MTL - When the Empress Dresses Up As a Female Trainee-Chapter 38 Invite the top three contestants He Ruilin,...

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/ Mo Baqian

Covering his head under the quilt for a few seconds, Lan Muzhou suddenly turned over.

If you don't take the initiative to explain clearly to Qi Mo now, should you wait for Qi Mo to ask him?

He could even imagine Qi Mo's frowning expression when he listened to his explanation.

In a short corridor, he seemed to be divided into two parts.

On the one hand, I was faintly happy, and on the other hand, I felt extremely embarrassed.

When he came to the gate of the Vocal group, Lan Muzhou took a deep breath.

"Dong dong dong" three times, knocked on the door.

Soon there were footsteps coming from inside.

The door was opened from the inside, and the object of entry was He Ruilin's soft and delicate face.

The air that was hanging in the air suddenly went down.

Lan Muzhou suddenly felt an indescribable irritability.

He cut directly to the topic and asked, "Where's Qi Mo?"

He Ruilin was slightly taken aback, and subconsciously thought of closing the dormitory door just like that.

On the plane, he was just chatting with Wang Changyan about the formation of the final team, and things seemed to have broken out of his control all of a sudden.

The fingers pressing on the door leaf turned white.

He didn't know Qi Mo's whereabouts, but he deliberately said it kindly, "Xiao Qi has something to do today, so he's not in the dormitory."

What is it close to.

Lan Muzhou complained in his heart, looked down at his phone, it was already half past ten.

Every day at this time, Qi Mo falls asleep.

"Is it so late to record the program...?" He muttered as if talking to himself.

Such a regular schedule, I don't know if I can sustain it.

"Variety show?" He Ruilin was taken aback again.

"Huh?" Lan Muzhou looked up, staring at He Ruilin's expression, "You can't be... you don't even know that Qi Mo is going to record a variety show, right?"

As he spoke, the corners of his mouth gradually rose.

The expression on the whole face seemed to be indescribably proud, even a little embarrassed.

Even He Ruilin didn't know Qi Mo's whereabouts.

In other words... Among all the trainees, I am afraid that only he himself knows.

Qi Mo only told him one person.

A burst of joy filled my heart, bubbling and bubbling.

It was only then that He Ruilin realized that Qi Mo hadn't shown up since the afternoon and was going to record a variety show.

He opened his mouth, but felt a bit dry and hoarse in his throat.

After a while, he forced a smile and said, "Xiao Qi was too anxious when he left, so we didn't ask him where he was going."

Being able to see He Ruilin deflated is also one of the miracles of "All Even".

Lan Muzhou suddenly felt refreshed.

He curled his lips triumphantly, "No need to explain, I know what's going on."

This shows that Qi Mo doesn't take you He Ruilin seriously anymore.

He stared at He Ruilin inexplicably for two seconds, then grinned, "I wish you a sweet dream."

Then, he swaggered away.

Even thought about taking a couple of foolish steps in the hallway.

This kid Qi Mo is finally not so stupid, he thinks He Ruilin is so important.

It's been a long time since Lu Qingqing got together with her good sisters, so after leaving the "Actor's New Life" program group, Qi Mo and the others found a restaurant to have a meal together.

After dinner, it was getting late.

There is a direct bus from the bus stop outside the restaurant to the "National Idol" program group.

Qi Mo didn't want Lu Qingqing to stay up late to see her off, so he discussed it and took the bus back by himself.

Watching Lu Qingqing's car gradually go away, Qi Mo stood on the bus platform and waited for the bus.

The night bus she was waiting for only took half an hour, and it usually took a long time to wait.

And she seems to be luckier.

Not long after, a bus with 886 on it came slowly and finally stopped in front of the platform.

Qi Mo took the bus for the first time and didn't think much about it.

I opened the QR code for the car and got on the car directly.

The moment she got into the car, the door behind her closed with a "squeak".

Qi Mo looked up into the car, and saw dark shadows moving slowly in the dark carriage!

A woman with scarlet eyes and a **** face; a horned forehead with a ghost face showing fangs; a man with long hair like a chimpanzee...

