MTL - When Jianxiu Penetrates Into the Infinite Stream-Chapter 140

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The phantom of the peach blossom tree disappeared, and darkness returned to the Spirit Sword Tomb, only the night pearls embedded in the walls glowed faintly in the darkness.

Xie Liuyi stopped attacking the enchantment, and once the sword energy was withdrawn, the spirit sword tomb became quiet again.

Yugui walked back to her.

Seeing Yugui looked a little confused, Xie Liuyi looked over with a little questioning, but saw Yan Yugui shook his head and made a mouth: Go out and talk.

The white mask on her body is already in jeopardy, but because she is inside the enchantment, she has never been attacked by the sword energy filled in the Spirit Sword Tomb.

Xie Liuyi's eyes fell on her.

There are three sects and four sects and seven families in the Xiuxian world. The daughter of the Xie family... What do you want to do with such a character in the game? Xie Liuyi was a little curious.

She didn't pay attention to the little white flower who was on the ground, nor attacked the enchantment, and left the Spirit Sword Tomb with Yan Yugui.

Xie Liuyi was always paying attention to the situation in the Spirit Sword Tomb with his divine sense. Later, some well-qualified disciples entered the Spirit Sword Tomb, but no one went to the deepest part.

Xiaobaihua lay on the ground for a while, then she stood up, wiped her tears, and whispered to herself: "What should I do, I didn't get it, what should I do?"

Looking at his expression, it is more like asking someone than talking to himself. Xie Liuyi frowned slightly, and checked her carefully with his divine sense, but found nothing unusual.

Remembering that in the Spirit Sword Tomb just now, Yan Yugui's expression was wrong, so he asked, "What happened just now? Is there something wrong with the sword?"

Yugui thought for a moment and replied, "I feel that there is something missing in this sword."

"What's missing?" Xie Liuyi was puzzled.

Yan Yugui raised his hand and waved out the peach blossom sword and handed it over, "After recognizing the master, it doesn't feel the same to me as the first time I held it. You can take a look at it for me."

"I'm not a sword cultivator yet, and besides, you are no one else."

"It doesn't matter," Xie Liuyi shook his head, "The sword has recognized its master."

The Peach Blossom Sword is a spirit sword.

Lingjian needs a name from the sword master. The title of Peach Blossom Sword was called out by Xie Liuyi, and he didn't mention it in front of Yan Yugui. Yan Yugui named this sword Zhuohua Sword.

The scorching sword, like the galaxy sword, was forged by Jianzun himself. It has been sleeping in the spirit sword mound for many years, and has given birth to the spirit cloud. It's just that for some reason, the spirit of Zhuohua Sword seems to be dormant, and it has been unable to respond to Yan Yugui for a long time.

"Let's take a step by step," he was very open, "here is the copy, maybe the situation of the burning sword is also one of the clues."

There was a small episode in the next assessment.

The young man who had chased Xiaobaihua withdrew halfway, repaired outside for a while, and forcibly went deep again, only to be injured by sword qi. His blood fell on the ground, and it happened to be absorbed by a fierce sword that was suppressed under it, which led to the birth of the fierce sword, and the sword qi in the Lingjian Tomb ran wild, and several weaker new disciples were caught off guard and suffered heavy losses.

As soon as the galaxy comes out, it will be easy. The new disciples were full of admiration, only Xie Liuyi noticed something was wrong.

Xinghe is not a superb weapon. She thought that there would be a powerful sword spirit who would not accept it and would need a lot of effort to suppress it.

She couldn't help thinking of what the boy said before: Xinghe is the strongest sword in the sword tomb.

Does the game intentionally make this setting?

Suddenly, the fierce sword that had already surrendered to the ground violently stabbed towards the injured boy's chest. Xie Liuyi didn't have time to think about it, the handprints changed, and Xinghe took the momentum and slashed towards the fierce sword.

At this moment, a familiar figure rushed out of the slash. Xiaobaihua swooped in, and protected the fierce sword in her arms.

