MTL - When Jianxiu Penetrates Into the Infinite Stream-Chapter 111

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"Master wants to leave?" A look of surprise appeared on the face of the old fox Ouyang.

Ten minutes ago, Xie Liuyi returned to the arena. There was a mess, and the ground was covered with the corpses of giants that had been gnawed beyond recognition.

The beasts are carnivores, and the vegetables, fruits and bread in the kitchen ice cellar are safe. She made a hole in both the kitchen door and the ice cellar door, looted the kitchen knife and fork, returned to the thief's nest, and handed it over to Mr. Ouyang in private.

Knives and forks can arm this group of people, because in the underground world, there are creatures such as stealing beasts that will threaten them. They are all people who fought in the arena. With weapons, they can at least fight against animals of the same size.

She told Mr. Ouyang the amount of food in the ice cellar. The people behind the arena can't care about it at the moment. It's very close to the temporary base. If you need ingredients, you can go there to get it in the dead of night.

With weapons and food, they can walk on their own. Xie Liuyi's stay is not very useful, she has her own things to do.

Although Mr. Ouyang was surprised, he did not hold back. He just pondered for a moment and said, "Sir, if we have new news, how should we inform you?"

"New news?" Xie Liuyi was puzzled.

"The adults don't really think that we have to live here forever?" Mr. Ouyang shook his head, "If possible, I still want to take everyone out of the giant country. After all, we are human beings, Not a mouse, who can't live forever in the dark."

Xie Liuyi thought for a while and asked, "The star thief?"

"Yes, star thief," he nodded, "this is our only hope of leaving the giant country. We will try our best to inquire about star thief. But, when the time comes, what will these news be? tell you?"

"Put a needle in the trash can." Xie Liuyi said.



"Okay, all the best, sir."

Xie Liuyi left quietly, without disturbing anyone. After she left, no one dared to act rashly for a short period of time. When they realized that the people who were pressing on their heads had left, whether they would rebel or not, Xie Liuyi was not worried.

Because of the beast attack last night, the streets are now empty and the doors of every house are closed. Some houses were broken into by wild animals, and the broken doors and the blood on the ground silently told the tragic story of last night.

The streets were full of blood, and the bodies of the dead were piled up in the shadows of the corners. Some of the corpses were torn apart beyond recognition. Their huge eyes were wide open, and their expressions of fear were fixed on their bluish-white faces.

Until they left the area where the gladiatorial arena was located, the tragic scene eased a little and was less shocking.

The streets were deserted as most people went to the sit-in in the square in front of the palace.

When Xie Liuyi touched the vicinity of the square, it was already crowded. From her point of view, she could only see giant hill-like bodies crowded one by one.

Between the palace and the people at the sit-in, a line of guards in iron armor stood.

No wonder they didn't see the patrols along the way, they were all called back to guard the palace.

It is said to be a sit-in demonstration, in fact, some giants are shouting slogans, and some are talking in low voices. Giants are naturally loud, and Xie Liuyi has good hearing.

There are a few people in the crowd who are in invisible leadership. They first vividly describe how similar humans are to giants, and then add fuel to the story of how **** the arena is.

Some people use their own experience of raising human beings to prove that human beings are intelligent creatures, "I have one at home... It is so smart, I teach it to speak, it only needs to be taught once, and it can learn. "

"Sometimes's like looking at myself shrunken. Can you imagine? It looks almost exactly like my newborn baby. Two little guys learning to talk together, really It's so cute." Some people equated humans with giant cubs in a pictorial language.

"I've been to the arena once, and oh my god, I saw... the limbs were torn off, as if I were torn apart, you know, our bodies are almost the same."

Xie Liuyi's poor translator could not translate the giant's name for "human beings", Xie Liuyi could only speculate about the meaning.

"I really don't understand what those people who go to the arena are thinking, don't they have nightmares when they see creatures that look like themselves and are torn apart and eaten by..."

"What is that, have you heard of ruimo restaurant?"

"Oh, is that the **** expensive restaurant?"

"Yes, it is said that the most expensive dish in it is... oh my god, how can they eat it when they see a miniature version of themselves being cooked and placed on a plate?"

"Oh, it's terrible, they eat... today, maybe tomorrow they will eat our children. Didn't you hear them,... and our children look very similar."

After these people's instigation, the emotions of the giants boiled again. These giants are all civilians, and it has no effect on them whether they eat human flesh or not, but when the leader used language and art to equate human beings with giant cubs, the incident of cannibalism instantly set off the group's emotions.

In these whispers, Xie Liuyi caught a name, Ruimo Restaurant.

The arena just ended two battles last night. It is said that the opponent of the wild lion is also a human being, but Xie Liuyi did not find a body in the kitchen ice cellar, indicating that the dead person was sent to another place.

