MTL - When Jianxiu Penetrates Into the Infinite Stream-Chapter 94 (1)

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Constipation is not so fast.

Xie Liuyi felt strange in his heart and spread his consciousness out, covering the pregnant woman's body. The whole family stood beside the pregnant woman, and no one went to invite a midwife. Her mother-in-law delivered the baby herself.

It only took half an hour from start to production.

, stained with maternal blood, revealing the blue-purple fetus inside.

It was a stillbirth.

The expression of the family changed from expectation to disappointment, not sadness, but a habitual disappointment.

They said a few words in the local language, and the old woman who delivered the baby went out with the fetus and came to the corner of the terrace. There stood a huge pottery urn.

Previously, the great witch called the Gu worms from the whole village to dispatch, and many pottery urns used to raise the gu were smashed by the worms. This pottery urn was new, as big as a water tank.

Xie Liuyi didn't need to "look" to know what was inside.

The woman came to the pottery urn, opened the lid, and threw the stillbirth in her arms.

Xie Liuyi's vest climbed the slightest chill.

Who would feed a dead fetus to bugs?

She gave birth after three days of pregnancy, gave birth to a child with an egg membrane, and fed her own dead child to worms... Are these villagers still human?

Perhaps, her previous speculation was not accurate enough. Not only the saint was parasitized by Gu insects, maybe the entire village was parasitized by Gu insects.

Xie Liuyi couldn't sit still, stood up and planned to go out.

At the same time as she got up, she opened her eyes as if she had come home, and a carp sat up straight from the ground, "Where are you going?"

Xie Liuyi originally wanted him to sleep longer, so he just wanted to sneak out by himself. Now that he woke up by himself, he told him what happened just now.

Following her words, her brows furrowed more and more tightly. After she finished speaking intermittently, Yan Yu finally loosened her tightly locked brows.

"This situation is not so much parasitic as it is assimilation."


"Well," maybe because he didn't sleep well, Yan Yugui rubbed his brows, yawned lightly, and then continued, "The Holy Maiden said, if you can wake up the king, the village will not Freaks will be born. I couldn't figure out the relationship before, I thought it was superstition."

"Now listening to you, I suspect that the entire village has been assimilated by the parasitic worms in the body. The pregnancy period is shortened to a few days, and the children born are more like eggs. , they've gone from viviparous to oviparous."

"The parasitic things in their bodies should require the fertilized eggs produced by the Gu King after normal mating and 2 mating to develop normally. Because the Holy Maiden cannot hatch the Gu King, and the Gu King cannot lay eggs, As a result, they have more and more deformed babies."

Yugui's reasoning fits perfectly, Xie Liuyi couldn't find anything to refute, but she still couldn't believe it, "They usually's normal."

Usually, there is nothing unusual about these people. In the face of outsiders, some of them are curious, some ignore them, but after all, they are still the due reactions to the same kind. In short, in their eyes, they are as human as the outsiders.

She asked a general question, but she understood what she meant, "the place where they live is too closed, and they may never see an outsider in their whole life. They don't know the relationship between themselves and normal humans. The difference, or even, maybe they think, they are normal people."

When everyone in a place is a heretic, and suddenly one day, a few normal people come, then it is very likely that in this place, these normal people will be regarded as heretics.

“And, if you don’t even notice the difference with your exploration skills,” Yan Yugui was silent for a moment, then added, “It’s very likely that this mutation is already rooted in DNA. If my The speculation has been verified, and from a genetic point of view, they no longer belong to the category of human beings."

Hearing the words, Xie Liuyi couldn't tell how he felt. She has seen demons with human skins, but with a swipe of divine consciousness, she can see clearly what the body is. She has also seen ghosts, and they can also be transformed into the shape of ordinary people, but they have no shadows, no feet, and nothing to hide in front of the monks.

The people in the village are different from them. Whether they look at it with their eyes or check with their spiritual sense, they have the same appearance as humans from head to toe, from the inside to the outside. But in essence, they have become bugs.

This is more scary than the bugs themselves. The shape of the worms will make Xie Liuyi have a stress response. However, these people and worms in the village make Xie Liuyi's vest go cold, and there is a dense and continuous creepy feeling that spreads from the bottom of his heart.

