MTL - When Jianxiu Penetrates Into the Infinite Stream-Chapter 119

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The king obviously didn't want to give her a chance to change.

She stepped back with one foot and supported the ground with the other hand, barely withstanding the pressure.

The brief confrontation at this moment, she judged that this pressure is the suppression of divine consciousness, and the other party's divine consciousness is at least one level higher than hers.

The servants who were kneeling around were not much better than her, and several were directly crushed to the ground.

The king took two steps forward, bent down, and grabbed her huge palm.

With a deafening cry of pain, the giant palm moved away from the top of his head. Xie Liuyi immediately lucked backwards and opened up the distance. The king's suppression of her decreased as the distance increased.

Only then did she see what the food was on the table in front of the king.


Xie Liuyi clenched the knife in his hand unconsciously and looked at the king with cold eyes.

On the opposite side, the king held a hand, and the bright red blood dripped and disappeared in the carpet.

"You damned multipedal beast." The king gritted his teeth and squeezed a few words from his teeth, "Come here, grab it."

As soon as he finished speaking, Xie Liuyi felt the pressure disappeared immediately, and several servants immediately got up from the ground and rushed towards the window. I think the king withdrew his divine sense suppression in order to give his servants the strength to grab him.

She was engrossed, waiting for the servant to approach. When the first servant reached for her, she jumped up, landed on the back of his hand, and swept his arm to his shoulder.

Immediately, she drew back her knife and jumped up, and when she landed on the head of the second servant, the first servant spurted blood from the neck, pouring the face of the servant next to him.

The sound of his companion's body falling to the ground made the servants stunned for a moment, and at this moment, Xie Liuyi stabbed the second servant's head with his long knife.

The second servant didn't even let out a scream, and fell to the ground with his legs soft, his wide eyes instantly filled with blood.


"Ah—" The third person cried out in pain, and fell to the ground unexpectedly, and because he had fled forward, his body's center of gravity was unstable, and he knelt on the ground.

There was another huge palm behind him, and it was the servant who was drenched in blood by the first servant. Xie Liuyi didn't rush to dodge, the servant pressed his palm on the back of the head of the third person who had been chopped off by Xie Liuyi, and broke the third person's neck along the wound drawn by Xie Liuyi...

Xie Liuyi, who had unlocked the seal, was like looking for something from a giant. In less than ten seconds, all the servants in the restaurant fell to the ground.

At this time, the king finally understood that ordinary giants couldn't help this little bug, and the surging pressure fell on Xie Liuyi again.

Xie Liuyi only felt as if he was caught in a quagmire, and even the air became thick, and every move was bound by a huge reaction force.

The king is approaching step by step, and the earth seems to be shaking. Xie Liuyi tried his best to raise his head, but saw that the king's dark blue eyes had turned into two vortexes, as if to **** people in.

Everything appeared in front of me, and the next second, Xie Liuyi lost consciousness.

"Elder Sister, Master Sister?"

Xie Liuyi opened his eyes in a daze, a familiar face magnified in front of him, it was the head disciple who washed away the dust. She sat up agitatedly and looked around in a daze, but found herself lying on the Jianzong's sword training ground.

She vaguely felt something was wrong, but she couldn't remember what was wrong.

"Senior sister, are you worried about the battle of the chief disciple?" Di Chen asked with concern, "Also, you haven't been able to break through the Nascent Soul, and your junior brother is also very talented, and it's no wonder that you will soon come to the top. You are insane."

Xie Liuyi vaguely felt that he had heard these words before, but also felt that the information in the words was very unfamiliar, "My junior brother? Who?"

Isn’t her master just her apprentice, when will a junior apprentice appear?

Xie Liuyi turned back. From the other side of Lianjianping came a tall, slender, immortal boy who was wearing a long sword and a robe of peach blossom.

His arrival caused a commotion among the disciples.

"Ah, he is a closed disciple of Jianzun. It is said that like Jianzun, he is born with a sword bone."

Wait, didn't her master say that taking her one apprentice is enough trouble, and will never accept a second apprentice in the future?

The surrounding murmurs continued.

