MTL - When Golden Finger Meets Salted Fish-Chapter 638 extra 60

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Of course the big white tiger is not afraid of the cub's baby teeth. After all, the cub can't even break the defense with one bite. But sometimes the point is not the power, but the location - the tip of the tail is obviously a more sensitive location.

Jiang Mo was facing the tiger cub with his back, so he couldn't see this scene, but fortunately Yun Qingyue saw it.

"Be careful!" Yun Qingyue hurriedly reminded.

Jiang Mo was originally lazy, but when he heard Yun Qingyue's reminder, he immediately became alert. With a flick of her tail, she escaped from the tiger cub's claws, then quickly turned around, and began to check for the source of danger—the fierce tiger eyes scanned the surroundings, but naturally found no danger. On the contrary, when he looked at it, he saw the tiger cub with tears in his eyes.

She didn't realize it, and blinked blankly. Could it be that the senior sister's reminder was not for herself but for the bastard?

Jiang Mo was full of perplexity, and after confirming that there was no danger around him, he turned his head and asked Yun Qingyue, "Ayue, what's the matter?" After asking, he glanced at his own cub and added, "What's wrong with the preserved egg? Why are you crying all of a sudden?"

The little milk tiger's round eyes were filled with tears at this moment, looking extremely pitiful.

The corner of Yun Qingyue's mouth twitched, but he still couldn't hold back, and smiled: "It's nothing, she probably knocked a tooth."

Jiang Mo was even more puzzled when he heard the words, but the tiger cub was in a hurry—she had indeed knocked her teeth, after all, anyone who bites with all his strength will probably knock his teeth. Even now her mind is still buzzing, and her baby teeth are sore.

Yun Qingyue didn't hide it from Jiang Mo, after all, he told her what the tiger cub did.

Jiang Mo wagged his tail thoughtfully, then tentatively put his tail in front of the tiger cub.

Sure enough, the little milk tiger who had just suffered a loss did not learn his lesson, and when he saw the target appearing, he immediately pounced on it again. It's just that Jiang Mo wasn't distracted this time, and naturally it wasn't so easy for her to catch the tail. The tip of the furry tail flickered in front of the tiger cub, and even rubbed against her nose, but she didn't catch half of it. root tiger hair.

The tiger cub was not angry, but became interested all of a sudden, and forgot about biting the air just now, and started to slap Jiang Mo's tail wholeheartedly. Seeing this, Jiang Mo simply used his tail as a cat teaser, dangling it around, making the tiger cubs busy.

The tiger's tail went up and down, causing the cub to jump up and down, and then left and right, causing the cub to run left and right... Jiang Mo's movements were extremely fast, and it was obviously not easy to catch her tail. However, the tiger cub was obviously not an ordinary tiger. After biting for a while, she found nothing. The wings on her back spread out with a "swish", and then the speed increased several times.

Jiang Mo originally just played with the tiger cubs, and planned to continue getting close to his senior sister after he got used to using his tail to stalk the cubs. Unexpectedly, the tiger cub was working so hard, so he immediately restrained his thoughts and just swished his tail very fast.

The two tigers, one big and one small, seemed to be competing with each other, one flicked out an afterimage of its tail, and the other flew around tirelessly.

I don't know how long it has been, and I don't know whether Jiang Mo is tired of playing, or if he was really careless. Suddenly, the tiger cub jumped with quick eyes and claws, and finally caught the swinging tiger tail, and then bit it off again without saying a word.

At that moment, Jiang Mo and Yun Qingyue even heard the tiger cub's low growl, which was tinged with joy. It's a pity that it was only for a moment, and soon the low growl with joy turned into a whine - the little milk tiger happily bit down, but in the end it smashed its teeth again. And this time it was worse than last time, her teeth were so sour that it felt like they were about to fall out.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..." Tears welled up in the little tiger's eyes, and he screamed pitifully as he covered his teeth with his front paws.

Jiang Mo finally couldn't hold back, turned his head and buried his face in his tiger's claws, laughing until his shoulders trembled. The muffled laugh, accompanied by the cub's wailing, sounded both amused and irritating.

It was Yun Qingyue who wanted to laugh, and Preserved Dan was the one who was angry, so she cried even louder.

Probably the tiger cub was crying too pitifully, Yun Qingyue suppressed a smile this time, walked over and took the poor tiger cub into his arms to comfort him. She also patted the white tiger symbolically twice, pretending to avenge her.

"Hey, open your mouth and show me your teeth, are they not broken?" Yun Qingyue comforted the cub with soft words.

The tiger cub was so pitiful with tears in his eyes that he rarely opened his mouth obediently. Fortunately, her small milk teeth are still strong, and Jiang Mo was not so cruel that he directly broke his own cub's teeth, so her teeth are still in good shape... It's no big deal, Yun Qingyue felt relieved, and looked at the tooth in his hand. The cub looked at Hu Zi who was knocked down laughing beside him, and then directly threw the cub on Hu Zi.

The little milk tiger was stunned for a moment, and then immediately retaliated, stomping on Jiang Mo's body a few times, and even tried to climb onto her head. As a result, it was naturally picked up by the tiger, and then half of his body was pressed on it, making the cub feel the weight of a mother's love.

***************************************************** *****************

Days passed, and the cub grew up day by day, and became skinier every day.

One day I secretly burned my mother's tiger hair, tomorrow I secretly plucked my mother's phoenix feathers, and the day after tomorrow I tried to open a skylight in my own sycamore wood... Not to mention the trouble caused by the cub outside, even this small home was also destroyed. She's been ruined all over again.

