MTL - When the Empress Dresses Up As a Female Trainee-Chapter 18 This face... should be "All People...

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/ Mo Baqian

Huaguo's first prank variety show "Do you have a lot of question marks" has been online for a month, and the number of views has exceeded 100 million. It is actually one of Huaguo's "most popular" variety shows.

Every time a program is launched, it must occupy more than two hot search items, and the degree of discussion is unimaginable.

Even in a certain issue, because of good looks, high education, and interesting personality, the amateur who was tricked has accumulated nearly 100,000 fans on Weibo in more than half a month, and has the momentum of turning into a blogger.

It's Friday night again, at 8:10, the show goes live on time.

On the screen, Ye Jin smiled, showing eight neat teeth.

"Hello, everyone! Today I am here to participate in this tricky game with everyone."

【Ah Sheng looks good when he laughs! 】

【What to do in this issue! gkd! gkd! 】

[I moved the small bench and hurried over! 】

Ye Jinsheng is one of the hottest florets in the past six months. At first, she became popular overnight because of a high-sweet idol drama. Recently, she starred in a fantasy romance movie that is also currently on the air. With her solid acting skills and lively and cheerful personality, she has become popular in the circle. There are countless fans.

She can participate in such a variety show, which also confirms the popularity of "Do you have many question marks" from the side.

Following Ye Jinsheng's footsteps, the screen came to a room familiar to fans of the show.

Every time the trick begins, the actors who will participate in the "plot" are all prepared in this room in advance.

As soon as the door of the room was opened, "666" was immediately posted on the barrage.

More than a dozen strong men were wearing black suits and sunglasses, standing neatly in the room.

"Wow, what's the situation?" Ye Jinsheng covered his face with his hands, obviously shocked, "Is this the underworld?"

【I was stunned when I saw so many strong men hahahahahaha】

[What do you say about the underworld/society, you will be caught by the river [dog head]]

[Ah, ah, ah, hurry up! 】

Ye Jinsheng picked up the mission card from the room.

Each task is different, and the show guests only know what their tricky tasks are after they arrive in this room.

Also because of the temporary nature of the task, "Do You Have Many Question Marks" also has high requirements for the acting skills of the guests.

"Hello, this time you need to play the role of a company employee who holds key evidence. All the evidence is in the USB flash drive. You successfully escaped from the company with the USB flash drive, but unfortunately, you were arrested Found and hunted down. As a last resort, you handed over the USB flash drive to a passer-by, hoping that he can keep it for you for a while, and come back to get the USB flash drive after you get rid of the man in black."

Ye Jinsheng read out the content on the task card softly, and suddenly realized "Oh".

"Actually, I gave this U-disk to the amateur we want to punish, right? After I gave it to the amateur, I turned around and ran away, leaving myself and the U-disk to the people in black. This is so cruel, it will definitely be punished." Are you scared?"

[This is definitely scared to death! If it were me, I could perform a public death for everyone! 】

[This time the amateur is so miserable, maybe he will be chased by the big brothers]

[Showing that all the energy in breastfeeding is exhausted [狗头]]

[I think this time, the photographer of the program group may not be able to catch up with the speed of amateurs [狗头]]

Having thoroughly understood the prank mission this time, Ye Jinsheng thought up her lines and rehearsed them in front of the mirror several times. After she was generally satisfied with her performance, she finally set off.

The destination was a shopping mall. Since it was a weekday morning, there were not many people in the shopping mall.

The program team had already greeted the mall, and went directly to the third floor of the mall.

Ye Jinsheng said to the camera while walking: "It's morning, and there aren't many people. We shouldn't be surrounded by too many people when we record."

After a pause, she pursed her lips, showing a somewhat cute and treacherous expression.

"Even if there are people watching, it is estimated that when the big brother in black behind comes out, they will all run away, so don't worry."

The people in the program group are looking for places and moving equipment, and there are also people who are responsible for aiming at the target.

In order to let Ye Jinsheng leave quickly without being caught up by the amateurs, they planned to choose the amateurs who had just come out of the elevator.

"There's a pretty handsome guy walking towards the elevator, just keep an eye on which floor he's on."

The staff in the elevator heard the voice in the headset and replied "OK" in WeChat.

