MTL - When the Empress Dresses Up As a Female Trainee-Chapter 64 Zhouzhou, I can't run away in this life...

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/ Mo Baqian

Qi Mo raised his eyelids, his eyes swept over Lan Muzhou, and then he looked back lightly.

Calmly pouring hot water into the cup.

She held the cup, lowered her eyes, and took a shallow sip.

Lan Muzhou stared, raised his hand and snatched the teacup from Qi Mo's hand.

It slammed on the table and made a crisp sound of "snap".

Tea splashed all over the table.

He put his hands on his hips, frowned, and looked fierce, "Don't you care about my emotions at all?"

Didn't this little man even have a good word or an explanation?

Shouldn't you be careful to coax him a few words!

Qi Mo twitched the corner of his mouth and showed a mocking smile, "When will it be your turn to tell me what to do? Love to stay, love to walk, no one stops you."


Lan Muzhou slowly relaxed his frown.

Then, with an unbelievable look on his face.

He walked up to Qi Mo and looked into Qi Mo's eyes.

"You look at me, you look at me!"

Qi Mo leaned back and leaned on the sofa.

Her eyes were flat and mocking.

That expression was too calm, it didn't look like a fake at all.

Lan Muzhou swallowed, feeling so blocked that he couldn't breathe.

"Are you serious, have you ever had something with him?"

Qi Mo looked at him, and suddenly laughed out loud, and his whole body came alive.

She covered her lips with one hand, and couldn't help smiling, "It's also because you don't have the intention of acting, otherwise you must be the one who was scolded the worst among all the idols who went to act."

Patting Lan Muzhou on the shoulder, she shook her head and "tsk tsk" a few times.

"As far as your acting skills are concerned, you still play with me, so you've been caught in it?"

Lan Muzhou blinked and realized.

"...Are you deliberately bullying me again?"

How dare he pretend to misunderstand this matter, Qi Mo has already seen it!

Is his flawed?

He lifted his trouser legs with both hands, sat on the sofa, and said: "You can see that you said it earlier, you must really scare me once, right?"

"Who told you to play tricks on me? I'm using my own way to treat my heart."

Qi Mo took out a few tissues and wiped the table clean.

He poured another cup of tea and handed it to Lan Muzhou, "Are you thirsty for acting?"

"Tch, you have a conscience."

Lan Muzhou took a sip, and his brows were all knit together.

It's really bitter, why do little dwarfs like to drink this kind of thing.

Sticking out his tongue, he stuffed the teacup into Qi Mo's hand and said at the same time, "Aren't you curious, how can I see that you have absolutely nothing to do with him?"

Qi Mo followed his words, "Curious, how did you find out?"

Lan Muzhou looked like a master, and said in his mouth: "The most important thing is the atmosphere. Your room is very dull, there is no ambiguous atmosphere at all, it is obviously clear."

As he spoke, he wrapped his arms around Qi Mo's waist.

He buried his head down, leaned into Qi Mo's ear, and whispered, "But we have."

It sounds like he's quite proud of that.

The slightly hot breath sprinkled on the ears, a little itchy.

The air in the room seemed to be really thick and ambiguous.

When Qi Mo lowered his head, he could see his smug smile.

The thin lips grinned, revealing neat white teeth.

The word "joy" was written all over his face.

It can be seen that Lan Muzhou is really happy to meet her.

So sincerely, I look forward to spending time with her.

Qi Mo was satisfied.

She called: "Zhou Zhou."


Lan Muzhou raised his head from her shoulder.

Kissed at the corner of the lips head-on.

Qi Mo laughed and said, "I'm glad you came to see me, although...we haven't seen each other for only two days."

"...Oh, the second half of your sentence is right, it makes me feel that the first half of your sentence is a lie."

Lan Muzhou complained, and licked the corner of his lips that was kissed lightly by Qi Mo.

Don't look at Qi Mo anymore, only leave Qi Mo with one ear.

Qi Mo kissed his red earlobe lightly again.

"How can I tell a lie? I have to film in the afternoon, so let's eat."

As soon as the words fell, Lan Muzhou's stomach grumbled embarrassingly.

...seems to be quite hungry.

The two-day announcement flew over immediately after the end.

I didn't have time to eat well.

He didn't leave right away, but rather embarrassedly said, "You... wait, let me hug you for a while."

Qi Mo patted him on the shoulder, "Eat first."

Turn him down? ? ?

Lan Muzhou frowned, and wrapped his arms around Qi Mo tightly.

