MTL - When the Empress Dresses Up As a Female Trainee-Chapter 57 He just likes Qi Mo. ...

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/ Mo Baqian

When Lan Muzhou heard the word "Qi", the first thing Lan Muzhou thought of was always Qi Mo.

Coupled with being a good match, it was enough to make him irritable.

If the family really wants to match him and Miss Qi's family...

He's afraid he'll be overwhelmed.

Frowning, he turned his head impatiently and said, "The family is right."

Following Xiao Shiyu's gaze, Lan Muzhou locked onto the tall slender woman surrounded by the crowd.

This person was wearing European and American heavy makeup, covering up his original appearance, only the profile of his side face could be seen to be very beautiful.

Also very much like a person.

Oh, is he a demon?

Unexpectedly, Miss Qi's face looks very similar to Qi Mo's.

He casually picked up a goblet from the long table and walked towards it.

Miss Qi's family seemed to be aware of his gaze, raised the corner of her lips, and looked straight at him.

Then froze in place.

Lan Muzhou slipped the wine glass in his hand, then clenched it tightly again.

The purple-red liquid splashed out like this, almost staining the neat suit!

He stopped for a moment.

It seemed that there was a sense of weightlessness, making Lan Muzhou top-heavy, and the whole person fell into a dizziness.

This feeling is unmistakable.

How can it be.

how come.

Miss Qi...

The Qi family...Miss?

Is there really only one daughter in the Qi family?

Something is gradually collapsing in the mind.

Lan Muzhou's feet trembled.

Take two steps back.

Qi Mo has long been engraved in his heart, not to mention makeup, women's clothes, glasses... Even if it turns to ashes, he will recognize it!

In the banquet hall, there was constant whispering.

But in Lan Muzhou's ears, only the sound of his own breathing remained.

Deep, gulping breathing.

Heh, is this the Miss Qi family whom he wants to "get to know".

It's ridiculous.

For a few moments, Lan Muzhou felt that he had no reason at all, and an emotion that could not be expressed in words overwhelmed him, and even tears gushed out of his eyes!

He wanted to run away.

Turn around and escape from here.

In fact, he did just that, turning around and "swiping" and striding forward.

But after a few steps, he stopped.

What is running away?

If you can escape for a day, can you escape for a lifetime?

Sooner or later you have to face it.

It's not that he was in the wrong, and he has nothing to escape.

His rationality was slowly pulled back, and Lan Muzhou took a deep breath to calm himself down.

At this time, Lan Yanshen came over.

"Muzhou, why don't you ask me to go out and pick you up?"

Lan Muzhou didn't reply.

Under Lan Yan's surprised eyes, he raised his head and drank the red wine in the glass in one gulp.


He tried his best to suppress his emotions and not let his feelings be too exposed in public.

Amidst dizziness, he walked towards Miss Qi's family.

Lu Qingqing took a deep breath and exclaimed in a low voice, "I'll go..."

No way, in this case, you will lose your horse.

She was more nervous than falling off her own horse, and her heart was pounding.

She lowered her voice, "Xiaoqi, what should I do?"

What else can I do?

People are almost here, if you avoid Lan Muzhou now, it means that there is no more than three hundred taels of silver here.

Qi Mo panicked for a second which was rare.

My mind is full of "how to explain to Lan Muzhou"?

I asked Mother Qi and Lu Qingqing.

Both of them told her that Lan Muzhou never attended such occasions.

But why did you come here just today?

The accidents of her two lifetimes might all be spent on Lan Muzhou alone.

In such a few seconds, the people nearby have dispersed.

Leave a passage in the middle.

Lan Muzhou was wearing a neat suit with a shiny delicate brooch on his chest.

He walked towards Qi Mo slowly.

"Damn, it's too handsome...better than the retouched pictures on the Internet."

"No wonder I went to the entertainment industry."

"Handsome and rich, with thousands of fans, a winner in life."

Others were whispering, but they didn't know that Lan Muzhou's fingers were trembling.

He suppressed his emotions and came to Miss Qi's family with difficulty.

The closer he got, the more sure he was.

This "Miss Qi's family" is Qi Mo.

The two looked at each other face to face.

Outsiders can't see it, but their eyes are already turbulent.

Both sides see each other's emotions clearly.

Opening his mouth, Lan Muzhou took a deep breath.

He closed his eyes lightly, and broke away again.

