MTL - When the Green Tea Female Partner is Forced To Attack the Female Lead-Chapter 41

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Zhao Qingdai did not expect that with such a cup of pure green tea, she finally changed the plot by violent behavior, and left a psychological shadow on the villain.

She raised her chin and looked very proud: "As expected of me, I was anti-social in Xiaotianwen by myself, and also successfully broke the woman of the heroine."

She felt happy all of a sudden, and was about to take Du Jingmo to dinner, when a man approached her, which made her complexion change slightly.

Why is Gu Cheng here? Wouldn't it take a while for the hero and heroine to meet?

What's more, this restaurant is Lu Anshi's usual place to eat. In the early stage, he basically avoided Gu Cheng's secret poking to do things, and the two's movements did not intersect at all.

As soon as she saw Gu Cheng, she felt irritable, and her first reaction was to block Du Jingmo and want to take her away.

However, her wish was not fulfilled. Gu Cheng seemed to be guided by fate. He looked at Du Jingmo with precision, and then quickly fell in love, almost writing the four characters of love at first sight on his face. .

Zhao Qingdai scolded in her heart: "No, what's going on with this male protagonist, doesn't he have his own mind, his own soul? Can't he resist the plot like me? Now even the villain remembers the plot for a week, just He is still being manipulated and has no dignity at all!"

The system silently retorted: "Have you ever thought that maybe falling in love with the heroine is not only a plot setting, but also a sincere one?"

Zhao Qingdai was dissatisfied: "That's also because of the look!"

It's not like her, she and her sister have been together for a long time, after careful consideration and all kinds of twists and turns, they came together.

That's what they call love!

The only thing fortunate is that Du Jingmo didn't notice Gu Cheng at all. In her opinion, the male protagonist in the plot is no different from the passers-by.

Her attention was all on Zhao Qingdai, and she asked, "I haven't eaten yet, what do you want to eat?"

"As long as you're not in this restaurant, you can eat anything." Zhao Qingdai breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, grabbed her sister and left before Gu Cheng was about to come up to chat with her.

Du Jingmo noticed something was wrong with her: "Why do you feel like you are hiding from someone?"

Zhao Qingdai: "Just an unimportant person."

She shrugged indifferently, and chose a suitable restaurant with Du Jingmo. After taking a seat, she asked, "The things we two are together are all floating on the forum, do you know that eldest brother?"

"Understood, he sent a message to ask me in the morning." Du Jingmo settled the matter quietly, "Don't worry, he will respect me and support me."

Zhao Qingdai was completely uneasy. Du Zhong also had the same attitude last time. As a result, he suddenly had a car accident, scaring him to death.

She secretly made a decision: "As long as I'm with my sister, the eldest brother will definitely come to talk to me. I will take the initiative to find him."

She thought that the sooner the better, it was still early, and it would be best to go to see Du Zhong today. As a result, Du Jingmo told her eldest brother was full of work in the afternoon, and she would have the opportunity to meet tomorrow at the earliest.

She could only settle for the next best thing and think about it tomorrow.

As a result, she woke up the next day, and the time went directly to a week later.

That is where the plot begins, the day Du Jingmo and Gu Cheng had a car accident.

Zhao Qingdai didn't expect the time to come, she scratched her hair, became extremely irritable, and asked the system: "What's going on? Why is the meeting between the hero and heroine earlier, and the progress bar is dialed forward again?"

"Because your progress is too fast, the world line will be reset for nothing if you don't do anything." The system said with joy, "This is because the gender of the two of you is not allowed, otherwise it will be developed at your speed. , I don't know when the child will be born."

Thinking about that scene is really exciting.

Zhao Qingdai: "…"

She found that since the system accepted her and Du Jingmo's relationship, she became more and more free of herself.

She used to get up earlier than Du Jingmo, but today it was the other way around. When she realized that the time line was wrong, Du Jingmo had already dressed up and was about to go out.

Zhao Qingdai stepped on her slippers and hurried out: "Sister, where are you going?"

Du Jingmo was changing his shoes at the entrance: "Didn't I tell you when I went to the art exhibition?"

Zhao Qingdai: "When did you say it? I don't remember it anymore."

"No, it was the day before yesterday..." Du Jingmo was halfway through and couldn't continue.

The memory in her mind told her that she told Zhao Qingdai that she was going to an art exhibition the night before, but when she recalled it at the moment, she only felt that it was not real enough, and the impression in her mind was vague and illusory.

Every time Zhao Qingdai seizes an opportunity, she has to play her role as a plot bug: "I really don't remember. If my sister told me, why wouldn't I go with you?"

"It's clear that I wish I could stick with my sister all the time, and not be separated for a moment."

"Sister think about it again, did you really tell me?"

Du Jingmo's doubts came true when she asked her whereabouts. She shook her head: "I must have remembered it wrong. I didn't tell you. The exhibition is about to start. Do you want to come with me?"

Zhao Qingdai raised her eyebrows and smiled: "Of course, sister, wait for me for a while, I'll be fine right away!"