"A little scary."

Xie Liuyi looked over in surprise.

Yan Yu smiled and said, "Have you heard of the uncanny valley effect? ​​There is a thing that is so human-like that it makes you think it is the same as you. But when you know clearly in your heart From the moment it is not human, the more human it is, the more terrifying it will make you feel. Anything about it that is different from human beings will aggravate that fear.”

Xie Liuyi nodded silently in his heart, he was not afraid, just a little numb. To put it simply, it is impossible to fix it for her. If these villagers are not human, how should they be treated, should they be killed?

"But it doesn't make sense to say this now," Yan Yugui said suddenly, pulling Xie Liuyi out of the dead end, "Our customs clearance prompt is to kill the Gu King, do these villagers have genetic mutations? It has nothing to do with us. This is a copy, not the present world."

"Let's go," he stood up and began to smoke Xie Liuyi's clothes with insect repellent incense, "Go to the saint, hatch the Gu king first... Are you sure you can hatch the Gu king? Don't? Force yourself."

Xie Liuyi was taken away unconsciously, "Okay, it's trivial."

She was about to carry Zeng Zhaoyun, but was stopped by her return. Yan Yugui wrapped Zeng Zhaoyun into a cocoon with blood again and dragged him out the door.

When the two walked to the central square, there were already many people waiting there.

The witch had not woken up yet, and was placed in the center of the crowd on a bamboo slum that was moved from nowhere. The saint and the village chief stood beside the great witch, and the villagers scattered in the square, gathered in twos and threes, and whispered something in the native language.

Including the pregnant woman who just gave birth, also came out together. It seems that she did not give birth to a child just now, but fart.

Nine players are hiding in the hideouts around the square. Yesterday, Xie Liuyi's voice spread throughout the valley, and they heard it. They returned to the village to see what Xie Liuyi wanted to do.

Xie Liuyi was worried about whether the villagers would escape or besiege her last night. But unexpectedly, they are still doing what they should do. As if there was no Great Witch command, they lost the ability to think.

Seeing that the two of them had arrived, the villagers silently separated and made way.

After what happened last night, the Holy Maiden began to tremble when she saw Xie Liuyi, and hid behind the village chief.

Xie Liuyi beckoned to her, "Dance for the gods."

The Holy Maiden was a little strange, but she did not dare to refute, and looked at her father for help.

The village chief surrendered to Xie Liuyi, and said in Mandarin with a strong accent: "Fairy Goddess, the prayer for the gods should be danced on the first and fifteenth day of the new year. It is useless to dance normally."

Xie Liuyi frowned impatiently, and Yan Yugui sneered behind him, "I used to jump on the first and fifteenth day of the new year, is it useful?"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for the village chief to say anything, she said to the saint, "You don't want to save Zeng Zhaoyun?" After speaking, the blood line was withdrawn, revealing Zeng Zhaoyun on the ground.

The Holy Maiden was stunned for a moment, but did not hide, took a few steps forward eagerly, then stopped, her slender fingers clenched the skirt tightly, "You... can you really save Brother Yun? "

Xie Liuyi didn't answer, just pushed away a little, gave way to the center of the square, raised his chin, "Jump."

The Holy Maiden closed her eyes, walked to the arena, took a deep breath, and began to dance the prayer dance that night. Without the unpleasant piccolo accompaniment, her dance brought an indescribable charm.

Xie Liuyi took a closer look this time and found that there was nothing special about the dance, nor did it inspire spiritual energy. She pinched a spirit gathering tactic and guided the spiritual energy into the body of the saint.

Soon, she was lying on the ground, and little by little she gathered the skirt in her hands.

Xie Liuyi noticed that at this time, the influx of spiritual energy into her body accelerated.

The person lying on the ground suddenly moved, and he lifted the skirt, and the red butterfly embroidered on it seemed to flutter at that moment. She kept spinning, spinning faster and faster, and the speed of absorbing spiritual energy increased exponentially.

Xie Liuyi had already dispelled the Spirit Gathering Art, but the speed of aura absorption was still getting faster and faster, she couldn't help frowning. Anyone who has no foundation in cultivation and absorbs spiritual energy at such a fast speed will have only one end, that is, the meridians will be split by the surging spiritual energy.

