MTL - When The Incubus Enters The World Of Quick Transmigration-Chapter 2 Bamboo Horse Tour 02

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After You Ning went out from the bathroom, Shu Yu was still waiting for him outside.

Standing under an old locust tree, Shu Yu looked down at the phone. When he realized that he was coming out, he put the phone away and smiled at him.

The afterglow of the setting sun fell on his shoulders through the leaves of the locust tree, and his whole body was wrapped in a film of light called gentleness. But who knows what he looked like after tearing off that layer of film?

You Ning looked at Shu Yu's gaze, which was obsessed and slightly shy, it was the usual gaze of young people when they were passionately in love. He played it almost perfectly.

His date with Shu Yu is very simple, just have a dinner, because Shu Yu has to work at night, he doesn't have much free time to accompany You Ning.

Today Friday, You Ning didn't pester him and went home after eating. Although Lu Anlan in the previous life liked Shu Yu, he was a well-behaved lover. He was not clingy and never disturbed Shu Yu's private space. Therefore, Shu Yu had no doubts, and only told Yuning to be careful on the road.

The Lu family is a wealthy family. After returning home, You Ning went upstairs to the bathroom. Although it was cool in autumn, due to human physical problems, he still sweated after playing.

There is a mirror in the bathroom. When You Ning first came, that is, when Lu Anlan was reborn through trading, they met in this mirror.

Lu Anlan's revenge list has six people, six men. Among them, the one with the most hatred is Shu Yu. He is Lu Anlan's favorite senior, Lu Anlan's legal husband, and the culprit who pushed him into the dark abyss.

Let me talk about the cause of Lu Anlan's death first. He committed suicide due to depression. He died at the age of twenty-four, which is a splendid age in life. All the turning points happened in this cold winter when he was nineteen years old.

It was a rare good weather in winter, and the warm sunshine made Lu Anlan's good mood even better. He was going on a date today, with his senior. It was the senior who took the initiative to ask him out, and this alone made Lu Anlan feel like a deer in his heart, jumping around non-stop. Not to mention, the senior said that the night view there is beautiful, which hinted that we might spend the night together.

Half excited and half shy, Lu Anlan took a bath at home, chose a suit of clothes that best suited his figure but would not look too much, and then drove a relatively low-key car to go out—the senior’s family background is average, he drove The psychology of showing off wealth in luxury cars is too strong, and it is easy to leave a bad impression.

Shu Yu booked a hot spring resort. The resort is still very famous in S City. Besides the hot springs, there is also a large plum grove. It is a perfect place to enjoy snow and plum blossoms in winter. It is a good sanctuary for couples.

Shu Yu asked Lu Anlan for dinner, although Lu Anlan wanted to go right away early in the morning, but in order not to appear too impatient, he spent the whole morning picking out gifts for Shu Yu in the city, and only started to leave in the afternoon. However, it was a holiday, so even in the afternoon there was still a lot of traffic. After being stuck in a traffic jam for a while, after getting off the expressway, Lu Anlan realized that it was caused by a car accident ahead.

The bloodstains on the ground passing by the scene, coupled with the traffic jam for so long, made Lu Anlan's original good mood inevitably drop by two points. It gets dark early in winter, and the warm sunshine is replaced by the cold night. Seeing that the time for the appointment is approaching, Lu Anlan hasn't arrived at the resort that she agreed with Shu Yu.

He's getting a little irritable.

But when he saw a broken-down car parked on the side of the road towards the resort, and the owner beckoned to him for help, Lu Anlan still slowed down the car, stopped slowly, and asked them what was wrong. The main reason is that I don't know what's going on. On the way to the resort, there are no other cars passing by at the moment. Lu Anlan may be the one the owner of the car has been waiting for for some time.

Not long after it got dark, some car horns could be heard in the distance. It was a black off-road vehicle with a license plate that was many times higher than the one driven by Lu Anlan. In addition, the owner's words of gratitude and kind words The face made Lu Anlan lower his guard a bit - if someone with evil intentions wanted to do something, he would not choose such a blatant way.

But unfortunately, they are so arrogant.

When Lu Anlan got out of the car, as soon as he approached the eye-catching off-road vehicle, the rear door suddenly opened, and there were four men sitting inside. Lu Anlan felt bad, and was about to run to her car, but it was too late, and the arm of the man inside had already grabbed him. And the car owner outside covered his mouth in time to call for help, and it took only a few seconds for him to be brought into the car.

Their series of actions are shockingly skilled.