"In less than a hundred years of practice, he became a Nascent Soul. Such geniuses are worthy of being the chief disciple of our Sword Sect."

"Shh, Big Sister is still here, aren't you afraid of being heard by her?"

"I hear it when I hear it, the aptitude is mediocre, the heart is full of demons, the baby has failed many times, and her life is about to end. Why should she be a big sister?"

Rao is that Xie Liuyi is thick-skinned. Hearing these remarks at this moment, a trace of violence surged in his heart uncontrollably.

The title of Chief Disciple is not her own, and whoever wants it will go to her.

She realized something was wrong.

Her reaction is not right, she will not be angry because of other people's gossip. Is it because of too many failures of infancy, resulting in damage to the heart of the Tao?

Suddenly, she felt that the light in front of her was blocked, and when she looked up, she saw the figure dressed in peach pollen looking down at her.

"Are you being lazy again? Have you finished your homework? Have you reviewed your homework? Have you done the papers I assigned you?"

Xie Liuyi was stunned by the familiar tone and content, and the picture buried deep in his memory was dug up again.

It was in high school, when Yan Yu, who was one level lower than her, was tutoring her homework. She doesn't know how Yan Yugui's brain grows, and she learns everything quickly. Her senior sister is often trained like a grandson by him.

The thick fog in front of her eyes finally cleared, and the face of Yan Yugui's sinking fish and geese appeared in front of her.

He bent down and squeezed his left middle finger. He didn't know what his finger was made of, and it was hot around his middle finger.

"Xie Liuyi, you are not one to give up easily, get up and try again."

The hand around her **** became hotter and hotter, the skin was sent to the brain by a burning sensation, accompanied by a sound of "try again".

The taciturn seal in the sea of ​​​​knowledge burst into a dazzling sword light, Xie Liuyi suddenly felt that his mind was clear.

She woke up, the blood contract ring on her left **** was almost bright orange, and the knuckle was burnt red.

She remembered that she was trapped in the illusion, and tried repeatedly to break through, but failed, so the illusion kept saying "try again".

The number of attempts was too many, and her physical strength in the Nascent Soul period was almost unable to contain the temperature of the ring.

On the opposite side, the king's raised foot has not yet landed.

A fantasy that is repeated many times, but in reality it is only a snap of a finger.

The temperature of the blood pact ring on the left hand finally dropped, it was cold, and it was very comfortable to stick to the red skin.

The king can release illusions through his eyes, his consciousness is higher than a great realm, and Xie Liuyi's consciousness is imprisoned again.

After breaking through the illusion, the king's repression of her divine consciousness was greatly relieved.

Xie Liuyi flipped the palm of his hand, took out the shark that was promised to return, and covered his eyes, fundamentally preventing the possibility of another illusion.

The shark is translucent, through which you can see a blurry shadow, plus the king is huge, and the movement of walking is like an earthquake, Xie Liuyi can judge his position only by hearing.

"You are awake!" Seeing her action, the king roared in disbelief, "You are not under my control."

The vibration was approaching, the king stepped forward, raised his foot and kicked him.

Passing through the soles of the king's feet, Xie Liuyi quickly got up and stomped on the ground with one foot. The whole person shot at the leg that supported the king's center of gravity like an arrow. On the edge of the blade, he pierced the king's leather boots and cut his hamstrings directly.

"Ah—" the king let out a painful cry, his center of gravity was unstable, and he staggered a few steps against the windowsill.

Xie Liuyi turned around and stood still, mobilizing the little spiritual power in his body to inject the Tang Hengdao in his right hand.

Although the Tang Hengdao and the sword are somewhat similar, the real use method is very different. Many sword moves use the Hengdao to halve the power. However, the conditions are limited, and it can only be done with a horizontal knife.

Xie Liuyi raised his right hand and let go. The Heijintang Hengdao floated steadily in the air. Immediately, she clenched her hands together, and Tang Hengdao quickly expanded into a huge black sword.

She pointed forward with her right sword, and the black knife stabbed straight at the king's neck.

However, the huge black knife seemed to be stuck in a quagmire one meter in front of the king, no matter how much Xie Liuyi urged it, he could not get close to it.