Sure enough, there was a look of pain on the face of the saint, and the blood oozing from her body dyed the blue short jacket a shade darker.

"Stop jumping!" Xie Liuyi scolded.

However, upon hearing her words, an unintelligible smile appeared on the saintess' face, and she did not stop. Just when Xie Liuyi was about to force her to stop, a red phantom appeared around her.

At first, Xie Liuyi thought that she was spinning too fast, making the butterfly embroidered with red thread on the skirt appear as if it was about to fly. As her movements slowed down, the phantom on her body became more and more solid. Only then did Xie Liuyi realize that it was not an illusion, but a pair of blood-red wings born from the back of the saint.

The wings were like a red blood mist condensed, flickering behind the saintess, exuding a faint red mist.

The surrounding villagers woke up like a dream, and they all knelt down to the ground with the great witch, and bowed to the ground.

Finally, the dance of the saints stopped. The paleness on his face due to yesterday's first creation has faded, his lips are red and his teeth are white, like a new born. The wings behind her turned into blood mist and penetrated into her body again. She stood there pretty, and for a long while, the corners of her lips twitched.

How to describe that smile? Like a short-lived flower, it is beautiful, but it is clearly known that it is only a momentary bloom and will soon wither.

"Thank you, I can save Brother Yun."

She walked over step by step, Xie Liuyi stepped aside.

She always felt that there was something different about the Holy Maiden.

The Holy Maiden walked to Zeng Zhaoyun, knelt down, and kissed her pale lips reverently. Zeng Zhaoyun's complexion gradually turned rosy, but the saint's complexion gradually turned pale, as if her vitality passed to Zeng Zhaoyun's body through this kiss.

She straightened up and looked at Zeng Zhaoyun attentively and tenderly, as if to carve his face into her memory.

No one disturbed them. After a long time, she stood up and turned to Xie Liuyi, "At most tomorrow, Brother Yun will wake up." I can't trouble you, take him out of the woods, and when he wakes up, give him the bracelet, and say... Meiliu regrets it, doesn't want to go out with him to see the world, and wants to stay in the village and get married."

She raised a pair of watery eyes, Xie Liuyi couldn't bear to refuse, and took the bracelet. The slight sound of the bell melted into the silent wind and dissipated in the valley.

"How long... how long?" Xie Liuyi asked softly. She could feel that this girl named Meiliu was about to die.

Mei Liu shook her head, did not speak, turned and walked back to the square.

The Great Witch knelt on the ground, straightened up and looked at her. Meiliu raised her voice and said a few words in the native language. The villagers suddenly burst into an uproar. They looked at each other in panic and despair, and shouted something. Some people began to cry.

Xie Liuyi grabbed a young man and asked, "What did she say?"

The young man was still in shock and did not return to his senses. When asked by Xie Liuyi, he stammered and translated the words left by his sister, "The Holy Maiden said, the king of Gu is dying, and there is no way to give birth. Egg. And said, we're all going to die."

With his experience and IQ, he was completely incomprehensible. After finishing speaking, he asked Xie Liuyi, an outsider, "Why, why is this happening. It's not that the king is awake, and our illness will be cured. Yet?"

Xie Liuyi was unable to answer this question. She didn't know anything about this humanoid bug.

She silently retreated back to Yan Yugui, leaning over to check Zeng Zhaoyun's situation.

The villagers in the field were still crying, and at this moment, a sudden change occurred.

Xie Liuyi noticed that the bluestone under his feet was different, and immediately pulled Zeng Zhaoyun and Yan Yugui to Yufeng.

The next second, the bluestone became as soft as a swamp, and the people kneeling in the square instantly sank in half. Soon, the bluestone returned to its original state, and the person who fell in was instantly sealed in the bluestone, only showing half of his body outside.

Nine players came out of the cover, led by the middle-aged male player. Looking at the three people flying in the air, the disappointment on his face was fleeting.

Xie Liuyi brought the two back to the ground, the middle-aged man showed a polite and polite smile, "I'm sorry, I used the range skill just now, I couldn't control it precisely, and I almost accidentally injured the two of you, sorry. "

Xie Liuyi frowned and said nothing. The middle-aged man only thought that they didn't mind, and said loudly: "My innate skills are just related to language..."

