MTL - When the Empress Dresses Up As a Female Trainee-Chapter 43 He stretched out his hand and slapped Qi Mo...

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/ Mo Baqian

Ning Xiaoxiao hung up Brother Wen's phone and fell into deep thought.

She is Yan Zhaoyun's manager, and Yan Zhaoyun has repeatedly failed to live up to expectations, and she also suffers from the cold face.

According to the meaning of the company, it is to consume Yan Zhaoyun until the contract is terminated, and will not give him any good resources.

Now there are film and television dramas coming to you on their own initiative... Maybe there is still a chance to feel proud?

The producer of "Leaning on the Sword" spends a lot of money to hire a screenwriter, but he will never hire actors at random to smash his own brand.

Maybe Yan Zhaoyun has something extraordinary that she didn't notice.

Thinking of this, Ning Xiaoxiao suppressed her prejudice against Yan Zhaoyun.

Let Yan Zhaoyun try acting, what if he becomes popular?

No one will have trouble with money.

So she smiled and made a WeChat call.

"Sister Xiaoxiao." Yan Zhaoyun's voice came.

"Zhaoyun, I contacted a crew for you. I will try out a play another day. I will contact the director first. I will send you the audition clips." Ning Xiaoxiao's voice is very kind, like chattering. It's the same as usual, "There just happens to be an acting teacher coming to the company these few days, if you are free, come and follow the class."

Yan Zhaoyun found it funny.

Ning Xiaoxiao... Help him contact the crew?

Heh, didn't Qi Mo help push it?

It's like he doesn't know anything.

In the past, he appeared in two popular variety shows without any splashes.

It was also from then on that Ning Xiaoxiao never talked to him like this again.

Suddenly became cordial, and even took the credit for others...


With a sneer in his heart, he said kindly, "Okay, okay, thank you sister Xiaoxiao! Thank you, sister, to contact the director!"

"Thank you very much. You have to study hard, and a smooth audition is better than anything else." Ning Xiaoxiao said with a serious look.

The two exchanged a few pleasantries, and Yan Zhaoyun locked the screen after Ning Xiaoxiao hung up the phone.

Except that Ning Xiaoxiao is too ridiculous...Qi Mo really admired him.

After eight years of messing around, he couldn't be really stupid. He immediately understood the reason for Ning Xiaoxiao's change of attitude.

No wonder Qi Mo asked him to wait for Ning Xiaoxiao to take the initiative to contact him.

He is twenty-five years old, not as good as Qi Mo, who was just twenty years old, it's really ashamed.

Because of Qi Mo, he now has the opportunity to transform into an actor.

I really don't know how to thank Qi Mo.

Recalling that in "National Idol", he almost had an opinion on Qi Mo because of what Zhou Cheng and He Ruilin said, and he covered his face in shame and guilt.

He really... measures the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain.

On the other side, Ning Xiaoxiao got to know the general situation with Brother Wen.

The company held a regular meeting every Monday, and the boss happened to be in the company, so she went to the office.

The door of the office was not closed tightly, and she saw Lin Jin inside at a glance.

And their boss Huang squeezed Lin Jin's buttocks.

…I go.

Ning Xiaoxiao let out a heartbeat, and stopped the hand that was about to knock on the door.

Fortunately, she is wearing flat shoes today.

Fortunately, she didn't knock on the door.

I have long thought that Lin Jin seems to have a background, but I didn't expect to be here waiting for her.

It is very common in the circle for male artists to go through the back door in order to get ahead.

Ning Xiaoxiao has long been used to it, but... she thought about the drama "Leaning on the Sword".

Their company is not a big company, and Lin Jin was only an Internet celebrity before, and the two dramas he acted in were both low-budget online dramas. With his qualifications, even if Mr. Huang wanted to praise him, he couldn't get a good production now.

For the project "Leaning on the Sword", 80% of them will find a way to cut Hu to Lin Jin.

Qi Mo learned the repertoire of the finals very quickly. After Xu Ziwen watched it once, he directly picked her out.

Commonly known as opening a small stove.

"Teacher, do you have any other announcements?"

