MTL - When Golden Finger Meets Salted Fish-Chapter 624 extra 46

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Yun Qingyue became the young master again, but this time it was no longer the young master of the sect that she had never acknowledged, but the young patriarch of the Phoenix clan. The reason is precisely because of the inheritance she got in Nirvana.

The so-called nirvana means resurrection from death, and the so-called nirvana state is actually the burial place of the Feng clan.

According to the elders of the Feng clan, countless ancestors were buried in the Nirvana realm of the Feng clan, and they also left countless legacy for the younger generations. And every time the Nirvana Realm is opened, it is the best time for these little phoenixes of the younger generation to enter the Nirvana Realm and obtain the inheritance of their predecessors. Therefore, throughout the ages, there are not a few phoenixes who have been inherited in the Nirvana realm, but Yun Qingyue is the most special one.

The headed elder of the Feng Clan looked slowly over Yun Qingyue, and said: "The time in Nirvana is different from the flow rate of the outside world, so the general inheritance can be completed in at most one day, but this time Nirvana has opened up enough Three months."

This is unprecedented, because even if there is a delay, or more time is spent on searching, the nirvana meeting has never lasted more than half a month. It's just that the Phoenix Clan's Nirvana meeting has never had a fixed time. Looking at Hongxia's situation as a guide for the beginning and end, people feel that it is somewhat dependent on God's will. So no one doubted more, but fortunately this time Nirvana will be long enough.

Yun Qingyue did not deny the elders' speculation that what she obtained was indeed not an ordinary inheritance, but one of the most special five phoenix inheritances. After confirming this point, she became the young master of the Feng Clan as a matter of course.

In fact, if she wasn't really young, and her cultivation was not enough to convince the public, the Feng Clan, which has no patriarch, would probably be directly controlled by her.

Fortunately, Yun Qingyue doesn't have much desire for power, and what she pursues from the beginning to the end is nothing but practice and the Way. Other than that, the only thing that can touch her heart is the little tiger who likes to be coquettish, but is willing to stand in front of her in danger. As for the Feng Clan, they didn't really care much about her, a newcomer.

After all, behind power is responsibility, everything is equivalent, and there is nothing that can be obtained without giving.

Yun Qingyue was promoted to the position of young patriarch, and there was no trace of joy on his brows. She calmly glanced at several elders in the meeting hall, and looked at the big and small phoenixes outside the palace gate, and finally said: "My cultivation base is still young, and I am not familiar with the situation in the clan. The most urgent thing is to improve myself. Therefore Within the Feng Clan, everything is as usual, and a few elders are invited to continue to control it."

Phoenix has five colors, so there are five elders, exactly one for each. As for the ranking of the elders, they are divided according to their strength, and may even change from time to time. After listening to Yun Qingyue's words, several people had no objection, and they all agreed after they looked at each other.

Those who can obtain the inheritance of the five phoenixes are undoubtedly talented. Such a patriarch will surely lead the clan to greater glory one day!

Yun Qingyue became the young patriarch of the Feng Clan out of nowhere, but this fact did not have a big impact on her. When she left the meeting hall, she was even worried that she might not be able to leave here for a long time in the future.

In other words, the little tiger will probably move in to live with her, and I don't know how the White Tiger Clan will react?

Of course, Jiang Mo Benhu had no objections, she was excited with naked eyes, and when she came out of the meeting hall, her steps were as brisk as if she was about to jump up. She was just concerned that there were still many phoenixes watching, and as the Taoist companion of the young patriarch, she couldn't be too frivolous anyway, so she tried her best to suppress it and obediently followed the steps of her senior sister to leave.

When there was no one else around, Jiang Mo jumped up and jumped in front of Yun Qingyue.

Yun Qingyue was still thinking about how to communicate with the White Tiger Clan, and suddenly seeing Jiang Mo so excited, the calm on his face couldn't help but be broken. She slightly bent her lips and asked with a smile, "Why, are you so excited?"

Jiang Mo laughed, and those round tiger eyes were bent: "Of course, my Ayue is so good, how can I not be excited?" After speaking, he returned to Yun Qingyue in two steps , hugged her arm, and said with a smile: "I was so lucky to meet you back then. At that time, I felt that I had a golden thigh in my arms. Now that we have all ascended, you are still my golden thigh."

Yun Qingyue was amused by her statement, and the anxiety that had arisen because of the sudden incident seemed to be relieved all of a sudden. She suddenly felt that there was nothing wrong with being the head of the young patriarch. Although she was inexplicably burdened with a responsibility, at least she could be a backer for her little tiger, couldn't she?

Feeling relieved, Yun Qingyue also joked: "Really? Then if you want to hug my golden thigh, shouldn't you please please me?"

As soon as the words fell, Yun Qingyue felt a softness on her cheeks, but it was Jiang Mo who came up to her and kissed her.

The little tiger put his hands on her shoulders and got very close. He didn't back away after the kiss, but whispered in her ear: "Is this kind of flattery enough? If not, I can let you kiss me back." He turned his face sideways.

Jiang Mo looked confident because Yun Qingyue was cold and reserved. Even if the two are Taoist couples, they seldom make too intimate moves outside, which is why she only kisses on the cheek. However, what she didn't expect was that when she finished speaking, she felt a cool palm pressing on her cheek, and then supported her cheek to turn slightly, and a soft kiss landed on the corner of her lips.

