MTL - When the Empress Dresses Up As a Female Trainee-Chapter 48 We really have nothing!

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/ Mo Baqian

This Japanese food store occupies a large area, with an antique design, and there is a small open yard outside.

Under the moonlight, you can see the bright light reflected by the waves of water.

Lan Muzhou walked out of the private room all the way, along the wooden corridor, and stood under the eaves.

The lights on the promenade are deserted, not bright, but quite artistic.

"What do you want to say?"

He didn't like He Ruilin from the very beginning.

This person is too hypocritical, always wearing a mask on his face.

Not at all with him.

He Ruilin's mind is messed up.

What will happen in a moment? Someone hurt Lan Muzhou? Will he be injured and see blood?

He doesn't know anything.

"I want to tell you, Qi Mo..."

When he was talking, he added some useless information to delay time.

However, when Qi Mo was mentioned, the first thing that came to his mind was always those smiling eyes looking at him.

Like a vortex, leading him to sink and drown in it.

He was silent for two seconds, then suddenly said, "You like Qi Mo, right?"

It was the first time someone asked this question bluntly, and Lan Muzhou took a deep breath.

Qi Mo's pursuit of Er Gong has always been a thorn in his heart.

He sneered, "What do I do to Qi Mo? It's none of your business?"

He Ruilin smiled softly and didn't answer, just said: "Do you dare to let your family know? Can your family agree?"

While speaking, he smiled even more.

"You know in your heart that it's impossible."

A snake hits seven inches, and so does a person.

You don't need to express your attitude, just poke the opponent's weakness.

Lan Muzhou's expression darkened.

"It's none of your business what happens to my family."

The hand hanging on the side of the body has been clenched.

He Ruilin swept over the blue veins on the back of his hand, smiled and stared at him with crescent eyes.

"I don't intend to meddle in your family's affairs. It's just that you are so close to Qi Mo knowing that there is no result. I'm afraid it will embarrass him."

"Your family is unusual, but Qi Mo is different. In the end, it is Qi Mo who is affected."

"Don't you think you're...very selfish?"

Lan Muzhou stood there in a daze.

He hadn't thought about it that way.

It cannot be denied that what He Ruilin said made sense.

If someone finds out the clues, he always has a place to retreat.

Qi Mo was different.

He might be... selfish.

When encountering emotional matters, it is difficult for Lan Muzhou to think calmly.

For a moment, he was speechless.

He stared at He Ruilin's smile, and suddenly, his eyes fell into darkness!

"power cut?"

"It's tripped, why is it still tripped?"


There was a lot of noise in the Japanese grocery store.

The sound of shouting footsteps in the corridor was drowned out by the noise of diners.

In the moonlight, a figure could be vaguely seen approaching.

When Lan Muzhou came out, he roughly memorized the direction, and when he found something wrong, he immediately went back the same way.

There were a few muffled groans behind him, and He Ruilin's exclamation!

According to Qi Mo, He Ruilin's company may be behind the scenes.

But will they really hurt their own artists?

Does an entertainment company really have the guts to do such a thing?

Hesitating, he looked back.

A beam of dazzling white light suddenly swept across, making him stretch out his hand to cover his eyes.

In a moment, his arms were tightly locked!

The moment the lights went out, Qi Mo walked out of the private room in the dark.

Flying through a winding corridor, stepping into the noisy yard.

In the darkness, she didn't make a sound, and her figure flew like a whirling heel.

Hearing a few heavy blows, everyone around Lan Muzhou fell to the ground!

Another black shadow came head-on, Qi Mo clenched his empty fist, and with a flick of his wrist, he just hit the man's jaw!

With a turn of her body, her slender and powerful legs were raised high—

It fell suddenly again!


The shouts are piercing!

Qi Mo grabbed Lan Muzhou's wrist, and with all his strength, he encircled him around the waist.

It was dark at this moment, and she didn't shy away from it.

A strong hand pressed Lan Muzhou's back, as if taking an oath of ownership.

"... Qi Mo?!" Lan Muzhou exclaimed.

He can sense it just by holding Qi Mo's wrist.

Let alone now?

The arms behind him hugged him tightly, almost letting him cling to each other's body.

Where the two touched, there was warmth.

All the way to his ears.

"Stop hitting!"

He groped and grabbed Qi Mo's arm.

If the fight continues... I'm afraid the eldest brother will suffer heavy losses.

When Qi Mo clenched his fist, his joints creaked.


With eyes adapted to the darkness, he could clearly see that there was still a black shadow approaching.

She twitched the corner of her mouth.

I have warned Zhao Congming, but it seems that the words have not been taken.

Someone who dared to touch her was quite courageous.

There are not many disputes in this world. Whether it is Huaguo's martial arts or foreign boxing, they are constantly improving to delete those moves that threaten personal safety, leaving only the role of strengthening the body.

But she is different, what she has learned since she was a child is to protect herself or kill people.

Qi Mo raised his head slightly, and whispered in Lan Muzhou's ear, "I can't lose."

It's not a question of losing or losing!

The low voice and ambiguous movements made Lan Muzhou's heart palpitate.

But more importantly, the current situation is a bit chaotic!

At this moment, the lights in the corridor blared slightly.

The next second, the light came on.

Qi Mo embraced the boy who was half a head taller than him, and acted affectionately.