Qi Mo was dragged to practice dancing all day, and his sweater was almost soaked through the sweater.

However, Xu Ziwen is worthy of being a dance genius who has won the world championship. He practiced dance with Xu Ziwen and made rapid progress.

Xu Ziwen sat in front of the mirror and checked his phone a few times.

"I'm not like Cheng Zhuo. I still have to act or something. I haven't announced anything other than "National Idol" recently."

He took out a poster, flipped his wrist, and showed it to Qi Mo.

"Are you watching? The recording of "Ilovedance" will start in two months."

Qi Mo has long known that Xu Ziwen is one of the captains of "Ilovedance".

So he asked: "Do you want me to participate and be your student?"

After all, it is impossible to be the captain.

"You learn from me. I'll see how you perform. Let's forget about popping① and locking②. You should master breaking first, and hiphop should also follow me." Xu Ziwen snapped his fingers and suddenly asked, "Do you like it?" Impromptu?"

"Huh?" Qi Mo wiped the sweat with a towel around his neck, "Isn't the essence of hip-hop dancing impromptu battle?"

After finishing speaking, she did not continue dancing, but did thirty crunches.

"Hahaha, it seems that you like battle."

Xu Ziwen smiled and applauded, "Tai and I took pictures, then let's use battle as the main training method in the future."

When Qi Mo arrived at the dormitory, no one came back.

Taking advantage of no one, she happened to take a quick bath.

As soon as he opened the door from the bathroom, he met Lan Muzhou who had just entered.

Lan Muzhou paused, and said unhappily, "I thought you wouldn't go back to the dormitory."

Ever since Qi Mo was taken away by Xu Ziwen, he hasn't been seen for a whole day.

Also... strange to think about this little dwarf.

"Have you all learned the dance? Then I will obviously go with you."

Qi Mo was a little tired and climbed directly onto the bed.

"What about the two of them?"

"They're going to carry water boxes back to the dormitory." Lan Muzhou said.

He walked to Qi Mo's bed, glanced twice, "Why are you listless?"

"You asked Xu Ziwen to take you away, and you were listless."

Qi Mo turned over and lay lazily on the bed, looking up at Lan Muzhou.

The overhead light was too cool, and she couldn't see the other person's face clearly.

The long and narrow phoenix eyes were slightly squinted, and Lan Muzhou's heart skipped a beat with a lazy look on his face.


He suddenly found that Qi Mo's hair was still wet, making the quilt and pillow a little wet.

"Why didn't you know to dry your hair?"

He took a few steps to the balcony, raised his hand, and tore off the white towel that he had washed cleanly.

Following Sui Sui's mouth, he said: "It's just the beginning of spring, you are looking for trouble for yourself."

With that said, she reached out to pick up Qi Mo's collar.

"Sit up for me."

Qi Mo didn't resist, and followed Lan Muzhou's strength, sitting on the bed with his knees hugged.

She stretched out her hand, "I felt dry just now, let me do it myself."

Lan Muzhou gave a pause for the hand holding the towel.

He was supposed to come.

I can't say why, but I just want to.

If Qi Mo didn't say anything, he would take advantage of the situation and not feel embarrassed.

Now that Qi Mo said so...

He pursed his lips, and after a moment of hesitation, he stretched out his hand and slapped Qi Mo's palm.

"If you can't even wipe your hair, what else can you do?"

While mockingly complaining, he put the towel on Qi Mo's head all at once.

The movements may seem rough, but the strength is very gentle.

Qi Mo changed to cross-legged and sat on the edge of the bed.

Lan Muzhou stood in front of her, gently brushing Qi Mo's hair with both hands.

For the first time doing this kind of thing, his movements were as gentle as possible.

And the mouth kept saying, "How can there be such a stupid person like you, I really despise you to death."

He couldn't keep his mouth idle, and his eyes looked down along the black hair.

Seeing the slender and curly eyelashes, the inner pair that is hard to find under the phoenix eyes, and the high bridge of the nose.

You can still see the beautiful collarbone exposed at the neckline.

So lovely.