The tone is also a bit harder, "No, hug for a while!"

Qi Mo twisted his waist amusedly, "Quickly be obedient, get up, we'll talk after dinner."

"..." Lan Muzhou was silent for two seconds, then reluctantly stood up, "Hey, I can see that you don't miss me at all, thanks to my busy schedule, I rushed over immediately."

He said so proactively that he wanted to hug him, but Qi Mo was completely indifferent!

It seemed that he had no face.

This little dwarf, maybe there is a dog outside, huh.

During the meal, Lan Muzhou was full of anger and didn't say a word.

He didn't want to talk to Qi Mo, but he was too tired, and even more sleepy after eating, he would sleep when he wanted to sleep.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, he said, "I'm sleepy, can I borrow your bed to rest?"

Qi Mo nodded, "It's been hard work for you to fly around, let's rest."

The little man was finally not so annoying.

Lan Muzhou climbed onto the bed comfortably, covered himself with the quilt, and yawned.

I want to rest quietly for a while, but I feel a little uncomfortable in my stomach.

It may be that I was in a hurry for lunch and my appetite was flatulent.

However...he dared not knead.

Lying on the bed and rubbing his stomach under the quilt, it is easy for people to associate with bad things, **** it.

The flatulence in his stomach became more and more uncomfortable, and he even frowned.

He turned over on the bed and lay on his side, trying to relieve the dull pain of flatulence.

Qi Mo will be filming a fight scene in the afternoon, and it will be very hard.

The director specially spared the lunch break for several actors who were filming and playing.

After eating and drinking, Qi Mo still had nearly an hour to spare.

She is the leading role and lives alone in a luxurious double room.

So she rolled onto the bed and grabbed Lan Muzhou's waist.

Lan Muzhou was startled, and his face suddenly turned red.

"You... what are you doing?"

Qi Mo blew lightly, causing the hair on Lan Muzhou's forehead to float up for a second, then fall down again.

She raised her eyebrows and asked, "Why are you panicking? Didn't you insist on hugging just now?"

It was the one he wanted to hug just now, but this...

Lan Muzhou pursed his lips, "Will this be bad?"

"What's wrong?"

Qi Mo knew what Lan Muzhou was thinking.

She hugged him in her arms and whispered in his ear, "The things you think about are no different on the sofa than on the bed."

Lan Muzhou suddenly frowned, his face flushed, and he shouted in a low voice: "...What am I thinking about me!"

He didn't think about anything!

He obviously respects Qi Mo, okay?

"Huh? Don't you want to hug for a while?"


Come on, come on, he is Lan Muzhou, and he will never be able to say no to Qi Mo.

Qi Mo himself doesn't mind, he's not one to take advantage of others, so that's fine.

...It seems that there is no possibility of taking advantage of others.

No matter who it is, when meeting Qi Mo, the one who is in danger should always be the other party.

Who can force the little dwarf to do what she doesn't want to do.

Lan Muzhou completely calmed down.

He put his arms around Qi Mo's waist, behaved well, and didn't make any overstepping movements.

He just moved his body towards Qi Mo.

She slept on the same pillow as Qi Mo, with her head resting lightly on her shoulder.

The joy in his heart was real, he couldn't stop laughing.

The only unpleasant thing is that the flatulence in his stomach came at an untimely time.

It made him feel bad for a while, and he didn't dare to make any moves.

I'm afraid that Qi Mo will misunderstand, and I'm afraid that it will disturb Qi Mo's rest.

Qi Mo stared at the person close at hand, and asked: "You are always frowning, and your face seems to be almost pale, are you uncomfortable?"

Lan Muzhou was startled.

Can Qi Mo see this?

He didn't intend to worry Qi Mo about his discomfort, but when he was asked... the flatulence in his appetite seemed to be a lot more serious, and he felt a dull pain, which was very uncomfortable.

A strong heart suddenly weakened.

He puffed up his lips and said, "Well, I feel bloated after eating, and my stomach feels uncomfortable."

"Just drink some hot water before eating." Qi Mo said, "Turn around."

Guessing what Qi Mo was going to do, Lan Muzhou's heart jumped a few times.

With red ears, he turned over and lay down on his right side.

Qi Mo stepped forward and hugged him from behind.

The left hand gently caressed Lan Muzhou's abdomen, but he felt a tight muscle.

She chuckled, "Relax a bit, or how can I rub it for you?"

But... it would be nice to help out if you take advantage of it.

Her fingertips started from the mermaid line and slid up bit by bit.

Like a flame, the place where it slides is ablaze.