At the same time, there were bursts of strange and low-pitched laughter echoing.

It seemed that the air conditioner was still turned on in the car, and gusts of cool wind blew over, which could make people feel goosebumps.

In the dark night, the bus was already driving slowly on the road.

In a few seconds, he got into a dark road with street lights.

There are almost no pedestrians on the road, even if you yell loudly, you may not attract the attention of passers-by.

The black shadow in the carriage swayed slightly from side to side, moving towards Qi Mo.

Walking outside, Qi Mo wore a mask and put the wide hat on his clothes on his head.

The whole face was buried in shadow.

When she saw the situation in the car, she had already realized what was going on.

So, under all the surprised eyes in the car—

Qi Mo lifted off his wide hat and gently took off his mask with one hand.

A face with an obvious playful smile was revealed.

Her tone was relaxed, as if she was joking, "Hi everyone, unfortunately, it's me again."

The black shadow in the carriage stopped for a moment.

Even the driver stepped on the brakes, and the bus stopped on the side of the road.

The atmosphere fell into an eerie silence.

The variety show actors with hideous makeup swallowed.

Fortunately, I didn't jump too fast this time.

...Otherwise, Qi Mo might beat him up and lose his points.

A man raised his hand and touched his chest. He still remembered the feeling of being slapped by Qi Mo last time.

Seeing Qi Mo himself, there seemed to be a dull pain here again.

"Hahahahahahaha what a coincidence, Qi Mo."

After the weirdness, there was a burst of laughter in the car.

Nestled in the last row, the hidden director popped up.

The smile on his face seemed a little stiff.

Damn, why did I meet Qi Mo again.

The cameraman who was also well disguised also popped up, "Director, shall I stop the machine first?"

The director waved his hand, "Continue recording."

It can also be regarded as a tidbit, and netizens may burst out laughing after seeing it.

Qi Mo was not frightened at all by the variety show actors in the car with hideous makeup, but naturally found a seat and sat down.

"The car 886 is too difficult to wait for, why don't you... send me back to the program group first?"

Director & Cinematography & Cast:…

Looking at Qi Mo, who was sitting in the car contentedly, with his legs crossed, would they have a chance to refuse? !

The program "Do you have many question marks" really made them have many question marks.

But Qi Mo is now considered one of the top reserves.

It's not a loss to send Qi Mo back to the "National Idol" program group.

Maybe they still made money.

The director planned to think up a few outlines temporarily and communicate with Qi Mo on the way.

But Qi Mo looked down at his phone, "It's getting late, I'll take a rest first."

After speaking, she closed her eyes.

The director watched the time several times in a row.

...It was just after ten o'clock in the evening!

It is said that contemporary young people are night owls?

After taking a short break in the car rented by the "Do You Have Many Question Marks" program group, Qi Mo returned to the recording base smoothly.

After thanking the director, she yawned and returned to the dormitory.

It was already eleven o'clock.

Before entering the formal group training, the trainees went to bed earlier to recharge their batteries.

The dormitory of the Vocal group was also pitch black.

Qi Mo entered the dormitory lightly, and washed up in the bathroom.

After washing up, he opened the bathroom door, only to see He Ruilin standing at the door.

She raised her eyebrows, "Why haven't you slept yet?"

It's not that He Ruilin hasn't slept yet, but he hasn't been able to fall asleep.

In the past, Qi Mo would tell him everything, and he was always put first.

But now, he has obviously tried his best to get close to Qi Mo, but he doesn't know about such a big event as recording a variety show.

He was also teased secretly by Lan Muzhou, and wished him sweet dreams before leaving.

But in this way, how could he have a good dream? !

I went to bed early, but couldn't fall asleep because of tossing and turning.

Until Qi Mo came back.

Crooked eyebrows, He Ruilin concealed the thoughts in his heart.

He didn't say that he couldn't fall asleep, but said: "I woke up when I heard the sound."

Qi Mo glanced at He Ruilin.

Compared with Lan Muzhou, he really understands the "art of speaking".

