MTL - When the Empress Dresses Up As a Female Trainee-Chapter 51 I wait for you to surpass me.

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/ Mo Baqian

Cheng Zhuo's voice fell.

In the auditorium, there were voices one after another.

"Ah, ah, Mr. Mo, Mr. Mo, Mr. Mo!"

"Zhouzhou I love you!"

"Jiang Ning charge forward!"

"Come on, Fengfeng!"

On the stage, the lights dimmed, leaving only a little blurry light.

A burst of rhythmic music sounded.

The white mist dissipated, and a figure appeared in the center of the stage.

The tall, thin, pale boy was kneeling on the ground with his legs spread apart. He was dressed in loose black clothes. His body was tightly bound by ropes with thick fingers, and his hands were cut behind his back.

His eyes were covered by black cloth, his thin lips were tightly pressed, his face was heavily made up, and there were two obvious bloodstains.

A look of letting others "bully" without resisting.

"Aww! My mother's blood tank is empty!"

"Is this Zhouzhou? I'm shocked!"

"Zhou Zhou's appearance is really amazing!"

The audience screamed with excitement.

At this time, the other three members entered the stage.

Each of them held a small leather whip in their hands.

Audiences:…? ? ?

Is it so exciting? !

The song "Elephant" was debuted for the first time, and no one knew the lyrics, so they didn't know the expression content of the song.

As soon as the scene started, the audience was already shocked by this scene.

I can't help but start to wonder, what kind of song is this, with such...exciting stage?

After the prelude, Jiang Ning, who is best at vocal music, spoke crisply.

"The elephant in the circus who is good at stepping on the ball is actually fierce and fights.

Why be afraid of a human rope that can be easily broken? "①

"Because there are sad memories that have domesticated even the heart,

In fact, there is nothing you can't do. "

Qi Mo, Jiang Ning, and Feng Yuan form a triangle to surround Lan Muzhou in the middle. The movements of the three are uniform, and every movement deliberately highlights the oppression of Lan Muzhou in the middle.

And Lan Muzhou suddenly stood up when the three squeezed towards him, and the rope on his body broke instantly!

His clothes were loose and tattered, and his fair skin could be vaguely seen through the torn places.

"Now we are gradually becoming stronger, and unexpectedly we can realize any dream—"

"Just grab it with those hands! The happiness there!"

He stretched out his hands and pushed them to the sides, and the other three stepped back one after another, following behind him.

As the music became more and more intense, the combination of the four was a very rhythmic dance, which ignited the audience!

[Ah, ah, the hormones are bursting! 】

[Confirmed the eyes, this time Zhou Zhou did not wear clothes inside [狗头]]

[It's so hot, this song! 】

[The dance moves are very wide, but they all sing so steadily! 】

[The live version will be released soon, I want to download it! 】

[I'm not right, why do I like Zhou Zhou's shape so much! 】

Because there are some "control" elements in this song, Qi Mo and Lan Muzhou also performed a puppet dance in the middle.

Qi Mo is the manipulator, with big and soft movements;

Lan Muzhou was a puppet, and followed her beside her, stretching his body and doing the same movements.

His movements were smooth but dull, and his eyes were dull and lifeless.

Seems to lack soul.

Suddenly, Qi Mo's wrist turned.

Lan Muzhou's body stiffened and turned abruptly, and the two stood facing each other.

Stepping forward at the same time, approaching each other.

Qi Mo raised his right hand, and Lan Muzhou also raised his right hand.

The slender and beautiful hands fell from the air and placed next to each other's faces.

"Thank you for being born, you're not alone—"

Qi Mo deliberately lowered his voice, as if he was whispering alone.

At this time, the "puppet" seemed to have broken its thread, and Lan Muzhou's body quickly fell limp in accordance with the rhythm of the music, and quickly stood up again.

Out of the control of the manipulator, he walked half a circle around Qi Mo.

At this time, his eyes were completely different from before, shining brightly under the stage lights!

Lan Muzhou spoke with strength.