She was amazed at the bottom of her heart, the king's strength is too strong, she has not much spiritual power left, and she must be the one who suffers from the stalemate.

Xie Liuyi didn't look into the king's eyes, so he didn't know that at this moment, the king's eyes turned from dark blue to sky-like light blue, and the surging mental power poured out of his body continuously, a Layer by layer blocked between him and the black knife.

She didn't know that the king used almost all his mental strength to resist her sword.

Xie Liuyi noticed a wave of mental fluctuations across her body, and instantly she understood the meaning of the wave.

The king is calling for guards.

The guards are wearing iron armor. Compared with the servants, their combat effectiveness is not the same.

The spiritual power in Xie Liuyi accelerated the output, and the blade of the black knife advanced half a meter forward. Only half a meter has reached the limit.

The spiritual power is about to be exhausted, and the sound of the guards' boots stepping on the floor in a uniform manner has been heard in the ears.

Xie Liuyi's thoughts turned around, thinking of ways to break the situation. In the Kingdom of Giants, there is no way to replenish spiritual power. If you miss today, if you want to kill the king, you have to wait for the next shining sun. This is obviously not possible.

If the king is not successfully killed today, after today, she and Yan Yu, and even all the human beings in the giant country will be in dire straits.

At this moment, she caught a glimpse of blood spreading on the windowsill, and at the same time, the blood contract ring on her hand lit up for a moment.

When she fought with the servant before, the windowsill was not splashed with blood, where did the blood come from?

The dark red blood is like life, not affected by the king's spiritual barrier at all, and spreads to his head with lightning speed along his body.

Then blood turned into needles and pierced into his eyes.

As the king's heart-piercing wailing sounded, Xie Liuyi felt that the resistance was gone, and the black Tang Hengdao instantly penetrated the king's neck.

It turned out that the king's surging spiritual power actually came from his eyes!

The pressure on my body disappeared, and I suddenly remembered a mechanical sound.

[Congratulations to the player for killing the King of the Kingdom of Kuri, the dungeon of "Escape the Giants", and get the reward "Silent Stone Heart" ×1]

The corpse of the king disappeared, and a palm-sized dark blue spar and a black gold Tang Hengdao fell to the ground.

Silent Heart? Is that the dark blue spar?

Xie Liuyi propped up his body, endured the severe pain after the meridians were overdrawn, swept to the window, and put the knife and spar into the storage bracelet, the moment the spar entered the storage bracelet, imprisoned The power of Xie Liuyi's consciousness suddenly disappeared.

This thing called the silent stone heart is the culprit that imprisoned her consciousness? !

The footsteps of the guards are approaching the door, and it is too late to identify. Xie Liuyi jumped out from the windowsill and landed in the flowers outside the window. Under the wall, a pool of jelly-like blood squirmed, as if waiting for her.

Xie Liuyi touched the blood pact ring on his hand and reached out to the pool of dark red blood.

The blood immediately climbed up her arm along her fingertips, but did not dare to get into her body, and only condensed into a bright red bracelet on her wrist.

Xie Liuyi looked at the blood pact ring and the bracelet of the same color with a thoughtful expression.

Because the guards were summoned by the king, they entered the main hall and rushed towards the dining room. After Xie Liuyi jumped out of the dining room window, there was no one around, and she slipped back to the princess pink palace.

The princess is not in the palace, I don't know where she went. Xie Liuyi got in through the window of the master bedroom of the small villa and saw Yan Yuguiban leaning on the bed.

His face was as white as gold, his eyes were closed, as if he was about to die.

Seeing this scene, Xie Liuyi's heart seemed to be grabbed by someone, and her legs seemed to be nailed in place.

The red bracelet on her wrist quickly fell off her wrist, and climbed along the floor to the bed, her body not at home.

Yugui's face suddenly turned rosy and he opened his eyes.

"Bloodline?" Xie Liuyi took a breath and asked in a deep voice, with some anger in her voice that she didn't even notice.

Yu Gui lowered his eyes and replied obediently, "It's not blood, it's parasitic."