Now it seems that the place that handles human corpses and sells human flesh dishes may be Ruimo Restaurant.

Being able to run this kind of business, there should be considerable power behind the ruimo restaurant, so is the power behind it and the arena the same person?

Xie Liuyi was thinking, and was suddenly interrupted by the rumble of cars. It was a convoy, pressing down from the other side of the long street. Several scooters pulled clean water and food, followed by a few stout female giants.

Arriving at the square, the female giant methodically gave food and water to the meditators.

Xie Liuyi became more and more certain that this sit-in was premeditated and organized, otherwise how could anyone provide food and water for free?

When the convoy left, Xie Liuyi hid and followed.

The convoy came to the shanty town by the city wall. Few of the shanty towns survived the beast attack, and now the entire shanty town is empty.

The dead giant corpses were piled under the wall, and some palm-sized bugs walked through the **** sea of ​​corpses. Xie Liuyi took a look and then retracted his gaze, trying to suppress the discomfort in his heart.

The blood on the ground is mixed with mud, and it stinks.

The convoy stopped at the entrance of the alley, and the giants entered a strangely-shaped shack one after another, waiting for a male giant.

Xie Liuyi noticed his boots at a glance. The boots were made of fine leather, well-crafted, neatly routed, and worth a lot of money, out of place in this squalid, shabby shantytown.

More importantly, there is an emblem on the side of the boot, exactly the same as the one on the boots of the men who appeared in the arena last night.

"How's it going?" asked the male giant.

"Master Hui, ... Miss and ... Mr. have already said as you ordered, and now everyone is very angry," a female giant replied, "Sir, we can really win for ... any chance of survival?"

"Yes," said the male giant gently, "as long as you keep at it, you will definitely avenge your little cutie."

Hearing this, the female giant let out a whimper, "...It shouldn't be eaten like a beast, they are the same as us, my little shell, it's so smart and caring, but it's being eaten by heaven. The thief who kills steals and kills."

"Yes, those **** thieves, everyone should be sent to the gallows." The male giant's tone was full of inductiveness.

Sounds like this really is a human protection organization. But Xie Liuyi still felt something strange.

It's also strange to say the least.

There is a vigil outside the door of the little princess, and soldiers patrol outside the window. He can only survive the long night in this room full of pink lace and bows.

Until the guard outside said something heavy to the head maid, the head maid gently but firmly pulled the little princess up.

The little princess was originally reluctant, but the head maid whispered something in her ear, she suddenly opened her eyes in surprise, and the whole person was in high spirits, obediently being served by the maid to wash Change clothes.

Just before the little princess left the bedroom, Yan Yugui took the initiative to pull her skirt.

The little princess was very satisfied with his initiative and bent down to hug him. Yan Yugui wanted to dodge, but before he could move, the head maid stopped the little princess and took out a pink...collar.

I don't know why the collar was originally prepared by the animal. It is actually too big for the neck, and the size is just right on the waist. So, Yan Yugui was led by the little princess with a collar around her waist and led through the palace garden.

For this treatment, there is no fluctuation in the heart. Along the way he quietly observed the garden environment. Unable to understand the language of the giants, he could only observe with his eyes.

When I came to the main hall, I heard the roar of the male inside outside the door. The owner who can hear the voice even if he doesn't understand the content is very angry now.

The little princess was not afraid at all, but quickened her pace, and it was almost a big step to keep up.

The servants consciously stayed outside the temple and did not enter. There were only three people in the main hall.

He wears an ornate robe with a crown on his head and holds a golden scepter in his hand. All this shows his identity - the king of the Curry Kingdom.

On the throne slightly behind on the right sits a very beautiful female giant. She looks a bit like the little princess. male giant. Seeing the little princess come in, her brows and eyes instantly widened.

Below the steps stood a tall male giant, but at the moment he was hunched, and was scolded by the king above and couldn't raise his head.

Yan Yugui was led by the little princess and ran up the steps, the little princess dropped the leash in her hand, hugged the king's thigh directly, and said something sweetly.

Because of the arrival of the little princess, the king suppressed his anger and picked up his daughter. Yan Yugui looked at the king calmly, just at this moment, the king's eyes just swept over him.

At this moment, Yan Yugui was wearing a pink tutu dress that the princess specially ordered for him, with a bow hairpin on his head, which looked very funny.

However, the king looked at him without a smile, and it didn't look like he was looking at a pet.

Those dark blue eyes were full of naked appetite.

The author has something to say:Ah... Calvinka was so ecstatic today, I promised a cute little **** that I didn’t hold back, I was wrong, I will definitely make it up tomorrow ! Literal evidence as proof! Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-09-28 18:16:08~2021-09-2900:04:54~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: warm paper into 6 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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