The only thing that is intact is probably the system. It's not that the preserved eggs are merciful to it, but the skin produced by the mall is indeed unique. The indestructible property allows the tiger cub to remain intact no matter how much it is tossed. At most, the fur of the fox is a little messy, it looks a little bit embarrassed, and the system itself feels a little bit unlovable.

Finally, after Huzi woke up one time and found that his whiskers were half missing, she couldn't bear it anymore.

Jiang Mo decided to stay away from this little scourge, so he approached his senior sister with a serious face, and started a conversation: "Ayue, I heard that one of the phoenix eggs in the Young Phoenix Pavilion is about to break its shell."

Yun Qingyue nodded. As the young patriarch of the Feng clan, she knew more or less about the affairs of the clan.

Seeing that her reaction was flat, Jiang Mo said heartbrokenly: "Aren't you worried, Ayue? In the past, the little phoenixes in the clan land were bigger than preserved eggs, and she couldn't bully anyone, but now there is a little phoenix about to break its shell. What should I do if it's not serious for Pidan to bully others?"

Yun Qingyue is not really worried, because the newly hatched little Phoenix is ​​naturally protected by her parents and elders, and no one will fight with her mother for 300 rounds like her cub. And no matter how skinny the preserved egg is, it is impossible to find a chance to bully the newborn little phoenix under the protection of the adult phoenix. But she probably guessed what Jiang Mo said.

"So, what are you going to do?" Yun Qingyue continued to follow Jiang Mo's words.

Jiang Mo's eyes immediately lit up when she heard the words, and she said excitedly, "Why don't we send the cub away." After speaking, she realized that she seemed too excited, coughed lightly, and said in a slow voice, "I mean, Let's send the cub to study."

Yun Qingyue has been with Jiang Mo for many years, and she can understand most of the new words that occasionally come out of her mouth. At this time, when Jiang Mo talked about advanced training, she just thought about it, and then understood what the other person meant: "You want to send the preserved egg away?" Before Jiang Mo could answer, she continued: "Do you want to send the preserved egg away?" She's going back to the White Tiger Clan?"

To be honest, Yun Qingyue was not angry, because it has been almost a hundred years since the preserved eggs broke their shells. This age is naturally very young among the beasts, but for the two of them, a hundred years is really a long time.

When Yun Qingyue was a hundred years old, he had already left the sect, traveled for decades, and experienced all kinds of hardships and dangers.

He also grew up to the point where Jiang Mo had achieved success in cultivation, completed his adulthood ahead of schedule, and faced the catastrophe.

Yun Qingyue pondered for a moment under Jiang Mo's nodding expectant gaze, and then said, "It's not impossible..."

Jiang Mo listened to her let go, and quickly answered: "Of course! Ah Yue, look, the cub is getting skinnier, and the Feng Clan can't stand her disaster. The White Tiger Clan is different, none of the tiger cubs there are Fuel-efficient lamp, Second Brother Bai has experience raising cubs. And Pi Dan has more white tiger blood, so it is better to send her back to the clan and let her be taught by the seniors, it is definitely better than her own cultivation."

What she said was so reasonable that it was almost impossible to refute it. What's more, his temperament is as cold as a cloud, and under the tossing and tossing of preserved egg day after day, he gradually loses his good temper.

Yun Qingyue didn't agree straight away, but Jiang Mo knew from her expression that she was also moved. So I came forward again

Go, lean your head on the shoulder of the senior sister, put your arms around her waist and act coquettishly: "Ayue, senior sister, we have been ascending for hundreds of years. We are either practicing or raising cubs. We haven't traveled to the fairy world yet... Send the preserved eggs Wouldn't it be nice to go back and let's go for a walk?"

While talking, Jiang Mo shook Yun Qingyue lightly, which made people's heart skip a beat.

Finally, Yun Qingyue agreed: "Okay then, without delay, I will tell Preserved Egg when she comes back today."

The tiger cub went out to play again, and he went there for a whole day, as expected. It's just that she didn't come back by herself in the evening, but was carried back by the nape of her neck, not to mention her disheveled face, and the tiger's hair was still stained with carbon dust.

Jiang Mo and Yun Qingyue were already familiar with this scene, and they took the tiger cub skillfully and asked about the situation.

Before the clansmen who brought the tiger cub back had time to speak, the usually unruly tiger cub raised his head first, with a flattering smile on the tiger's face. It's a pity that Jiang Mo and the two of them already knew this kid's temperament well. The more she was like this, the more serious their expressions were.

Yun Qingyue withdrew her gaze, and asked the clan members with a three-point heavy tone: "Tell me, what trouble did she get into today?"

The clansman naturally wouldn't hide it, coughed lightly and said: "Actually, it's okay. It's just that the little guy heard from somewhere that the phoenix eggs in the Young Phoenix Pavilion were about to break their shells. She slipped over today and set a fire. Said to help the little phoenixes come out early..."

The two of them didn't react at first when they heard the words, and then seeing the slightly guilty look of the preserved egg, they suddenly came to a realization—didn't this guy set the egg on fire? I'm afraid she wants the little phoenixes to come out early, but she wants to eat eggs and bake the little phoenixes! Fortunately, the phoenix belongs to fire, even the little phoenix still in the eggshell is not afraid of being roasted.

Thinking of this, both of them were startled, and after looking at each other, they became more and more determined to send the tiger cub away.