MTL - When Jianxiu Penetrates Into the Infinite Stream-Chapter 150 (1)

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Hearing this deafening shout, the players all looked up to the sky.

Yan Yugui looked at Xie Liuyi in unison.

Xie Liuyi stood up slowly and walked out of the wooden house.

Perhaps to increase the deterrence, the shuttle landed a little, and maintained at a height that could be seen clearly, but had to be looked up.

The players spontaneously gathered around Zhong Changfeng and the others, and the people on the shuttle understood who was the backbone, and controlled the shuttle to land towards Zhong Changfeng.

Xie Liuyi didn't like to look up at the soles of people's feet. When he grabbed his right hand in the air, the shuttle was caught by an invisible giant hand, lost his balance, and fell toward the ground.


The Yuanying cultivator tried hard to stabilize the flying shuttle, but to no avail, the mortals next to him screamed in horror, and felt an emergency landing along with the flying shuttle.

Although the people inside fell to the ground, their lives were not affected. The Nascent Soul cultivator quickly stabilized his body, spread out his consciousness vigilantly, and then looked at Xie Liuyi.

Xie Liuyi has always been habitually restraining her coercion and aura.

The Nascent Soul cultivator swept around with his divine sense, only to find two Qi cultivators and a woman who could not see through the depths.

What makes him jealous is the robes worn by women. The robes look unattractive, and the quality is not high, but the stain-resistant color and the frugal style look like Jianzong sect Disciple uniform.

The male qi cultivator was wearing the same clothes. Are these two really Sword Sect disciples? Behind this group of civilians of unknown origin, it turned out to be the mountain of Jianzong?

"You group of pariahs, you dare to look directly at the Nascent Soul Immortal, and you are not ready to kneel!"

The villagers in the backcountry have soft bones. When they see the immortals, most of them kneel down and kowtow and call them immortals. Therefore, these small sect monks in the mortal world are accustomed to bowing and kneeling in front of mortals. I don't think there is anything wrong with the words behind the dog's legs.

The Yuanying cultivator is the ancestor of the Yang family, and the man with the thief-eyed eyes thought that the ancestor was just pretending, so he bowed his hands and flattered: "Old ancestor, these untouchables have very light bones, don't give them to them. If you color, you don’t know how high the sky is, otherwise you wouldn’t dare to hurt Guanshi like that.”

Although Steward Yang was not well-qualified, he was only an external steward, but he was also his junior, representing the face of their Qingxuanmen and the Yang family.

So she looked at Xie Liuyi with a bad expression, "Your Excellency is a disciple of the Sword Sect? These untouchables hurt my disciples of Qingxuan Sect. I am here today to seek justice, personal grievances, not even the Sword Sect. Are you qualified to intervene?"

He felt that even if these two were disciples of Jianzong, but this place was far away from Jianzong, in a remote area, and high-level monks disdain to come here, these two may also be new disciples who have just started. If the other party is really ignorant and kills them directly, Jianzong will not hunt him for thousands of miles for the sake of two little disciples.

Xie Liuyi didn't say anything before, just wanted to see the attitude of this Nascent Soul cultivator. Now that he saw the killing intent in his eyes, he didn't understand anything.

She didn't say anything, she stretched her hand to the back of her neck, pulled out the galaxy from her spine little by little, and pointed her sword diagonally to the ground.

"A monk must not attack a mortal."

This is the rule of the immortal world. After entering the gate of immortality, you must end the grievances and grievances of mortals. You cannot interfere in the battles of mortals, and you cannot take action against mortals.

So, Xie Liuyi came to support the player earlier, but only played the role of a town house beast, let the other party know that there is a sword cultivator behind Li Guild, and dare not act rashly.

I didn't expect that the other party didn't talk about martial arts, so they invited two monks to bully the player.

"It seems that your Excellency is determined to meddle in business." The Nascent Soul cultivator looked bad, waved his hand and released a golden hood, covering the entire village inside, "Then you two stay together. Come down!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the Nascent Soul cultivator transformed into a huge palm print with his right hand and patted it towards Xie Liuyi.

If this palm is real, these players around Xie Liuyi will be photographed into flesh.

The other party did not hesitate to kill mortals like this. It can be seen that he regards human life as a must, and it is not the first time he has shot mortals.