Yun Qingyue was about to leave as soon as she touched him, she looked at Jiang Mo with bright and gentle eyes, with tender affection: "Thank you."

Thank her for sharing, otherwise she would have been unable to hold on in Nirvana. Throughout the ages, she is not the only one who has found Wufeng's inheritance, but she is the only one who perseveres to the end to get the inheritance. So Jiang Mo has a share of this inheritance, and she is not Jiang Mo's golden thigh.

Yun Qingyue became the young patriarch of the Feng Clan, so it was naturally impossible to follow Jiang Mo back to the White Tiger Clan as before. Even because of the limited cultivation of these two, the original plan to travel around had to be postponed infinitely.

Jiang Mo sent a message to Bai Er, told him everything, and then stayed in Feng Clan with peace of mind.

Feng Qi teased in private, saying that she married into the Feng family, but Jiang Mo didn't refute. On the contrary, Xiao Ba's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he begged for nothing to stay and refused to leave.

Of course, it is not without benefits for Jiang Mo to stay with Yun Qingyue in the Feng Clan. For example, the Feng Clan has accumulated countless treasures for tens of thousands of years. These are naturally completely open to the young patriarch, and the two of them have no shortage of cultivation resources. Even Yun Qingyue's sycamore tree moved after the Nirvana meeting, and took root in another place with a stronger spirit.

In addition to these, Yun Qingyue has gained another benefit after inheriting and improving her cultivation base. Only Jiang Mo, who often doubles with her, knows about it, which is not enough for outsiders...

All in all, things were handled smoothly, and the two of them adapted quickly to staying in the Feng Clan.

Just a few days later, Jiang Mo received a letter, which was brought back by Xiao Ba who was out playing.

Jiang Mo was surprised when he received the letter at first, because letters are rarely used even in the cultivation world. Unless there is no jade talisman to contact, it is definitely more convenient to talk directly. But the Immortal Realm has more means of communication, and will send letters. No matter how you think about it, it is impossible for her to be an acquaintance...Of course, she has been in the White Tiger Clan or the Feng Clan for more than two hundred years, and she has no chance to meet other acquaintances at all. .

Jiang Mo opened the letter with some doubts, glanced at it hastily, and ran away like the wind with the letter. Then she found Yun Qingyue, dragged her and flew out of Feng Clan without saying a word.

Yun Qingyue didn't know why, but Yun Qingyue followed her and took the letter from Jiang Mo on the way.

The speed of the two was very fast, and they appeared at the exit of the Feng Clan Land in just a few breaths—this place is not too unfamiliar to them, because this is the entrance and exit of the Nirvana Conference not long ago. And when the Nirvana meeting started, they even went out to see the outside market. It's just that now that the Nirvana Society is over, the people who once gathered here scattered and left, and the tranquility of the past has returned to this place.

When Jiang Mo dragged Yun Qingyue to the entrance, there was no one there, and even the weeds that collapsed in the market had regrown and thrived during the three months of the Nirvana Meeting. She glanced at it hastily, then frowned and said: "Where is the person? You should bring Xiao Ba."

But just when Jiang Mo was upset, Yun Qingyue suddenly turned his head to look in a certain direction as if feeling something.

Jiang Mo noticed the movement, and turned his head, and then saw two familiar figures coming together - one with an ice-like aura, as inviolable as an iceberg. The other person has a lazy demeanor, although his appearance is charming, but the beautiful fox eyes glanced lazily, and there was an inexplicable sharpness. Even if their cultivation bases are no more than real immortals, they are obviously newcomers who have just ascended.

I haven't seen you for two hundred years, it seems like the first time.

Jiang Mo laughed all of a sudden, and she pulled Yun Qingyue: "Ayue, you are the suzerain and master."

Yun Qingyue's surprise was even greater than Jiang Mo's, even though she had read the letter Jiang Mo received first, she still felt a sense of unreality. It wasn't until Jiang Mo's pulling strength came that the trace of unreality was broken.

The two rushed forward quickly, and the lively little tiger waved: "Sovereign Master, Master, you have ascended so quickly?!"

It's only been two hundred years, although Qing Yu was already in the late stage of Mahayana when they ascended, but I wish Bai Yi to gather his soul and rebuild, what is two hundred years? Jiang Mo and Yun Qingyue have even made preparations and waited for a thousand years...Of course, there is a greater possibility that someone like Zhu Baiyi who picks up a loophole and is reborn, the law of heaven may not allow her to ascend.

But it's only been two hundred years now, and Qing Yu's soaring speed has far exceeded Jiang Mo's expectation. And the other party came to the door so quickly, Jiang Mo and Yun Qingyue were not only surprised, but also surprised.

Zhu Baiyi and Qing Yu obviously had other encounters. As for finding them so quickly, it was purely because the Nirvana of the Feng clan would be famous far and wide. After they ascended, they happened to hear the news, and heard that all the Feng clan at the Nirvana meeting would go back, so they found it. Unlike Jiang Mo, who was picked up by someone as soon as they ascended, Zhu Baiyi and Qing Yu obviously did not have such a group of people. Backstage.

They came a bit late, but fortunately they saw it. Zhu Baiyi was about to say something when he suddenly saw a fox's head poking out of Jiang Mo's sleeve. Surprised for a moment, he blurted out: "It's only been two hundred years, and you guys have children?!"