This kind of rhetoric not only avoids answering the reason for not sleeping, but also makes people feel guilty in turn.

She didn't speak, just nodded and yawned.

"Wait for Qi Mo." He Ruilin said, and grabbed Qi Mo's wrist as soon as he reached out.

A cool touch came down the palm of his hand, and he quickly let go of it again.

"I heard that you went to record a variety show today, did it go well?"

I wanted to ask "Why didn't you tell him", but I couldn't ask after all.

Why not tell?

I don't want to say that's all.

If you ask, you can only get a few perfunctory words.

It is tantamount to humiliating oneself.

So, it's better to care about it and ask if the recording went well.

If there is any problem, maybe he can help to think of a solution.

"It went well."

Qi Mo responded with a smile, with a relaxed and soft voice.

But she continued in the next sentence: "It would be even better if I could sleep well."

With a light smile, He Ruilin choked back all the words he had prepared.

He clenched his fist behind his back and forced a smile on his face.

"You must be tired, go to rest, good night."

Qi Mo went back to the room, and He Ruilin closed the bathroom door.

He washed his face quickly with cold water.

The delicate and soft face gradually sank, very depressed.

Drops of water trickled down his chin.

I used to think that how could a person's feelings just disappear as soon as they disappeared.

It is also impossible for Qi Mo to stop being interested in him all at once.

As long as he returns and treats Qi Mo better, he can make up for what happened before.

But now...

It was too cold, too cold for him to accept.

After Sangong was broadcast, many netizens knocked on their CP, and even his support club apologized.

On the surface, it looks kind, even ambiguous.

Some netizens are still saying that they failed to cooperate smoothly in the first public, and failed to present the best stage, but they finally fulfilled their wishes and left the audience with a classic stage that is definitely worth watching.

But who would have known that the relationship between them would have dropped to freezing point long ago.

No matter how hard he drove forward, he couldn't catch up with Qi Mo's pace.

This is the third time for the trainees to stand in this studio.

It will also be the last time.

During these three times, the number of trainees in the recording studio became less and less, and this time, there were only 24 trainees left.

All the trainees have arrived, but Cheng Zhuo has not arrived at the scene yet.

"Hey, I'm just going through the motions to get my grades. In fact, my third husband can leave directly after the performance."

"Although I should reassure you with 'don't say anything depressing'...but I feel the same way."

"Let me predict that Qi Mo should still be number one."

"Eh? Wait, why didn't Zhou Cheng come?"

"Ah...that's true, otherwise he would make a lot of noise every time."

"Hahahahaha, that's not it, the ears are quite clean."

"It seems that their company knew in advance that he was eliminated, so someone came to pick him up."

Talk to the trainees in Zhou Chengyi's dormitory.

Leaving early, not recording the ranking announcement, and then finding a reason to announce his retirement at that time, although it is inevitable to be ridiculed, but it is always decent in face, it is better than directly declaring that the strength is not good enough to be eliminated.

"Tsk tsk, big companies just know how to play."

"So...he not only didn't make the top 12, he didn't even make the top 15??"

"Damn, if you think about it this way, it's really possible."

Every time the program announces the rankings, it puts together the last one who advanced and the top three who failed to advance.

The trainees who are almost promoted, get the sympathy of netizens and fans every time.

If the marketing is done better, the small composition is written more sincerely, and it can even attract fans.

Zhou Cheng directly excused himself to leave "National Idol" this time, doesn't it mean that he is not even in the top 15? !

The trainees who had been complained about by Zhou Cheng in the past were immediately relieved.

I have always felt that I am backed by a big factory, supported by others and still have strength, but now I leave in despair, it is really funny!

Qi Mo sat quietly on the chair without saying a word.

She went to bed late yesterday, and her biological clock was too accurate in the morning, causing her to feel dizzy now.

The voices of the trainees discussing Zhou Cheng reached her ears, and she couldn't help sighing in her heart, as expected of a big company, in order to maximize the benefits and reduce the chance of Zhou Cheng being ridiculed, this kind of operation can still be done.