Xie Liuyi was furious, and the galaxy volleyed down.

The palm print dissipated in the air as if it had been split in half by an invisible blade. The sword qi split the palm print and still castrated, destructively heading towards the head of the Yuan Ying cultivator.

The cultivator of Yuanying changed greatly, hurriedly dodged, threw the magic weapon at the bottom of the pressure box to block the sword energy, and at the same time shrank the ground into an inch, dodging this menacing blow at the critical moment.

As soon as he dodged, the mortals behind him were exposed to the sword energy. They had seen the power of that sword energy, but they didn't have the means of escape for a monk, so they could only crouch down and wait to be split in half.

However, the mighty sword energy dissipated invisibly just before it struck them. And they only felt that the strong wind pavement was overturned to the ground. Although it was a bit embarrassing, it was unscathed.

The Nascent Soul cultivator turned green when he saw this scene. With such a pinnacle of control, the opponent must be a sword cultivator above Nascent Soul.

At the moment, I don’t care about finding a place to take revenge, and I don’t want the shuttle, so I have to run. However, a black shadow like a poisonous snake stuck to his neck.

He immediately stopped and didn't dare to move, he lowered his eyes and looked down, and saw the black flying sword that happened to be blocking his escape road at some point, and the tip of the sword was touching his throat.

Not far behind, a woman's voice as cold as a life-threatening voice sounded.

"You killed mortals?"

Listening to the distance, the female swordsman was clearly still standing there. In the battle just now, he closed the gate of **** for a while, but the female swordsman didn't even move her feet.

Hearing this question, he couldn't help but think of the rumors about Jianxiu: Jianzong is the official government of the world of immortals, and it is responsible for the injustice in the world.

Jianxiu is fighting on the front line of resisting demons and monsters, protecting the world of immortals behind him, but it also restricts immortals from doing nonsense. .

If he knew that this trip would kick the steel plate, he would not say anything. It's like the crime just hit the arresting fast, isn't it miserable? Just ask is it miserable?

"Fellow Daoist, misunderstanding, misunderstanding," that Yuan Ying cultivator was also able to bend and stretch, and immediately begged for mercy, "I just heard that my junior was injured by someone, and was angry for a while, and this was the impulse. A little. Since fellow Daoist is a member of the Sword Sect, it must be the fault of my younger generation, and I will definitely teach him a lesson when I go back.”

As soon as he finished speaking, his wrist hurt. A cold sweat broke out on the forehead of the Yuanying cultivator, not only because of the severe pain, but also because of panic: he clearly felt the opponent's sword energy, but he couldn't dodge it at all.

Damn, how did you run into the Sword of Transformation? Originally, the elder Taishang who had moved out of the door to the stage of Sino-Spiritual Transformation came to intimidate the other party, but he didn't expect...

How many tricks can the elders of my own family make under the swordsmen of the Sword Transformation?

Xie Liuyi lightly picked on the opponent's hand, and repeated his own question in a very indifferent tone, "Have you killed a mortal?"

The cultivator Yuanying was heartbroken, turned and knelt down, "Senior, spare my life, I was forced! Yes... It is the elder of Qingxuanmen who forced me to kill. Not only me, Everyone in Qingxuanmen has the lives of mortals on their hands. You let me go, I will take you to Qingxuanmen and seek justice for the mortals who died in vain!"

"Oh," Xie Liuyi said softly, "so you did kill mortals."

The monk jumped up and ran. However, in the next second, an extremely domineering sword energy rushed into his body and shattered his dantian and Nascent Soul.

He fell to the ground and looked at the slender figure standing against the light in disbelief.

His cultivation base... was abolished.

He is now the mortal man he sees as a mustard.

The few people who were still standing in the shuttle were stupid. Xie Liuyi ignored them, turned to Zhong Changfeng and said, "Caught and sent to the officials."

The affairs of mortals are governed by mortal laws. As for this Nascent Soul cultivator, Xie Liuyi directly handed it over to Zhong Changfeng for interrogation, and asked a lot about Qingxuanmen's private affairs.

Qingxuanmen was originally a little-known sect, but because the master gave birth to a daughter who was like a flower and jade, she sent it to the head of the Xie family and became a favorite concubine.