Seeing that the little white flower was about to be crushed by the sword energy of Xinghe, Xie Liuyi hurriedly made a tactic, and withdrew the offensive at the last minute.

She frowned, and the sound of spiritual power reverberated through the entire Spirit Sword Tomb.

"The fierce sword is stained with blood and cannot be left."

Xiao Baihua suddenly raised her head, burst into tears, and shouted into the air: "You have already robbed me of a sword, do you still want to destroy another?"

Xie Liuyi: ? ? ?

The brain circuit of this NPC is very strange.

"Ferocious Sword Devourer, are you sure you want it?" She asked again with the examiner's sense of responsibility.

Xiao Baihua hugged the fierce sword tightly in her arms, "Even if I die, I won't let you hurt it again."

Xie Liuyi had the urge to cut open the head of a little white flower to study the structure.

"In this case, you are at your own risk." After saying the last sentence, she ignored it.

If Xiaobaihua wants to take the fierce sword, let's see what the game is going to do.

The entrance examination ended without any risk, and only more than 50 people passed. Most of them have only passed the Xuanjian Forest, and can only start with the outer disciples. The few people who passed the Sword Washing Pond entered the inner door.

In the Lingjian Tomb, several of the people who were recognized by Lingjian were originally supposed to be recruited by the masters of each peak to be their own disciples. But now, there is only one Sect Master in the Sect Master Hall, and none of the Peak Masters who should have come to receive apprentices have appeared.

Xie Liuyi asked the Peak Master why he didn't come, but the leader only smiled and said, the Peak Master is in retreat, and temporarily does not accept disciples. Xie Liuyi lowered his eyes to hide the doubt in his eyes.

Yan Yugui and four other quasi-personal disciples stood in the center of the hall, with the head sitting in the first place, and Xie Liuyi sitting below him.

"Senior nephew," the head said with a smile, "I believe you, the chief examiner, have seen the performance of these disciples in the sword tomb, and you can choose who to accept. For a disciple?"

Xie Liuyi glanced at everyone in the arena. Xiaobaihua, the girl in red, the teenager who was pushed by Xiaobaihua before, and a swordsman who entered Taoism by martial arts. Finally, his eyes fell on Yan Yugui who was standing still with his eyes down.

"Peach blossom, come here." She shouted.

"Would you like me to be your teacher?" Xie Liuyi asked a little mischievously.

The young man on the other side gave her a condescending glance from the standing posture, but the expression of gnashing his teeth was matched with a tone like a spring breeze.

"It is my honor to worship the fairy as my teacher."

"Okay, okay." The head swept his beard and smiled, "It's too lonely to take only one. There are still a few good seedlings here. Will my nephew stop picking on them?"

Xie Liuyi blocked her face expressionlessly, "No."

"Accept another female disciple, Lingyun Peak is deserted, and it is good for multiple female disciples to accompany you."

"No need." Xie Liuyi categorically refused.

The head turned a deaf ear and said to himself, "I think this Xie Shao is pretty good, she looks a bit like you..."


Xie Liuyi broke the armrests of the hard as iron Yunling wooden chair. She looked at the headmaster expressionlessly, and said calmly, "Avoid the elders and change her name."

The head stroked his beard and said with a smile: "If you accept her as a disciple, you can give her the title of Dao."

At this moment, the little white flower who was silent for a long time suddenly plopped and knelt on the ground, her expression weak and unyielding, "Master Mingjian, this Daojun is partial to his disciple during the assessment, and he looks at me I snatched away the spirit sword in the middle and gave it to her disciple, please make the master for me!"

As soon as she said these words, several other new disciples present looked over with surprise.

"Oh?" The head looked at Xiaobaihua in surprise, then looked at Xie Liuyi, "Is there such a thing?"

Xie Liuyi threw out two words without emotion, "No."

"You lied, that sword of your apprentice had already taken your fancy to me, and you forcibly took it away!" Great, will definitely call the shots for me, won't it?"