Hearing this sentence, Xie Liuyi, who had encountered two language-barrier dungeons, had a trace of envy.

Yu Yugui laughed and answered helplessly: "I can't grab it."

"Oh." Xie Liuyi was disappointed.

The middle-aged man ignored Xie Liuyi and Yan Yugui's small talk and continued, "I was fortunate enough to understand this girl just now, she said she was dying."

"I believe by now, everyone understands who the king of Gu is. If we let her die naturally, our mission is likely to fail." The middle-aged man turned around and said to the other eight players, "I was the one who trapped them. In terms of credit, I have the greatest contribution. The blood of the great witch is passed on to me. Do you have any opinions?"

Among the eight people, someone hummed and said, "If you really have the ability to get the bloodline, we have no problem."

Xie Liuyi once again heard him mention the blood of the Great Witch, and a trace of curiosity arose in his heart. She has only seen players who have inherited the bloodline, and has not seen what the bloodline that has not been inherited is like.

In this dungeon, she didn't notice anything with special power except for the Gu king eggs in Meiliu's body. What would be the bloodline in the mouth of this middle-aged player?

Everyone was attracted by the word blood, and they all forgot that they tried to trap the villagers and wanted to kill the Gu King before Meiliu died.

The big witch was completely sunk in the bluestone from the chest down, and only one hand could move. Seeing the man holding the embroidery, he reached out to grab it.

The man dodged effortlessly, unfolded the embroidery and shook, and said something to the great witch in the local language. Da Wu's excited emotions suddenly calmed down and stared at him hatefully.

It's boring to tuck it in."

The middle-aged man chuckled lightly, stroking the five poisons on the embroidery, "Didn't you find out that the few poisonous Gus on him before, oh, are the ones you killed as the Gu King How many, are they exactly the same as in this painting?"

"What does this mean? Maybe someone else embroidered it."

"Oh, just the opposite. I heard the big witch chatting with the village chief earlier, and the few Gus on him are all alive from the picture. He also said that as long as the butterfly in the middle is also alive If you live, the blood of the witch **** will awaken."

The middle-aged man's tone was very determined, but Xie Liuyi scanned the painting with his divine sense and found nothing unusual. She even found that the embroidery was brightly colored and had no signs of fading at all. It was probably only embroidered in recent years.

She turned her head in confusion and looked at Yan Yugui inquiringly. Yan Yugui frowned and stared at the middle-aged man without speaking.

Several players glanced at each other, obviously a little shaken.

The middle-aged man rolled up the embroidery and walked up to several players, "Actually, I'm not sure if this painting is a prop of blood inheritance, but bloodline is something I would rather believe it has. , So, I can only do it first. Do you mind?"

The team of players who wanted to default on their debts and were threatened with their promises looked at each other, and one of them said: "I don't mind, but we haven't seen the bloodline yet. This Brother, can we open our eyes?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the middle-aged male player immediately took two steps back, "Brother, don't embarrass me, how dare I hand over such an important thing at will."

The three people on the opposite side looked at each other again, as if they wanted to grab it, the middle-aged man suddenly said from a distance: "If you want to see it, I will show it to you."

After speaking, I opened the embroidery and shook. Before this action, he also did it in front of Da Wu, so the opposite player did not notice the difference.

Here, Xie Liuyi found something wrong, she glanced at Yan Yugui, which happened to meet the look of Yan Yugui.

At a glance, she understood, she was right.

She turned her head and quietly watched the middle-aged man act.

The middle-aged man put away the embroidery picture, strode over and handed it to Xie Liuyi, and said in a low voice, "Please help me with it, I'm afraid I won't be able to keep it. I believe in you and President Yan's people. Taste."

The corners of Xie Liuyi's mouth twitched slightly, "Okay." But he didn't reach out to pick it up.

The middle-aged man raised his hand in the air for a while, with a puzzled look on his face, "Are you worried that I will do things on it?"

Xie Liuyi: "Don't you have one?"

He laughed twice, "I hugged for a long time, if there is really a problem, shouldn't it be me?"