Qingxuanmen discovered that there was a spiritual mine in a mountain, fearing that the news would be leaked, they slaughtered ten villages in the mountain, large and small. Many young and strong laborers were caught from outside, and they were mining day and night.

Because of the protection of the Xie family, she acts more and more recklessly. Originally, there was not only a small sect of Qingxuanmen here, but after so many years, they would either move away, be annexed by Qingxuanmen, or be destroyed.

Even though she knew that this was just a subconsciously fabricated copy, Xie Liuyi's anger surged after hearing this.

"How much was the Xie family involved in these things?" She asked coldly.

"Qingxuanmen is responsible for handing over the Xie family to the head and the elders, and he doesn't know the secrets." Zhong Changfeng's face was not very good.

"Got it." She looked at Yan Yugui, who said without waiting for her to speak, "Go, I'll take people to the mine to save people."

Xie Liuyi killed Qingxuanmen with a single sword.

The mountain protection formation of Qingxuanmen was like grass under her sword, and the two swords split.


"The little friend killed my Qingxuanmen with great fanfare, why?"

Maybe it was because of Xie Liuyi's cultivation, the old man asked with restraint.

"For the slaughter of the village in Niutoushan."

The old man's complexion changed, he looked up and down, "Little he from the Sword Sect?"

"Yes." Xie Liuyi answered every question.

"Haha," the old man smiled, "The government still needs to seek evidence from multiple sources. Sword Sect has always been fair, but he can't listen to the words of the family."

"Well, you said." Xie Liuyi nodded.

Xie Liuyi knew what he was thinking, and he didn't refute it. He didn't object when the old man invited her to go down for tea, and obediently followed him on the square in front of the main hall of Qingxuanmen.

Aware of the peeping eyes from various hidden places, Xie Liuyi's eyes swept over indifferently. Many disciples were caught off guard by her gaze, and immediately avoided her eyes with flickering eyes.

When I came to the main hall, the head of the Yuan Ying period greeted him, and Xie Liuyi put on a high-level posture, ignoring the head at all.

The old man smiled and ordered tea, and let the head go down first.

"Do you know that seventeen years ago, Mistress Xie was attacked in Niutoushan?"

The old man stroked his beard and asked.

Xie Liuyi spread out his consciousness, monitoring the movement outside. After the sect head withdrew, he immediately summoned his disciples and waited for them. Xie Liuyi was listening to them discussing **** him when he heard the old man mention the news he had just heard from Yuankong not long ago, he temporarily retracted his attention, nodded and said, "I know."

"The mistress of the Xie family was attacked in Niutoushan. We and the Xie family are in-laws. Naturally, we have to help find out the truth. After years of searching, we found that the villagers in Niutoushan are not extraordinary people, but magic cultivators!"

The old man said something serious, Xie Liuyi showed an exaggerated expression very cooperatively, "What? Is there such a thing?"

"Yes," the old man's face showed a smug look, "We are in order to maintain the peace of the immortal world, and we have fought with those demons for many days before killing them all. Afterwards, we found spirits in Niutou Mountain. Mine, only then did I know that those magic cultivators occupying the mountain as kings were actually trying to steal the ore veins."

Kailing Mine.

The old man is a wise man, the truth is mixed with lies, and it sounds very believable. If Xie Liuyi was really a stupefied young man who was immersed in his cultivation, he might have believed it.

But Xie Liuyi is not.

Go to the Demon Realm.

The argument that the magician went to Niutoushan to mine is not true at all.

Seeing that Xie Liuyi's expression was shaken, the old man chased after the victory, "The Xie family also knows about this, the little friend doesn't believe me, you should trust the Xie family, right? You Jianzun is your teacher, I wonder if the little friend has seen my eldest niece in the sect?"

Seeing the other party's wrinkled face and calling the little white flower the big niece, Xie Liuyi rolled his eyes silently in his heart.

Although she is contemptuous in her heart, she has a very yearning look on her face, as if she very much admires the master swordsman mentioned in the old man's words.

"Fairy Yuxue is really..." Xie Liuyi's upright personality made it impossible for her to praise the little white flowers without her conscience.

Old man: I think something is wrong but there is no evidence.