Lan Muzhou bit his lower lip lightly, his face was so hot that he couldn't bear to see others.

He growled, "You did it on purpose! How can I relax?"

"Okay, okay, relax."

Qi Mo lightly kissed his red ear pinna twice from behind, and the yellow hair scratched his face, itching.

Treating people to relax, she gently circled clockwise through the sweater.

"You rest, or you will be too tired."

"Um...thank you."

Lan Muzhou was hot all over, curled up in the quilt.

Almost his entire face was buried in the soft pillow.

He neither spoke nor moved.

Quietly feel the other person's hand gently circling on his abdomen.

I can feel the temperature through the fabric.

There is also the sound of the other party's breathing and heartbeat.

The gas in my stomach seems to be getting better.

Lan Muzhou fell asleep for a long time.

It was almost dark when he woke up.

He rubbed his eyes in a daze, "...Qi Mo?"

The room was very quiet, obviously no one was there.

He slept so deeply that he didn't even notice when Qi Mo left.

I went to the bathroom to wash my face, and then took care of it from top to bottom.

He just went out and went to the crew to find someone.

The crew didn't seem to be filming, and many people gathered in a "restaurant".

Among the antique buildings, two figures swayed.

As soon as Lan Muzhou approached, he was immediately attracted by the two figures of you coming and going.

Qi Mo dodged two thrusts, rolled back on his back, and supported the table with both hands.

Then, a long sword glowing with silver light waved towards her hand!

One second before the long sword hit her, he pushed with both hands and left the table.

The moment she landed lightly after a backflip, a few short chopsticks were held between her fingers, and she shot out with a flick of her wrist!

The opponent blocked it with a sword, and then stepped onto the table.

The two stood on two tables, looking at each other.

Qi Mo quickly glanced out, and saw Lan Muzhou, he bent his lips and smiled softly.

So... a quick fix.

A chopstick flipped quickly between her fingers.

When she stepped forward with a "da", she held it tightly in her hand instantly!

The other party only felt the figure in front of him flicker, and attacked him from the left side—

He subconsciously blocked it, but his eyes dazzled.

Qi Mo had already circled behind him, with his chopsticks resting on his neck!

The soft skin was poked a little with chopsticks.

There was a grunt in his throat.

At the same time, a burst of thunderous applause broke out!

All the crew members around shouted.

"It's even better than our Brother Shuo, it's so exciting!"

"Seventh brother, this is too good!"

"If I didn't know that they were improvising, I would have thought that I had practiced for a long time!"


Lan Muzhou stared blankly at the staff beside him.

Isn't this a preview of the shoot?

No wonder Qi Mo could easily see his fake moves when he was playing basketball that day.

Just now, Qi Mo's foot swayed, and it was the same fake move.

It's just that it's several times faster than his speed.

Qi Mo and Brother Shuo, the martial arts director of the crew, left the restaurant surrounded by the crowd.

The shooting in the afternoon went very smoothly, especially the part about Qi Mo, which can be completed in a few passes, which is much faster than the time planned in the notice sheet. The next scene is a night scene. After dinner and filming all the scenes in Riwai, there is still more than half an hour left.

I don't know who mentioned it, wanting to see Qi Mo and the martial arts instructor have learned a lot from the two moves, so the two made gestures together a few times.

Brother Shuo wiped the sweat off his forehead, laughed loudly and said, "Qi Mo, you are really good at martial arts, you can **** away the job of martial arts guidance!"

It's not that he only knows how to embroider his legs, he has real kung fu.

Unexpectedly, today's actors can also have such strength.

Qi Mo waved his hand, "It's a little boxy, but not as experienced as Brother Shuo."

The most important thing in filming a drama is to make it beautiful. She has never been in contact with photography, so she must be humble.

The director likes kung fu, and his heart is full of excitement when he sees it.

He coughed twice and said, "Let's rest for a while, where's the side shooter? Did you take the picture just now?"

Such a wonderful battle, it is an excellent behind-the-scenes video.

Qi Mo stretched, putting his arm on Lan Muzhou's shoulder.

She raised her lips, "How about the fight just now?"

What else can it do, of course it is amazing.

Lan Muzhou didn't want to praise her, so he said, "It's okay."

"It's just make do...that's fine." Qi Mo shrugged and didn't say much.

"Mr. Qi, your kung fu just now is too good!"

"Yes, yes, you are so handsome, Mr. Qi!"

"That... Teacher Qi, can you sign for us?"

Once recognized or feared by others, the appellation immediately becomes serious.