Xie Liuyi turned his head to look at Yan Yu, "It's too dirty, I don't want to touch it."

Reluctantly, "Okay, I'll get it." Then, he took over the huge embroidery scroll.

The middle-aged man's eyes flashed with a hint of imperceptible joy, he smiled politely, and was about to return to the center of the square when Xie Liuyi suddenly spoke.

"What did you tell the witch?"

The middle-aged man was stunned for a moment before answering, "It's nothing, I just asked something about embroidery."

"Really?" Yan Yu gave him a half-smile, "I thought you told him to let him cooperate with you to deceive other people, and then you save the saint for him. "

The middle-aged man suddenly changed color, took two steps back quickly, "Can you understand the local language?"

Xie Liuyi: "I don't understand."

Really: "I guess."

The two spoke in unison.

Yan Yugui added: "You should have said something else, for example, did you poison this embroidery?"

As soon as these words came out, not only the middle-aged man's face was ashen, but even the opposite player suddenly changed color. However, before they could question them, their legs suddenly softened and they fell to their knees.

Seeing the effect of the poison, the middle-aged man breathed a sigh of relief, turned to look at Xie Liuyi, and showed an inevitable smile, "You know what, you've already been poisoned. ."

Yan Yugui chuckled and opened his hand. Only then did the middle-aged man realize that Yan Yugui’s palm was tangled in fine blood threads and wrapped around the embroidery scroll, as if he was holding it , in fact, he did not touch this embroidery diagram at all.

"Let me guess, with your language talent and skills, you should have learned a lot of tricks from the people in the village. You found that the antidote in the system store has no effect on the poison, So I have this plan in my heart to spread the news of blood among the players, and use this to deceive the players."

The middle-aged man was also stunned for a moment, before he sneered and said, "What I did is Gu, not poison. Do you think it will be fine if you don't touch?"

Yugui threw the embroidery aside indifferently, "Then you will be disappointed, both of us are fine."

"You..." After seeing the middle-aged man for so long, both of them were fine, and finally realized that something was wrong.

Gu, after all, it's still a bug. Because Xie Liuyi is afraid of insects, the two of them have been lighting the insect repellent incense for the past few days, and they are about to be marinated. Gold-level insect repellent incense, ordinary Gu insects would not dare to approach.

Xie Liuyi tilted his head and asked, "This is the butcher?" It seemed that he didn't like the player's style. The butcher she thought was bloodthirsty and bloodthirsty, like a magician, he was not a good person at first glance.

Yugui replied helplessly: "The butcher is also a player. Some kill with violence, and some like to hide in the dark and play some small tricks that can't be seen on the table. The only criterion for judging butchers is them. Will it hunt other players?"

The middle-aged man's face became even more livid.

The talent skill he used just now had an unbelievable effect, but the cooldown time was also very long, and he really wasn't sure to subdue Xie Liuyi and Yan Yugui for a while.

At this moment, a rapid sound of a piccolo sounded behind him, and everyone was shocked. The Dawu took out the piccolo from his arms and began to summon the Gu insects in the village.

Xie Liuyi shot at the first time, the spiritual power popped out, and the piccolo in the hand of the great witch flew away. Just between the lightning and flint, the middle-aged man crushed a talisman and immediately teleported to the Saintess Meiliu's side. A dagger appeared in his hand and stabbed at Meiliu's throat.

The moment she approached the middle-aged man, the air between them suddenly became sticky, like a swamp. Xie Liuyi did not check for a while, but was actually blocked for a while.

The man crushed the teleportation charm again, and when he reached the player group, the dagger pressed against the player's back, "President Yan, this time I admit it, everyone temporarily truce, you kill the Gu King, How about everyone leaving the dungeon together?"

He shouted in the local language, in a very tragic tone.

Immediately afterwards, all the villagers, as if being controlled at the same time, inserted their hands into their necks and ripped open a slit.

This change shocked everyone present.

Xie Liuyi was not only shocked, but also noticed something abnormal.

Something came to life.

The villagers opened their mouths in vain, blood dripped from their lips, and blood gushed out of the severed arteries. At the fracture, something was struggling to get out.

They could no longer make a sound, Xie Liuyi could see big tears flowing from their eyes. They didn't want to die, but they had to. The fingers stuck in the throat uncontrollably pulled the fracture wider.

