MTL - When The Incubus Enters The World Of Quick Transmigration-Chapter 20 Bamboo Horse Tour 20

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You Ning had a panoramic view of all Shu Yu's expressions, and hid the banter in his eyes, he got off the sofa and said happily: "Wow, it smells so good, senior, you actually did so much!"

Shu Yu suppressed his unnaturalness, returned the phone to You Ning, turned around, walked to the dining table, opened the chair for You Ning and said, "I hope it suits your taste."

You Ning smiled blushingly, and sat down. It doesn't matter whether the food suits your taste or not, just Shu Yu's anxiety that he can't hide with all his might is enough to eat.

After dinner, it was still early, so Shu Yu proposed to go around the resort, saying that there was a bonfire party tonight.

You Ning was not surprised when he agreed, although he said yes, but actually secretly took a look at Shu Yu. At the age of Lu Anlan and Shu Yu, when they were young, they usually didn't have much time to make out. Now that they have finally left the familiar environment of the people they know around them, they have entered a two-person world, which should not be wasted. Tired of a little time together. If you are very energetic, I am afraid that you will have **** all night after dinner.

Shu Yu's proposal to go out is appropriate during the day, but it is obviously weird at night.

Although Shu Yu knows that today's temporary plan has a high probability of not being successful, but in fact, he is not prepared for tonight's date in his heart. Knowing the probability is one thing, but what he expects to see is another .

You Ning's little action was not considered covert, Shu Yu naturally saw it, and he also knew that You Ning was suspicious of him.

The last time he was in Xianhe Mountain, he was frightened by him. If he didn't do anything tonight, he would be even more suspicious.

But what can he do? Medication is useless!

Shu Yu looked at the raging fire burning in the open space, and felt like a fire was burning in his heart.

You Ning was smiling all night, dancing along the bonfire. At the end, he bought a snack, and on the way back, he carried a bag of roasted chestnuts in sugar - he seemed to be having a good time.

After returning, he sat on the sofa and slowly peeled chestnuts to eat, while watching the fermentation of the group of five incident.

After one night, this incident became a big deal. Unlike the last time when they took drugs, they could be regarded as endangering themselves, but this time they not only endangered themselves, but also clearly targeted the drug " Share" with others, nearly causing the death of others. If convicted, the charge would be murder.

What’s more, their process of committing the crime was also filmed. The video on the Internet is divided into two sections. The first section shows two of the five people putting the blue liquid vial in the victim’s hood, and the latter section shows the man driving a vehicle on the highway. A horrifying scene was staged on the screen, and then the police arrived and brought the suspect one and the other four people on the motorcycle into the police car.

"My God! What's wrong with this society? How dare you tell murder a joke?"

"Hehe, [video] [video] This is a version without mosaics at the scene. You can see their expressions, they are not panicked at all, they are calm."

"Calmness may mean that the matter has nothing to do with them."

"Damn it, who invited the sailors! You don't know right from wrong for money, get out!"

"[Link] Friends, come and see this link, someone picked up the identities of these five people, it's incredible!"

"After reading the post, I just want to say: it's amazing, it's amazing if you have a background, and you can get out of it if you make a mistake. [hold fists]"

"No, why are you making a fuss? Is there a policeman? Being released can only mean that you are not guilty."

"Is it funny? Being released can only mean that there is not enough evidence to convict, it does not mean that they are not guilty!"

"Do you know? Last time these five were caught out of a piece of news, and they were wiped out within two days. I don't know if these posts will be visited again in a few days."

After eating the chestnuts, You Ning put away his cell phone. This time the gas station poisoning incident, the five-person team was considered to have made an appearance. However, judging from Lu Anlan's memory and the female corpse in Xianhe Mountain, these five people are definitely repeat offenders, they have never been caught, except for their own vigilance, there must be some people behind them to wipe them butt.

This time, without accident, the five will still be released due to insufficient evidence. But people are no longer deceived by their polite appearance, they will be spurned and abused. Of course, this cannot cause any substantial harm to these five people, it is just to arouse the anger of the people.

You Ning planned to post the video of them kidnapping the girl and dumping the body in Xianhe Mountain on the Internet as soon as the five people came out of the Police Department again, completely detonating the anger of the public.

Let them be given the title of "unworthy of being human" by the people all over the Internet, and let those who think they are high and can cover the sky of the people with a wave of their hands be shot down by the people.

But now, what Yuning has to do is to seduce Shu Yu for the second time.

The house has only one floor and has two bedrooms, each with a bathroom. After Shu Yu came back, he went to wash in the bathroom of his room, and You Ning could still hear the sound of water flowing inside.

You Ning threw the empty leather bag containing chestnuts into the trash can, clapped his hands, went back to the room and went into the bathroom. He adjusted the water temperature, got himself wet, then put on his bathrobe and came out again.

Creatures like succubi really don't get wet. After coming out, Yuning is more than twice as attractive as he was in the tent last time. He just stood there, with wet hair and wet eyes, stepping barefoot on the floor , pink toes shrunk helplessly, enough to make one's blood boil, not to mention the half of his chest that was exposed intentionally or unintentionally.

