MTL - When Jianxiu Penetrates Into the Infinite Stream-Chapter 155

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Guiku Ridge is a mountain range in the south of Beifeng City. Because of the terrain, the wind blowing through the mountains will make a sound like ghost crying and wolf howling, so it is named Guikuling Ridge.

Xie Yu should have touched the terrain before, and led them around and around. Because a large number of living people were transported here, some traces were left in the mountain, and the three quickly found a crack in the mountain wall.

Yes, it's actually quite deep.

Xie Liuyi followed behind, not afraid of what Xie Yu would do now. Xie Yu just wanted to use Yifeng's hand to kill her, but it was true to save the juniors of the Xie family. Xie Yu would not disturb Yifeng until the people of the Xie family were rescued.

Xie Liuyi was the first to ask the question: "Why is there no one guarding?"

Xie Yu frowned slightly, and seemed to be thinking about this issue. After a while, he turned sideways to give way, "You two walk ahead."

Xie Liuyi: "I don't know the way."

There will be a fork in the cave from time to time. Xie Yu had taken the risk of releasing her consciousness to detect it before she knew how to go. But Xie Liuyi didn't dare to release her divine sense easily. There were too many demon cultivators with a higher cultivation level than her, and it was easy to detect when she released her divine sense.

As soon as she refused, Xie Yu's expression became more determined, "You go ahead, I will tell you how to go when you encounter a fork in the road."

Xie Liuyi and Yan Yugui looked at each other helplessly, and let Yan Yugui go first, Xie Liuyi separated him and Xie Yu.

After walking for a long time, Xie Liuyi faintly heard a human voice, which was the sound of exhaustion, weakness and pain.

She can hear it, Xie Yu can hear it naturally. He stopped, and Xie Liuyi felt the Mahayana cultivator's consciousness passing over his body, and knew that he had released his consciousness again to investigate the situation ahead.

After a while, he retracted his consciousness and frowned, "There are no guards below."

"Could it be that we fell for a trick?" Xie Liuyi pulled out the galaxy and stood vigilantly in place.

Xie Yu was still thinking, and Yugui said first, "I don't think it is necessary for Yifeng to let people guard here. This is the depths of the Demon Realm, and most of the people detained here. They are refugees who appeared suddenly, without relatives and friends, and no one will come to them. Xie Senior, does Yifeng recognize San Shao?"

Be prepared.

Xie Yu raised her brows, her miserable white eyes were especially terrifying in the dark, "You two, let's go down and see first."

Xie Liuyi and Yan Yugui didn't say anything, and continued to go deeper according to the original formation, Xie Liuyi was always in Xie Liuyi's hand and did not take it back.

After turning a corner, the front suddenly became clear, Xie Liuyi quickly pulled the words and returned, "There is a trap."

In the place where Yan Yugui is about to settle down, there are unusual spiritual power fluctuations, which requires people with strong control of spiritual power to discover.

Xie Yu also discovered this place, raised his hand, and a few sapphire jade appeared out of thin air above his palm. The plan slowly flew forward, and stopped after touching the invisible barrier.

The corner of Xie Yu's mouth twitched into a smile, and her face relaxed, "I said why there is no one, it turned out to be the Nine Killing Array."

Xie Liuyi had heard of the Nine Killing Array, which was improved from the Seven Killing Array. The formation method pays attention to variables, and the people who set up the formation will leave a ray of life in the formation, and this is the case with the Seven Killing Formation. But the Nine Killing Array does not retain its vitality at all. It is an extremely sinister formation. The Nine Killing Array, like Seizing the House, is listed as a major sin in the world of cultivating immortals.

The magic general is also good at formations. This nine-kill formation is set up by him, and if he enters the formation below the Mahayana period, he will die.

Xie Liuyi quickly pulled Yan Yugui back, leaning on the mountain wall, with the Xinghe sword in front of him, preventing Xie Yu from forcing them to enter the battle.

Xie Yu seemed to be able to "see" her movements, and smiled disdainfully, "Don't worry, this formation, the old man will show you."

After saying that, ten fingers moved at the same time, manipulating the sapphire calculation to draw mysterious traces in the air.

People who are good at divination are generally good at formations. Xie Yu is a master of formations. This is a competition between the masters of the formation. As arrogant as Xie Yu, he will definitely take on the challenge.

Xie Liuyi is not good at formations. Although Yugui is smart, he has not systematically learned formations. The two of them held their breaths and stood against the wall, watching the two Mahayana formation masters in front of them confront each other in the air.

Until Yan Yugui protested from hunger, the competition over there was finally decided. Xie Yu lost half of his calculations, and all the nine killing formations in front of him were destroyed.

As soon as the killing formation is broken, the prison in the mountain will reveal its true colors.

In front of Xie Liuyi is a hollow about 100 meters high, the mountain wall is densely filled with holes, the entrance of the hole is a black iron fence, and each hole has several people locked. This hole is just the tip of the iceberg of the prison in the mountain. There is a crack on one side of the cave wall, and the other side of the crack looks like a hole about the size.