Damn, why do so many people come over to praise Qi Mo?

Lan Muzhou peeked at the situation, saw Qi Mo surrounded by people, and signed his name very kindly...

His face became more and more serious.

Qi Mo signed autographs for several crew members, and then went back to the main actor's lounge.

The weather has been hot for a long time, she is now wearing an ancient costume, and she is prone to sweating.

There is an electric fan in the lounge, and when you press the switch, the breeze blows.


Lan Muzhou also followed into the lounge.

He exuded an obvious sour smell, and said with a stinky face: "You are very popular in the crew."

What if I was hooked up and ran away, and I really kept a dog outside?

"You're here sign?" Qi Mo raised his brows, as if he had some deep meaning.

Lan Muzhou opened his mouth to deny, "Who wants your broken signature..."

Before he finished speaking, he was blocked back into his mouth.

Qi Mo raised his hand to hold the back of his head, and poked his head forward.

When her lips touched, she opened her mouth, gently rubbing and biting his lower lip with her teeth.

Breath intertwined.

Lan Muzhou suddenly widened his eyes, looking at the empty figure in front of him.

He is very happy...

But how to say kiss, just kiss, he didn't agree!

After a while, Qi Mo left those soft and thin lips contentedly.

She leaned close to the ear of the person in front of her, and said softly: "Is this signature satisfactory?"

Anyway, she is quite satisfied.

"You you... who wants your autograph!"

Lan Muzhou was red from the root of his neck to his face.

Does this really have swollen lips? !

How can he see people!

This appearance will only make people want to continue.

Qi Mo lowered his eyes.

Restraining for two seconds, she chuckled and raised her head, "You look very energetic, your stomach doesn't hurt anymore?"

Lan Muzhou was slightly stunned, " doesn't hurt anymore, thank you."

He must have kneaded him for a long time.

I don't know if Qi Mo had a rest at noon.

"It's fine if it doesn't hurt. From now on, before eating, drink two sips of hot water, and don't worry when eating."

Qi Mo turned off the electric fan and patted Lan Muzhou on the shoulder.

"It's almost time to rest, I'm going to film."

After leaving the lounge, a makeup artist just happened to walk over.

The little girl smiled, "That's right, Mr. Qi, I'll touch up your makeup."

Qi Mo nodded, "Thank you."

Before the filming started, the director looked at Qi Mo.

"Let me confirm again, Qi Mo, you really don't need to tease Wia this time?"

Receiving a positive response, he nodded.

"That's fine, all departments are ready!"

Lan Muzhou has been watching from the side.

He subconsciously wanted to deny it when he heard the words "Don't hang on to Wia".

But what right does he have to decide for Qi Mo?

It's a chase scene on a rooftop.

Qi Mo was dressed in a flowing red dress with a bamboo hat on his head, making it hard to see his face clearly.

The person who chased her down was Yan Zhaoyun.

Yan Zhaoyun was dressed in black, with his black hair **** high.

One eye is covered by an eyepatch, and there is a ring of stubble on his chin.

There was a fierce light in the exposed eye.

However, as soon as he spoke, "Qi Mo, you must be careful for a while."

The voice is warm and full of worry.

It doesn't fit the way he looks now.

"That's enough, that's all, you can get into the drama, the first drama, worry about yourself."

Qi Mo stood on the roof, casually holding a sword flower.

The exaggerated red dress fluttered in the air with her movements.

Very aesthetically pleasing.

The director sat in front of the monitor and said to the intercom: "Start!"

Qi Mo dodged the oncoming long blade and swept his legs backwards.

When Yan Zhaoyun jumped up to dodge, she flew forward.

The two chased after each other, and each time they encountered two tricks, they opened the distance again.

Qi Mo jumped from one roof to another, but saw Yan Zhaoyun was already waiting in front of her, stabbing at her with a sword.

She slammed on the brakes, but she didn't want to use too much force. The tiles slipped, and she seemed to fall down!



Several staff members screamed.

Lan Muzhou took a deep breath, his whole heart was hanging!

If this falls and slides...

Yan Zhaoyun's eyes widened instantly.

Before he could react, Qi Mo used the scabbard in his hand to block the stabbing silver man. At the same time, he grabbed Yan Zhaoyun's wrist with his backhand and pushed him down. With the opposite force, he fell steadily to the roof top!

This kind of temporary change is too much a test of the actor's ability to respond.

Yan Zhaoyun subconsciously stretched out his hand to grab the eaves, and then, with the help of Wia, he climbed up to the roof.

