MTL - When an Alien Is Bound to a World-Saving System-Chapter 84 Who is playing tricks

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When we just teleported from the spacecraft just now, didn't you still have power off? All powers shouted in their hearts. But no matter how the taskers complained and questioned the ingenuity of the main system's power failure, the system prompt sound was completely silent after that sentence.

The psionicists looked at the 200,000 laser cannons aimed at themselves. They were completely lost. Although no one surrendered for a while, they did not dare to attack the Zerg.

More than 2,000 abilities and 400,000 zerg cluttered and mixed together, surrounded by 200,000 mechanical warriors in a circle, so deadlocked in the desert.

Obviously, the powerists are all the best in the Salvation Alliance, and no one can take the lead to be the first compromiser. Just when Xiaoyi is going to set an example for everyone.

"Don't fire, we surrender!" Langtai yelled first, then headed towards the robot warrior with both hands. Along the way, the Zerg also gave way on the same road. The two robot warriors took a step forward without embarrassment. He put a pair of electronic handcuffs on Lang Tai's hands and pressed him to the side he had just established. Military base.

"Come out and surrender within 60 seconds, otherwise we will fire immediately! We will not make it difficult for the soldiers to surrender." 20 Mechanical Warriors Qi Qi shouted.

"It's a pair of handcuffs that can remotely explode at any time," the programmer finally played a role to explain to everyone, but it's a bit late, "if the explosion is enough to blow all living things within a square meter into pieces!"

Before waiting for the psionics to express their fear and protest, they heard the 200,000 mechanical soldiers shout again: "50 seconds!"

Alena seized the opportunity and shouted pitifully: "I also surrender."

c2001 apparently hated the compromising companions very much: "You, how can you ..."

Xiao Yi quickly interrupted his words: "I also surrender."

As the teenager walked towards Huo Li with his wings clapped, he whispered to everyone, "Staying in Qingshan is not afraid that there will be no wood burning, as long as we are alive, there is always a chance to come back."

The robot warrior handcuffed the boy and did not forget to bring a pair of patron saints behind him, and pulled the patron saint into the base with a rope like a kite.

200,000 robot warriors timely reminded: "40 seconds left!"

Then, driven by the example of the three top ten high-ranking taskers, the unsettled psionicist began to step out of the encirclement with both hands. Surrendered two-thirds in 40 seconds. After the countdown was over, the expected massacre did not come to the sight of the one-third of the psionicists as if they were dead.

Hundreds of psionicists who were about to fight hard suddenly felt dizzy and darkened before their eyes. Very few psionics who carry antidote with them, such as c2001, were struck by the zerg and mech fighters who were swarmed up, and then knocked in the back with a blow.

At this point, all the SS-levels and SSS-levels of the Salvation Alliance were wiped out except for Xu Yuncheng, who escaped.

The abilities were either escorted or carried on a stretcher into a temporary military base composed of starships.

Thousands of awake power escorts were escorted by a robot warrior to stand in the hall of a starship, and then rows and rows of confiscated belongings by the robot warrior, and then a group of 5 people pressed to prison.

Since the teenagers were the first to come in and stand in the back of the hall, they were eventually searched. The young man calmly held Huo Li and said with spirit: "Huo Li, let them find excuses to arrange me into the kitten's prison, and I have something to ask her. As for you go directly to the single cell And easy to move. "

After the boy finished speaking, it was exactly the row where Huo Li was, so the patron saint Huo Li was sullen and taken away by the mechanical warrior as a special item. Arranged in a small room next to the control room.

After searching the boy one-by-one, the robot warrior took him into a metal warehouse full of five people on the grounds that there were not enough cells.

As a prison cell, it is fairly clean and tidy. There are two rows of raised metal plates on both sides of this 4m square metal warehouse, which serves as a prisoner's seat. A stack of sleeping bags are neatly stacked on the innermost side. Ready for long-term detention.

The two robot warriors pushed the boy into the metal warehouse and immediately closed the door. Through the bullet-proof glass on the thick metal door, he said to the six people in the room: "If you need to use the toilet, please inform the guarded robot warrior in time, please Don't deface the cell environment. "

As soon as this remark was made, the two male psionics sitting on the outside looked as if they had swallowed a fly, and one of the big-eyed big man snorted heavily, just like how much insult was received.

Xiaoyi felt very innocent at once, and did not order the mechanical soldiers to watch the detainees go to the public toilet of the spaceship to go to the toilet. Is it still necessary to solve it inside the prison cell? It's embarrassing even to let the Robot Warrior temporarily design a toilet and bezel in the metal warehouse, isn't it?