Lan Muzhou's cheeks were slightly pink.

He took a deep breath, and the aroma of shower gel filled his nostrils.

It smells so good.

Dazed for two seconds, he immediately reacted, and began to mutter non-stop: "Next time, remember to wipe dry before going to bed. Sleeping with wet hair will cause a headache the next morning, do you know that?"

Talking non-stop seems to keep him focused.

Don't be distracted all the time, thinking about those messy things.

Qi Mo silently listened to the thoughts of the man in front of him.

Neither speak nor refute.

There was a faint smile on her face, and her eyes looked straight ahead, falling on her slender waist.

The figure is really good.

Lan Muzhou was not used to Qi Mo not talking from the beginning to the end, so he stopped talking.

"Hey, why don't you answer a word...?"

Not knowing what he was thinking of, he took a step back, tilted his head and sniffed himself a few times.

Today I mainly practice vocal music, and I haven't practiced much dancing. I don't think I have any smell, right?

Qi Mo was amused by his actions, "What do you smell?"

Couldn't it be that I said something about the smell of hairspray before, and it's remembered now.

So... do you care what she thinks?

The mood can't help but become happy.

"No... nothing." Lan Muzhou pursed his lips, frowned, and reluctantly said, "It has nothing to do with you."

"Does the one on you smell like oranges? It smells good."

Qi Mo put his face in one hand and smiled nicely.

She said deliberately ambiguously: "Come here."


what to do.

Sme... smell him?

Lan Muzhou's face turned red at that moment, he threw the towel in his hand towards Qi Mo, and said loudly: "My shampoo is in the bathroom, if you like the smell, just take the shampoo and smell it !"

The towel fell on Qi Mo's lap, and he pointed to the towel again, "You use it, you wash it yourself."

He took the only half bottle of water left on the table, unscrewed the lid and took several sips.

The cool water slid into his stomach, and he was relieved.

In fact, Qi Mo didn't say he wanted to hear about him.

It was all his own imagination.

At this time, Jiang Ning and Feng Yuan approached the dormitory carrying a box of mineral water.

The atmosphere in the dormitory seemed strange.

Jiang Ning blinked, "Do you drink water?"

"Lan Muzhou drinks, you can get him an extra bottle." Qi Mo leaned on the bed and said with a smile.

Lan Muzhou gritted his teeth, and glared at Qi Mo angrily.

The top five trainees in the third referendum still received resource rewards.

It's just that this time there is no need to choose, but five people will participate in a variety show together.

"Looking for People" is a game variety show for audiences in the form of live broadcast. People tracing means that the game guests are divided into two groups, one group is hiding, and the other group is looking for; mystery exploration means that after the game is over, the guests will check in the most distinctive food, landmarks, etc. in the local area.

The live broadcast guarantees the authenticity of the program, and the audience can see the most authentic reactions of the guests in the program.

Because of this, it has attracted a large number of loyal viewers.

The location of the live show this time is in a seaside tourist area.

It integrates sea bathing, sand bathing and sunbathing, and there is also a large water park.

As soon as the words "seaside tourist area" popped out, Qi Mo's right eyelid twitched wildly.

This if you need to swim in the water...

No, since it's a live broadcast, the guests will definitely not be allowed to enter the water.

After analyzing it carefully, she was relieved.

It is said that the "Looking for People" program group originally planned to hold a special session of "National Idol", inviting the top five students and tutors who have a schedule to play together, but several tutors, including Cheng Zhuo, have no schedule, only...Xu Ziwen's schedule is empty .

So Xu Ziwen started with the five trainees from the National Idol program group.

Before boarding the plane, Lan Muzhou lightly pushed Qi Mo with his shoulder.

He rubbed the tip of his nose and said, "If you still feel can rest your head on my shoulder."

"This time there are only seven of us, it seems that we are sitting in business class?" Qi Mo reminded.

Five trainees, plus Xu Ziwen, and a staff member of "National Idol" accompanied them.

Lan Muzhou's walking posture was stiff.

He was so embarrassed that he turned slightly.

Is he a demon...

Why did you even forget that this time it was the first class flight!

