MTL - When Golden Finger Meets Salted Fish-Chapter 4 racial talent

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There are no planes in the world of comprehension, but there are flying instruments in the world of cultivation.

Just as Jiang Mo and the system looked up at the sky, a spirit boat pierced the clear sky ten thousand meters above the sky. And the ones on the spirit boat are the disciples of the Xuanqing Sect who have entered the secret realm for training.

Yes, this is a secret realm, but it is a small secret realm that has been entered thousands of times. The predecessors have traveled the entire secret realm long ago, and any rare treasures have been obtained by predestined people in the past countless years. Today, there are no opportunities here, but there is no danger either. It is most suitable for new disciples of the sect to practice.

Chattering on the spirit boat at this moment is the new generation of young disciples of the Xuanqing Sect, with the highest level of foundation building and the lowest level of Qi training. But there are exceptions, that is the woman in Tsing Yi standing at the bow.

The woman in Tsing Yi held a Qingshuang sword in her hand, stood facing the wind, and suddenly said: "Here we are."

Her voice was cold and clear, and the pitch was not high, but all the disciples on the spirit boat heard it. As a result, the young disciples who were noisy a moment ago fell silent for a moment, and some people hesitated to take two steps forward as if they wanted to say something, but they were stopped by their companions before they could speak. Another disciple who was interested immediately cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, Senior Sister, I'll go after this."

The woman in Tsing Yi turned around at this moment, revealing an incomparably beautiful face, before anyone could indulge in her beauty, they would be driven back by the coldness of her body. At this moment, she nodded slightly and said: "Go. I will be your lord here for half a month."

Everyone bowed their hands in unison, but it turned out that this woman did not come here to practice, she just escorted these disciples into the secret realm.

After a while, streams of light set off from the spirit boat and fled away. The disciples who didn't know how to control the sword were led by the disciples who had established the foundation, and went away in twos and threes - their mission on this trip was very simple, either to find one or two specific spirits. Grass spirit fruit, or the inner alchemy material of some kind of spirit beast, is still within the scope of everyone's ability, and there is usually no danger of life.

In the blink of an eye, all the people left, and the spirit boat returned to desertedness.

The woman in Tsing Yi was still standing on the bow of the boat, and the high-altitude wind softened through the barrier of the spirit boat, lifting a strand of her hair and fluttering with the hairband. After a while, her eyes drooped slightly, and fell on the continuous mountains below.

No one knew what she was looking at and what she was thinking, but suddenly she closed the spirit boat with a wave of her hand, and walked away with her sword.

***************************************************** ***************

The altitude of 10,000 meters was too far away, Jiang Mo didn't see the passing spirit boat clearly, and he didn't feel that it was related to him.

The little waste tiger just glanced at it, then lay down again without interest, and said before the system could speak: "I'm tired, I need to sleep, don't disturb me by surprise." After telling the story Zuo waved his paw viciously: "Or I will blow you away!"

The system is not afraid of the threat of the little white tiger's milky voice, after all, it has no entity at all, and it was shot before purely to cooperate with the host's performance. However, it quickly shut up consciously, because the data showed that the host's physical state really needed sleep. So it obediently shut its mouth and turned off the light, quietly landed on the host's head, and then silently expanded the scanning range to the maximum.

At this moment, the sun was just right, and there was a gentle breeze beside the stream. The little white tiger fell into a deep sleep not long after closing his eyes.

I don't know how long it has passed, the system suddenly let out a "huh", but there was no movement after that, as if the sound was just a hallucination.

Jiang Mo slept for a long time, the sun was shining brightly when she fell asleep, and the scorching sun was still gently stroking the tip of her nose when she woke up. She raised her head and looked around, thinking that she just took a short nap and didn't know the passage of time.

Seeing that she woke up, the system was pleasantly surprised: "Host host, you finally woke up!"

Jiang Mo didn't take it seriously, he just felt that he was tired after sleeping, and it was really comfortable. She stood up shaking her hair, and stretched her body like a cat... It really adapted well, and she became more and more like a cat.

