only say: "I originally planned to give it before I left."

Yuning blinked, "Yes."

"..." Lu Anlan opened his mouth, and suddenly understood that the transaction was almost completed.

You Ning teased him with a smile: "Don't be too sad, it won't hurt."

Lu Anlan smiled wryly, now he really hoped that Xiangyang would not like him so much, and it would be best to forget about him after a while.

Because when he thought about, after he left, if Xiang Yang was intimate with his puppet, he couldn't help but feel sore and ache in his heart—if this demon really wanted to be his puppet.

After experiencing Shuyu, Lu Anlan originally thought that he would never love again when he came back this time, but he saw everything about Xiangyang, he was moved by his heat, and he wanted the sunshine-like warmth of Xiangyang.

But having said so much, it is still an extravagant hope after all.

The winter vacation is approaching, and the school has already started the final exam, but Shu Yu still went back to school to take the exam.

It wasn't that he had finally adjusted his mentality, but that he also heard that Mr. Fu was going to hold a banquet for Lu Anlan to recognize his relatives.

After going around for a long time, Shu Yu never expected that Lu Anlan would be his last straw.

The labels of the Fu family do not start with "domestic", but "the whole of Asia", and even "global". The number of companies under Fu Yan's name is beyond the imagination of ordinary people. The most important thing is that the background of Fu's family is actually not very clean, so whoever wants to make trouble, even if he has not finished reading the article, he will be killed in seconds.

Shu Yu thought, no matter how arrogant those families are, they still dare not touch the Fu family, right?

So now, he has to get back together with Lu Anlan!

Shu Yu couldn't concentrate on answering the questions on the test paper. He finished writing in a hurry and handed in the paper ahead of time. The invigilator looked at him with a frown, and saw that he seemed to be under a lot of pressure these days, and his mind was in a trance, so he said softly: "If you are really uncomfortable, you can also ask for leave."

Shu Yu didn't hear what she said, so he hurriedly walked out of the classroom.

Before he received those videos, he deleted them, and the phone was directly thrown into the toilet and flushed down the sewer. He didn't remember all the contact numbers on it. Although there are social software on the new phone, he and Lu Anlan have already broken up, and Lu Anlan will not set him as special attention as before, and he will reply immediately when his news arrives.

He also sent a message to Lu Anlan before today, but nothing came of it. And he didn't remember Lu Anlan's phone number, so he couldn't contact him directly.

In addition, Shu Yu was at odds with Xiang Yang's group, and it was impossible to get Lu Anlan's number from them, and no one who knew him well would add the number of a student who already had a boyfriend. .

It was also because Shu Yu searched around and found that Lu Anlan's number really couldn't be found, and he didn't reply to the messages he sent, so Shu Yu had to go out and find someone directly.

Recently, there was an exam, and although Xiang Yang was in a bad mood, he didn't dare to harass Lu Anlan. It didn't matter if he didn't do well in the exam, but he couldn't disturb Lu Anlan's exam.

Moreover, ever since Lu Anlan gave him something, he never talked about accepting him or not. Whenever he tried it, he avoided answering. Xiang Yang didn't dare to ask any more questions, and kept a distance these days, never crossing the line of "good friend".

He thought: An An may need time to think about it. After all, An An used to regard me as a good brother, and it is normal for him to be uncomfortable for a while when his brother pursues him suddenly.

Xiang Yang also took the exam today, but as far as his grades are concerned, it doesn't matter whether he takes the exam or not. He also handed in the papers in advance and came early to wait for You Ning.

Recently he asked You Ning to have dinner, sometimes Union would agree, and sometimes he would say that he was not free. This is similar to when they were studying in the past, the only difference is that every meal is just the two of them, much like a date.

This alone made Xiang Yang very happy.

However, Xiang Yang, who was also very excited today, immediately collapsed when he saw Shu Yu's figure appearing.

He stepped forward to stop Shu Yu: "What are you doing here!"

Shu Yu didn't want to talk to him, and said with a somber face, "I'm looking for Xiao An—it's none of your business."

Xiang Yang sneered, and was finally able to speak with confidence: "Heh, why is it none of my business? An An and I grew up together, what are you? Ex-boyfriend? He doesn't want to see you at all! Get out before I do anything!"

Shu Yu's veins twitched violently.

Seeing that the two young men were about to fight, the plainclothes police officer who followed Shu Yu hurriedly came out to persuade them to have something to say.

Xiang Yang only noticed Shu Yu before, and the two police officers did not follow closely behind like the previous bodyguards. When Shu Yu came over, they were talking next to the green area of ​​the school. After all, Shu Yu is not a prisoner, and they will not affect his normal social interaction.

Xiang Yang looked at Shu Yu, then at the two police officers, suddenly understood something, stared at Shu Yu coldly, and said: "Could it be that you heard that Fu Yan wants to formally recognize An An as his son, so that's why you're here. Come and find him?"