There was a smile on her lips, she was a little cold, and there was a temperament in her eyes that looked at the world.

A few strong men lay crookedly on the ground, groaning in pain.

Several other people stood in the yard, looking at Lan Muzhou and Qi Mo warily.

more importantly…

A tall man with a face somewhat similar to Lan Muzhou stood at the gate of the courtyard, watching his younger brother being hugged in his arms.

On weekdays, he was calm to the expressionless face, full of shock.

Lan Muzhou: …

Just looking at Lan Yanshen like this, there was a "boom" in his head.

Feeling dizzy with shame.

Others are gone.

"Qi Mo! Let go!"

He was ashamed and annoyed, and he also thought of what He Ruilin said just now, so he slapped Qi Mo several times in a row.

What should I do if my elder brother sees this scene?

What to do if parents and grandfather find out!

He couldn't hurt Qi Mo.

Lan Yan waved his hands deeply.

All the strong men around took a step back, hugged their right with their left hand, and stood still with their hands folded in front of them.

Seeing this, Qi Mo took a few more glances at Lan Yanshen to reflect the current situation.

Loosening Lan Muzhou's waist, she took a few steps forward and stretched out her right hand.

"Hello, I'm Qi Mo."

Lan Yan was taken aback, and recovered from the shock.

For the first time in his life, he was so restless.

Even though he had heard about it a long time ago, he always felt that Qi Mo's so-called "martial arts" was marketed together with several program groups.

Until just now, the bodyguard he hired with a lot of money was easily beaten to pieces by Qi Mo.

This is not what shocked him the most.

The most shocking thing is why his younger brother is surrounded by people in his arms with his face red?

His self-confident younger the one who was fucked?

"...Hello, Lan Yanshen."

Lan Yan deeply concealed the surprise in his eyes, and shook hands with Qi Mo.

I also wanted to find a chance to meet Qi Mo, but I didn't expect to meet for the first time... Such a scene.

There was a crackling sound.

He raised his eyes and saw a gangster stabbing Lan Muzhou with a small knife!

"Mu Zhou!"

In a blink of an eye, Qi Mo raised his long legs, and without turning his head, he precisely landed on the gangster's arm!

With another kick, he kicked the person back ten steps!

The knife came out of her hand, and she tensed her fingers, holding the knife between her fingers.

Flipping his wrist, the knife turned into a black shadow, and stabbed into the wooden railing behind the gangster!

"I don't want to see anyone moving around again."

Qi Mo laughed.

All the people around trembled, and even Lan Yanshen's bodyguards trembled.

Don't dare to move, don't dare to move.

"Big Demon King! Brother Zhou Lin! Are you all okay!"

There was some confusion in the private room after the power outage, and they didn't realize something was wrong until the light came on.

Find it now.

Seeing the mess, Jiang Ning swallowed, and stood in the corridor without daring to move.

So did Qin Yu'an, Wang Changyan and others who ran out after him.

Zhao Congnan was also dumbfounded by the scene in front of him, tremblingly asked: "This...what's going on here?"

She listened to her brother's suggestion and brought the trainees out for a dinner together with the teachers, unexpectedly this kind of thing happened to her!

If she really hurt everyone and ruined everyone's future, she will feel guilty for the rest of her life!

He Ruilin was also punched twice, not too heavy, but his complexion was not very good at this time.

Take these people to make a record...he will be exposed in one fell swoop.

What is Zhao Tianhao doing for such a thing? !

"It's okay, don't worry, everyone."

Qi Mo looked relaxed.

Tomorrow is the final, so we must not let this kind of thing affect everyone.

She glanced at Zhao Congnan, and found that Zhao Congnan's eyes were full of guilt, and the tails of his eyes were red.

At first glance, I really don't know the truth.

"The police will come soon, everyone go back, I will handle this matter well."

Lan Yanshen's voice was deep and deep, and there was a kind of courage in his words that could not be ignored.

It will make people obey subconsciously.

Within ten minutes, the police arrived on the scene.

Several gangsters were handcuffed and lined up to take them to the police car.

As witnesses, Lan Muzhou and Qi Mo need to take notes.

Lan Yanshen swept back, "Follow me and get into my car."

Qi Mo asked in a low voice: "So... why didn't you tell me that you asked your brother for help?"

"I was worried about something, so I asked my brother to send some bodyguards over."

Lan Muzhou also lowered his voice, not daring to be too arrogant in front of his eldest brother.

"Who would have brother himself came here too."

Until now, he has not been able to escape from the embarrassment just now.

Let big brother see himself and Qi Mo like that...

He can't wait to find a crack in the ground and get in!

"...I'm sorry." He said, with apologetic eyes and red ears.

"What are you sorry for?" Qi Mo smiled.

Didn't he just knock over two of Lan Yanshen's bodyguards, and he hired bodyguards to beat him up so hard, does he blame her?

"It's me, I'm sorry for embarrassing you."

She knew that Lan Muzhou had a thin skin, so her elder brother saw this scene...

It's not good.

"No! You are also worried about me."

Lan Muzhou bit his lip, in fact, his brother already knew about it.

This time I just saw it more clearly.

They got into Lan Yanshen's car.

The atmosphere is awkward.

Lan Yan said deeply: "You..."

Lan Muzhou directly interrupted the elder brother's words, and hurriedly said first: "We really have nothing! Brother, trust me!"