MTL - When the Empress Dresses Up As a Female Trainee-Chapter 3 ...Stop talking nonsense, please! Calculate……

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/ Mo Baqian

Qi Mo went to the practice room with Lan Muzhou.

It was the first time she saw such a large mirror, and she couldn't help but let out a "ho".

Walk to the mirror in two steps, and probe past.

In the mirror is a face that is indistinguishable between male and female, the brows are soft, but the pair of phoenix eyes are sharp.

It is more than eight points similar to her previous face, but it is slightly softer.

"What are you looking at? Since you have decided to practice dancing well, don't waste time."

Lan Muzhou is obviously a kind person, but what he says always seems like someone owes him eight million.

Knowing that Lan Muzhou's temperament is like this, Qi Mo couldn't help laughing, "Lan Muzhou, can you look like a man?"


Lan Muzhou frowned, and there were question marks in his heart.

He is not man enough?

He Ruilin is a man with a smiling face like that?

He was upset for a while, but he knew that now was not the time to quarrel.

The second is the most important. The second is the most important.

He said it silently several times in his heart, took another deep breath, and finally endured the urge to go back.

"I'm not arguing with you, stop talking nonsense and come here quickly."

Qi Mo didn't go over, but raised his head leisurely to signal, "You should do the solo dance first."

In this move, there was something aloof that she didn't even realize.

Lan Muzhou paused.

All right, let Qi Mo read it from the beginning to the end first, to find out how he feels.

"Okay, let me dance for you first, you look good."

He rolled up the sleeves of his hoodie, revealing his smooth and beautiful forearm.

Who would have thought that the next second, Qi Mo would stretch out his hand and pull down the sleeves he had just rolled up.

She frowned, "Pay attention to your appearance!"

As a man, it's okay to be an "idol" in public, but he even showed his forearm!

Don't keep masculinity!

Is this really sick?

Lan Muzhou couldn't bear it anymore, once again, the veins on his forehead popped up.

Hold back, hold back.

A small leak will sink a great ship.

The sky will send a great mission to the people of Sri Lanka, and they must first suffer from their hearts.

Like a monk chanting scriptures, he muttered a few words in his heart, and Lan Muzhou let out a long sigh of relief.

It's just that the yellow hair that was screaming looked like a cat with a blown hair.

With a stiff smirk on his face, he gritted his teeth and said, "It's okay if I don't roll up my sleeves?"

The Bluetooth of the mobile phone was connected to the speaker, and a piece of cool music sounded in the empty practice room.

As for Lan Muzhou, he had already entered the state the moment the music started.

In his usually irritable or lazy eyes, there was seriousness, as if he had changed himself.

Although he was only performing for Qi Mo, it was as if he was on the stage. Every movement was done without delay, and the position was just right.

The yellow hair swayed in the air as if carrying the vitality of a teenager.

He stepped on the beat very accurately, as if this dance had already been carved into his bones.

Even every little expression is arranged just right.

It's hard to imagine, this is a fragment learned in one night!

With a burst drumbeat, Lan Muzhou's movements suddenly froze.

As if he was facing the camera, he raised his head slightly towards the mirror and perfectly captured the most beautiful side face.

Qi Mo rested his chin, his eyes fell on Lan Muzhou.

The dance and music in this world are so strange, yet inexplicably harmonious.

This solo seems to be pretty good too.

"This solo is not too difficult, as long as you step on the right spots and your movements are strong, it's not a problem." Lan Muzhou said.

Qi Mo nodded.

She did not deny that the dance Lan Muzhou chose was in line with the trend of the world, but the program "National Idol", the more unexpected and differentiated the audience, the more likely it is to win.

So she said, "You made a good choice, but I have other ideas."

Lan Muzhou almost spit out old blood, "Now is not the time for you to be willful..."

"Thank you." Qi Mo looked directly into Lan Muzhou's eyes, and choked back his words.

Lan Muzhou suddenly had a feeling that it was not right to scold, and it was not right to not scold.

A slap in the face for a sweet date is nothing more than that.

"By the way, last night, I already learned the part of Wang Zixuan." Qi Mo got up.

Lan Muzhou: ...?

The expression on his face read brightly: Are you kidding me?

"Qi Mo, we are running out of time, and we really don't have time to joke with you."

They only have a day and a half to familiarize themselves with the new changes.

"Do I look like I'm joking?" Qi Mo said briskly.

As a woman, there is no reason to lose to a man.

Everyone thought she was going to lose, so she just didn't want to agree with them.

So after Lan Muzhou and others went to the hospital, she watched the previous video and wrote down the part about Wang Zixuan.

Seeing Qi Mo walking towards him, Lan Muzhou took two steps back.

He still remembered that 20 minutes ago, Qi Mo reminded him not to "make a move", and he was still willing to let Qi Mo get close.

Rarely, he said eccentrically: "Let's keep a distance, lest I touch you again."

Qi Mo raised his eyebrows, and the smile on his face widened.

Although this man's appearance is a bit poor, but his personality is really interesting, and it won't make her too boring.

"I want you to teach me how to dance, how can I blame you for moving your hands and feet?"

Lan Muzhou: ...Speaking as if he really did his hands and feet!

He choked directly in his heart.

In the past, Qi Mo also found fault with him, but he is not of the nature to be disadvantaged, no matter how hard he is, he will not let Qi Mo take advantage of him.

But now, why can't he even talk about Qi Mo?

Feeling aggrieved and unable to say a word back, Lan Muzhou gritted his teeth.

He snorted coldly, "Since you said you learned it, let's dance along with the music, and I'll just give you pointers."

He said the last four words one by one.