"It's still the same, and you will become even better in the future—"

[I love the puppet dance, and I love this arrangement even more! 】

【Oh oh oh oh I hit it again! ! 】

[I don't care, I'll just treat it as Boss Mo and Zhou Zhou confiding in each other's hearts! 】

[Fan weekend CP is good, I have candy every day, please can it be true! 】

【Mo head group's arrangement is always so good 555】

[The limited group has not started yet, I hope they will never end [tears]]

A song of more than three minutes, under the onslaught of the audience's barrage, soon came to an end.

The slightly manic music gradually quieted down.

The four teenagers gathered in the center of the brightly lit stage.

Lan Muzhou stood in the center.

There was a confident smile on his face, and there seemed to be stars in his eyes!

"Let's meet here 10 years from now, and our smiles will be brighter then than now."

Then, the other three spoke together.

The three voices fit together perfectly—

"I will, I will!"

It's like four people solemnly promised on the stage with their expectations for the future!

This song started from breaking free from the shackles, running through the whole thing with expectations and pursuits for the future, and finally ended with a ten-year agreement, it was a burst of soul!

If only the stage of this song is shown, everyone who sees it will probably think that this is a boy group that has already debuted!

【Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow 】

[Jiang Ning and Feng Yuan probably won't be able to form a group...]

[The integrity of their group is super high! People who say that they are mature boy groups believe it! 】

[I hope they can really get together again in ten years! 】

On stage, there was an agreement in the lyrics, but it was almost impossible for the two of them to form a group, and everyone knew it well.

While applause broke out in the auditorium, someone shouted!

"Jiang Ning Fengyuan, charge me!! Keep up!"

"Best brothers forever!"

"All of you are doing well! Come on!"

"Ten years later, we will come to the Imperial Capital Stadium for a concert!!"

"Don't forget your agreement!"

"Jiang Ning, can you work hard and run after your big devil!"

Not only were the audience shouting loudly, but the barrage was already in vain.

Fans of both Jiang Ning and Feng Yuan were in tears.

They are all such good idols!

Today's performance has reached a high enough level, no one is holding back, but the competition system of the show is so cruel, their beloved idol will be separated from Qi Molan Muzhou!

Obviously the four of them are so excellent, and they work together so well!

In the waiting room, the other 8 trainees also applauded.

Some people even secretly avoided the camera to wipe their tears.

"I knew that Qi Mo's group must have new tricks, but I didn't expect to incorporate puppet dance."

"In the end, I was so moved that I almost cried."

"Really 666, the opening is very attractive, it breaks free from shackles and chases dreams, it is very passionate, and there will be a wave of group souls later... The whole song is also very suitable for the way of our trainees! I fell in love immediately Thinking about the past..."

He Ruilin looked at the broadcast screen with a broken smile and nodded.

As expected of Qi Mo.

Played a new trick again.

I don't know whether it is deliberately catering to weekend CP fans or out of selfishness, they also added interaction during the puppet dance.

The more I think about it, the more I feel sour and astringent, and I feel envious.

Perhaps from the moment he planned to use Qi Mo, the ending was already doomed.

Being able to leave a stage like "If Love Has God's Will" with Qi Mo...

He is already very happy.

The format of the finals is different from before. The audience no longer needs to vote for each trainee after each program, nor does it need to choose the favorite one among the three songs.

After all the performances, the audience voted together with all the netizens who followed the final.

The "Elephant" group made a good start, and the performances of the three groups all went very smoothly, without any further problems.

The song "Lover" is relatively smooth before and after, and a cool rap is inserted in the middle, which makes the audience remember deeply.

And "singleladies" is full of European and American style, and the audience is as happy as a disco.

Amidst a burst of cheers, all the performances soon came to an end.

He Ruilin was secretly relieved that no moths appeared, and so was the program director.

If there are any more messy accidents, "National Idol" may not be able to produce the fourth season.

12 trainees were invited back to the stage by Cheng Zhuo.

"Thank you to the 12 trainees for their wonderful performance!"

Cheng Zhuo stood in the middle, his eyes swept over the audience present.

"Now it's time for the most worrying part of voting!"

"Now our voting channel has been opened, viewers and friends can open the Lime Video APP to vote, ordinary users each have 5 votes, VIP users each have 10 votes, and can vote for their favorite trainees, everyone must consider carefully !"