"What's the matter, I just took a nap, why are you so excited?" The little white tiger basked in the sun, lazily.

The system was silent at first when he heard the words, and then he said excitedly: "Host, you didn't just take a short sleep, you slept for three days!" After speaking, he expressed his merits in a heartbroken tone: " You slept so hard, if the system hadn't been imitating the coercion of high-level spirit beasts to frighten the surroundings, you would have been taken away by wolves, do you know?!"

Jiang Mo was a little surprised when he heard the words, his round tiger eyes widened by two points. But soon she remembered the environment she was in now and her new identity, and she calmed down again: "What's the matter, the time of cultivation is not calculated by the sky."

A few years or ten years have passed when a monk closed up; hundreds or even thousands of years have passed since a divine beast took a nap.

Isn't this normal in the cultivation world?

The system was speechless for a while, and after a while it could only change the subject and said, "Forget it, it's no big deal to sleep for three days. Host, please open the character panel and have a look, there are surprises."

Although Jiang Mo has a grudge against the system, in this foreign land, after all, only the system can depend on her. And since she woke up, the system has tried its best to help her survive, so her feelings towards the system are quite complicated. Hitting the system from time to time is considered venting and revenge, but she will also listen carefully to the system's opinions.

At this moment, she clicked on the character panel like a fluke, but saw that the data on it had changed——

[Host: Jiang Mo

Race: White Tiger

Occupation: Beast

Grade 1

Power: 5

Experience: 3/5

Points: 0

Potential: ∞

Skill: Bloodline Inheritance Not Activated]

Jiang Mo glanced first, and then looked again carefully, and found that the experience value was indeed 3 points more. She was a little dazed at first, then quickly scanned the surroundings, and was secretly relieved when she found that there were no corpses of insects that had been crushed to death.

Then, full of puzzlement, she clicked on the historical news—

【Xuantian Continental Calendar 75891 July 22 15:07:35

Due to race reasons, the host gains experience value +1, and the current experience value is 1/5.

Xuantian continental calendar July 23, 75891, 15:07:35

Due to race reasons, the host gains experience value +1, and the current experience value is 2/5.

Xuantian continental calendar July 24, 75891, 15:07:35

Due to race reasons, the host gains experience value +1, and the current experience value is 3/5. 】

Looking at the time, the last message was from more than ten minutes ago, that is to say, she gained 1 experience point inexplicably more than ten minutes ago. At that time, she didn't do anything else except sleep.

Jiang Mo was not stupid, on the contrary, she was very smart, and quickly grasped the key points in this brief notification. The tiger's eyes narrowed slightly, and she looked at the system light ball dangling in front of her eyes: "System, did my 3 points of experience come from sleep?" After finishing speaking, without waiting for the system to answer, she added: "I used to see, Divine beasts will increase in strength when they reach adulthood, so is their strength related to age?"

The system did not expect Jiang Mo to react so quickly, but he answered honestly: "The host is right, there are factors in this aspect. Most of the strength of the beasts comes from the bloodline, and as they grow, the power of the bloodline will gradually awaken, so powerful."

As soon as Jiang Mo heard it, his eyes lit up, and he fully understood those notifications—she was no longer a little milk tiger born just a day ago. As she grew up, her blood gradually awakened, which was reflected on the data panel as Experience. And once she grows to a certain stage, it means that she has accumulated enough experience points in the game system, which is directly reflected as an upgrade.

Jiang Mo, who wanted to understand this, suddenly felt that the sky was blue, the water was clear, and the future was full of hope.

The system looked at Jiang Mo who was suddenly excited, but had a bad premonition. It cautiously suggested: "Look, host, you are only two points away from leveling up, why don't you try to kill a monster right now?" ?”

Standing on the boulder by the stream, Jiang Mo looked at the character panel in front of him, raised his tiger paw and slammed Fang Qiu: "No, I don't want to step on bugs. Wouldn't it be nice to upgrade directly after two days of sleep?!"