Near noon, a group of people arrived at the shooting location smoothly.

They will conduct official recording in the seaside tourist area in the afternoon.

In order to let the guests get acquainted with each other in advance, the program team of "Looking for People and Exploring Mysteries" prepared lunch for everyone at the hotel.

"Ah, Qi Mo!"

A familiar voice sounded, and when Qi Mo turned around, he saw Ye Jinsheng waving his arms at her.

She responded politely, "Hello, long time no see."

"Yeah, long time no see!"

Ye Jinsheng didn't chase drafts very much in the past, but since meeting Qi Mo, she has directly entered the pit of "National Idol", and the more she watches, the better she gets.

When I arrived at the scene, I found out that it was the contestants of "National Idol", and I was very happy.

"Hi everyone, I'm Ye Jinsheng, I hope to have a pleasant afternoon with you this time~"

"Hello, Miss Jinsheng!" The trainees, who were all younger than Ye Jinsheng, greeted together.

Ye Jinsheng, who was full of enthusiasm, was stabbed in the heart.

She put her hand to her forehead, her face full of grief.

Why are all the handsome boys in the draft now younger than her age!

Obviously they all look quite mature!

"We seem to be short of a guest here?" Xu Ziwen sat at the table and looked around.

"Looking for People and Exploring Mysteries" will invite 8 guests in each issue, and now only 7 are present.

"Sorry sorry, I'm late."

A deep and mellow voice came, and then a tall figure stepped into the room.

The man was wearing a casual suit, with neatly combed short hair, and a pair of oval-frame glasses on the bridge of his nose.

Looking around the room, he narrowed his eyes and smiled softly.

"Hi everyone, I'm Zhao Congming."

"Wow, I didn't expect Brother Ming to come!" Ye Jinsheng put his hands over his mouth and made an exaggerated gesture.

Zhao Congming exudes a gentle and refined temperament, very bookish.

After greeting Ye Jinsheng, he looked at the six people from "National Idol" and nodded.

"Since participating in "National Idol", every time Nan Nan chats with me, she will always mention everyone and always praise me for your hard work and great progress. I have also seen many of your stages. Awesome, I never thought I would have the opportunity to film a variety show together, I hope everyone can have fun together."

Qin Yu'an was dazed at first, and reacted for a long time before exclaiming, "Wow, I just realized that it's Teacher Zhao's brother! Hello, Brother Ming!"

Fu Luoyan pursed her lips to hide her smile, and said hello, "Brother Ming, the teacher has always gotten along with us and treated us very well."

Xu Ziwen and Lan Muzhou also greeted Zhao Congming one after another.

And He Ruilin sat on the chair, looking a little stiff.

He followed with a smile, "I'm meet Brother Ming."

"Brother Ming's younger sister is your teacher, it's really a kiss!" Ye Jinsheng pretended to be pitiful.

Zhao Congming was the oldest, but he quickly integrated into the conversation and was very popular with everyone.

He is only 28 years old, and he has already won the two most prestigious awards in the country.

For Qi Mo, the most important thing is that this person is another cannon fodder in the book, Zhao Congnan's brother.

In the book, the specific plot is unclear, but Zhao Congming was sent to prison by He Ruilin alone.

This is also one of the major abuse points where Zhao Congnan and He Ruilin abused their bodies and minds later.

From the perspective of the book, He Ruilin is always right.

But Qi Mo came in as cannon fodder, so he naturally knew that He Ruilin was not as perfect as in the book.

Sometimes he is even bad.

Qi Mo glanced at Zhao Congming, just in time to meet his gentle eyes.

She nodded as a greeting.

Whether Zhao Congming is good or bad, she will observe for herself.

She recalled that Zhao Congming should not have been on the guest list of the variety show "Looking for People and Exploring Mysteries".

Perhaps it was the butterfly effect that changed things.

The 8 guests have arrived, and we sat and chatted together and finished our lunch.

He Ruilin seemed to speak less than usual, perhaps because he had known Zhao Congming for a long time.

And Ye Jinsheng has a good temper and is very good at mobilizing the atmosphere.