"Brother Qi, where did you go yesterday? You didn't come back until we all fell asleep."

Chen Ke asked in a low voice beside him.

Qi Mo replied: "A program has been recorded, but it hasn't been officially announced yet."

Chen Ke nodded immediately, "Oh, oh, then I won't ask."

"By the way, Qi Mo, did you know that Brother Zhou swiped and liked the weekend CP fan's Weibo yesterday?"

Jiang Mingchen seemed to think of something funny, and laughed and talked to Qi Mo like offering a treasure.

"It was on the hot search all of a sudden, and it hung up for a long time. It is estimated that everyone in the team will be anxious to death."

Lan Muzhou's footsteps froze.

He was about to take the initiative to confess to Qi Mo that he was "slippery", but Jiang Mingchen actually gave him a step ahead!

It's good now, he stood behind Qi Mo, staring at Jiang Mingchen.

Qi Mo followed Jiang Mingchen's gaze and turned his head.

The remarks prepared in advance were instantly forgotten.

Meeting Qi Mo's gaze, Lan Muzhou subconsciously said dryly, "I didn't mean to."

This is too false!

After he finished speaking, he wanted to slap Jiang Mingchen on the head!

How does this make Qi Mo think of him.

Do you think that he just said that he didn't want to fire CP, and now he has done this kind of thing, and he is disgusting again?

Even if he encounters such a thing himself, he will not leave a good impression on the other party.

But he... doesn't want Qi Mo to have a bad impression of him.

"Why are you so nervous?" Qi Mo patted Lan Muzhou's arm.

His whole body was tense, and he looked a little stiff.

"I know you won't take the initiative to do things like fire CP, it's okay."

After observing Qi Mo carefully for a few times, he felt that Qi Mo really didn't look like a fake, so Lan Muzhou heaved a sigh of relief.

It seems that Qi Mo is still a very sensible person.

"Besides..." Qi Mo raised his head slightly, smiling nicely, "It's not shameful to want to fire CP with me."

She supported the back of the chair with her hands, and tilted her head back, "You think so?"

"...Who wants to fry CP with you!" Lan Muzhou exploded in a second.

Just now I thought Qi Mo was a nice person, but now he is so angry, Qi Mo really deserves it.

He waved his hand and said harshly, "I will never fire CP with you!"

Back to the site of the Dance group.

With his hands on his hips, Lan Muzhou exhaled angrily...

The rationality that would fly away after being teased by Qi Mo returned.

...Just now, he wanted to explain to Qi Mo default and apologize for the bad influence. By the way, he wanted to test Qi Mo's attitude, and also test his own thoughts on Qi Mo!

For this reason, he also deliberately typed the belly draft several times.

Why didn't he say anything in the end, instead he said something cruel that was completely different from what he wanted to say!

Lan Muzhou: Grandpa on the subway looks at his phone.jpg

Qi Mo Ke him.

Keta in every sense.

Should I go to fortune-telling with the horoscope of my birthday?

Without making the trainees wait long, Cheng Zhuo appeared in the studio in a suit.

"Good morning, fellow trainees."

The trainees responded enthusiastically.

"Hi Cheng PD!"

"Good morning Cheng PD!"

Cheng Zhuo stood on the stage and raised the card in his hand.

"As you can see, the results of the third online referendum for trainees are all in my hands."

"Among the 24 trainees promoted by Er Gong, trainee Zhou Cheng withdrew due to an accident and will no longer participate in the future schedule. Therefore, this time we are 23 to 12. Among the 23 trainees present, there will be 12 , can advance to the finals!"

Last time, Cheng Zhuo used "half of the trainees will bid farewell", but this time it is "12 trainees can advance".

There was a difference in speaking skills, which immediately caused a lot of excitement in the scene.

"It feels like it's all here!"

"If I don't advance, my brother must advance!"

"There will be a single in the promotion, and it's worth it if you don't form a group!"

Some trainees even clasped their hands and fingers in front of them, praying in their hearts unceasingly.

Standing in the center of the stage of the Imperial Stadium, who wouldn't want to!