His heart was beating violently, and his calves were trembling.

But he has to take the road of being a good actor!

Exhaling heavily, he continued to chase in Qi Mo's direction.

The two made several more moves, Yan Zhaoyun raised his sword, and the bamboo hat on Qi Mo's head shattered!

The moment the bamboo hat slipped off, Qi Mo cut off a piece of sleeve, turned around and covered his face, revealing a pair of extremely beautiful long and narrow phoenix eyes.

The camera zooms in and zooms in on Qi Mo's eyes.

With a breezy smile, full of cynicism.

Indeed, as she said herself, once she appears on stage, she will definitely be able to grab the attention of the audience.

The director stared closely at the monitor and sighed: "Tsk tsk tsk, this role is almost tailor-made for Qi Mo! It's wonderful, it's really wonderful!"

The accidental slip and fall is also excellent, even more beautiful than their designed movements.

Qi Mo's reaction was so fast that he even felt that Qi Mo must have experienced thousands of battles to make such a sharp move.

After filming this scene, Qi Mo turned over from the roof and got off the ground.

Lan Muzhou immediately stepped forward and grabbed Qi Mo's wrist, "You scared me to death just now! Can you...don't do such dangerous things in the future?"

Qi Mo patted the back of his hand and comforted him in a soft voice: "Even if the eaves reach the ground, even if it falls, it will be three meters high, and at most you will sprain your feet. It's really fine. I hope you believe me."

"Qi Mo, Qi Mo, were you okay just now? You gave me a fright."

Yan Zhaoyun unloaded Wia, and hurried over to take a look at Qi Mo's situation.

He bent down and rubbed his legs, "My legs are still shaking now."

Other crew members also looked over with concern.

Qi Mo repeated it several times to tell everyone not to worry, so they gave up.

Yan Zhaoyun shook his legs and relaxed his body, and said, "But Qi Mo, you asked me to stretch my legs and cross them horizontally and vertically. It was really useful! There are a lot of fighting scenes, and if the flexibility is not good, it must be even worse. strength."

"That's for sure." Qi Mo responded and patted him on the shoulder, "Keep working hard, you're fine."

She looked at Lan Muzhou, "Are you on the plane tonight?"

Lan Muzhou said: "I told my manager that I will return to the imperial capital tomorrow morning."

So... He still has to stay in Qi Mo's room for one night.

Chatted a few words, communicated with the next scene, and re-entered the shooting.

The night scene was going to be filmed late at night, Qi Mo coaxed Lan Muzhou several times, and finally coaxed Lan Muzhou back to the hotel.

It was almost twelve o'clock when Qi Mo returned to the hotel.

Entering the room lightly, she simply took off her make-up and washed up.

climbed into bed.

After the quilt was covered, the person beside her turned over and immediately came to her side.

Lan Muzhou, half asleep and half awake, leaned into Qi Mo's ear, and said vaguely: "I'm back..."

His voice was obviously sleepy, lazy and hoarse.

When speaking, soft lips rubbed against Qi Mo's ear.

The tiredness from working all day seemed to be washed away at that moment.

Qi Mo felt that he was trapped in a warm and soft place, and his whole body was comfortable.

turn out to be…

This is how it feels when someone is waiting at home after a tiring day.

Her whole heart softened.

Turning over carefully, she gently stretched out her hand and embraced him in her arms.

He lowered his head and kissed from the tip of his eyebrows to the corner of his lips, and then to his Adam's apple.

Gentle and tender.

She sighed softly as if talking to herself: "Zhouzhou, I won't be able to escape in this life."

She didn't expect to get a response, but she heard this person unconsciously humming in her ear—


The filming of "Leaning on the Sword" went very smoothly.

Lu Qingqing informed the schedule in advance, and together with Qi Mo, flew from the crew to the variety show recording location on the morning of the recording of "Ilovedance".

The candidates for the convener of "Ilovedance" will be announced on the day of the recording.

Before that, Qi Mo's image in the official blog has always been a "?".

And when the program officially starts, it will be shown live.

The live broadcast didn't end until all the contestants had finished choosing their target teams.

In other words, Qi Mo, the convener, made an announcement in front of and behind the scenes.

By using the live broadcast method, the traffic and heat can be stimulated to the maximum.

"Xiaoqi, you don't have to be nervous, just come naturally."

Lu Qingqing walked up and down in the separate dressing room, worried about her good sister.

She slapped Qi Mo on the shoulder like a chicken blood, "There may be professional players who question your strength, so you just fight! They will definitely not be able to beat you!"