Xu Ziwen is the same, he talks a lot, and he talks endlessly.

After a meal, I didn't feel awkward, on the contrary, I felt as if we were familiar with each other.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the live broadcast officially started, and a large number of viewers flooded into the live broadcast.

[The weekly live broadcast is finally here! I waited so hard! 】

【Will President Mo and Zhou Zhou be in a group? 】

【WooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooO Laugh and I'm drowning in it! 】

[Has Shengsheng been chasing "National Idol" recently? Is this considered star chasing success? [dog head]]

[Brother Ziwen is really rare, participating in this kind of variety show! 】

[Anzai rushes the duck! I hope you don’t underestimate him because of his cuteness [狗头]]

The live broadcast was successfully launched, and the 8 guests were divided into two groups through a lottery.

Qi Mo, Qin Yu'an, Xu Ziwen, and Ye Jinsheng are the hiding group. They need to disguise themselves as much as possible, or hide themselves, and look for opportunities to tear off the name tags on the backs of the hunting team members.

Lan Muzhou, He Ruilin, Fu Luoyan, and Zhao Congming are the hunting team. They need to find the hiding team members in the crowd and game facilities. Just take a photo of the hiding team members' faces with their mobile phones before the name tags are torn off.

Xu Ziwen gave Qi Mo special training for several days, and got to know Qi Mo very well, so he put his hand on Qi Mo's shoulder.

He laughed and said, "Are you serious? Qi Mo tearing up the name tag will probably punch a child."

Qin Yu'an followed suit with a smile, with a cute dimple on the corner of his mouth, "I also think that with Seventh Brother here, we will definitely win."

"Hey, the game hasn't started yet, so it's too early to say who will win."

Lan Muzhou crossed his arms and raised his head to look at Qi Mo.

He will never lose to Qi Mo again.

Before it officially started, there was a sense of tension.

[Pfft ha ha ha ha, I also think that Mo can always punch a kid [狗头]]

【Hunting Team: Dangerous:)】

[Woooooo Anzi's smile is so cute! 】

[Zhou Zhou Chong! Take the opportunity to hide a photo of Commander Mo [狗头]】

[Lan Muzhou fans are really noisy, Qi Mo is not the only CP of your family, stop cueing]

[? ? ? He Ruilin fans came to tear down the stage? 】

Fans of the Lan He family have regarded each other as rivals since the beginning of the show, and they dislike each other.

Now at the end of the show, I started arguing about CP again.

The director of the show here added at the end: "We have a total of two hours in the tracing stage. Every half hour, everyone's range of activities will be randomly reduced by a part. After two hours, the side with the most surviving team members wins. Now, hide The group has 15 minutes to take the lead in hiding."

"Three, two, one, let's go!"

As soon as the director spoke, the four members of the hiding group quickly disappeared in front of everyone.

The four of them first gathered in an open-air restaurant.

Qi Mo asked: "Jin Sheng, you usually exercise so much, are you guaranteed to tear off the opponent's name tag?"

"I don't exercise much, and..."

Ye Jinsheng gestured at her height, she was only 1.6 meters, and it was not easy to tear apart boys who were more than 1.8 meters tall.

"How about I hide inside the Ferris wheel?" She pointed to the land entertainment facilities behind.

"The Ferris wheel is too easy for people to think of." Qi Mo pointed to the cameraman who was following the filming, "Go borrow a suit of clothes and a walkie-talkie from the director's team."

As she spoke, she took out the blackest liquid foundation and a wig from her backpack, and handed them to Ye Jinsheng.

"Paint your face black, put on a wig, and put on the uniform of the director team, and borrow one of their sunglasses."

Ye Jinsheng took the wig and foundation, dumbfounded, "This is also okay???"

"You can do whatever the law says, and the show is the same." Qi Mo gestured to Ye Jinsheng with a post in his hand.

Ye Jinsheng quickly brushed back her half-length hair.

In just a minute, Qi Mo had already helped put on the wig.

Ye Jinsheng with short hair looks a bit capable.