"This time, we will skip the 12th place and start publishing from the 11th place."

Cheng Zhuo looked down at the cards in his hand and began to announce the rankings.

There are too many votes in the back row, and the situation is stalemate.

Only 20,000 to 30,000 more votes can advance one place.

Therefore, the 50,000 extra points for the team winning is very important.

"The 11th ranked trainee, he is from the Vocal group. In this performance, compared with his previous self, he has made great breakthroughs and improvements..."

Cheng Zhuo's steady voice came out slowly, and Jiang Mingchen's heart started beating.

God, it can't be him...?

In the beginning, he was a player whose grades were consistent, and he was barely able to enter the Sangong.

But what Cheng Zhuo said, he couldn't think of anyone except himself.

"Jiang Mingchen...?"

"I also think that he has been dancing hip-hop for 10 years, and this time he has made a big breakthrough in modern dance."

"I'll go, he didn't make it into the top 12 in the first three ratings, right?"

The trainees who were familiar with each other were whispering among themselves, their voices full of envy.

With a smile, Cheng Zhuo suddenly looked at Jiang Mingchen, "Congratulations to Jiang Mingchen! You broke through yourself with modern dance, and at the same time won the audience's approval!"

"Damn it!" Jiang Mingchen exclaimed in a low voice.

This time, he didn't go on stage immediately, but hugged Qi Mo who was sitting in front of him.

"Thank you, Great Demon King!"

After speaking, he rushed to the stage and took the ranking card.

"I really never thought that I would be able to enter the finals and get my own single! Originally, I was selected for the Dance group, but I was voted out during the internal vote. Me, we have dramas; I don’t have much confidence in modern dance myself, it’s hard to get over the typhoon of more than ten years, but the facts tell me, I can do it!”

"All of this is largely due to Qi Mo, the big devil in our group! Thanks to him for leading me to win all the way from my second husband!"

After he finished speaking, he bowed "swipe" in Qi Mo's direction.

"Damn, I really admire..."

"Or people always say that luck is a kind of strength."

"He's able to get up has a lot to do with his personality, alas, there are many reasons."

The trainees talked in twos and threes and shrugged.

The ranking continues to be announced.

The tenth place is Fang Luoyu.

No. 9 Jiang Ning.

No. 7 Cao Jun.

The announcement of the sixth place will soon be ushered in.

You must know that there are a total of six people who are firmly in the top position, and only 5 people can form a group in the end.

Therefore, the sixth place every time is of great concern to the trainees and fans.

The last time Fu Luoyan was kicked out of the top five, what will happen this time is still uncertain.

Wang Changyan shook his head, "I must be sixth."

He and Fu Luoyan had similar fan bases, and the number of online votes had always been about the same.

So the most important thing is the number of additional votes obtained on the stage.

Sangong Fu Luoyan is the second in the group, he is the third, the result is obvious.

"The sixth trainee, the last word in his name is Yan."

As soon as Cheng Zhuo finished speaking, the trainees "wowed" out their voices.

"PD is here again and again!"

"The last word of Fu Luoyan and Wang Changyan is words!"

"Don't be a secret, Cheng PD!"

Cheng Zhuo giggled and looked at the trainees, "Then let us announce that the sixth place is Wang Changyan! This position is a bit delicate, but it is still worthy of congratulations. In the final, you can get your ideal result.”

Wang Changyan took the ranking card and smiled brightly at the camera.

This time the top five candidates are still so fixed.

Except that Wang Changyan and Fu Luoyan switched each other, there was no other difference.

After the fifth place Fu Luoyan and the fourth place Qin Yu'an were announced, Cheng Zhuo paused.

Now there are two pairs of CPs that are very popular on the Internet.

They are Qi Mo Lan Muzhou and Qi Mo He Ruilin respectively, and the voice of CP is a little higher on weekends.

What the program group needs is a topic, so when there are only these three people left, it is doomed not to announce it quickly.

Cheng Zhuo said: "This time, please invite the top three contestants He Ruilin, Lan Muzhou and Qi Mo to come to the stage."

Read The Duke's Passion