The black cat was waiting on the cabinet by the bathroom door. After the bathroom door was opened, only Unioning glanced at it, and the tragedy of the cat's nosebleed almost happened.

Then the black cat's face was completely black, but unfortunately, because the cat's fur is pure black, it can't be seen.

—He actually wanted to meet that human being in such a state!

Su Fu, who was dressed in cat skin, only felt his temples throbbing. Afterwards, he lightly jumped to the ground and quickly disappeared.

You Ning didn't notice his cat, he stepped on the floor with bare feet, came to Shu Yu's room, and then lay down on the soft big bed in the room.

After a while, Shu Yu didn't hear Lu Anlan's knock on the door, and he knew that he couldn't hide for too long, but he still couldn't think of any excuses or solutions when he was in the bathroom, so he could only come out of the bathroom in annoyance.

The light in the room is very soft, and the white bed is bulging. If this is in the eyes of a normal lover, these will look very ambiguous, but Shu Yu only feels a headache and discomfort in his stomach.

It wasn't that he felt Lu Anlan was disgusted, but a physiological reaction that he couldn't vent.

You Ning pulled down the quilt, revealing a damp head, his face was very red, but his eyes were also very bright.

"Student, senior, let's rest." It was just a sentence, he was nervous, expectant and shy, and then he covered his head with the quilt and hid it again, as if he was no longer embarrassed to look at Shu Yu's reaction and eyes.

Shu Yu stood by the bed for a while, thinking about what to do, he opened the drawer of the bedside table, there were general hotel essential products in it.

- You can use your hands.

Thinking of this, Shu Yu finally relaxed a little.

You Ning hid under the quilt, and when Shu Yu came up, he rolled into his arms, moved around, and one of his legs lay across Shu Yu's legs again.

Shu Yu resisted not kicking his legs away, looked down at his beautiful eyes, and pretended to kiss him. Unioning lowered his head to avoid it again, and put his face on his chest, listening to his heartbeat.

Then he did the same thing as last time, bending his legs and rubbing against each other.

Shu Yu quickly grabbed his leg, You Ning didn't struggle, but sat up suddenly, the red on his face faded, and even turned pale.

His voice sounded a little trembling, with sadness: "Senior, you lied to me."

Shu Yu followed him to sit up, and You Ning's series of actions completely took the initiative, and he couldn't implement what he wanted to kiss first.

Shu Yu felt his head hurt even more, "Xiao An, listen to me..."

The circles of You Ning's eyes turned red quickly, he got off the bed with a "bass", bit his lips and said, "You don't like me at all, you lied to me before..."

"You were with me, you didn't have a faster heartbeat, and you didn't treat didn't feel anything about me at all!" You Ning's eyes quickly filled with mist, he looked at Shu Yu's speechless appearance, turned his eyes away, and closed his eyes Eyes said, "Senior, let's break up."

After Yuning finished speaking, he turned around and left the room quickly. Shu Yu hurriedly got out of bed to chase him, and shouted: "Xiao An, Xiao An, don't go, I didn't lie to you...can you stop and listen to me?"

You Ning went back to the room, picked up his clothes and mobile phone, and walked directly to the door without changing them, afraid of being caught up by Shu Yu, he still had to run. From the perspective of the back, he was afraid that he would stay again Will regret the way we broke up.

After coming out, You Ning saw the car that had just stopped outside at a glance. The driver's seat was about to open. Seeing You Ning coming out, the man closed the driver's door and opened the passenger seat.

You Ning raised his eyebrows, wiped away the tears that didn't exist, and ran into the car.

At this time Shu Yu chased him out, he was still calling Xiao An, and he acted as if you should stay and listen to my explanation, but when the passenger door of that car opened and he saw who was driving that car, No matter how many words he suddenly couldn't say, he could only watch You Ning being taken away by that person.

When You Ning got in the car, Su Fu's first words were: "Put on your clothes."

You Ning raised his eyebrows even higher, and he pulled the skirt of the bathrobe a little, "Professor, why are you here?"

Su Fu looked ahead and didn't speak.

You Ning raised his legs, pointed his finger at his lips, and asked again: "Professor, why did you come here by such a coincidence? This makes me a little suspicious, did you set up something around me, are you spying on me?"

Seeing that Su Fu was still staring straight ahead and didn't say anything to refute, You Ning made an exaggerated surprised expression, "I didn't expect an archangel to do such a thing" on his face.

You Ning moved closer, moved his nose, and smelled the smell of Su Fu, "Oh, why does it have a sour smell?"

Then he suddenly realized and added disbelief, teasingly said: "Professor, are you jealous? Seeing that I was going to seduce Shu Yu, you hurried over here?"

I thought that this time the archangel would stare ahead without saying a word and turn a deaf ear, but Su Fu turned his head and looked at You Ning's smiling eyes and said, "Yes, I'm jealous."

"Even if I know, it's just that human body, not yours."

He looked at him with seriousness and affection that Unioning was most uncomfortable with.

The author has something to say:

Ning: I can't afford to be provoked.

Read The Duke's Passion