The thing inside finally came out. It was a moth the size of a palm, soaked with blood, and its original color and pattern could not be seen.

Cold sweat poured out of the pores involuntarily, and his ears buzzed.

After the moths emerged from the broken throats of the villagers, they flapped their wings and flew towards the center of the square at the same time.

They were reserved for the Holy Maiden, and Xie Liuyi just happened to stand beside her in order to save people. The overwhelming large moths will soon drown her.

No, in this state, if you recklessly kill the Quartet like in the heart-breaking magic realm, you will be dead, and those players will also be dead.

At this moment, she smelled the breath of Yan Yu's body. The young man in a white shirt came to his side at some point and hugged her. Her head was held in Yan Yugui's arms, and a question suddenly popped up in her frozen mind: When did Yan Taohua grow so tall?

Dense blood lines poured out from Yan Yugui's body, wrapping the two of them into a cocoon.

"Be good, it's fine, don't be afraid, I'm here." Yan Yugui's voice was calmer than ever.

The huge blood-colored cocoon blocks light, smell and sound from the outside world. Losing the source of stimulation, Xie Liuyi quickly calmed down.

She wrestled from Yan Yugui's arms, took out the shark that Yan Yugui gave her, and wrapped it around her eyes.

"Let me out."

She couldn't see the expression on his face, so she didn't know how worried he was at the moment. Still, he took back the bloodline.

The moment the blood cocoon disappeared, Yan Yugui stopped her waist from retreating frantically.

Her arms propped on the ground gradually elongated, her back arched unconsciously, the clothes behind her were torn, and two pairs of huge, blood-red butterfly wings stretched out.

Another pair of worm feet were born on the waist of the saint, supporting on the ground, and the bluestone under her body began to crack. After a while, a huge butterfly took the place of the saint.

Butterfly's body is still wearing the broken embroidered jacket of the saint, but the silver ornaments on her head have disappeared because of the hair and fell to the ground, making a crisp sound.

Of course, Xie Liuyi did not see all this. Yan Yugui put her head on the side of his neck and didn't let her turn back. Xie Liuyi knew that there must be an unbearable scene behind her, so she did not release her consciousness.

She heard Yan Yugui whispering in her ear: "Sacrifice. All the villagers, use sacrifices to let the Gu King break out."

"Where is my sister staying?" she asked.

"I don't know, this Gu King doesn't seem to retain human consciousness."

After the blood-red giant butterfly was transformed, it shook its tentacles and rushed towards the player at a very fast speed.

Only heard a scream, the slender mouthparts of the Gu King inserted into the middle-aged man's body, before he could react, the venom injected into it turned all the tissues under his skin into water.

After a while, there was only a skin bag that could not be seen on the ground.

After eating the middle-aged male player, the King Gu turned his mouth at the few players on the ground who were unable to resist because of the Gu.

"Go and wait for me." Yan Yugui said and let go of Xie Liuyi.

The aroma of green grass was gone, Xie Liuyi felt a little cold for no reason. She couldn't help but look back.

Yuyu spit out two blood-colored ropes with thick wrists from his palms, wrapped around the Gu King's waist, dragged it back, and prevented it from attacking the players on the ground.

Although her eyes are covered with sharks, the sun is shining now, and the color of the Gu King is very bright. Xie Liuyi can see the tentacles and insect feet of the Gu King, and suddenly his hands and feet are numb, and the cold sweat is like under the rain.

Compared with the Gu King, the figure of Yan Yugui looks so small, as if the Gu King can fan him away with one wing.

The Gu King was quickly attracted by Yan Yugui, flapping his wings and flying into the air, aiming his mouth at Yan Yugui.

The blood rope instantly turned into thousands of blood threads as thin as spider silk, entwining the body of the Gu King, strangling!

The King Gu let out a neigh, Xie Liuyi was the first to know that a butterfly chirped like this, a bit like an enlarged version of a mosquito. Maybe only this Gu King's cry is special?

Yugui's face turned pale, and the blood lines dissipated. There were some small scars on Gu King's body, and his wings flicked twice.