"What's going on?" Xie Liuyi raised his voice unconsciously.

"The blood pact sensed that something was wrong with you. It just so happened that my parasite could teleport to you through the blood pact, so I'll let it help you." Yan Yugui smiled and said .

"That's not what I asked." Xie Liuyi was unwilling.

She insisted, rubbed her eyebrows, and explained the source of his so-called "blood" in a few words.

The one parasitic in his body is the BOSS he met in the first platinum copy. This boss originally had strength beyond platinum, but for some reason, it was reduced to platinum.

"Don't worry, we are mutually beneficial. It doesn't hurt me, it helps me a lot."

He said it lightly, but Xie Liuyi felt that it was definitely not normal when he was parasitized.

"What happened to you just now?" After the parasite left the body, it looked like he was about to die. Xie Liuyi didn't want to see this scene a second time.

Yugui lowered his head and remained silent.

She held Yan Yugui's wrist at a loss, not knowing what to do for a while.

“Will you… die?” she asked.

Yugui opened his mouth and closed it again. After a long time, he sighed, "As long as it doesn't leave the body for a long time, it will be fine."


Why did he become dependent on parasites to survive, and why did he let the parasites leave the body to help himself even though he knew that they would die if they were out of the body for too long?

Yugui knew what she was asking. She wondered why the parasite had left his body and he was in a dying state.

Because he was in a dying state before he accepted the parasite, and his vitality was shared with the parasite. Although he suffered a lot during the initial parasitism, he never regretted his original choice.

If I hadn't survived, how could I see his A Shao again.

He took Xie Liuyi's hand holding his wrist and patted it soothingly, "Don't worry, it will be fine. As long as you find an item that can continuously restore vitality in a dying state, even if It's gone, and I'll be fine."

He said it easily, but Xie Liuyi couldn't.

Ouyang Zhe and her popularized science, what the big red bottle can save is actually the state of empty blood, also known as the state of pseudo dying. The big red bottle is useless when the player is in a state of real near-death, with life and death on the line. Only a few rare items can bring back such players who have stepped into the gate of hell.

This rare item...Hey, she seems to have it.

Xie Liuyi's eyes fell on the vampire king ring in Yan Yugui's hand, "Don't you have it equipped?"

The sight of returning home also fell on the ring, "Is this a piece of equipment?"

Xie Liuyi: "You didn't identify?"


Then Xie Liuyi saw that Yan Yugui lost an identification technique to the ring, and immediately sat up in surprise, looking at Xie Liuyi and then at the ring in shock.


Xie Liuyi thought he thought it was too valuable and wanted to refuse, but just as he was about to persuade, he heard him say: "No wonder you are unlucky... You are using your life's luck to reveal this Is the ring on?"

Xie Liuyi: "…"

She doesn't want to make sense.

I hate when people call her black!

In the prince's estate, a fierce bargaining is taking place.

The star thief is equipped with a translator. Although he understands the language of the giant country, he cannot speak it. Fortunately, their gang has cultivated several translators who understand the language of the giant country because of their long-term transactions with the giant country. Therefore, there is no language barrier in the communication between the two sides.

The prince asked to buy a hot weapon, and the second-in-command of the star thief said that he could, but he would use the silent stone heart in exchange. The prince insisted that they had no silent heart.

The negotiations are deadlocked and the atmosphere is tense.

The handsome third-in-command proposed to take a break for a while, eat something and then talk, the prince and the second-in-command both agreed, and the two sides broke up.

The prince ordered people to prepare food for them and returned to the study by himself. After a while, the study door was opened a crack, and the handsome man entered the study.

He is too short for everything in this room. However, in order to prevent the giant from turning his face and tearing up tickets, everyone is equipped with a wearable jet aircraft. With the power of the aircraft, he flew directly to the prince's four-meter-high desk.

"I said that interstellar pirates have always been cunning, and they will not do business with you sincerely." The handsome man spoke in the authentic language of the country of Giants.

The prince's expression softened slightly, "I know that only you are our faithful friend. You learn our language and respect our culture. Tell me, how can I learn from you That lunatic leader gets what I want, I'll listen to you."