The old man has lived for so many years, and he has grown old and mature, and Xie Liuyi's performance naturally cannot deceive him. Maybe he thought that Xie Liuyi and Xiaobaihua had a festival, and the old man stopped talking about Xiaobaihua and started to gossip.

In short: don't mess with me, I have a backstage.

Xie Liuyi estimated that the time was almost up, so she interrupted him and asked, "Why did Mistress Xie go out before giving birth?"

"This..." The old man stroked his beard, and his cloudy little eyes showed shrewdness, "This is a private matter of the Xie family, and I don't want to talk nonsense."

This remark not only shows that he knows the answer, but also shows that he has a close relationship with the Xie family, but does not reveal key information.

Xie Liuyi changed the question, "Does the Xie family have a share in the matter of Niutoushan?"

"Of course there are," the old man tried his best to tie himself and the Xie family to a boat, "When the mistress of the house is attacked, the Xie family will naturally not let the group of demon cultivators go unpunished."

Get the information he wanted, Xie Liuyi stood up, "Got it."

The old man thought she was going, got up to say goodbye, "Little friend, walk slowly."

Xie Liuyi twitched the corners of his mouth, half a smile, "Who said I was leaving?"

Seeing the surprised look on the old man's face, Xie Liuyi said happily.

"Sword Prison, get up."

Suddenly, a huge sword rose from the ground, replacing the mountain protection formation, covering the entire Qingxuanmen.

The panicked voices of the disciples came from outside, and the old man asked with a bad expression: "What does this mean, little friend?"

"Compensate you for a mountain protection formation."

It's just that the people in this battle are not very friendly.

If it weren't for the fact that the sword prison was too big this time, Xie Liuyi wouldn't need to be with him for so long. I haven't heard so much nonsense in a long time, my ears hurt.

"In that case, don't blame me for being rude! Form a battle!"

He let out a loud shout, and the head of the Nascent Soul period, who was guarding outside the door, immediately took a few other Nascent Soul elders and Jindan disciples to form an array.

However, before the formation was ready, a strong sword energy erupted from the sword prison. The disciples were too busy to take care of themselves, and they were in disarray.

Xie Liuyi looked at the old man coldly, "In my sword prison?"

Who gave them the courage to form a battle in the sword prison of Hua Shenjianxiu?

She is God in her realm.

The old man noticed something was wrong, his complexion changed greatly, and he waved a small cauldron.

As soon as this tripod appeared, Xie Liuyi realized that something was wrong.

This kind of thing is already a monster. This Qingxuanmen Supreme Elder actually fell into a demon!


Xie Liuyi has the fine quality of swordsmanship. She didn't understand why there were always people who like to talk nonsense before making moves.

At this moment, Xie Liuyi had already approached the Soul Refining Cauldron and kicked on it. The old man's bell was shattered by the sword energy, and as soon as he saw the outside world, a tripod smashed in front of him.

He supported the tripod with both hands and stepped on the ground with his feet, however, the huge force from the tripod pushed him all the way to the wall, leaving only his feet on the ground to drag out of deep ravines.

He sneered twice, "You should never, never should, you shouldn't let me meet the Soul Refining Cauldron."

Seeing that he started talking nonsense again, Xie Liuyi Xinghe let go and galloped towards the old man's Dantian.

At this moment, the old man slapped the soul-refining cauldron, the cauldron tilted, and countless grievances flew out of the cauldron with screams, and the grievances gathered into a rolling torrent, heading towards Xie Liuyi Come.

Also covered by evil spirits.

This trick, if placed outside, might give Xie Liuyi a headache, but unfortunately, this is the Sword Prison, her domain.

Xie Liuyi's handprints changed rapidly, the sword qi around his body soared, and thousands of sword qi penetrated the torrent of wronged souls.

In the screaming sound of piercing the eardrum, the grievances dissipated, and the sun fell on Xie Liuyi again.

The sword energy just now not only smashed the souls, but also demolished the roof of the Qingxuanmen Hall.

Over there, the galaxy was inserted into the old man's dantian, and the stars on the sword flickered, completely different from the previous dark appearance.

The old man used all his strength to urge the soul refining cauldron, but he was blocked by the cauldron and did not notice the approaching Xinghe sword. Now he has suffered a heavy blow, bowed his head in disbelief, and the sword that penetrated his lower abdomen was lustful. crack.