It's speed is too fast, fortunately, Yan Yugui was prepared early, I don't know when the blood line that climbed the stone next to it will pull Yan Yugui to translate a few meters and leave the original position.

The mouthparts of the King Gu pierced deeply into the bluestone slab.

It is not its opponent. Xie Liuyi understood in his heart.

The boss of the gold-level dungeon is platinum-level, so the strength of the platinum-level dungeon must be much higher than that of the player.

If ten players join forces, there may be a fight, but the villagers and saintess were too weak before, making players think that it is not difficult to kill the king. So the butcher hadn't waited to kill the Gu King, so he started to attack other players, and now he was fighting alone.

The Gu King flapped his wings twice and pulled out his mouthparts from the stone. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Yan Yugui once again wrapped the blood thread around the position where the Gu King's wings were connected to his body.

This is the thinnest part of the Gu King's body, which seems to be the weak spot.

King Gu had just pulled out the mouthpiece from the stone, and immediately launched a strangulation when he returned.

There was only a harsh neighing sound, the Gu King's wings stopped shaking, and it fell to the ground.

The blood line dissipated again, and the face of Yuhui turned pale again. This blow did not tear off Gu King's wings as he had hoped, but only injured the root of the wings.

His thoughts turned and he aimed at the stilted building behind him. Now that the Gu King has lost the ability to fly, as long as he occupies a high position and the card position is output, he may be able to kill the Gu King.

Thinking like this, something desperate happened to him.

The corpses of the villagers on the ground that were embedded in the stones, like human-shaped tombstones, suddenly turned into dust, flew from the ground, and submerged into the body of the Gu King.

Almost instantly, the wounds caused by Yan Yugui healed. The King Gu shook his wings and flew again.

At this time, there is only one power left to launch the ultimate move.

Suddenly, a cold female voice sounded, "Bai Lian, take King Gu to the top of the cliff."

The surrounding temperature instantly cooled down, and the glamorous Specter emerged from the hairpin above Xie Liuyi's head and floated in the air, with black hair flying and red clothes like blood.

"Alright, I'll just pull the blame for you, you can catch up early. I can't beat it, Xie Liuyi, don't cheat on me."

The mouth is timid, but Bailian's actions are extremely cruel. The black hair was so long that it entangled the huge Gu King, and took it to the top of the waterfall.

Xie Liuyi rose from the wind and followed closely behind.

Yu Guizheng wanted to catch up when he heard Xie Liuyi's voice, "Don't follow, you will accidentally get hurt."

He stopped, looked at the distant figure, and clenched his hands unconsciously.

He's dragging his feet again.

He's not strong enough.

Just now watching Yan Yugui's life hanging by a thread, Xie Liuyi heard Yan Yugui calling her "Sister A Shao" again.

This is her little peach blossom, the only person in the world who can still call her "A Shao".

Because of her parasite, this monster she could easily kill, almost killed her little peach blossom.

At that moment, a power surged in her heart, diluting her fear of bugs.

It's not like she hasn't killed a bug.

So she called out Bai Lian and asked her to bring the Gu King to the top of the cliff. Because she was on the top of the cliff, she didn't have to worry about hurting her allies.

Yes, she intends to re-cast it, and use her way of fighting against the magic realm to kill the king.

In the middle of the journey, King Gu broke free from Bai Lian's shackles, turned around and rushed towards Xie Liuyi. Xie Liuyi closed his eyes and did not release his consciousness. He heard the sound of hair breaking and Bai Lian's "be careful".

"White lotus, stay away."

Xie Liuyi, by feeling, waved her hand towards the direction where the wind was blowing and shot a spiritual force, and when she heard the Gu King's neigh, she knew that this hit.

Bai Lian wrapped the Gu King with her hair again, took it to the top of the cliff, threw it into the forest, and drilled back into the hairpin on Xie Liuyi's head, "I'll be your eyes, let's cooperate, Chopped up this big bug."

Xie Liuyi retched, "Don't tell me those two words."

The voice of the Gu King flapping his wings came from the front, Bai Lian screamed in the hairpin, "This thing is calling for a helper, hit it quickly!"

The pressure is unreservedly released towards the direction of the wings. The sound of flapping wings slowed down, Gu

Read The Duke's Passion