MTL - When Jianxiu Penetrates Into the Infinite Stream-Chapter 125

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Opened the information and began to consult the second time in a targeted manner.

Focus on what happened to the Zerg during the reign of the previous Zerg Queen.

However, in the Zerg information held by the Wisdom Alliance, there are only a few records of the Zerg Queen, and nothing unusual can be seen. It seems that the Zerg is a general who has appeared out of thin air for several thousand years.

What did the last Zerg queen do? What's wrong with the current Zerg Queen's body?

The way they left in the last dungeon must make the game more afraid of A Shao, he must figure out the background of the dungeon as soon as possible before he knows where to find her.

The Alliance of Wisdom and the Zerg compete against each other in the universe, and the number of planets occupied by the Zerg is about twice that of the Alliance of Wisdom. Since the clearance prompt requires the annihilation of the Zerg, then the dungeon map is an entire universe.

The scope is too large, A Shao may be in any planet and any race. What he is most worried about now is to make trouble with the game and throw A Shao into the Zerg.

I am afraid that A Shao, like him, will become the original NPC of the copy, so with the shamelessness of the game, 100% will make A Shao a Zerg.

Probably not... In conclusion, immediately find a reason to deny this conjecture. Ah Shao is not a player, the game should not allow Ah Shao to inherit the identity of a certain NPC like a player...

What's more, the customs clearance prompt is to annihilate the Zerg. If the player becomes a Zerg, isn't it forcing the player to commit suicide? Although the game is shameless, it will not kill the player so bluntly.

There was a knock on the door, and the guard's slightly immature face appeared on the display for the eighth time.

"Marshal, you haven't had a deep sleep for seventy-two hours. Now you need to enter the sleeping pod to ensure at least twelve hours of deep sleep. If you refuse again, I will...I will ..." The young guard suddenly took off his hat, "I will fight to the military court, and I will knock you out!"

"Arrange the sleeping cabin." Yan Yugui ordered coldly.

On the screen, the guard's face was sluggish for a moment, the corners of his mouth were greatly raised, and the corners of his eyes and brows were flying, "Okay, I will prepare a sleeping cabin for you immediately!"

When I sat up from the sleeping cabin, I felt like I didn't know what was going on.

Since A Shao disappeared, he has not slept so well for a long time. At first, when he closed his eyes, he could see Ah Shao shouting his name covered in blood. She fell into the quagmire and reached out to him, but he could only watch her being swallowed up by the silt, his eyes red with blood.

After waking up, she couldn't fall back to sleep anymore, her heart seemed to be empty, filled with sharp and cold things, and the slightest movement was painful.

Afterwards, even if he found A Shao, he still dared not sleep, for fear that he would wake up and find that it was just a dream.

After sitting in the sleeping cabin for a while, consciousness gradually returned to the cage.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and the security guard Xiao Zhang's face appeared on the monitor beside the door.

"What's the matter?"

The intelligent voice control system clearly transmitted his voice to Xiao Zhang's ears outside the door.

"Marshal, you... my sister asked to see you."

I heard the hesitation in Xiao Zhang's tone, and when he returned, he realized that the relationship between this sister and the original owner must not be very close.

"Take her to the parlour."

After Yan Yugui washed up, he changed his clothes and followed the memory of the original owner to the reception room.

Sitting on the sofa was a very upright young woman, with her hair meticulously tied behind her head, black-rimmed glasses, and a white shirt and black suit pants. If he saw it in the corridor or elsewhere, Yan Yugui would think it was a member of his secretariat.

As soon as he walked in, the woman stood up, bowed professionally, and said, "I found out about the confidante of the great grandfather a few days ago, and I knew you were thinking about it, so hurry up Brought to show you."

Speaking, he opened the black folder with a lock in his arms and pushed it on the table.

Paper? In the interstellar era when communication was developed, he made a trip in person and delivered messages with paper documents. As soon as he turned his mind, he understood the reason for doing so.

There is a risk of being eavesdropped on network communication. The family does its best to avoid revealing the relationship experience of the grandfather when he was young. Maybe it was because he was afraid that people would get the clues first and start the price, maybe because he was afraid of affecting the image of the former head of the family, Yingming Shenwu.

He sat down in the main seat, picked up the folder and browsed it quickly, and figured out the story of this great grandfather.

The grandfather fell in love with a girl when he was young. Feiqing refused to marry him, but the family disagreed. It's not that she looks down on the girl who was born in a barren star orphan, but because that girl is a mute.

The family that Yan Yugui came from is one of the best old nobles in the Federation, and the grandfather of the year was the best among the younger generation. As the pre-determined heir to the head of the family, his wife can't be a dumb girl even if she's not a wealthy woman.

