MTL - When The Incubus Enters The World Of Quick Transmigration-Chapter 11 Bamboo Horse Tour 11

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The area of ​​dense forest at the foot of Xianhe Mountain is not small. Because of the waterfalls on the mountain, many streams are formed at the foot of the mountain. These streams are so clear that many tourists will stop. Therefore, these mountain streams are paved with many stone roads, which make the original mountain road much easier to walk.

Except for the regular clearing of the grass around the stone road, the dense forest still maintains the original appearance of the mountain forest. There are advantages and disadvantages to this of course - tourists will feel natural, and some people will feel that this is a good place to dump the body.

In the early morning of autumn, the forest at the foot of the mountain was covered by the sun, and it was cold. If Senior Sister came alone, she might still feel scared. At this moment, with so many people, she was a little afraid to go into the deep forest alone.

But her bag fell against the edge of the cliff, and if it fell, it must be in the depths.

The grass is wet and slippery, and the signal down here is a bit poor, so it's not reassuring for the senior to find it alone. If you have a good relationship with her, go in with her to find it, while the others will wait here.

Yuning did not follow, because that direction was not his goal. He put the cat on the ground, gave it a look, and it cried out "meow meow meow". That kind of cat meow is not cute, but a threatening cry of cats fighting. When they are hurt and hurt It will be called that too.

It suddenly called out inexplicably, and the environment here was too quiet, it sounded a bit creepy.

One of the seniors joked: "With the cat meowing in this environment, does it look like we are filming a horror movie?"

A senior sister rubbed her arms and didn't like his joke at all, "Stop talking. Little deer, what's wrong with it? Did it spoil its stomach?"

"I don't know..." You Ning squatted down to look at the cat, but the cat suddenly ran into the woods with fur.

Of course, You Ning wanted to catch up impatiently at this time, and ran away after saying something to find the cat. As soon as he ran, Shu Yu, who was a boyfriend, naturally had to follow.

Needless to say, Xiang Yang also followed.

Shu Yu, who was chasing You Ning, really felt that this cat was very annoying. Lu Anlan didn't raise such a cat in her last life, why would she do so in this life? Moreover, the black cat has always had all kinds of mysterious rumors, which makes a person who has experienced rebirth feel frightened—rebirth happens all the time, and those rumors may not be true.

There are too many unknowns and inconceivables in this world.

There are fallen leaves, moss and dew in the woods, it is really slippery, when Shu Yu chased it, he almost fell into a pit of fallen leaves that was slowly rotting, and there was still water in the pit.

He cursed Union's cat again in his mind, and hoped that the cat would never appear again.

But unfortunately, when he caught up with Union, the damned black cat was still at Union's feet, and Union was pacifying its fur.

The cat was still barking.

Shu Yu really wanted to kick it to death.

He endured it, lowered his voice and asked, "Xiao An, what's wrong with it?"

When You Ning saw him, he naturally showed a scared expression, and pointed to the direction the cat was facing: "Over there, there seems to be something..."


Shu Yu frowned, but soon realized that there were no large animals in the tourist area, so he took a few steps towards the direction pointed by You Ning.

Therefore, he was unprepared when he saw the female corpse.

He hurriedly took a few steps back, covered his mouth, and couldn't hide the horror on his face.

"Learn, senior?" You Ning followed, tremblingly, "Then, what is that..."

It was a girl who had been tortured to the point of disfigurement. Under the rotting mottled scars, it was a young life. She was randomly thrown in the forest like this, and she could only wait for the fallen leaves to pile up all over her body, covering everything.

You Ning didn't have any fluctuations in human corpses, but when Lu Anlan looked at her, he thought of himself. If he was not lucky and people passing by were willing to call him, he might be like this girl who didn't know what to do after death. How long it would take for the body to be found and then returned to the family.

You Ning originally wanted to pretend to be weak, pretending to let Shu Yu comfort him, but who knew that Shu Yu's reaction was much bigger than his, and his complexion was scary.

This relieved Xiang Yang who came with him, but he was actually a little afraid that he would see Shu Yu and You Ning hugging each other intimately when he came.

Later, Xiang Yang also saw it. He had never seen a dead person before, and his face was also very bad. He turned his head and said to You Ning, "An'an, don't be afraid, I'll call the police right away."

At the Beicheng Public Security Bureau of City A, Xiao Chen Bai was lying on the table bored. He had something on his mind, so he was in this state these days.