"We humans have an old saying, relying on the emperor to make princes." The handsome man said.

"Oh, your civilization is so splendid, this sentence is too profound, I don't understand. My friend, be more straightforward." The prince raised his forehead with a headache.

"Simply put, it's to catch the people our leader cares about and threaten him. If he doesn't agree, he will kill the hostages to shock him." The handsome man shrugged, "Interstellar pirates are all A bunch of people who bully the soft and fear the hard."

"Who does your leader care about? Who is it?"

"It's the big man you saw today. He is the younger brother of our leader and the only relative of our leader."

The prince waved his hand disdainfully, "Oh, my dear, who cares about his own relatives. If someone captures my father or my sister, I wish that person would kill them quickly."

The handsome man smiled and shook his head, opened a thumb-sized crystal bottle in his hand, and the purple liquid in the bottle immediately evaporated into a colorless gas, lingering around the two of them.

His voice was like a cello, deep and beautiful, "Listen to me, that's right. Grab that big guy and threaten our leader, and then I'll go back and speak for you."

the gate of the city."

The prince looked dazed for a moment, nodded and said, "Okay, I will listen to you."

Hearing this, the handsome man smiled with satisfaction, "Happy cooperation, my friend."

Ten minutes later, the members of the interstellar pirate gang drank alcohol with a high concentration of intoxicating drugs, and were unloaded and thrown into cages. The handsome man ripped off the necklace from the second-hand man's neck and drove the lander through the atmosphere alone.

He stumbled and ran off the lander, and said to the star thief who was approaching: "Quick, go and tell the big brother, the second brother was killed by the giant."

In the control room, the head of the star thief narrowed his eyes and his voice was hoarse and creepy, "You say it again, what happened?"

The handsome man was in a state of embarrassment, and raised the blood-stained necklace with his only remaining hand.

"The beasts in the Colosseum of Curry rioted and ate all the humans. The king had no human flesh to eat...just..."

I escaped to bring you news, and I took the initiative to stay behind... I saw... I saw him being killed by a giant..."

As soon as he finished speaking, his shoulders were grabbed on the cold wall behind him.

"Then why are you still alive? What face do you have to come back alive?" His voice was terrifying, like fingernails scratching glass.

The handsome man rolled his eyes and squeezed out a sentence, "Even if...die...let me...revenge...second brother..."

He felt the strength of the grip on his neck a little loose, and hurriedly said again, "I know I didn't protect the second brother well, I should be damned. But let me see you as the second brother with my own eyes. Take revenge, as long as I see the second brother's revenge, I don't need you to do it, I will die myself."

He stared at the head of the star thief, and his unbroken hand calmly opened the lid of the small crystal bottle. The purple liquid in the bottle volatilized, and the sharp eyes of the star thief leader were slightly scattered.

The head of the star thief has double S-level spiritual power, even if his spiritual power is violent, he will not be affected by this bottle of medicine. It's just that now he has just learned the bad news, his heart is shaken, and he has been taken advantage of.

"Okay, I'll let you live a little longer." The star thief leader finished in a gloomy tone, dropped him, and strode back to the console.

"Antimatter cannon is ready," he said, turning his head and staring gloomily at the man on the ground, "Send another person down, I want to confirm whether my second brother is dead or not."

An hour later, the lander returned and a star thief stumbled in.

"Report the leader, the deputy leader was...killed by them and hung at the gate of the city..."

Hearing this, the head of the star thief did not respond, lowered his head, and did not know what he was thinking. Gradually, the person closest to him heard a low laugh from his chest, and the laughter became more and more crazy.

The head of the star thief looked up and laughed, his voice was like sandpaper, and he laughed very hard. The louder the laughter, the more scared the star thieves around.

"Are the antimatter cannons ready?" he asked in a low voice after laughing.

"Ready!" The star thief in front of the console stood up immediately.

The head of the star thief leaned on the console with one hand, and covered the red button with the other hand.

"Then... go with him."

The author has something to say:Prince: My friend, your strategy is great.

Player: My friend, your IQ is really poor.

Double change in one~

Read The Duke's Passion