Later, the girl left without saying goodbye, and the grandfather never married. At the age of 150, the grandfather directly adopted the original body into his own name, and trained him to become the next head of the family. Therefore, the original body and his biological parents and brothers are not very close.

Before he died, the grandfather left a last wish that he must find the news of the girl.

According to the description of the grandfather, the girl is very good at dancing. He just saw the girl's original flying dance and fell in love at first sight.

In this document, it is mentioned that thirty years ago, in a small tribe of orcs, a girl danced the same dance during the sacrifice.

Yugui recalled the distance between the planet where the Orcs live and the capital of the Human Federation. More than a hundred years ago, the jump technology was only used in the military, and civilian spacecraft could not perform interstellar jumps. It would take at least three years to travel from the Capital Star to the Orc Star just by means of a spaceship.

Will a dumb girl fly to the Orc Star in a spaceship for three years because of her emotional injury?

There's something odd about the whole thing.

"Dancing Orcs connected?" He asked while looking at the data.

"I'm still looking for it, it's been a long time, and the orc's household registration system has only been established in recent years, which is very difficult."

Yu Yu closed the information and put it back on the table, "Keep looking, and let me know if there is any news."

After speaking, get up and prepare to leave.

"Big... big brother," the young woman called out this title unskilledly, maybe she passed the hurdle in her heart, and the next words became more and more smooth, "When did you Go home and see? Mom and Dad miss you very much, and my younger brother talks about you all day long."

I didn't know how to react, but I still maintained a cold attitude, "Let's talk about it."

He nodded politely to his original sister and walked out of the living room.

He still has a lot of work to do. He has to look at the battle records with the Zerg over the years and plan how to destroy the Zerg.

The most important thing is to find a way to find A Shao.

After finishing the practice, Xie Liuyi felt that it was time for a protracted battle with the four generals.

She stood up and spread out her consciousness, spreading all the way from Wangtai.

Outside is a barren planet, with almost no green plants on the ground, yellow sand all over the sky, and mottled black rocks exposed on the ground. Wangtai stands tall like a thriving flower on the devastated earth.

There is a cave on the ground every three or five minutes, and there are giant insects coming and going in and out of the cave. Xie Liuyi's scalp felt numb when he glanced at it, and he hurriedly shifted his attention elsewhere.

Sensing the directions of the four generals, Xie Liuyi first sent a message to Cecil, "Come to Wangtai to meet me."

Cecile froze at first, then, with disgust on her face, she glanced in the direction of Wangtai. At the same time, Xie Liuyi's consciousness sensed Cecil's spiritual recovery.

"Yes, Her Lady Queen."

The tone of voice was respectful, and it felt like a spring breeze, in stark contrast to the disgust he showed on his face.

He thought he couldn't see his expression?

Xie Liuyi thought to herself, probably originally the Queen's spiritual power could only transmit information, unlike her divine consciousness, which could "see" the picture, so Cecil revealed her true feelings unabashedly .

He hates the Queen?

This queen is a bit miserable.

After Cecil replied to her call, she got out of the hole and flew towards the Wangtai.

Xie Liuyi took back his consciousness and was about to pull out the galaxy when suddenly, a burst of discomfort surged in his body, and he uncontrollably changed back to the form of a Zerg queen.

Unpredictable, the chelicera almost poked the compound eye. Dizziness, tinnitus, body trembling uncontrollably, and uncontrollable rejection and disgust surged in my heart.

Xie Liuyi: I, kill, play, play!

Gritting his teeth and trying to use Disillusionment, however, the dantian was empty. The aura entered the body through the air hole with the breath, but did not stay in the dantian, and dissipated on its own after a circle.

What happened? !

Recite the Heart Clearing Mantra silently to force yourself to calm down. Xie Liuyi found that the hexagonal pit under his feet seemed to have gotten bigger... No, it wasn't that the pit got bigger, it was himself that got smaller!

She endured the discomfort in her heart, swept her body with her divine sense, and was surprised to find that the wings of this body were gone!

My mind was blank for a few seconds, and suddenly I remembered Cecil's words: Frequent release of pheromones will cause damage to her body.

Previously, she thought that the ability to suppress the bloodline was a defective product, but it turned out that the original owner itself was a defective product.

But this body is her own, what did the game do to her body? !

She propped herself up on her feet tremblingly and tried to take two steps. The huge abdomen greatly affected the flexibility of her body, and the feeling of her six feet on the ground made her teeth itch and nauseated.

Instantly dense insects appeared in my mind, as if hundreds of Zerg queens were doing radio gymnastics together.

At this moment, the petals of the Wangtai opened, and Cecil appeared on the edge of the Wangtai.

"Wang, what are you calling me." He was as respectful as ever, with a curved cervical spine and a straight spine.

For the current scene, Xie Liuyi got stuck a little embarrassedly.

What should I say?

I called you to fight?