The off-road vehicle passed by Lu Anlan's car, deviated from the main road to the resort, and chose a remote cement road. The cement road was not rolled, and the road was seen to be a dilapidated old road with potholes, but the performance of the car was too good , walking was not hindered. The car stopped at a small fishing hut, and in that abandoned fishing hut, Lu Anlan suffered inhuman treatment.

All Lu Anlan's cursing, begging, and crying during this period, as if all the sounds he made, fell in their ears and became a catalyst for their excitement.

Later, gradually, Lu Anlan couldn't make a sound anymore. He felt that he was dying, and the pain all over his body made his consciousness blur. Hanging on the fishing net, it must be beautiful. But in the end they still didn't do that, because the tools in the fishing house were too crude and not enough for them to operate.

In the end, Lu Anlan, who was already dead in the eyes of the five people, was thrown into the half-dried stream outside the fishing house, leaving only some silt. And those five people laughed and drove away in that expensive off-road vehicle like they were full of wine and food.

Lu Anlan no longer remembers how he struggled to climb to the shore, and how he was found by the passing villagers and sent to the hospital. He only knew that he couldn't die, and he didn't want to die. He had parents who had high hopes for him, and Waiting for his seniors in the resort, even if he died, he still wanted to say sorry and goodbye to them personally.

In the end, Lu Anlan was lucky enough to be rescued and returned. Even though the tragedy happened, the love of his parents and the perseverance of his seniors gave Lu Anlan the courage to continue to live. He actively cooperated with treatment and rehabilitation.

Although occasionally the nurses cast their gazes stabbingly, although the caring words of classmates are full of sharp sympathy, although he can't stop trembling and fear in the dead of night, but he can bear it one by one for the people he loves, and live. , Give yourself and your family a hope.

People with a bright heart will never be in the dark all the time.

Because of that incident, Lu Anlan took a break from studying to recuperate from his injuries. Shu Yu would come to the hospital or go to Lu Anlan's house to accompany him whenever he was free. An Lan, that will never happen again.

At first Lu Anlan's parents would take their anger out on him, but seeing him accompany his scarred son time and time again, and let him get out of the shadow, they also knew that it was not entirely Shu Yu's responsibility.

Later, after Shu Yu graduated, he proposed to Lu Anlan, but Lu's parents didn't object much. They knew that their son liked this boy, and this boy did treat their son well during this time.

They held a wedding soon, a low-key but very warm and touching wedding.

Everything seemed to be moving in a good direction, and Lu Anlan felt that she loved the right person more than once, and thanked Shu Yu from the bottom of her heart more than once.

Lu Anlan's body has basically recovered. He is very happy that he can marry the senior. On the wedding night, he is also nervous and apprehensive, but the senior is such a gentle person, he should trust him.

But later, Shu Yu didn't touch him, he told Lu Anlan, take your time, don't worry, he will accompany him.

Lu Anlan was anxious to explain that he was healed and had forgotten the past, but he swallowed the words again. In fact, he wasn't sure if he had come out, and he wasn't sure if he would think about those nightmares again when he was intimate with people.

After a few months like this, Shu Yu still cared for Lu Anlan and loved them very much. Anyone who saw them would think they were very happy, and lamented that Lu Anlan had found a good man.

But Shu Yu still hadn't touched Lu Anlan. Mostly just kisses.

This made Lu Anlan very uneasy. Although he kept persuading himself that it was because Shu Yu cared about him, he still couldn't help but think "he thinks I'm dirty" and "I'm not good enough for him".

He doesn't doubt Shu Yu's feelings for him. The pain in the past has caused him great harm, but he has overcome it because of his desire to survive and the love of the people around him.

Once the emotions fell into negativity, those memories came like bloodthirsty insects, wanting to **** all his blood.

Lu Anlan suffered from depression, and the symptoms were already serious when he was discovered - this is actually not too surprising, after all, he has experienced such a thing before. But it still made his parents feel unbearable heartache. They reprimanded Shu Yu, saying that Shu Yu was too incompetent as a husband.

Shu Yu was sadder than them, he hugged Lu Anlan tightly on the hospital bed, as if the world was leaving him in pain. When Lu Anlan was found, she was self-harming in the bathroom.

After the treatment, Lu Anlan calmed down a lot. He knew he couldn't go on like this, so he asked Shu Yu why he refused to touch him.

Shu Yu was also on the verge of collapse, but he held back. He said that he loved him so much that he didn't know how to love him. He was afraid that he would get hurt again, so he was always careful, but he didn't expect to let him...

He apologized to him, hugged him and cried, Lu Anlan believed him.