When she was happy with Du Jingmo, she was also happy: "Don't you stay together every day? Are you so happy to go to an art exhibition with me?"

Zhao Qingdai: "That's different."

Although Du Jingmo is still affected by the plot and instilled with memories that he did not have before, her sister's trust in her has surpassed the interference of the world line.

If it goes on like this, my sister will definitely get out of the plot control under her influence.

The system came out in time and poured a bucket of cold water: "Have you ever thought that the world line is open and hanging, and it will not give you time to adjust slowly."

One sentence made Zhao Qingdai unable to laugh.

"Then I will also destroy the original plot line." She gritted her teeth bitterly, "With me here, Gu Cheng won't even have the slightest chance!"

As the beginning of the plot, Gu Cheng's driver is extremely important. An old driver who hadn't made a mistake for many years, like he had epilepsy today, suddenly bumped into Du Jingmo.

Zhao Qingdai knew that some things could not be avoided, and imagined that the last time she was in front of her sister, the people around her moved one step faster than her.

She only heard an exclaimed "Be careful!" The next moment she was held in her arms.

The smell that came from her nose was all Du Jingmo's breath, Zhao Qingdai was stunned, and rolled forward with her sister under the impact of the car accident.

"How are you, sister?" She was panic-stricken, her pupils shrank after seeing the blood on Du Jingmo's arm.

"It's okay, it's just a minor injury." Du Jingmo was relieved to see that she was okay, "I don't hurt, you can't cry."

In the first week, the system said that Du Jingmo has the halo of a heroine, and this car accident will only be a minor injury to her. The amount of blood she was bleeding at this time was not as much as Zhao Qingdai's vomiting.

But Zhao Qingdai cried even more fiercely.

When Gu Cheng came to apologize, she raised her head and glared at him fiercely, and said fiercely, "Go away!"

What kind of hero is this? It's clearly a broom star! Every time I run into him, it's not a good thing!

Still as arranged in the plot, Gu Cheng was busy signing the contract and arranging an assistant to send Du Jingmo to the hospital, and once again missed the opportunity to express his love at first sight.

The difference is that last time Du Jingmo at least had some impression of him, although it was negative. This time, she didn't remember who the person who hit her was at all. When she was giving her medicine, she taught Zhao Qingdai, "I ask you, the car hit me just now, did you want to stand in front of me?"

Zhao Qingdai nodded obediently.

Du Jingmo frowned: "Don't do such a dangerous thing next time."

Zhao Qingdai gently touched the bandage on her arm: "Isn't my sister blocking me?"

Du Jingmo was speechless for a moment: "That's different."

But she couldn't tell what was different.

She only knew that the moment Zhao Qingdai stood in front of her, she felt a huge panic, and her heart stopped suddenly. The thought of not letting the little sister have an accident ran through her entire mind, making her unable to think about anything else.

"This is probably love." She sighed in her heart.

Before that, she never thought that one day she would like a girl so much that protecting her has become her subconscious, and she can't care about anything else.

Du Jingmo didn't understand, but Zhao Qingdai probably knew.

It was the two car accidents that happened in the first week, which made my sister too impressed, so she reacted so violently.

Before going out, the system's ridicule suddenly appeared in my mind: if it wasn't for the sex, they might have children.

"Why does the plot have to push my sister and Gu Cheng together? Is it because I'm a woman?"

She cursed inwardly: "Dog plot!"

The dog plot began to counterattack, Zhao Qingdai woke up again, and time passed again, Du Jingmo has added Gu Cheng's WeChat.

When she saw the familiar head portrait, Zhao Qingdai was horrified: "Sis, when did you add this dog man?!"

Du Jingmo explained: "The two have business cooperation. We met at dinner last time, so I added a WeChat by the way. What's wrong?"

Zhao Qingdai scolded the streets in her heart, her face still weak and pitiful, she acted like a spoiled child to see the chat records of Du Jingmo and Gu Cheng.

Du Jingmo handed over the phone without the slightest hesitation, and even sat with her to watch it.

The two have been friends on WeChat for half a month, and the combined conversation did not exceed three pages. It was all Gu Cheng who took the initiative to provoke the topic, and Du Jingmo ended it with one sentence next time.

The male protagonist in the original text is now humble like a licking dog.

Zhao Qingdai felt a little more comfortable now. She was about to return the phone when a message from Dad Du popped up.

"You accompany your brother to the charity dinner the day after tomorrow. Your brother said he wanted to see you."

The same scene, different reasons, this time Dad Du didn't match Gu Cheng again.

Du Jingmo replied that he knew, and bumped his head with Zhao Qingdai: "Don't you want to see brother? The day after tomorrow is a ready opportunity, will you go?"

Zhao Qingdai said loudly, "Go!"

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during the period of 2021-08-26 23:52:20~2021-08-2723:30:11~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 1 Akino;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 50 bottles of Sorrow; 20 bottles of Moonlight Rabbit Fasu; 9 bottles of Xianyang; 7 bottles of Konghan; Wu Xinxue promised 6 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

Read The Duke's Passion