Immediately afterwards, the "handsome little brother" walked into the elevator and pressed down on the third floor.

A "3rd floor" was sent in the WeChat group.

The director immediately picked up the walkie-talkie, "Ready, ready, Ah Sheng is also ready to start."

The staff member in the elevator couldn't help but glance at the amateur beside him.

It's indeed a face I've never seen before, probably not from some artist, but this face] too pretty.

A palm-sized face with exquisite eyebrows and eyes, and the curvature of the bridge of the nose can slide down a slide.

At this time, the barrage was filled with amazement.

[My god, isn't this a little artist specially recruited by the program team? It's so beautiful! 】

【This face is amazing, I was born to be able to rely on my face to make a living! 】

[555 is so beautiful! Why can't I meet such a handsome brother in my life! 】

[Sisters, don’t worry, your brother may be scared out of his wits soon [狗头]]

[I can't bear to look at such a pretty face and become terrified...]

[Such a handsome little brother will definitely not be scared out of his wits! Handsome guys have no weaknesses! Beauty is justice! 】

Just then, the elevator started.

The handsome little brother who was exaggerated by the barrage... staggered.

[How can I...not stand still in the elevator? ? ? 】

【Ah... such a weak brother】

[It's over, it's over, I can imagine the **** on this face [狗头]]

[Good-looking is good-looking, but weak. 】

[Let's embarrass this kind of little boy who has a face! What kind of face a man looks at mainly depends on his figure, okay? 】

【vomit! WSN exceeded the standard! Fortunately, the barrage cannot post pictures! 】

The elevator soon reached the third floor. As soon as the elevator door opened, the boy looked down at his phone and walked out.

When it was too late, a black shadow quickly rushed into the camera.

Ye Jinsheng was so nervous that tears welled up in her eyes. She stuffed the USB flash drive into the boy's hand.

"Please save it, I will come back to pick it up later! Really please, this thing is very important!"

After speaking, she didn't have time to stay too long, and immediately got into the elevator.

The staff in the elevator quickly closed the door and went down to the next floor.

[Our Ah Sheng's acting skills are amazing! It's hard to imagine that it took less than ten minutes to prepare! 】

【It’s true that I feel pity, my eyes are full of tears 555】

[A Sheng's acting skills are definitely top-notch among his peers, right? 】

Ye Jinsheng's fans praised him.

On the screen, many passers-by who were shopping in the shopping mall saw this and quickly dispersed.

No one wanted to cause trouble, and within 3 seconds, there was no one around.

Only the boy with the USB flash drive stood there quietly.

No panic, no surprises.

Not even the expression on his face changed in any way.

Immediately afterwards, more than a dozen men in black approached straight at the young man. The black crowd looked very scary.

The leading man in black spoke fiercely, "Did you see a woman in a brown coat? Where did she go?"

No matter how close the people in black were, no matter how pressing they were, no matter how fierce they were... the young man's expression remained indifferent.

[Hahaha, is this little brother so courageous? don’t run away]

[? What's the matter, are you scared? 】

[Hahahahahaha I guess I was scared stupid, as long as normal people should give some reaction, right? 】

[I think he may have guessed that this is a prank variety show, so he took it easy]

[It is also possible that you want to directly give the USB flash drive to the man in black]

[Even if you just give the USB flash drive to the man in black, it's impossible to let him go! Does he not understand this routine? 】

Netizens' guesses have taken up more than half of the screen.

At this moment, the boy raised his hand, and the USB flash drive drew a beautiful arc and was hung in the air.

Finally, there was a different expression on his calm face.

It was a smile, a confident smile.

It was obviously a beautiful smile, but it was inexplicably weird.

What happened next was completely beyond everyone's expectations.

Everyone watched helplessly as the slender young man knocked down the man in black to the ground with ease and without pressure like a knife cutting a radish. Hold it in the palm of your hand.

His speed was so fast that people couldn't even see the movement of punching, only a muffled sound was heard, and the thing happened.

This doesn't look like a person who would stumble in an elevator!

It took only 5 seconds before and after, and the bullet screen was already full of "???".

