MTL - When Jianxiu Penetrates Into the Infinite Stream-Chapter 11

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Five minutes later, the three of them sat on the leather sofa in the living room on the first floor of the European-style castle. The host and his wife were shivering and squeezed on a single sofa next to them.

Just now, the group of people broke into the door. As soon as they came in, they went under the bed in the bedroom without saying a word. They didn't know what they saw. When they got up, they sat on the sofa with a heavy face, posing three The posture of the church trial.


"Fang Mingyu's photo." Xie Liuyi said suddenly.

"Huh?" Boss Fang didn't react, or his wife slapped him on the back, so he jumped up in a hurry, responded with a chorus of voices, ran to the high cabinet by the wall, took the The photo frame placed on it came back, put it on the table respectfully, and pushed it with both hands.

"This was taken during the Chinese New Year. The tall man at the far side is Mingyu." The boss, like the doctor, had a hard tongue when he spoke.

He sat back nervously, the proprietress slapped him on the shoulder and complained in a low voice: "I said earlier that your nephew is not a good thing, you shouldn't have agreed with your eldest brother in the first place. Send him here, let alone take him in."

There is no light in the room, only Xie Liuyi can see things clearly, and she no longer hides her night vision ability, she picked up the photo frame and looked at it, knocked on Fang Mingyu's position, and whispered to Song Ye Said: "Skull necklace."

Although Song Ye couldn't see it, when he heard Xie Liuyi say this, he immediately thought of the necklace on the neck of the monster on the ropeway, and understood what Xie Liuyi meant—

The monster on the ropeway is Fang Mingyu.

But why are the conductors and the old lady at the bottom of the mountain all human, but Fang Mingyu doesn't look like a human?

Just as she was thinking, she heard Xie Liuyi throw the photo frame on the table, his voice was as cold as ice, "What did he do?"

The boss was frightened by the sound of the photo frame colliding with the desktop. Hearing the question, he answered vaguely: "It's nothing... He is still young, playful, and doesn't understand... Ah!"

He let out a scream like slaughtering a pig, the proprietress loosened the fat around his waist that had been twisted 360 degrees and threatened, "Everyone came to the door, You still cover up for him. When he is young and ignorant, those things he does are psychopaths, so you shouldn't take him in. "

The boss was taught by his daughter-in-law and dared not hide it any more, and answered honestly: "He was doing live broadcasts at home, live broadcasts... He abused and killed the neighbor's pet, and was sued. At the beginning of the year, his father sent him He came to me to cultivate... self-cultivation, and as a result, he... he killed the puppy born by the big dog outside the village."

"Are there any dogs outside the village?" Zhou Haiyang whispered in Xie Liuyi's ear.

Song Ye had already guessed what the dog was referring to. The living dead forget their own death. The cause of their death is mandrill, so when they mention mandrill, they will subconsciously find other animals to replace them.

The male mandrills are brave and fierce, and there is generally only one male in a population, which is the mandrill king. All the cubs in the population are the sons of the Mandrill King.

Xie Liuyi patted Zhou Haiyang's arm, motioning him not to ask, and then asked slowly, "What else?"

" more." The boss pulled up his pajamas and wiped the sweat oozing from his forehead.

The proprietress had a pleasing smile on her face, "It's gone, I will testify."

She responded with a sneer from Xie Liuyi.

Xie Liuyi picked up the photo frame she had thrown on the table and pressed it down with her backhand. After the loud noise, the photo frame was completely embedded in the solid wood coffee table.

In the silence, Xie Liuyi repeated the question just now, his voice was calm, neither happy nor angry, but in the ears of the boss and his wife, it sounded like a ghost.

"I said, I said." The boss yelled in a collapse, for fear that Xie Liuyi would slap him into the table as well, and explained like a bamboo tube pouring beans, "He accidentally killed Mrs. Zhao."

The audience was silent for a moment, and suddenly a crisp applause broke the silence.

You have no conscience, do you know that you are harboring a murderer? Do you still want this family? Divorce! Go with that little **** named Fang!"

The boss screamed and dodged, and the lady boss chased after him relentlessly, temporarily ignoring the three uninvited guests.

It is somewhat embarrassing to watch a couple fight. Now that the answer has been asked, the three of them quietly withdrew, leaving the stage to the couple.

Standing in the yard, in the background of the cracking of the porcelain and the screaming of the proprietress, Zhou Haiyang let out a long sigh and asked, "Dogs actually refer to mandrills? The culprit in the conductor's mouth is Fang Mingyu? Then do we have to take the ropeway back to catch Fang Mingyu, is he still there?"

"I don't think so." Song Ye replied, "Do you remember the question Fang Mingyu asked us?"

Xie Liuyi only remembers the monkey villagers and outsiders. As for the intricate relationship, I'm sorry, I can't remember. Zhou Haiyang had a good memory, and immediately repeated the question.