"During the voting process, we have a special link, that is - four mentors, each of whom has 100,000 votes during the entire program recording period. Teacher Xu Ziwen has 50,000 votes left, and Teacher Wen Pingshen has the remaining 100,000 votes. 70,000 votes, and teachers Chen Jingyun and Zhao Congnan have 100,000 votes left. At this moment, at the final scene, the teachers can vote anonymously or directly to the trainees present.”

Xu Ziwen didn't shy away from how much he valued Qi Mo, and said directly, "I will vote for Qi Mo for the remaining 50,000 votes."

Like Chen Jingyun, he did not shy away from it, "I admire Fengyuan's Rap very much, and Jiang Ning's Vocal is also very strong. The cooperation of your song "Elephant" is very perfect, and the final agreement also touched me, so I put 10 10,000 votes for Feng Yuan and Jiang Ning, 50,000 votes each."

As soon as these words came out, the bullet screen immediately burst into voices of thanks.

【Thank you Mr. Chen! I really think they are a good team to form a team! 】

[Although there is still little hope, I still thank the teacher for approving it! 】

[Feng Feng will be very happy to get Teacher Chen's approval! 】

Zhao Congnan and Wen Pingshen did not directly name their voters, but wrote them on the cards and handed them to the staff for adding votes.

"I made a bet with my friend that Mr. Mo must be C!"

"I hope Anzai can debut smoothly!"

"The "Elephant" group actually has the highest memory, but Feng Yuan and Jiang Ning are a bit behind..."

"Yeah, if there are seven or eight of them, maybe they can make a dash."

On the scene and on the Internet, the audience is discussing who will win in the end.

More people tend to decide between Qi Mo and Lan Muzhou for the C position.

The voting time was not long, and it passed quickly under the interaction hosted by Cheng Zhuo on stage.

Cheng Zhuo took the hand card handed over by the staff, read the above content, and smiled, "Now, the voting results of the platform statistics are in my hand."

"We are still the same as before, save the fifth place until the end, and announce the fourth place player first!"

"This trainee is like a big brother in everyone's heart..."

When it was said that he was like a big brother, the audience all thought of Wang Changyan.

Wang Changyan is older among the trainees, and he is relatively reliable in his daily affairs, which is deeply trusted by everyone.

"Oh oh oh Wang Changyan! It must be Wang Changyan!"

"Come on Dachang! Debut in a group!"

"Sangong Dachang No. 6 scared me to death!"

Fans of Wang Changyan thought it was a bit strange to be called "Xiaochang".

After a long time, no one used the word "Chang" anymore, and they all called it "Dachang" and "Dachang".

Cheng Zhuo nodded amidst the shouts of "Dachang", "Many audience members have guessed his name correctly, so congratulations to Wang Changyan for winning the fourth place!"

Wang Changyan patted his chest, as if suddenly heaved a sigh of relief.

It's not bad to be stuck in the 5th place in the debut, and it's really a surprise to be able to come in the 4th place this time!

It's not a bad thing to choose to be in the same group as He Ruilin.

"Now we are going to announce the candidate for the third place." Cheng Zhuo continued, "He is a gentle and strong person, seemingly gentle, but very tenacious..."

The trainees, especially the high-ranking trainees, all have distinct personalities.

As soon as the character is described, everyone immediately knows the result.

"It must be He Ruilin."

"Although I didn't debut in the C position, being ranked in the top three out of 100 people is already very impressive!"

"It must be Mumu! We will always support Mumu!"

In the past two sessions of "National Idol", apart from the first place, the rankings of the top trainees were quite turbulent.

And this time, starting from the second male, the top two candidates have basically been fixed, which made the audience's expectations much lower. Most of the audience can only guess 3 to 5 candidates.

"The first place is either Qi Mo or Lan Muzhou."

"The difference in votes between the two of them was not that big in the previous two times. Lan Muzhou may be able to overtake the C position this time."

"But Xu Ziwen voted for Qi Mo, and Song Mingyu also cue Qi Mo before."

"I think Qi Mo is more likely!"