[Fuck! Isn't this little brother really an artist invited by the program group to perform? ! 】

[I'm stupid, what's going on? ? 】

[This reversal really surprised me, if this kung fu is not for a show, then brother should go to make a movie! 】

[Didn't see my brother **** off, but saw the man in black **** off [狗头] Are you surprised or surprised? 】

[Does brother have Weibo! I'm going to pay attention! ! 】

[It's so handsome, so handsome, 555's movements are clean and neat, just like a movie! 】

Flowers exploded directly in the barrage, and many people suspected that this was a specially arranged plot by the program group.

But watching the director keep bending down and explaining with clasped hands, he seemed to be afraid that the boy would slap him on the ground, and the barrage was full of "booming and in a trance", and felt that it was not like a show.

Not long after this episode of the program was launched, it became a hot search, and the video of the boy knocking down two men in black spread quickly.

Seeing the rising popularity, someone finally recognized the boy's face.

[Wait, this should be Qi Mo from "National Idol", right? ! 】

"National Idol" is also one of the most popular variety shows recently. It has a large number of fans, but Qi Mo's fans are really few, which is why he has not been recognized for a long time.

After the name was picked out, many netizens followed Weibo to pick it up.

[Fuck, it's true! Compare it with the photo, it should be @全民传奇-齐默, that's right! 】

[I didn't expect to be a young artist who is participating in the audition, no wonder he is so good-looking! 】

[? ? ? How could that trash Qi Mo have such kung fu? 】

The comment that circled Qi Mo's Weibo was quickly liked to the front row.

Countless netizens clicked on Qi Mo's homepage, expecting to see the training routine of many handsome boys, but unexpectedly...

How many of the latest Weibo posts of this little idol are social news? ? ?

Not only are they social news, but they are also social news about women being treated unfairly.

Xiao Aidou has very few fans, and after reposting the social news, it was not widely disseminated.

There is only one Weibo, because Xu Ziwen and Zhao Congnan both liked it at the same time, which gained a lot of traffic.

It was only then that many people realized that they had clicked on this little idol's homepage because of this Weibo a few days ago!

[Such a powerful and handsome little brother, he will frequently speak up for women, I love it! 】

[Reposting to Weibo always quotes classics, and they are well-founded, sometimes a pun is used, I feel that he knows a lot! 】

【The more people know, the more empathy they have, that's great】

[Heh, go and see what Qi Mo is like in "National Idol" before you praise him! I vomit! 】

[Strength? How much do you know? Is this talking about Qi Mo? I just laughed! 】

【Ah... You guys upstairs will know after watching Ergong, just smile without saying a word[狗头][狗头]]

A large number of netizens found Qi Mo's Weibo through hot searches and tricky variety shows, and the comments were mixed.

But even so, Qi Mo's Weibo still gained nearly 50,000 followers in a short period of time!

People from the "Do You Have Many Question Marks" program team were surprised and delighted when they saw it, and quickly contacted "National Idol".

The two programs are both popular variety shows recently, but they are not competing products of the same type, and the audiences are not the same. After the two parties communicated, they hit it off and immediately decided to take advantage of the popularity to market each other and continue to expand their influence.

"National Idol" program recording base.

Practice room, large classroom, cafeteria, gym, all the places I could find, but I didn't see Qi Mo.

Until the staff knocked on the door of the trainee dormitory.

Qi Mo opened the door, leaning crookedly on the door frame, crossing his arms with his chest, with a lazy expression, "What's wrong?"

Seeing Qi Mo in flannel pajamas, the staff members were full of question marks.

He also deliberately looked down at the time on the phone.

It's 9:20, that's right, Qi Mo... went to bed? ? ?

What kind of old people's work and rest is this!

"That's right. The Tricky Variety Show you met in the X mall was launched today. Now it's very popular on the Internet, and it's also on the hot search. Let's meet with the Tricky Variety Show. We plan to do two shows. An interaction, I hope you can help record a publicity ID now."

Qi Mo has accumulated some relevant knowledge a long time ago, and Qi Mo knows what a publicity ID is.

She rubbed her forehead.

It's also because her biological clock is too punctual, she is indeed a little tired now.

But she also knows that the popularity on the Internet in this world is always fleeting.

"Okay, wait for me to change clothes."

A few minutes later, Qi Mo followed the staff to the recording room.