"There is a river at the entrance of the village, and the boatman can only carry one person at a time. The foreigners, the villagers and the monkeys have to cross the river. The monkeys will kill the villagers. What to do... wait." Zhou Haiyang realized that something was wrong.

"Fang Mingyu is a foreigner. He killed the cubs of the mandrill king. After his uncle sent him away, the mandrills killed the villagers. Damn, his question is actually an adaptation of his real experience?"

"What he said was a foreigner. For the villagers and mandrills, we are all foreigners." Song Ye corrected, "And at the foot of the mountain, we asked the conductor how to leave, she said Sinners are more of us all."

"We became sinners without doing anything? Then how do we get the Mandrill King's forgiveness and deliver the food to our door?"

"I guess, catching Fang Mingyu and dedicating it to the Mandrill King can't change all of us to leave safely, there should be other conditions." Song Ye pondered, "Miss Xie, there is a problem I want to ask...Miss Xie?"

Xie Liuyi didn't like to use his brain, so when Zhou Haiyang was repeating the question, he just emptied his head and went into a daze.

"I was wondering why the conductor and Mrs. Zhao in the inn looked human, but Fang Mingyu turned into a monster. Does Miss Xie know the reason?"

Xie Liuyi had thought about this question before, and now of course she knows the answer, but the answer is complicated, she can't talk too much at a time, and she can't find anyone else to answer it.

Draw a diagram.

Spirit of Banyan Tree - Weak - Villager Living Dead

? - Strong - Zhao, Fang Resurrection

She pointed to the living dead in the first row and said, "Dead." Then she pointed to Zhao Hefang in the second row and said, "Alive." Then she pointed to the question mark and said, "Not sure."

Zhou Haiyang was at a loss, and said anxiously and euphemistically, "Sister Xie, can you be a little bit, a little bit, a little bit more?"

Xie Liuyi couldn't help rolling her eyes, did she not want to say it? She's almost choked to death.

Fortunately, Song Ye understood it, and confirmed: "The tree spirit is not strong enough to fully revive the villagers. It can only turn them into the living dead. Another existence you are uncertain about is stronger, Directly resurrected Fang Mingyu and Mrs. Zhao? Fang Mingyu failed to leave alive, he was caught by a mandrill on the ropeway?"

Xie Liuyi gave a thumbs up.

"But Fang Mingyu and Mrs. Zhao are very different in appearance. Mrs. Zhao looked like a normal person last night."

"Fang Mingyu was eaten."

Because it was eaten, the thing did not know what it looked like before it was eaten, so it could only piece together a strangely shaped body according to the direction of the bones.

Song Ye also understood what she meant - Mrs. Zhao was not eaten, and even Mrs. Zhao's body was well preserved without even bite marks. why? Don't mandrills eat dead people? He asked directly.

"She is a breeder." Xie Liuyi replied.

"The keeper of the mandrills?"


In the blink of an eye, Song Ye wanted to understand the question just now - how to get the forgiveness of the Mandrill King and leave safely.

That is feeding.

They have affection for the breeder, so after the breeder dies, they don't damage the breeder's body. So to safely pass through the mandrill blockade, you need to feed them.

These mandrills are addicted to eating people. Ordinary vegetarian food may not be able to satisfy them, and the fresh meat on the mountain has been eaten up by them. To feed them, they can only…

This is forcing them to kill each other.

He looked at Xie Liuyi unconsciously, no matter which method - grab Fang Mingyu and hand it over to the mandrill king, or feed others to the mandrill - they were not Xie Liuyi's opponents. She can easily catch Fang Mingyu, and she can easily subdue others as fodder.

Do you want to tell her this conclusion? Song Ye hesitated.

Xie Liuyi didn't know the twists and turns in Song Ye's mind. She didn't have the ability to know the details. From the fact that Mrs. Zhao's body was complete, she could infer the key information about raising.

Inadvertently caught a glimpse of Song Ye's strange eyes at him, Xie Liuyi looked at Zhou Haiyang who was also confused, "Did he say anything?"

"No." Zhou Haiyang shook his head, "It suddenly happened."

The two heads came together and whispered secretly. In the end, Zhou Haiyang came to the conclusion that "the amount of information is too much, Song Ye's head is down".

Seeing two idiots, one big and one small, talking head-to-head about something wrong with his brain, Song Ye suddenly felt that his conspiracy theory just now was ridiculous.

When Xie Liuyi gave a thumbs up to Zhou Haiyang's conclusion, he laughed angrily.

"Miss Xie."

"Huh?" The two who were talking behind their backs were caught by the master and turned back at the same time. Zhou Haiyang felt a little guilty, but Xie Liuyi looked calm.

"I know how to get the Mandrill King's forgiveness."

The author has something to say:Caught a bug

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