The hole in front of me alone closed tens of thousands of people. Nearly a million players have been dropped in Demon Domain before, and most of them have been imprisoned here.

Xie Yu bit her fingertips and forced out a drop of blood. The blood seemed to be attracted by something and flew in a certain direction, leaving a red line in the air.

"Follow the line!" Xie Yu had consumed a lot of spiritual power just now, but at this moment, in order to cover up the weakness in her voice, she spoke maliciously.

Xie Liuyi didn't refuse either, he pulled the word and followed the line drawn by the blood drop to a cell on the ground floor. Behind the black iron railing, a young man in Chinese clothes was sitting against the railing. , heard the footsteps and turned back, revealing a face that was six points similar to Xiaobaihua.

"Who are you?" He asked with a frown when he saw the three of them.

Xie Yu spoke first, "Xie Changan?"

"Yes, I am, you..."

The voice disappeared in the sound of the broken iron fence.

"Follow me." Xie Yu threw a sapphire jade to Xie Changan, Xie Changan looked at him in disbelief, and immediately knelt down, "Changan has seen the ancestor."

After he finished speaking, he got up and waved behind him, "Come on, the ancestors have come to save us, let's go."

After he finished speaking, he rushed out, and Yan Yugui happened to be standing not far in front of him. He pushed him away, fell to the ground, and curled up in pain. Xie Liuyi hurriedly ran over and squatted beside him, blocking his figure, activating his spiritual power, as if he was healing his wounds.

Other people detained in the cave were startled by the sound here, and they all shouted weakly.

"Save me, save me out, I'll give you all my props."

"I'm a diamond player, save me, I'll give you a guide."

Although their voices were weak, thousands of people shouted at the same time, and the voices echoed in the cave, very harsh.

Xie Yu snorted coldly, and the pressure swayed. Ordinary people couldn't stand his coercion and instantly lost consciousness and fell to the ground.

A dozen or so people came out behind Xie Changan one after another, supporting each other, all of them boys and girls. It can be seen that although the appearance is embarrassed, the body is in good condition. With Xie Liuyi's eyesight, it could be seen that each of them had practiced magic arts, so naturally they would not be afraid of the demonic energy pervading the demonic realm.

Perhaps because of this reason, Yifeng didn't doubt their identities at all, only that they, like the players, appeared in the Demon Domain out of thin air.

Xie Yu waved and released a compass, which was enlarged to the height of a person in the air, "Go in."

Space magic weapons like flying shuttles and portable cave dwellings cannot be changed in size after people enter. The compass, which can be reduced in size after being installed as a human, is an innate spiritual treasure that cannot be found.

Xie Liuyi looked at the compass with some envy, and the brilliance of spirit stones flashed in his eyes.

Xie Yu thought that what she envied was Xie Changan, who escaped from birth, and now he saved his own junior, he was relieved and said with a smile: "Jianjun Liuyi, this place is imprisoned So many innocent people will be handed over to you, I will take my junior back first."


This voice came from the truth, "I beg seniors to take me away, I would like to worship you as a teacher."

"Yu Gui?" Xie Liuyi opened her eyes in shock, trying very hard to hold back her tears, but she couldn't hold back her tears, which made her look a little silly.

Yugui lowered his head, as if he didn't dare to look at her, got up and walked behind Xie Yu, "Junior is willing to give up the darkness, please take me away."

"Haha," Xie Yu smiled, "But, I suddenly don't want to take you away."

"Senior, Jianjun Liuyi is all for helping the Xie family, so he fell into the devil's realm, and it is difficult to guarantee that the Jianzong will not trouble the Xie family in the future. With me, I can expose her for forcing the apprentice. The true face of Shuangxiu, when her reputation is ruined, Jianzong will never have the face to care about her."

Xie Liuyi's mouth twitched when she heard it: Yan Taohua really spared no effort in hurting her.

But she didn't forget her role and fell to the ground, heartbroken. Of course, she couldn't show a heartbroken expression, she could only cover her face and fell helplessly on the ground, "How could you treat me like this?"

Because of the seal of taciturnity, she couldn't say a lot of nasty lines, and even this sentence was very flat.

A few times, "Good boy, so ruthless, it is suitable for cultivating my way, go, grab her Xinghe Sword, and I will take you away."

Yu Yu came back to take the sword, Xie Liuyi was naturally unwilling, and it was another pull. In the end, Xie Liuyi couldn't bear to hurt his lover, and the widowed lover turned his face and refused to recognize him.

Yan Yugui took the Galaxy Sword and followed Xie Yu away. Before leaving, Xie Yu repaired the Nine Killing Array at the entrance of the cave.

The cave was silent again, and Xie Liuyi lay still, seemingly unconscious.

The author has something to say:Hey, I'm going to bed~

The little cutie who sees the foreshadowing is not allowed to spoil! I promise that in two days at most, this dungeon will be over! Then see if you want to write a special or not~