He kept his voice steady, and maintained his proper upbringing and reason in front of everyone.

"Miss Qi, can I take a step to speak?"

Listen carefully, the voice is trembling slightly.

His eye sockets started to turn red.

Qi Mo was silent for two seconds and clenched his fists.


The banquet hall was dull, like the calm before the storm.

After the two left, time flowed again.

The second floor of the banquet hall is a separate room for visitors to talk.

A door was quickly locked.

But there was no outburst and questioning as imagined.

There was an eerie silence.

Lan Muzhou leaned his back against the door and lowered his head.

He couldn't breathe.

The whole body is trembling.

Everything with Qi Mo has emerged from the depths of my memory.

No wonder Qi Mo would get in a luxury car;

No wonder Qi Mo and Lu Qingqing have such a good relationship.

been fooled.

How much psychological homework did he do because he "likes a man"? How many defenses did he break?

He even wanted to fight his family for this "man"!

As a result, tell him now that this person has completely deceived him!

Not only didn't like him, but also kept him in the dark, playing like a monkey.

Watch him self-doubt, watch him wary, watch him full of pain.

Qi Mo regretted for a while, "I'm sorry..."

"Miss Qi, what can I be sorry for?"

Lan Muzhou immediately interrupted her.

Hearing the familiar voice, he almost couldn't hold back, and burst into tears.

Just a few words, he actually wanted to go up to this person and hug this person tightly, asking her why she teased him, why she treated him like this - what he did wrong, he can change it.

He **** likes this guy!

At this time, knowing that he was being teased and joked for nothing, he was not angry or hated... only an indescribable pain and sorrow.

Maybe there is still a little bit of joy, that the family will not have any objections to Qi Mo.

But people don't like him at all!

He is an idiot.

It's a complete joke.

Lan Muzhou bit his lower lip firmly, and kept admonishing himself in his heart.

Emotionally defeated, you must never lose your dignity again.

Qi Mo can no longer see the slightest joke.

Raising his head, a pair of bloodshot eyes stared at the person in front of him.

He said sarcastically and mockingly: "Miss Qi is the object of everyone's pursuit, her status is extraordinary, how can I bear Miss Qi's apology?"

This stubborn look made Qi Mo's heart collapse.

In two lifetimes, only this time made her regret it.

She softened her voice, and said comfortingly: "Zhou Zhou, let me vent out the discomfort in my heart."

The word "Zhouzhou" made Lan Muzhou's skin goosebumps.

He broke the defense almost instantly.

Grasping Qi Mo's arm with both hands, he buried his head on the other's shoulder and murmured softly, "Qi Mo, why are you doing this to me...?"

Why are you still saying such ambiguous words until now!

If you don't like it, don't say such things casually.

"Sorry, I wanted to confess my identity to you a long time ago."

Qi Mo stretched out his arms, vainly wrapping around Lan Muzhou's waist.

She turned her head and said in his ear: "Whether you are beating or scolding or whatever, I deserve it."

The warm breath is next to the ear.

Lan Muzhou twitched the corner of his mouth.

No matter beating or scolding or what?

There was a piece of smooth skin under his face, which made his sense of touch even more sensitive.

His breath became a little thicker.

Slowly raised his head, letting his breath be entangled with the other party.

Afraid that Qi Mo would push him away again, he reached out and pressed Qi Mo's back of the head, making his lips stick tightly to Qi Mo's.

No further, just clinging tightly.

Qi Mo was taken aback.

Don't beat her, don't scold her, don't blame her, don't you hate her?

The arm that was vainly wrapped around Lan Muzhou's waist tightened all of a sudden.

Before leaving Qi Mo's lips, Lan Muzhou took a hard bite.

Even the taste of rust spread in the mouth.

Just treat it as a farewell to his sad first love.

He twitched the corner of his mouth, pretending to be relaxed and said, "Qi Mo, you owe me this."

Qi Mo stared at the stubborn man in front of him, licked the bitten corner of his mouth with an inexplicable expression.

Just when Lan Muzhou felt that Qi Mo was about to get angry...

She stepped forward in the blink of an eye, her arms tightly wrapped around Lan Muzhou's thin waist.

"Then let me owe you a little more."

Lan Muzhou was forced to open his mouth in a daze, and an obvious smell of red wine entered his lips and teeth, making him dizzy from drunk.

Gan! The dwarf sticks out his tongue!