He recognized the Xinghe Sword, and with an incoherent voice, blood spilled from his mouth.

"Are you... Liuyi... Sword Lord?"

In the next second, sword energy erupted from the sword prison, crushing the old man's primordial spirit.


The spiritual energy in the old man's body dissipated, and he could no longer bear the weight of the Soul Refining Cauldron, and the Soul Refining Cauldron hit the ground heavily.


Xie Liuyi stretched out his hand to erase the prohibition on the Soul Refining Cauldron, and penetrated into it.

Previously, she crushed all the souls in the tripod. She thought it was empty, but she didn't expect that there was still an old woman in it.

The soul of the old woman was covered with a golden light of merit and virtue.

But after staying in the cauldron all the year round, there is not much golden light left on her body, and in a few days, she will be refined.

Xie Liuyi appeared in front of her in the form of divine consciousness and asked, "Who are you?"

The old woman was startled, looked at her for a moment, and said nervously: "Daughter, you are also being rushed? Come and hide by the mother-in-law."

Xie Liuyi didn't say much, just wrapped her with his divine sense and pulled her out of the tripod.

Originally, the soul should not appear in the hundred days, and it is easy to be burned by the sun. But this mother-in-law has merit and golden light to protect her body, and there is Xie Liuyi's sword formation outside, so naturally it will not hinder her.

"I... I'm finally out?"

Seeing the disciples of Qingxuanmen who were being chased by sword energy, she immediately showed disgust and shouted: "It's them, they killed all the people in the village!"

She didn't remember what the murderers looked like, but she remembered the clothes they were wearing.

Xie Liuyi waited for her to calm down before asking, "Are you a villager from Niutoushan?"

The old woman heard the sound, looked back, was stunned for a while, and knelt down with a plop.

"You...are you an immortal? Lady Fairy, you have to decide for us!"

Xie Liuyi did not deny it and asked patiently, "What happened?"

The old woman spoke in a hurry. From what she said, things in those days were actually not complicated.

A group of monks suddenly appeared in the Niutou Mountain, saying that they said they were cultivators and spies, and they started to slaughter the village without saying a word. All the old and weak, women and children were killed, and all the young and strong were taken away.

After they died, their souls were sucked into the Soul Refining Cauldron, tortured by grievances every day, and all the souls of the villagers turned into ghosts.

The old woman's situation is special. Their family has practiced medicine for generations. The old woman is also an excellent doctor. remained awake for many years.

Previously, the old man said that the people in Niutou Mountain were all demon cultivators, and Xie Liuyi thought it was the old man’s nonsense, but he didn’t expect that this was the reason they used to slaughter the village.

Xie Liuyi felt something was wrong, and turned to look at the Qingxuanmen Taishang elder who had been abolished.

Live on his forehead and search for the soul.

The old man has lived longer than Xie Liuyi, and his memory is naturally much more complicated than hers. After searching for a long time, Xie Liuyi finally found the information he wanted.

Because the old man's lifespan has come to an end, and his memory is also dissipating, this information is not complete, Xie Liuyi only saw a vague young man saying to the head of Qingxuanmen: "As long as You help me do this, and I will make your daughter look like a lady, how?"

The head of Qingxuanmen hesitated: "This...Are you sure? He's just a mortal, even if he witnessed Mrs. Zun's production, he couldn't see anything. If this is discovered by Jianzong..."

The memory stopped abruptly.

Xie Liuyi's eyes darkened.

It seems that the Xie family was the mastermind behind the Niutoushan incident.

That young man is now the head of the Xie family.

What was the secret of the mother Xie's production back then, and let him kill more than a dozen villages in Niutoushan?

Didn't Yuan Kong say that the little white flower was delivered by him? So he and Xun Moshu are the ones who should be silenced?

She looked at the head who was tired of dealing with the sword prison, pinched a trick, and the sword qi that besieged the head disappeared instantly.

The Sect Master gasped and stopped, looked around blankly, his eyes gradually fell on Xie Liuyi, thought about it, and walked over tentatively.

"Jianjun, the Supreme Elder, he couldn't break through for a long time, his lifespan was approaching, and he gave birth to a demon, so he made a big mistake. Now the first evil has been subverted... Will you let us go?"

