MTL - When an Alien Is Bound to a World-Saving System-Chapter 89 New World of Parasites

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Huo Li saw that the teenager finally seemed to relax, and he felt a sigh of relief in the heart. The two walked into the conference room one after the other. More than 1900 surviving psionicists have been organized under c2001, and Xu Yuncheng sat beside the symbolic guard of the robot warrior.

When everyone saw the appearance of the dark-haired boy, they looked at each other in fear. The psionicist in the seat where the boy passed by couldn't help but wince subconsciously after the black-haired boy approached. After all, everyone still remembers the scene of a teenager using black silk to penetrate into each person's neck, and no one can avoid a special shape.

Huo Li and the dark-haired boy are sitting in the first place, alongside them are c2001, Langtai and the remaining high-level abilities. After everyone's fear of the teenagers slightly reduced, thousands of psionicists cast their hatred and disgust on Xu Yuncheng in the front corner of the conference hall.

Especially the mission enthusiasts who lost their loved ones or friends in the explosion were hated by him!

"Xu Yuncheng, we are all humans, why do you betray us and take refuge in parasites!" A high-level ability sitting next to Langtai questioned.

"My cousin has been working hard for hundreds of years to achieve the task, and she was promoted to SS-level task manager. Do you know how happy she was at the time? Why did you force her to join the rebel group!" A female power sitting in the crowd The man stood up and shouted in excitement.

"More than 500 people! All our companions and loved ones, how can you get started!"

"How much benefit does the body beast give you? It's worth betraying you!"

The angry shouts in the conference room were lumped together. If it wasn't for fear of sitting on the stage with an alien, they would kill them.

At this time, except for the brain and the head, all were controlled by Huo Li. Xu Yuncheng, who was inferior to ordinary people, did not show the slightest guilt after hearing these scolds and curses. Instead, he asked in full face:

"The whole family? Who are we with?"

Everyone froze.

Huo Li: "Aren't we and the entire galaxy billion human beings in the same race?"

"Huo Li, you have also been with the Salvation Alliance for thousands of years. Do you think that our abilities and ordinary people are the same race?" Xu Yuncheng turned his head and asked, "For thousands of years, human beings have been more effective in preventing abilities than in Zerg. It is even more rigorous. Psionicists are strictly monitored by the government almost in their childhood. They cannot enter politics, have no access to the military, and cannot work in top scientific research fields ... "

Xu Yuncheng paused, and then glanced at each of the powers in the audience almost sternly: "You have been in the Salvation Alliance for too long. Have you forgotten the taboos and discrimination suffered in the human world? Obviously among hundreds of thousands of humans In order to be able to give birth to a power. High-level powers are more precious than the human royal family and the president. We should be the absolute elite among human beings, but for millennia we can only walk on the edge of society, or even For a little money, you have embarked on the road of crime. Do you think this is the life you deserve? "

Although the power present here still hated Xu Yuncheng, but after hearing his questions, his face still showed anger and unwillingness. Obviously, everyone has suffered a lot of unfair treatment in the human world before joining the Salvation Alliance.

Seeing a symposium against parasitic beasts, Xu Yuncheng will become a mobilization conference that divides humans and abilities. As soon as Huo Li wanted to stop his words, he was pulled down by the dark-haired boy sitting next to him.

"It's okay, let him say it." Young Black Hair said in a young voice. "This is an irreconcilable contradiction, which will break out sooner or later."

Xu Yuncheng's gaze turned to the female prodigy who had just stood in the crowd and just slapped Xu Yuncheng for her dead sister:

"Kt2313 You and your cousin have been in the Salvation Alliance for more than 700 years. A dedicated man who saved the human world has not even applied for a rest day, right?"

The hateful female phantom was suddenly named by Xu Yun. She froze for a while and then thought of her cousin's life. She hated and shouted deeper: "Yes! She has worked so hard to save how many human worlds! But you Kill her! "

Xu Yun imaging did not hear her questioning in general, and continued her words: "I ask you, where is your sister now?"

Everyone looked at Xu Yuncheng in confusion, wondering why he asked such an inexplicable question.

"Her remains have been buried in this desert! If not you ..."