After all, Wang Zixuan is the C position. Not only did he have a very difficult solo solo, he even had a somersault.

He really didn't believe that Qi Mo could learn these things.

The music of "Quick Life" ① sounded.

Qi Mo started to move with the beat of the music, and every movement could be easily stuck on the spot.

Turn the wrist, raise the elbow, swing the arm, and turn the body.

It is almost a perfect copy of Wang Zixuan's movements in the video.

Suddenly, there was a drumbeat in the music.

I saw Qi Mo take two light steps forward, and a crisp somersault flew out into the air—

Light and nimble, as if he is about to jump on a Pegasus in the next second, enjoying the rivers and lakes.

She flipped and landed in front of Lan Muzhou with precision, and pulled the corner of her mouth in a naughty manner.

Half-length soft black hair fell to the forehead, slightly covering the eyebrows and eyes.

But the unrestrained light in his eyes still pierced through the barriers and reached the bottom of people's hearts, and his whole body carried a sense of youth walking in the rivers and lakes, happily and vigorously!

Qi Mo opened his mouth and lip-synced to the music: "Here, who is laughing at me—"

If you keep maintaining this level, who the **** would dare to laugh at you!

Lan Muzhou opened his mouth, his eyes were mixed with surprise and shock.

When did Qi Mo have such ability?

I thought Qi Mo was just slapping her face to make herself fat, but she didn't expect that she really learned everything!

In order to be able to stay with He Ruilin on the show, it was really... desperate.


All of a sudden, his expression changed again and again, a little complicated.

Did Qi Mo not behave well on purpose before?

Suddenly, he suddenly thought of the original rating.

Qi Mo seems to be a D-level, which is not too bad. When he introduced himself, he told several instructors that he had studied modern dance for six years.

It was only later that everyone disliked Qi Mo more and more, and began to be suspected and ridiculed.

"What's wrong with me?"

Qi Mo's voice suddenly rang in his ears, and Lan Muzhou jumped back to hide.

Thinking that Lan Muzhou was really interesting, she couldn't help laughing.

"I just wrote down the movements. This is the first time I jumped, and I still need your pointers."

You can jump like this for the first time, are you playing Fanxue?

Lan Muzhou laughed angrily.

He glanced at Qi Mo, and was annoyed when he saw the cheap swish expression on her face of "you point and point".

Qi Mo's dance card is accurate, powerful, and has a good temperament, but his movements are too flat, not even the most basic rhythm, let alone a slightly more difficult movement like bodywave.

If you deliberately pick a fault...

"Even the most basic updown doesn't feel right, there are too many places you need to point out."

Lan Muzhou deliberately put on a disgusted look, scratched the yellow hair on his head, and said arrogantly, "I see that you are humbly asking for advice, so I will forcefully adjust your movements."

Qi Mo said "Oh" and tilted his head, "But you came to pick my bed early in the morning, didn't you just want to teach me?"

Lan Muzhou: ...Stop talking nonsense, okay! Count me please!

Seeing that Lan Muzhou didn't speak, as a woman, of course she couldn't chase and tease a man.

So Qi Mo changed the subject naturally, and said: "A few of you who are cats at the door, are you still waiting for me to invite you?"

Lan Muzhou turned his head abruptly, is there someone at the door?

The door of the practice room was pushed open from the outside, and Xu Rong, Jiang Mingchen, and Chen Ke walked into the room awkwardly.

"That... we didn't mean to peek at the door."

"I thought Brother Zhou only asked Qi Mo to leave alone because he wanted to beat him up..."

Unexpectedly, Qi Mo's dancing level soared, but Brother Zhou was powerless to fight back.

They really ate a big melon at the door.

Lan Muzhou: …

Has his interaction with Qi Mo been at a disadvantage? ? ?

"Speaking of which, Qi Mo, you were amazing just now! I think you are very suitable for this song!"

Chen Ke is the youngest among all the trainees, and she is still a child with a temper. At this time, her eyes are shining, as if she is full of expectations for the future. He said: "Is it possible for us to win!"

If they can win, they will get 50,000 more votes, and they will be more likely to stay on the stage after the second duke!

No matter what Qi Mo was working hard for, it was Qi Mo who brought them hope this time.

Jiang Mingchen used to point at Qi Mo's nose and make fun of it. Yesterday he felt that Qi Mo didn't regard everyone as teammates at all. Today, Qi Mo took the initiative to learn the most important part, and he was quite embarrassed.

A pair of eyes dodged and did not dare to look at Qi Mo, he stammered and said, "I didn't expect you to work hard for the team behind your back. Some of the things I said before were a bit too much..."

Compared with Lan Muzhou who suppresses his temper and thinks about the team, Jiang Mingchen is a person who vents completely on his own emotions.

But she doesn't care about any conflicts between the original owner and Jiang Mingchen, and it has nothing to do with her.

So she just said lightly, "Don't trouble me in the future."

Jiang Mingchen's expression froze, he had already softened his breath, and Qi Mo didn't give him any face! .

Feeling embarrassed, he said angrily: "Don't worry, as long as I'm not in your group, I will never say a word to you!"

"Okay, what's the noise?"

Lan Muzhou frowned and said something, it's already this time, why are you still arguing?

"There is still one day left. Now that Qi Mo has memorized the dance, let's check the participle again."

"Ah." Chen Ke suddenly noticed Huadian, and carefully glanced at Lan Muzhou, "Qi Mo has learned the part of Xuanxuan, so we don't need to change our choreography, just change the position a little bit. gone?"

Lan Muzhou: ...?

He stayed up all night, spending most of his time on choreography and solo.

As a result, tell him now that both of the things he did were useless?