He still wanted to throw all the blame on the elder Taishang, but he didn't know that Xie Liuyi had already figured out their evil deeds through the soul search just now.

"What's the secret of the birth of the Xie family mistress?" Xie Liuyi ignored his rhetoric and asked straight to the point.

The head was startled, his eyes wandering, "No, no, Mistress Xie..."

Xie Liuyi raised his hand, and his fingertips had a hint of inspiration, "I search for my soul, or do you say it yourself?"

Searching the soul will damage the other party's sea of ​​consciousness, so the cultivator of the right way will not search the soul unless it is absolutely necessary. Xie Liuyi had already notified the people in the Sword Sect Law Enforcement Hall, and the time should be up soon.

Xie Liuyi is not crazy enough to be the enemy of the whole world, so saying that is just to scare the other side.

Xu is because he often commits illegal and chaotic records, or maybe he is scared by Xie Liuyi's sword qi. .

"Patriarch Xie said... that the child conceived by Patriarch Xie is not his!"

Xie Liuyi slapped the Sect Master on his chest, knocking him upside down, "Lie!"

What does cuckolding have to do with slaughtering mortals.

The head spit out a mouthful of blood, got up in a hurry, but knelt down again under the pressure of Xie Liuyi.

"I... what I said is true. The mistress of the Xie family had a vision during childbirth. The woman who delivered her saw it, and she went back and talked nonsense. Later... Later, a young man in Niutoushan Going to find a living outside, I happened to be a part-time worker for the Xie family, and I brought this up as a talk after dinner, and the Xie family knew that all the people in the ten miles and eight villages of Niutoushan had spread."

Xie Liuyi: "…"

This time she can be sure that the chief did not lie. what is this? A **** case caused by rumors?

She probably restored the production process of the mother of the Xie family. First, for some unknown reason, he returned to his mother's house before giving birth, but was ambushed on the way, and Mingda was saved by Yuankong and Xun Moshu.

Mrs. gave birth. They were a monk and a scholar. Naturally, they were embarrassed to deliver the birth in person, so they went to a nearby village to find a midwife. The two should be guarding outside the delivery room.

Then the question is, what is the vision that only the midwife can see, but not the two outside the delivery room? And this vision, at a glance, you know that this child is not from the Xie family?

Although monks do not lie, they can conceal part of the truth. She felt that she had to find another way to go.

After a while, the people from the Sword Sect Law Enforcement Hall arrived. The color of the uniforms of the disciples of the Law Enforcement Hall is darker than that of other peaks, which is close to navy blue. Of course, only the disciples of the Sword Sect can distinguish this subtle difference.

Xie Liuyi opened the sword prison and put people in. The one who led the team was a senior brother who was in the God Transformation period, and she briefly explained the matter. The people in the Law Enforcement Hall were more taciturn than her. The senior brother who led the team made a gesture, and the people in the Law Enforcement Hall took the main characters away for questioning. Xie Liuyi did not need to intervene in the whole process.

Xie Liuyi had no choice but to leave first.

Since this copy is woven according to her memory, then this kind of justice is handed over to Sword Sect disciples.

Back when I was about to leave the guild, Yan Yugui and the others hadn't come back. It wasn't until late at night that the large troops returned one after another.

The body is covered more or less, but the injury is not serious.

"We invited the guards of the City Lord's Mansion to join us to save people." Zhong Changfeng briefly described the process of saving people.

"Master, you don't know, we threw the Nascent Soul cultivator who was abolished by you in front of the city master, and his attitude immediately turned 180 degrees! It's cool!" Zhou Haiyang called now Master has been very skilled at calling.

Xie Liuyi rubbed his head and glanced at the wound on his arm that was scratched by a sharp tool, "Go, let's practice swordsmanship."

So Xie Liuyi practiced Zhou Haiyang very responsibly all night, and the next day, Zhou Haiyang looked at Yan Yugui and pulled Xie Liuyi away almost gratefully.

Xie Liuyi told Yan Yugui the clues she had learned at Qingxuanmen before, Yan Yugui thought for a moment, and asked, "How is the Xie family mistress now?"

Xie Liuyi paused and shook his head.

"I think this matter, rather than asking others, it is better to ask the person involved. If Mistress Xie is still alive."