Along the way, I met several trainees who had just returned from the practice room. Seeing that Qi Mo was dressed formally, they couldn't help but take a few extra glances.

"What's the situation, what is Qi Mo going to record?"

"I haven't heard that there is anything to record. Besides, where do you usually record at this time? It's late at night."

"Inexplicably, I feel that Qi Mo is really going to counterattack..."

One more recording would result in one more exposure. Seeing Qi Mo being taken away, I couldn't help feeling envious.

After entering the room, the machine has already been debugged.

The staff sent Qi Mo a wechat with what she needed to say.

"You can just have a little impression of the above content. When we officially shoot later, we will enlarge the font and print it on A4 paper, and put it behind the camera. You can read it accordingly."

Qi Mo quickly glanced at the text.

Not many words, just a few sentences.

With just a few glances, she turned off the phone screen and said, "There's no need to print it, just come here."

Having seen real kung fu, the staff dare not underestimate Qi Mo now.

In case Qi Mo was offended, he could be knocked to the ground with a backhand.

So Qi Mo said come directly, then come directly.

The staff started recording, "Okay, let's start."

Qi Mo looked directly at the camera and said, "Hello everyone, I am Qi Mo, a trainee of "National Idol". I am very happy and lucky to be selected as an amateur to appear in "Do you have many question marks?" In the last Tricky Variety Show, everyone has a new way to know a completely different me. Welcome everyone to watch Huaguo's first Tricky Variety Show "Do You Have Many Question Marks", and thank you for your past, present and future Support. See you at the second performance!"

She spoke in a leisurely manner, and her voice was deliberately lowered, making her sound low and pleasant.

Obviously it was the first time to record an ID, so I didn't feel a little nervous in front of the camera, and I didn't keep shaking my body while talking.

The tone is relaxed and comfortable, as if talking about homework, without any tension at all.

What is even more surprising is that he was able to retell this passage verbatim even though he had only watched it for a few seconds!

The staff has been amazed in their hearts.

This kid, Qi Mo, the more he gets in touch with him, the more he feels like a treasure.

After the video was recorded once, it was quickly handed over to the later staff for processing.

At ten o'clock in the evening, the "National Idol" official blog posted a Weibo.

In the video, the plain-faced teenager sits casually on the sofa, with a relaxed tone, but it seems to have magical powers, hooking people to watch everything down.

This Weibo was quickly reposted by the official blog of "Do you have many question marks?" After the interaction between the two programs, the comment area immediately became lively!

[I've finished watching tonight's episode, I didn't expect "National Idol" to have such a powerful little brother! 】

["Total Idol" will be updated tomorrow night, right? I will go to see Ergong! 】

[I was already amazed when I saw Qi Mo's appearance, but after seeing the later work, I really fell into the pit! 】

Many passers-by have become fans of Qi Mo's passers-by, and some even just scratch the bottom of the hole and don't want to come out.

Qi Mo's pitifully small number of fans immediately cheered up and went everywhere to amuse his idols.

It's time to feel proud!

[Who would have thought that the first popular variety show in "National Idol" would be our Xiao Qi! [dog head]]

[Xiaoqi is also the only one who recorded her ID! Appearing without makeup is also super handsome! It's a hit! 】

[And I like to mention the trending search haha, although the hot search words do not include Xiaoqi, but I don't care, rounding up Xiaoqi is on the hot search! 】

[It is said that the stage of Xiaoqiergong is really unique, everyone is welcome to pay attention! 】

【555 I can't wait for tomorrow! 】

[After watching today's tricky show, I believe that Xiao Qi Ergong can blow up the field even more! 】

Qi Mo's fans started to jump up and down, but the other fans were dissatisfied.

It's just that Qi Mo acted like that in the previous episodes, but it happened to record a variety show, look what they can do!

What's more, Qi Mo is a royal family, and the defeat of the man in black may be the result of her spending money to buy it. What's there to brag about?

There are constant disputes between several parties, and if there is support, there will be disapproval.

At this moment, someone suddenly saw Ye Jinsheng repost the Weibo post from "National Idol".

Ye Jinsheng: 555 I said why does it seem familiar, but I didn't expect it to be the little brother of "National Idol". It's really amazing! Tomorrow's second husband, hurry up! [Fa][Fa]

Netizen: ...? !

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