Xu Ziwen nodded while watching, and laughed heartily, "Hahaha, Xiaoye seems to have never had such a short hairstyle before, right? I guess they will be hard to recognize."

"Yeah, it's never been this short before, and I'm really not used to it."

Ye Jinsheng grabbed his short short hair, and then started to apply foundation. Within a few seconds, his face darkened several degrees.

"Okay, then I'll borrow clothes and sunglasses from the director's team."

[Sheng Sheng's short hair looks so good! There is a heroic feeling, I can consider such a role in the future! 】

【Mr. Mo’s equipment is too complete, right? 23333】

[Mo always comes prepared, and Ye Jinsheng is really cool like this! 】

Ye Jinsheng left.

Qi Mo tilted his head, "You..."

"Hey, don't worry about me?" Xu Ziwen pointed to the Sea Paradise, "I'm going to hide there."

"Brother Seven, don't worry about me. I have learned Sanda for several years. It's no problem to tear off the famous brand."

Qin Yu'an grinned, and he smiled very cutely.

Qi Mo glanced up and down at Qin Yu'an several times in surprise.

I have been learning Sanda for several years... I really can't see it with such a small body.

"Then hide it yourself, I don't care."

Qin Yu'an took two steps to catch up, "Seventh Brother, what about you?"

"Me." Qi Mo curled his lips, "Change your identity and arrest someone."

[Grass hahahahahaha, Mr. Mo: If you want me to hide, it’s impossible [狗头]]

[Anzi said while laughing that I know Sanda, it's so cute! It feels like the little milk dog is pointing at his teeth and saying, look, it hurts to bite me! 】

【Then the sister in front was punched down by Qin Yuan [狗头]】

While posting barrage chats, the audience switched between different channels on their own to watch the guests' actions.

The fifteen-minute time limit was up, and the hunting team all set off.

As long as they protect their famous brand, they will not be eliminated.

That is to say, if a member of the hiding group shows up to attack them actively, they can guard against the name tag, catch the opponent to prevent them from escaping, and basically succeed in counter-killing.

They negotiated to work in pairs.

He Ruilin took the initiative to choose to act together with Lan Muzhou, and the two walked on the street.

"In such a big place, we probably have to wait until the map shrinks to catch people."

Lan Muzhou looked around.

The recording of the program only used the three parts of the seaside resort, the sea park, the land park, and the food park, but even so, the area covered was extremely wide, and it would take at least half an hour just to walk around.

He Ruilin nodded and said, "You can focus on the places where they might hide."

He glanced at the Ferris wheel and the Sea Theater.

Following He Ruilin's gaze, Lan Muzhou shook his head, "The Ferris wheel is impossible, but the theater is definitely possible."

Before I felt how long it had started, I heard the director's voice coming from the headset, "The first time is announced, 2:30. The map is randomly reduced, and the guests of the food park are asked to leave immediately."

Qin Yu'an was holding a small bowl of fried clams, but he hadn't swallowed what was in his mouth.

The director's voice caught him off guard, causing him to choke and his eyes widened.

"My God, what's going on, the map shrinks too fast, right?"

[Hahahahahahaha xswl, Anzi is too cute! 】

【Okay, Anzi won the title of Pig Boy! 】

[Run away, Anzi! Someone is coming to get you! 】

Fu Luoyan obviously knew Qin Yu'an better, and when he separated from Lan Muzhou and the others, he took Zhao Congming to the food paradise.

Qin Yu'an was the youngest among the five, and his usual hobby, besides rapping, was eating.

"Eighty percent of Qin Yu'an is in the food court, let's block him." Fu Luoyan said.

Zhao Congming pushed his glasses, "There seem to be two entrances and exits to the food court, so let's go to one each."

Fu Luoyan nodded in agreement, "Okay, then act separately."

After the two separated, the two photographers beside them chased each other.

Zhao Congming came to one of the exits and waved to the cameraman.

"I want to hide. If you are too conspicuous, you will be found. Can I trouble you to hide too?"

The photographer brother didn't make a sound, nodded, and looked around to see where it would be better to hide himself.