Shu Yu opened his mouth and was about to speak when he saw You Ning coming out, and he shouted in the gentle tone that Lu Anlan liked to hear most: "Xiao An..."

Shu Yu thinks that the affection and tenderness in his expression and tone are in place, but he ignores his current state. The anxiety that cannot be concealed between his brows and eyes makes this affection and tenderness look extraordinarily false.

Seeing his appearance, You Ning was overjoyed, held back for a moment, and then politely said: "Senior Shu Yu, what can you do with me?"

"..." Shu Yu had never seen him so alienated, he was a little stunned for a moment, he glanced at Xiang Yang with an angry face, and said to You Ning, "Xiao An, I have something to say to you..."

You Ning pursed his lower lip and glanced at Xiang Yang, who shook his head frantically at him.

"Xiao An..." Shu Yu lowered his posture and called him again.

You Ning pretended to hesitate, and said for a moment: "Okay. Let's go to the milk tea shop opposite the school gate." Seeing that Xiang Yang was eager to speak, he said to Xiang Yang again: "Xiang Yang, come with me, wait for me for a while?"

Xiang Yang didn't object any more, but walked with You Ning on his right hand to prevent Shu Yu from getting close.

Shu Yu held back his chest and walked behind them.

The milk tea shop in front of the school is not big, Xiang Yang is sitting at the table by the door, next to him are the two police officers, and sitting inside are You Ning and Shu Yu.

You Ning ordered a cup of milk tea, just to warm his hands, and did not drink directly.

He looked down at the words "You big pig's hoof" printed on the milk tea cup, and thought the font was quite cute, and Shu Yu babbled about the past with one ear coming in and out of the other.

The milk tea is not so hot, and You Ning's patience is also exhausted, he looked up at Shu Yu, and said: "Is that why Senior Shu Yu is talking to me?"

Shu Yu, who has never really loved anyone, doesn't know what to say and what to do when a real couple wants to get back together. He couldn't calm down at all recently, and didn't try to understand any strategies or anything like that. He just relied on his feelings. Lu Anlan, who loved him so much in the previous life, just need to coax him, and find someone like him who suffered some psychological trauma before, so he didn't respond temporarily. With an excuse, Lu Anlan could return to him.

You Ning looked into his eyes and continued: "Do you think that as long as you coax me, I can come back to you?"

Shu Yu stared at him, unable to speak a word.

You Ning smiled self-deprecatingly, "Before I was dazzled by love, I thought that Senior Shu must also like me very much. These days I calmed down and looked back... I found that some things are fake, they can't be real .”

"Regarding the recent incident on the Internet, I still admire the senior in my heart. After all, not everyone has the courage to do that." With a polite smile, You Ning ruthlessly exposed Shu Yu's purpose, "However, after two weeks of breaking up, you You didn't take the initiative to say anything to me. If you want to say it, you just sent a message. You didn't even make a phone call. Now I must have heard that my godfather held a banquet for me, so I remembered my ex-boyfriend who once admired you Bar."

You Ning's gaze scanned Shu Yu's face inch by inch, feeling extremely disappointed: "Senior, you are no longer the senior I knew."

He sighed again, "Senior, there are still people waiting for me, I'll go first, take care."

You Ning walked for a long time, and the milk tea was completely cold, and Shu Yu got up when the cold wind brought by the store door opened.

He was completely devastated. On the surface, it seemed that he had suffered the blow of a broken relationship, but his empty eyes seemed to be more than just a broken relationship.

However, what exactly he lost, I am afraid he himself does not understand.

On the way back, Shu Yu was hit by a car. The perpetrator was a drunk driver. He claimed that he was too drunk to see clearly.

Shu Yu was seriously injured, and the two police officers who were with him to protect his safety were killed and the other injured.

This matter has completely become a big deal. The case of the five-member group has not been judged for a long time. First, the police officer who investigated was attacked, and now even the ordinary people who reported it have been affected, and it directly led to the death of a police officer.

The people were in a turmoil, and the people handling these cases were extremely busy.

Later, You Ning went to the hospital to visit Shu Yu in a hypocritical manner. Many classmates and teachers at the school went there, and there was not much more than him, but he definitely did not go to send warmth, but mainly to appreciate Shu Yu's current miserable situation.

You Ning and Lu Anlan rejoiced: "It's great that this guy didn't get hit directly to death." Otherwise, it would be too cheap for him.

Lu Anlan was speechless, he was the one lying on the snow-white hospital bed in the previous life, and Shu Yu was the one standing by the bed looking at him, but now that his mood has changed, he can't be said to be happy, but he doesn't feel sorry for Shu Yu either. sad.

After all, this person blamed himself for what those five people did to him, and blamed himself for not completing his life plan.

He can never forgive him.

The author has something to say:

This is not Shu Zha's final ending, so don't worry.