After the third place was announced, He Ruilin, Cheng Zhuo coughed twice, and said, "If you know the second place, you will basically know the first place, so this time, we will announce the top two candidates together!"

"Qi Mo, Lan Muzhou, please come to the front of the stage!"

Qi Mo and Lan Muzhou looked at each other, and they walked forward together, standing beside Cheng Zhuo.

Cheng Zhuo laughed, "The two of you took the top two three times in a row. The first two times were Qi Mo first and Lan Muzhou second. Regarding this matter, do you have anything to say?"

[Pfft ha ha ha Zhou Zhou won't provoke President Mo again! 】

[Zhouzhou is worthy of encouragement, repeated defeats and repeated battles [狗头]]

[I really hope that Zhou Zhou will win the first place once, but I can't bear to Mo Zong 233]

Looking back at the previous two times, Lan Muzhou was always provoking Qi Mo confidently, and the audience felt that it must be the same this time.

Even Cheng Zhuo thought so.

However, Lan Muzhou held the microphone and didn't go to see Qi Mo.

"Qi Mo is a very respectable player. If I still fail to get the C position this time, I will be convinced that I lost."

There was an uproar in the field.

"However, today is just the beginning for all of us, so it doesn't matter if it's not number one, I will accept my ranking calmly."

"Zhou Zhou is so humble today, rare, rare, and not provoking Mr. Mo!"

"It's really just the beginning! I just officially debuted today!"

"Frankly accept it! I believe all the trainees think so! So does Mr. Mo!"

Cheng Zhuo said in a heavy voice: "Since you can accept it calmly..."

Pretentiously sighed, he didn't hold back, and laughed again.

"Then let us congratulate Lan Muzhou, who made his debut as a group with the second place!"

"At the same time, congratulations to Qi Mo, who made his C debut!"

Even though the audience had expected it in their hearts, they were still excited when they heard the official announcement!

Thunderous applause broke out in the audience instantly!

"Congratulations to Mr. Mo for getting the C position!"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh Mo Zongsai Gao! The stardom is bright!"

"Mr. Mo flies bravely, and the salted fish will always be with you!"

Qi Mo's fans cheered together in the audience, and even started to shout earthy slogans.

Lan Muzhou said it nicely just now, but knowing that he was the second place, his expression was still slumped.

It's second again, he really is the second child in ten thousand years!

He flattened his lips, looked at Qi Mo angrily, and began to speak harshly.

"Maybe my talent is not as good as Qi Mo's, so I will work harder in the future, and one day sooner or later..." He grinned extremely arrogantly, "I will surpass Qi Mo and trample him under my feet."

"Hahahahahahaha, come on, Zhouzhou! Boss Mo is waiting for you to grow up!"

"Mr. Mo will always wait for you to surpass him!"

"Sure enough, provocation is indispensable, hahaha, I thought Zhou Zhou had changed his gender!"

"Muzhou and Qi Mo grow up in such a rivalry, I'm quite envious." Cheng Zhuo looked at Lan Muzhou with kindness like an elder looking at a junior, "Qi Mo is facing such a challenge, what's the matter?" Want to say something?"

Where there is a challenge, it is a naked provocation!

The audience was excitedly waiting for Qi Mo's response.

Lan Muzhou pursed his lips, and secretly glanced at Qi Mo.

What the little dwarf can say is good, at most it is to retaliate against him.

Qi Mo turned to look at Lan Muzhou with his usual smile.

Under the bright light, he shone as if he was glowing.

As if born for the stage.

"I've been with Lan Muzhou for so long, and I've always felt that he should be ostentatious by nature."

A confident smile is the most suitable expression for Lan Muzhou.

A little fart, a little narcissistic.

Accept compliments openly, and don't shy away from criticism.

straight to the point.

"So I don't hate him challenging me, on the contrary, I like it very much."

Lan Muzhou was slightly taken aback, hearing Qi Mo say "I like it", his ears felt hot.

Learn from netizens to round up...

Well, to round it up, it's like saying I like him.

The big deal is that he would provoke him a few more times in the future, Qi Mo likes it anyway.

In the eyes of everyone, the two looked at each other.

Qi Mo smiled: "I'll wait for you to surpass me."

Read The Duke's Passion