After finding a decent place, he turned to look at Zhao Congming.

But found that Zhao Congming's figure had disappeared.

"There is still an hour and a half, and I haven't even seen anyone."

Lan Muzhou muttered softly.

He and He Ruilin were walking on the streets of Sea Paradise, beside them was a row of small shops selling swimsuits, swimming rings and other marine supplies, and many people came to buy clothes in the shop.

Every time they pass a store, they have to look in and don't miss one.

【Come, come, come! Zhouzhou & He Ruilin, danger! 】

[Visual estimation that two people will eliminate at least one [dog head] within three minutes]

[Ha ha ha ha ha, run away! 】

In the barrage of Wuyang Wuyang, a large piece of white words, most of them are telling the two of them to chase and flee quickly.

The cameraman moved the camera forward.

I saw a man wearing a hat and uniform of a cleaner by the door of a shop not far ahead.

He was holding a stone in his hand, and when Lan Muzhou was about to come in front of him, he flicked his finger.

As if having a sudden cramp, Lan Muzhou's knee was in severe pain, and he staggered forward!

In a panic, he took someone's hand.

Taking advantage of the situation, he grabbed the man's wrist and stabilized his figure.

The target was orange, obviously the other party was a cleaner.


The moment the word thanked him, he was startled suddenly by the cool touch on his hand.

The heart was beating loudly.

Feeling familiar, Lan Muzhou's eyes widened, he quickly grabbed Qi Mo's wrists, and shouted, "This is Qi Mo! Take a picture!"

He Ruilin was taken aback.

Just now Lan Muzhou fell so suddenly that he didn't have time to help him up, and he didn't even realize that the cleaner in front of him was Qi Mo.

He keeps his phone on, and he can take pictures by clicking on the camera.

But Qi Mo was wearing a hat, so it was not easy to get a good photo of his face.

Lan Muzhou obviously thought of this too, he didn't care about other things, he directly put his head on the brim of Qi Mo's hat!

Qi Mo quickly shrank back, dodging the sneak attack.

Followed by a reverse cut of the wrist, he broke free immediately.

In less than two seconds, she turned around and ran!

"Qi Mo! Do you still want to run away?"

Lan Muzhou shouted and chased after him without hesitation.

"Lan Muzhou, chasing Qi Mo is too exhausting!"

He Ruilin yelled, but couldn't stop Lan Muzhou.

He had no choice but to follow.

There was a sudden sinking on the shoulders.

He Ruilin couldn't keep up, but the barrage never stopped.

【They moved too fast just now, I didn't even see clearly! 】

【Mr. Mo is pretending to be like that, Zhou Zhou can't see his face even with his head down, how did he recognize it? ? 】

[Looking at Mr. Mo's expression, she didn't expect Zhou Zhou to recognize her! 】

【I claim to be a die-hard fan of Mr. Mo. I probably wouldn’t recognize Mr. Mo in front of me if he did this...】

[This is probably... a heart-to-heart connection [狗头]]

【Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha weekend CP banner will not fall! Looking at someone, I was reminded by Zhou Zhou to react]

Qi Mo ran extremely fast, passing through the crowd and overcoming obstacles was a piece of cake for her.

She took off her uniform as she ran, and after finishing it, she casually put it on the handlebar of the roadside cleaning truck.

"Qi Mo, you came here on your own initiative and want to run away?" Lan Muzhou chased after him and shouted.

The two ran wildly all the way, and ran directly out of the area of ​​the sea paradise.

The guy behind the camera is suspicious of life, how can these two people run away?

Fortunately, he has practiced before, otherwise he really wouldn't be able to catch up!

Qi Mo went around in a circle, and casually pulled out the sand board he had prepared a long time ago.

Without thinking, she slid all the way down the steep **** of sandboarding!

When she got down there, she looked back at Lan Muzhou standing on the top of the sand hill, and curled the corners of her mouth.

If you want to catch her, it will take another twenty years.

But what she didn't expect was that Lan Muzhou could recognize her and grabbed her hands so quickly.

It was expected that Lan Muzhou would fall forward after being hit by a stone on his knee.