"Buried in the desert, huh!" Xu Yuncheng sneered, "Did you have been enslaved by the host system and humans for too long! For a hero who has saved dozens of doomsday worlds, he was buried in an unknown place after death. In the famous desert, no one knows about flowers and farewells. Do you even take it for granted? "

"Even an ordinary worker in the human world has a funeral and a cemetery even after the death of a criminal." Xu Yuncheng's voice has the ability to convince the public, "But we are the top powers in the entire galaxy. The group of people who contribute the most to development has become accustomed to the death that may occur at any moment. After death, they will even be in the corpse wilderness on the doomsday planet. No one knows our achievements: it is difficult to get a few days of rest for hundreds of years. The points we earn to save a world are only enough to buy a few cans of nutrients. These treatments are worse than a plumber in the human world. You are so used to it? "

Huo Li saw that the direction of this development was getting more and more wrong, and even more than half of those with peculiar powers showed indignation and enmity against their enemies. Huo Li suddenly took control of Xu Yuncheng, preventing him from saying a word.

"Let him continue!" Said the dark-haired boy.

Huo Li still did not understand the purpose of the boy, but still relaxed his control of Xu Yuncheng.

Xu Yuncheng, who had regained control of his own tongue, was not offended by the anger and embarrassment, but continued with his speech lightly:

"Human dread and oppression have forced you into the main system. Do you think the Salvation Alliance is your home? It is just another organization that enslaves you. As a better race than humans, we are vulnerable everywhere. Human suppression and jealousy. Even some planetary governments are still secretly apprehending abilities, using us to do human experiments, trying to steal our abilities! "

At this time, even the calm and general c2001's face showed an angry and shaky look, not to mention the taskman below.

Xu Yuncheng glanced at the crowd and continued: "Maybe someone will say that we are human beings and we should be friendly before we release ourselves. But I tell you, this will never be possible! Because human beings are not afraid of us because we have perished The planet, or have committed terrible sins with our powers. None of these powers have done it, and even the countless planets of their human beings themselves have died; humans have even more anti-human perverts and criminals than we are. The total number of capable people! "

The unwillingness in the eyes of all was even better.

"The ultimate contradiction between the omnipotent and the human is the greed, jealousy, and fear of the strong that are contained in human blood and soul. This is the original sin and nature that cannot be separated from the human race. As long as it is the human who rules the universe, this Ugly thoughts will still be flooding every planet! Our powers will always be jealous, suppressed and isolated! "Xu Yuncheng at this moment fully exerted his own dominance, even as a prisoner, still holding every stranger present. A pain point deep inside the capable person.

I just listened to him and said, "The parasitic clans are different. They have no emotions at all. They have no emotions. Some are pure rationality. Parasitic clans also have no power. Their society needs the help of elites like us! As long as they If we believe that our powers are beneficial to the continuation of their society and race, there will never be any hypocrisy of human beings.

As long as we are in alliance with the parasitic family, they will save 1% of the human planet in the entire galaxy and give it to us to rule. In that new world, we can get rid of the suppression and humiliation that lasted for thousands of years. As a more noble and powerful psionicist than a weak human, we will develop that 1% of the human planet far better than the current human world. We will be better rulers and builders than the belligerent and stupid human beings of the Star Alliance. Our talents and ideals buried for thousands of years will eventually be realized in the parasites and abilities and the new world established! "

Huo Li felt the inner struggling, restlessness and longing for the new world of the powers of the audience. He looked at the crowd in the conference room with vigilance, and at the same time, quickly thought about how to reject Xu Yuncheng's words ... Looking for Xu Yuncheng's faults, omissions, and rebuttal points, but still with little effect, I have to say that Xu Yuncheng's words are really reasonable. What can he advise everyone?

At this time, the dark-haired boy who had been acquiesced in the development cleared his throat and said, "Now everyone has heard Xu Yuncheng's point of view, I don't want to refute this."

There was a big outcry from the audience! Does he also acquiesce to Xu Yuncheng's words?

The dark-haired boy didn't bother with the restlessness and eagerness of the audience, but went on to say: "No matter what your relationship with the parasite, I will never die as a alien and parasite because of race. As long as the world still If a parasite survives, I will kill it at all costs. "

The teenager slowly looked around the venue, his breath was cold and dangerous: "Now, I have only one question for everyone here: At this moment, who else decides to rebel against humans and help parasites slaughter 99% of the entire galaxy. To build a new world, please stand up. "

Read The Duke's Passion