This form fights, is she crazy or Cecil is crazy?

Fortunately, Cecil quickly noticed her strangeness and flew to her from the edge. Xie Liuyi is now about the same height as Cecil, and can no longer find the sense of superiority that looked down on him yesterday.

"Wang is sick again?" Cecil frowned slightly, with a natural concern in his eyes, waving his hand to close the flower bud of Wangtai, "Don't worry, Qingshan and the others are not there, no Found your problem."

The amount of information in his words is a bit large. After Xie Liuyi's body size has shrunk, his brain seems to have shrunk, and it took him a long time to extract the elements.

She has had this symptom before.

This secret Cecil knows, the other three do not.

Did the original owner trust Cecil so much?

Yes, among the four generals, Cecil was patient, gentle and respectful in front of her. The original owner had never seen the disgust it revealed behind her back, so she would naturally trust and rely on it.

"I don't want to get sick." Xie Liuyi used his divine sense to transmit sound.

In this way, it can be understood as a complaint to the people close to her, and it can also express her feelings of wanting to recover. Judging from Cecil's understanding of people in front of her, 80% of them will give the answer she wants.

Sure enough, Cecil said helplessly: "You were tricked at the hatching stage, your growth was delayed, and your condition is unstable when you are an adult."

It shook its head again and denied its last sentence, showing a thoughtful expression, and the antennae on its head drew circles regularly, "It stands to reason that the first batch of eggs you laid has been successful. Hatching means your body has matured and shouldn't get sick again... Maybe you released an excess of pheromones yesterday, causing your body to return to a semi-mature state."

It was another series of words with a lot of information, but what made Xie Liuyi care about was the word "conspiracy".

When I hear this word, I will naturally think of a question: Who is plotting against her?

If both Cecil and the original owner know who the murderer is, the name of the murderer should be mentioned in the words; more natural.

But it used the word conspiracy, and did not point out the murderer.

Xie Liuyi had a suspicion in her heart, she tentatively said: "I really want to kill the ... worm who plotted against me."

Cecile gave a slightly doting smile. Xie Liuyi found that compared to when all four generals were present at the beginning, Cecil was more gentle when she was alone with her.

"Don't worry, I have been investigating for years, and I have found some clues. Please believe me, I will definitely find out the murderer who plotted against the Queen and you back then."

Oh, the amount of information has grown again.

The last queen and the crown prince were plotted at the same time. Was the death of the queen really exhausted?

"The illusion doesn't work." Xie Liuyi changed the question. She wondered if her inability to maintain her human form was due to the wrong way of disguising herself, or the degeneration of the queen's body.

But Cecil understood another meaning, he smiled and lowered his head, "Your mother spent three years studying the illusion art, you only learned a few days, there is no need Don't worry. With the talent of the king, I believe that you will be able to successfully transform in less than three years."

Ah, I'm so sorry that I changed shape after watching it for a while.

"Wang," Cecil thought of something, his face suddenly became serious, "After a while, Qingshan and the others will come back, if Wang can't return to adulthood and give birth to enough insects before then Egg, I'm afraid... General Qingshan will be angry."

"What then?"

"The crown prince needs enough insect king crystals to hatch. When the Wangtai insect king crystal was stolen, you suffered so much. I think, finding a substitute for the insect king crystal may be able to make you suffer so much. You recover as soon as possible."

Insect King Crystal? Xie Liuyi had inherited the relevant memory. After the crown prince is born, an amber crystal will automatically be produced on the crown, which is the only thing that can promote the crown prince's physical development.

"Did you find it?" Xie Liuyi asked.

Cecile knelt down on one knee and lowered her head. From Xie Liuyi's point of view, she could only see the back of its head.

"I didn't find it, but my guess is that the hive should have what we want."

Insect Hive is where the Zerg Queen was first born, and Wangtai was also born from there. It is a special star field. Only the queen of the zerg can enter and exit freely. For any other race, including ordinary zerg, the worm nest is no different from a black hole. Once it gets close, it will be sucked in and disappear forever in this universe.

Cecile meant to let her go to the insect nest by herself?

"Of course you're not alone, please allow me to accompany you to protect your safety." Cecil heard her question and volunteered.

Perhaps out of prudence, the face did not show any disgust, but it did not show any respect, calm and indifferent like a sculpture.

"Okay." Xie Liuyi nodded in agreement, "Left in a day."

Hearing this, Cecil was a little surprised, "Why wait for a day?"

Because I need to practice walking!

Xie Liuyi slandered in his heart, with a serious face, "I need to recharge."

The author has something to say:This is the update today~ I will rise again tomorrow! Thanks to the little angel who voted or irrigated nutrient solution for me during 2021-10-0803:00:00~2021-10-0822:42:57~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: smoke, wood and 20 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

Read The Duke's Passion