The corners of Xie Liuyi's mouth twitched slightly, and when he saw the stern look on his face, he asked, "Liuyi, what's going on?"

"Sect Master..." Yan Yugui wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Xie Liuyi's tugging as soon as he spoke.

"The sword spirit recognizes the master, and external forces cannot interfere." She looked at the master with a calm expression, and only after the silence was sealed did she spit out two words, "Common sense."

Seeing the hesitant expression on the Sect Master's face, Xiaobaihua slammed her head on the ground and raised her head with a stubborn expression, "As soon as the disciple entered the sword tomb, he was summoned by the sword spirit. Will you call me?"

After finishing speaking, she looked at Xie Liuyi angrily, "Jianzong is not a place where you can cover the sky with one hand, it is obviously you who inspired the sword energy and instigated your apprentice to use blood to force the spirit sword to recognize the master!"

Seeing her face of justice, Xie Liuyi directly pinched her to keep silent. Xiaobaihua found herself speechless, covered her mouth in horror, and kept whining.

Xie Liuyi ignored her and asked the boy who was pushed down by Xiaobaihua, "Are you familiar with her?"

The boy looked at her, then at the little white flower, hesitantly did not speak. Xie Liuyi released some coercion slightly and asked again, "What is your relationship with her?"

The boy was sweating on his forehead, he dared not hide it, and replied, "I grew up with Sister A Shao since childhood."

Xie Liuyi asked again: "In the sword mound, does she belong to He Jian?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Xiaobaihua stopped whimpering, she raised her head to look at Xie Liuyi, and winked at the young man desperately.

It's just that the young man is resisting Xie Liuyi's coercion with all his strength.

Hearing this answer, the Sect Master's face suddenly became embarrassed.

Xie Liuyi looked at the head with a half-smile, "Is this the Galaxy Sword?"

The female disciple in red next to her was fiery. She wants the Xinghe Sword. For some unknown reason, she now looks at the Peach Blossom Sword in Senior Brother's hand, and throws dirty water on Jianjun."

Hearing the name, the corners of Yugui's mouth twitched slightly, and Xie Liuyi cast an approving look at her.

Xiao Baihua bit her lip and stubbornly refused to speak.

"Uh..." The head stroked his beard and asked, "Nephew, what should be the punishment."

As soon as these words came out, the little white flower was like a mourning concubine.

Does the sect master say: "It's not so serious, since she can enter the Spirit Sword Tomb, and the Sword Spirit admits it, she wants to come..."

A warm jade pendant flew out from the little white flower and floated in front of the head.

"A high-level magic weapon can resist sword energy." Xie Liuyi's tone did not fluctuate.

"My jade pendant, return it to me!" Xiao Baihua suddenly gained strength and jumped up to grab the jade pendant floating in the air.

Just this moment, it was enough for everyone present to see the high-level defensive magic weapon clearly, and the boy who was a childhood sweetheart bowed his head, and the swordsman who held his sword and said nothing decisively spit out two words, "Cheating. !"

The female disciple in red said disdainfully, "You only dare to enter the Spirit Sword Tomb by relying on a high-level defensive magic weapon. This kind of person, the disciple is ashamed to be in her company."

Xie Liuyi leaned on the back of the chair in a leisurely manner, watching the sect master accidentally cut off a few beards, and was very curious about how the game would continue to keep Xiaobaihua in Jianzong.

At this moment, a powerful breath approached, and thousands of sword shadows poured into the hall from the gate, turning into a white-robed immortal with a peerless face.

"This woman is destined to me, and I want to accept her as a disciple."

Everyone present was shocked by this change, only Xie Liuyi, looking at the familiar face in front of him, had a very complicated mood.

Is it true that her master was so ill-fated when he put on X on his face?

"Come here to meet your junior sister."

Xie Liuyi's mouth twitched slightly, and thousands of words were combined into one sentence, "You seem to have that serious illness."

The author has something to say:Today is a new update, hum!

I feel a little shameless…