No, the little dwarf must have drunk a lot of wine!

still not right...

Did the little man like him or not? !

At that moment, his mind was so confused that he couldn't find the edge, he subconsciously hugged Qi Mo back, through the soft long skirt, the touch of his hands made his whole body burn, and his heart beat fast.

He loved the touch between his lips and teeth.

Want even more.


Until it was hard to breathe, Lan Muzhou pushed Qi Mo's shoulder and pushed her away a little.

The brain is deprived of oxygen, and the vision is a little blurred.

His face was so hot that he could imagine himself blushing right now.

From the inside out, even the tips of Qi Mo's fingers fell into a kind of satisfaction.

Gulp gurgling, bubbles of joy bubbling inside.

She gently kissed the corner of Lan Muzhou's lips, and spoke with a hoarse voice.

"I owe you a little more, okay?"

Lan Muzhou was so ashamed by her question that he almost exploded.

Fortunately, he still has reason.

As soon as he raised his hand, he blocked Qi Mo's lips like Qi Mo stopped him yesterday.

"Qi Mo, I still don't understand you. What do you think of me?"

Qi Mo took advantage of the situation and kissed Lan Muzhou's palm, "I have always liked you."

After hearing this answer, Lan Muzhou suddenly suffocated.

Immediately, a wave of anger welled up.

He bit Qi Mo's collarbone!

"Then you rejected me yesterday?!"

"Ah?" Qi Mo was slightly taken aback.

After two seconds of silence, she understood what was going on.

Blame her for being confused yesterday and not being able to think thoroughly.

"Blame me."

Qi Mo looked into Lan Muzhou's eyes and confessed his feelings.

"I wanted to confess my identity to you yesterday. I was afraid that you would stop liking me if you knew I was a girl, so I hesitated."

"It caught up with you being sick again, and I wanted you to have a good rest, so I didn't say anything."

Lan Muzhou: …

He paused, still panting, and looked at Qi Mo in a daze.

He opened his mouth, but no words came out.

The scene of last night, like rewinding, quickly reappeared in the brain.

When Qi Mo said "Actually...", it stopped with a "click".

His heart was pounding.

He is in a mess.

His breathing was unsteady, there were tears in the corners of his eyes, and his expensive suit was wrinkled.

What a result...

Tell him now that all his sorrows and sorrows are all his own imagination? !

Neither of them made it clear, and both of them were wrong.

But he was the one who was concealed, and he was the one who was so sad that he was about to collapse.

He gritted his teeth fiercely, "Qi Mo, you owe me that!"

While talking, he followed Qi Mo's example and kissed her.

It was that wine smell again.

Fragrant and sweet.

Also intoxicating.

He was literally drowning in it.

Doesn't matter what man or woman he is.

He doesn't like either.

He just likes Qi Mo.

As if wanting to smooth over all the sadness, uneasiness and fear before, Lan Muzhou left Qi Mo's lips, and instinctively kissed down the slender neck.

Qi Mo laughed dumbly and kissed the top of his hair lightly.

Very good.

There was a burst of rejoicing in her heart.

Her boys don't tire of her, don't hate her.

I just feel that she owes him.

That's it, let her owe this life to her.

Lan Muzhou's movements suddenly stopped.

With a flushed face, he hugged Qi Mo and buried his face in her neck.

He lowered his voice, panting quietly.

He didn't dare to let Qi Mo find out the difference.

"What's wrong?" Qi Mo tilted his head and asked.

"..." Lan Muzhou's Adam's apple slipped, his voice was a little soft, "It's okay."

Qi Mo was about to say something when the phone rang.

Lan Muzhou calmed down for two seconds.

He took out his mobile phone from his suit pocket, and it was Lan Yanshen's number.

He took a deep breath and answered the phone.

"Hello, brother."

There was still something wrong with the sound.

Lan Yan frowned deeply, thinking that maybe his younger brother's fever hadn't fully healed yet.

"You and Ms. Qi are upstairs. It's been too long. It's not a good reputation for Ms. Qi. Come down quickly."

Lan Muzhou froze for a moment, then glanced guiltyly at the obvious teeth marks on Qi Mo's collarbone.

I dare not let my elder brother know what I have done.

But I can't help but trouble my brother.

He swallowed, his voice trembling because he was too nervous, "Brother...can you bring me a scarf to match Miss Qi's skirt?"

Lan Yanshen: ...?