The criminal who caused great harm to Lu Anlan, he remembered the appearance of one of them at first, and cooperated with the police to describe it in detail, but the police never caught anyone. Later, the Lu family's parents went to inquire, but they had no new news.

The Lu family has a property, but because of Lu Anlan's affairs, the two elders were physically and mentally exhausted, and Lu Anlan's situation was not suitable for managing the company, so they were handed over to Shu Yu to take care of them. At the beginning, Father Lu was a little worried, but gradually, they saw Shu Yu's management ability and love for Xiao An, and they stopped being too defensive.

Once, Lu Anlan was in good condition, and Shu Yu was going to attend a business reception, so she asked him if he wanted to go for a walk together, and Lu Anlan agreed.

But he never expected that he would meet one of those five men at the reception. He didn't know the specific name of the other party, but he heard the people at the reception and even his husband calling him Mr. Shen respectfully.

The enemy was right in front of him, but Lu Anlan couldn't do anything except tremble, he even found it difficult to ask for help.

After returning home that day, Lu Anlan had nightmares again and again, and her high fever persisted. During this period, he heard the weary cries and sighs of his parents and husband.

He thought that he would become a burden after all. He has long since been unable to return to the sunny and cheerful Lu Anlan back then, and it is better to relax than everyone suffering for him.

After waking up, Lu Anlan committed suicide.

After his death, Lu Anlan did not disappear immediately, he still had seven days to stay. After his death, he was no longer troubled by depression. Looking at his parents who were sobbing in front of his corpse, Lu Anlan regretted why he was so cowardly.

At the funeral, his best friends, lover, and family members were extremely sad, and they saw him off silently in the cold wind and rain. After the other funeral attendees left, they wept uncontrollably.

Lu Anlan couldn't comfort them, he could only kneel beside them and cry with them.

But, it's useless to regret, he's dead, and he can't do anything.

He wants to say goodbye to those who love him, even if they will never hear his voice again.

He stayed with his parents for two days, and then went to find his husband, Shu Yu.

After Shu Yu finished his funeral affairs, he returned to the company exhausted physically and mentally. He hadn't been home for two days, and he always rested in the office. Lu Anlan was very worried about him.

Everyone understood Shu Yu very well, thinking that he was afraid of going back to the home where Lu Anlan was gone. Even Lu Anlan himself thinks so.

But reality gave him a slap in the face.

Shu Yu, who was alone in the office, didn't have any sad emotions, except for his haggard face and a little sloppy image, his entire face was filled with an extremely relaxed expression.

There was still a photo of Lu Anlan on his desk, and he smiled at that photo, it was the smile of a winner, and he was obviously in a good mood. This kind of happiness is not the self-paralysis and distortion of losing a loved one, but a feeling of relaxation and comfort from the heart.

At that moment, Lu Anlan was stunned for a long time but did not come back to his senses - he still hoped that everything in front of him was just an illusion. Until the door of the office was knocked, he watched Shu Yu skillfully put on an affectionate appearance that he could only paralyze himself with work because of his grief.

Lu Anlan could no longer deceive herself and others.

He doesn't love him.

Probably because she was too unwilling, for the rest of the time, Lu Anlan followed Shu Yu closely, the more she followed, the colder Lu Anlan felt.

Not only did this man not love him, he had cheated him for many years, his encounters and even his death were all pushed forward by him.

But why? Lu Anlan couldn't figure it out no matter what, even if she didn't love him, even if she wanted to take over the magpie's nest and get his parents' company, Shu Yu didn't have to treat him like that. Lu Anlan didn't understand until one night when Shu Yu had a nightmare, woke up in the middle of the night, and muttered to the empty room.

Shu Yu was reborn, and she hated him so much in her previous life.

And now, Lu Anlan also hates him very much. He not only ruined his life, took over his parents' company, but also swaggered through the market with a hypocritical mask of loving him, defrauding everyone around Lu Anlan, it was disgusting.

He regretted so much, regretted that he didn't see this man clearly at the beginning, regretted that he died later, if there is such a thing as regret, Lu Anlan's point is already full.

But what is even more desperate is that he has no time, he is dead, he is about to disappear, and he has no chance to come back.

"Yes darling."

Very abruptly, Lu Anlan heard such a voice, like a ray of dawn in the despairing darkness.

"Honey, do you know about the devil's deal?"

I don't know how long it took, maybe it was a moment, maybe a century, when Lu Anlan opened his eyes again, he returned to the age of nineteen, the self in the bathroom mirror, without any ugly scars on his body.

Nothing has happened yet.

The author has something to say:

Don't get me wrong, it wasn't Xiao Ningning who called "Dear".

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