In this state, not only can he not see what is in front of him, but he will also expose the name tag behind him.

She only needs to support Lan Muzhou, and she can tear off the name tag.

In the was it exposed?

Qi Mo couldn't figure it out.

Lan Muzhou stood on the top of the sand hill, not daring to look down.

His fear of heights is real.

Not to mention that he doesn't have a sandboard, even if he does, he will have to spend half a day mentally building it up.

Tsk, the person who got it was chased and lost.

What about He Ruilin?

He looked around, but he didn't see He Ruilin.

He ran too fast and even lost his teammates.

Lan Muzhou clenched his fists, his eyes drooping.

In fact, it's quite unpleasant.

He was walking with He Ruilin, and the first person Qi Mo wanted to eliminate was him, not He Ruilin.

After doing so much, it's still not good, Rui Lin.

Heart astringent uncomfortable.

"Xu Ziwen from the hiding group has been successfully captured by Fu Luoyan, and Xu Ziwen has been eliminated!"

"The pursuit team, He Ruilin, has been successfully torn off by Qi Mo, and He Ruilin is eliminated!"

"Fu Luoyan, the hunting team, has been successfully torn off by Qi Mo, and Fu Luoyan is eliminated!"

In half an hour, the director team announced a total of three messages.

The barrage is already boiling.

[It's only been an hour! Both of them were torn apart! 】

【President Mo could tear up Zhouzhou originally, who would have thought that Zhouzhou would react so quickly [狗头]】

[As long as the number of the hunting group is less than that of the hiding group, it is basically a loss]

[Womo is always really fast and accurate, I can tear off the nameplate in the blink of an eye]

[Can you give us CP powder some food to eat! Mr. Mo is going to tear up the boat! 】

【Mr. Mo is now...[狗头]】

There are only two people left in the hunting team, Lan Muzhou and Zhao Congming.

The less people there are, the less likely it is to win. It is more efficient for two people to work together. They choose to find someone together.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the entire recording venue became smaller and smaller.

Now only the Sea Paradise and a small beach are left.

On the beach, there is a platform connected by wooden boards, extending straight to the middle of the sea.

There are a few scattered people on the platform, fishing.

They sat there all afternoon, hardly moving.

This is the third time Lan Muzhou has come to this place, and when his gaze swept across the platform, he paused slightly.

It seems that there are more people fishing.

"Let's take a look on the platform?" Zhao Congming asked warmly.

"Thinking of going together." Lan Muzhou said.

Step on the platform, step on the wood under your feet, creaking.

Lan Muzhou approached the fishing "old man" whom he had never seen before.

An intuition told him that this person was Qi Mo.

He walked faster and faster with his mobile phone, staring at the "old man" closely, not daring to relax for a moment.

Just when he came to the edge of the stage, his feet suddenly tightened, and his speed was too fast, so he turned forward!

Below is the sea water, and he suddenly widened his eyes.

Gan! Qi Mo went too far this time!

When he was dazed, the "old man" raised his leg and used both hands and feet. The two exchanged positions, bringing him back to the stage almost in the blink of an eye.

The opposite force caused the "old man" to fall down, leaving only one hand on the wooden board.

What's the situation, Lan Muzhou is so stupid that he can fall on the ground while walking?

If she wasn't there, she wouldn't have turned over into the sea!

Just catch her in such a hurry.

Qi Mo frowned, and raised his other hand.

Ben didn't take it seriously, and was about to turn over and go back to the platform, only to hear "click".

The thrilling scene just now, before the nearby tourists could react, followed by a loud "plop"—

Someone fell into the water!

Lan Muzhou almost fell and was pushed back, his heart was pounding.

This is... Qi Mo wanted to trip him, but he accidentally fell down?

Heh, Qi Mo didn't make little tricks for him.

Not only tripped him, but also hit his knee with a stone before - seeing the faint blue patch on his knee, he knew everything.

"Tch, let you trip me." He puffed his lips and said loudly, "Hey, come up soon, I won't take a picture of you with my phone."

After two seconds, no one appeared, but a string of bubbles floated up instead.

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