With such an excited look, he was still going back and forth in the dressing room...

Qi Mo closed his eyes and asked the makeup artist to apply the eye makeup.

She said: "I think you are much more nervous than me, you should be calm and calm."

Lu Qingqing blinked exaggeratedly, "Am I not calm enough???"

On the surface, she only said that she was nervous.

This time was different from before, Xiao Qi was just a player before, so it didn't matter how senior or senior he was.

This time it is the convener, too shallow qualifications, will definitely be questioned!

Seeing Lu Qingqing's worry, Qi Mo softened his voice and said a few words of comfort, "Don't worry, there are many people questioning my words, even if I don't take the initiative to fight, Teacher Xu Ziwen will have to cue me for the battle. And I am Xu Recommended by the teacher, he doesn't look very serious, but he is reliable at critical moments, and he won't ignore me."

Lu Qingqing nodded, "Yes, Xu Ziwen will definitely not ignore you."

Not only Xu Ziwen, but also Song Mingyu.

Those who come out of a program will always take care of each other.

In fact, she was very afraid that Qi Mo would lose the battle and be cursed by netizens.

In the first month of "National Idol", she saw Qi Mo's reaction when he was scolded, and she felt so sad that she wanted to cry, and even wanted to use her certified Weibo to start a killing spree with netizens .

She was really scared, and the situation became like the beginning of "All Even".

Time passed by every minute and every second, and soon it was time to start the live broadcast.

If you missed the live broadcast at the beginning, you have to wait at least a week to watch the show, and countless loyal fans of "Ilovedance" have already waited in front of the screen.

Director: "Preparation for live broadcast, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1—"

"It's started, it's started!"

"Yo yo yo!"

"Who is the caller?"

The contestants gathered together densely, all staring at the opposite door.

During the official Weibo announcement, the program team said that the convener is an all-round artist with both strength and enthusiasm.

How many people like this are there in the entire entertainment industry?

There are only three or five names that are often guessed by netizens, and they are all seniors who debuted for more than ten years.

Fans of various schools are competing in secret, and they are full of anticipation for the announcement of today's puzzle.

[The answer will be announced soon! See if I guessed right! 】

[I think of brother Zhuo when I talk about all-round artist, but I will definitely not come here again after participating in "National Idol"]

【To be honest, I came to see Song Mingyu, Mingyu, come on! 】

[A little idol who has only debuted for two years, can he be the captain just like that? 】

[And it's outrageous to be the captain with Xu Ziwen, the mentor of "National Idol"...]

[Ming Yu started learning dance at the age of five, but she debuted late! Very strong! 】

An artist who has been the captain of "Ilovedance" several times in a row did not renew his contract. This year Song Mingyu became one of the four captains. Ever since the official announcement, he has been questioned.

The live broadcast had just started, and there were fans and hip-hop lovers tearing up in the barrage.

In the picture, the door finally opened slowly.

Everyone took a deep breath.

Will it be who they hoped for? !

"Hello, contestants and audience friends in front of the screen, welcome to "Ilovedance". I am the convener of this season of "Ilovedance", Qi Mo."

Qi Mo's voice was clear and pleasant, and he wore a ginger-colored wide half-sleeve jacket with a black denim vest, a pair of black trousers with a strong drape, and high-top sneakers.

Wearing oversized clothes, he has a strong street style.

On the page of the live broadcast, the program group also thoughtfully added a reminder box.

Convener Qi Mo

Participate in "National Idol" in 2021 and make a successful C debut.

ERA men's team C, all-around ACE.

Whether it is a player or a netizen, Quanzai is looking forward to the emergence of "an all-round artist who combines strength and enthusiasm".

The moment Qi Mo walked out from behind the door, Wan's face was bewildered.

[... Is the program group joking? ? ? ? ? ? 】

【That's it? ? ? What a **** situation! 】

[Good guy, after scolding each other for so long, did I realize that Song Mingyu was wrong? ? 】

[Only debuted this year? ? Where can a pheasant artist come from to be the convener? ? 】

["Ilovedance" is going to be pornographic, right? 】

[My mouth area! "Ilovedance" is a very professional program, why do you always invite idols to come? ? 】

[Can they dance? I can’t just dance with girl groups, hahahahaha]

[This is as thin as a hemp straw, can't he be a Baron? 】

[Whether it's Qi Mo or the end of the semester, get out of here! I’m here to watch the dance, I don’t want to be messed up by the fans while watching the show]

Read The Duke's Passion