A week ago, Xiao Chen received a call for help. The content of the call for help was that he was suspected of meeting a kidnapper and asked the police to rescue him. The person who called told him everything he had seen and learned.

Of course Xiao Chen attached great importance to it, and immediately reported the situation to the captain, and was on standby at any time, ready to go.

Xiao Chen relayed the words of the citizen who called the police to the captain verbatim, but he waited for more than ten minutes, and he had not yet received the task of launching the rescue operation immediately.

He was very anxious. If it was true what the citizen said, the girl must be very dangerous now, and rescue operations are urgent. He went to ask the captain, but the captain told him that the call just now was an empty number.

This is another idle egg pain in the entertainment of the police.

How is this possible? Xiao Chen didn't believe it, so he called back, but it turned out to be an empty number.

The captain ignored him at all, and walked away cursing, as if he had no intention of taking care of the phone call.

But Xiao Chen felt uneasy, and went to check the traffic system, and sure enough, he saw the vehicle that the citizen mentioned. The off-road vehicle is a very expensive brand, and he cannot afford it with his lifetime salary. Something strange crossed his mind, and he decided to check it out himself.

Doing their job is not because they are afraid of wasting time, but because they are afraid of running out of time.

He made an excuse casually, saying that someone called and something was stolen, and then left the police station. He quickly drove onto the road that the SUV had passed, but he ended up with nothing.

He wanted to continue watching, but was called back by the captain, saying that someone from Beicheng had gathered a crowd to make trouble and asked him to go back and help.

The brawlers were a group of junior high school students. When they saw the police coming, a few snot bubbles almost flowed out, and there were not many people at all.

The strange feeling in Xiao Chen's heart became heavier.

Today, he received another call from a college student who said that they encountered a female corpse when they were traveling in Xianhe Mountain.

He almost immediately thought of the call from a week ago. Xianhe Mountain is in that area.

You Ning and his party were in a bad mood now, a few girls didn't dare to look at it, and two of the boys only glanced at it hastily.

You Ning's coat covered the body of the corpse, and Xiang Yang helped to cover the coat.

In fact, the cat called the police again after discovering that the girl was dead, but no one answered the call, which was very strange. The same thing happened to Lu Anlan in her previous life. It has been several years without any progress. This obviously has a lot to do with the backgrounds of those five people.

Some people can cover up all the scandals with their power and interests. If you want them to get the punishment they deserve, the only way is to fully expose the scandal and make them unable to cover it up.

You Ning looked at the few policemen coming towards him, with devil eyes, who could see through the ugly soul, only the youngest one was more pleasing to the eye, he heard his colleagues call him Xiao Chen.

You Ning asked the cat to find the police officer Chen's mailbox number, and was going to hand over all the evidence that had been photographed to him. Of course not now, but...

Looking at Shu Yu's back, You Ning secretly raised an evil smile exclusive to demons.

Today this incident finally made the local news. The deceased was a sophomore. She was 19 this year. She said she was going home last weekend, but there was no news for a week. Her family and the school were very anxious and reported the case. Who knows Finally got this news.

When her family members heard the news, they rushed to the police station and wept heartbroken. Those who watched You Ning and his party assisting the investigation at the police station also had red eyes.

They didn't know the deceased and didn't know why she was killed, but judging from her injuries alone, in the words of a senior sister, "Even if there is a deep hatred, this way of revenge is too beastly."

When You Ning heard this, he looked at the well-dressed Shu Yu, yes, it was indeed a beast. This beast took revenge on Lu Anlan in its previous life in this way.

After leaving the police station, everyone was no longer in the mood to have fun together, and they all went home.

After returning home, Yuning went to take a shower first, and they didn't have that condition in the tent they slept in last night.

After You Ning came out, Lu Anlan asked him: "What are you going to do with the evidence? Don't you hand it over to the police?"

"Pay it, of course you have to," You Ning rubbed his hair, deliberately whetting his appetite, "but it's not us."

"what do you mean?"

You Ning said with a smile: "Let Shu Yu make friends."

"Shu Yu, how could he..." Lu Anlan suddenly stopped.

You Ning raised his eyebrows: "The perfect senior Shu Yu, who happens to see something evil, how can he turn a blind eye? He will definitely fight for the innocent dead, even if the background of those criminals can cover the sky with his hands, he will never Back down, even if he will encounter their revenge and threats, he will definitely contribute his positive energy to this society, so that everyone can remember him."

"Doesn't he like to **** people? I want him to cry and beg people to believe that he is not a good person."

The author has something to say:

Just want to say two words, that is -

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