Therefore, Xie Liuyi changed direction and flew to the city where the Xie family's home was with Yan Yu Gui Yujian.

Entering the city, the two found a restaurant and were discussing how to inquire about the news when they heard a commotion in the street.

Going to the window and looking down, I saw a very gorgeous carriage coming from the street. The carriage was made of priceless spirit sandalwood. There were guards in front to clear the way, followed by beautiful maids in the back, and the momentum was huge.

Yan Yugui glanced at the decoration on the carriage, turned his head to Xie Liuyi's ear, "It's the Ye family."

The Ye family? Isn't that the maiden home of the Xie family mistress?

She vaguely remembered that there was such a family in the Seventh Family that was one of the most powerful families in terms of financial resources.

What a coincidence, she was just about to investigate the Mistress of the Xie family when the Ye family came by herself.

Teahouses have always been the birthplace of gossip. The monks did not set up soundproof barriers when they talked about gossip in the teahouses. Xie Liuyi only paid a little attention and listened to the gossip.

"The Xie family's mistress has been ill for many years, and today the Ye family has come to Xiecheng with great fanfare. Could it be that people are dying?"

"How did I hear that it was the Xie family's patriarch who spoiled his concubine to destroy his wife and despised the main house. Is the Ye family here to support the girls in the family?"

Someone asked curiously: "What do you know?"

The person who spoke first shook his head proudly, "It's not because Miss Xie Jiadi has worshipped under Jianzun's door. It is said that Jianzun loves this little disciple very much. You have to stand aside. The Ye family didn't care about Madam Xie a few years ago, but it was because they had given up on this married daughter, and now they suddenly remembered to support Madam Xie, 80%, because mothers rely on daughters, and they want to use this move to help Jian The venerable disciple sells well."

Everyone agreed.

"What a character Jian Zun is, we are the number one in the world of immortality! The Ye family is also considered to be Miss Xie's foreign family. If this relationship is repaired, it will benefit immensely!"

Xie Liuyi pouted slightly when she heard this comment. The Sword Sovereign in her memory is indeed the first person in the world of immortality, but this one in the copy... tsk tsk, where did he have such a big face?

"How easy is it? The Ye family has ignored Miss Xie for so many years. Now that the family is prosperous, and they want to rely on her, if Miss Xie is a strong-willed person, you should ignore it. "

"That's the Ye family, the rich family, and the road to immortality is difficult. What's wrong with having an extra backing?"

The two sides immediately argued whether Xiaobaihua should forgive the Ye family, and they were more concerned than myself. Xie Liuyi didn't want to listen any more, so he briefly explained to Yan Yugui what he had just heard.

Yuyue rolled his eyes and said with a smirk, "Let's visit Xie's house."

Xie Liuyi: ? ? ?

"You are the senior sister of that Miss Xie. You passed by Xiecheng and heard that the sister's mother was ill. Isn't it normal for you to visit her?"

Xie Liuyi suddenly realized. Although she knew that she had a bad relationship with Xiaobaihua, the Xie family didn't know!

Seeing the gorgeous motorcade disappearing at the end of the street, Xie Liuyi no longer hesitated at the moment, and followed her with words.

In order to meet the status of Sword Sovereign's master, Xie Liuyi very arrogantly did not hand over the invitation, and stood at the gate of Xie's house to let go of the coercion and use his divine sense to spread the word.

"Sword Sect Xie Liuyi came to visit."

After a short while, a steward from the Nascent Soul stage rushed out of the door, and as soon as he went out, he pleaded guilty: "Jianjun Liuyi came to visit, and the owner of the family should greet him in person, but there is something going on at home today. , the owner of the family can't meet him personally, and I hope to stay with Haihan, Lord Yijian."

Xie Liuyi looked arrogant and didn't say a word, next to Yan Yugui came forward to answer at the right time, "My teacher and Sister Yuxue Fairy are deeply in love. I passed Xiecheng today and came here to visit the family for Fairy Yuxue. Fairy Yuxue's grandfather's house is also there, so let's visit together, and go back and explain to Fairy Yuxue."

The steward greeted the two of them enthusiastically and walked towards the main hall. Before entering the door, he heard a sharp female voice shouting frantically: "She is not my daughter! She is not my daughter!

Read The Duke's Passion