Seeing that they were so humane did not make the psychic feel welcome, and the teenager felt a little frustrated. He glanced roughly into the cell and saw a girl with shawl hair sitting quietly on the right side. This is the famous "cloud-raised cat" kitten?

Xiao Yi was surprised, and Xu Yuncheng, a girl with a heart like ice and a disregard for all people, is really ... there is a temperament that is gentle and gentle and wants to be taken care of.

The teenager pretended to walk casually to the innermost side of the right side and sat down next to the girl with the shawl. Before waiting for Xiaoyi to prepare the content of his speech, he heard his familiar voice coming from the opposite corner:

"You got caught in 2d14?" The kitten asked in confusion.

The boy looked up sharply, looking at the non-mainstream girl sitting on the opposite side who looked only 14 or 5 years old, with short black cheeks and tattoos on her wrists ...

"You, are you a kitten?"

"Don't we talk through it before? You don't know me?" The kitten still spoke in a slightly rushing tone.

The dark-haired boy looked at the black cat printed on the non-mainstream teenage punk t-shirt, showing a maverick look like the cat-shaped tattoo on the girl's wrist and the big cats on her face Eyes.

Well she is really a kitten! But the kitten shouldn't be a gentle and well-behaved girl ... This is totally different from the kitten protected by Xu Yuncheng in my imagination!

Originally, he had a belly draft, and his plan to use the "weak girl" to influence the "cold and ruthless devil" seemed to be unworkable.

"Are you 2d14? Why don't you speak?" The non-mainstream girl across asked.

Xiao Yi coughed and said, "Oh, it's okay, but I didn't recognize you before."

Not only did you not recognize it, but also recognized you as a delicate non-mainstream teenager in a rough glance just now ...

The kitten seems to want to ask, as a few people who know Xiao Yi's true strength, she is obviously very puzzled about the arrest of the teenager. But because I do n’t know if there is a robot warrior in the cell, the kitten still swallowed the question, pretending not to be familiar with the teenager, and began to carefully examine his handcuffs, trying to find a way to pry it open.

Only a small part of the outside passage can be seen from the small glass window of the iron door of the cell. Although the psionicists are detained in the adjacent metal warehouse, because the hull is very soundproof, everyone cannot hear the surroundings. movement.

The six people in the metal warehouse looked at each other. Obviously, although they were also working in the Salvation Alliance, except for the teenager and the kitten who had a slight intersection before the others, the others did not know each other.

The white fat man sitting next to the thick-eyed psionicist who leaned against the door spoke first: "My name is Han Yan, is ... uh, I mean, shall we just wait like this?"

Han Yunren was fat, but he was very gentle when he opened his mouth. He obviously had some thoughts. It should have suddenly occurred to him that he could not expose his power in a place where D-system monitoring might be possible, and he was vague in the past. .

The curly man sitting on the outside of the kitten said, "There is no other way now. Since the programmer said that we have remote control bombs and bombs on our handcuffs, maybe even the monitoring device is installed. As long as we have a little Things will explode. Oh, by the way, my name is Hans. "

"So it's better for everyone to calm down," said the girl with the shawl, and the fear in her heart was suppressed. "We are all locked together. If it explodes, it will definitely explode to others!"

The big-eyed man at the door seemed to want to sneer again, but because it was a weak woman who said that, he did not directly taunt, but shook his head and rolled his eyes.

The white fat man named Han Yan saw that everyone didn't seem to understand what he meant, so he had to start talking again and pulled the topic back: "Actually, I want to say ... someone escaped. Isn't Xu Yuncheng still outside? He should? What plans can save us? "

After seeing Hans' disapproved eyes, Han Zheng added: "This is no secret. When Xu Yuncheng ran away, so many Zergs looked at it, and System D could not have known it."

"Since you know there might be monitoring here, why are you discussing it?" Hans didn't get discouraged by Han Yan's explanation. "Wait when we guess the only possible escape plan and then be directly known by the D system?"

"Then what do you say!" Han Yan also got angry, but quickly suppressed it and calmed down his voice. "All of us more than 2,000 people were captured. We can't just wait for Xu Yun to come and save us alone! Besides this matter It's weird. How could System D and the Zerg team together ... How did they appear from two different corners of the galaxy and suddenly appeared on the earth in the middle of the galaxy without alarming anyone? "

"Oh! If it weren't for Star Alliance to go crazy and attack the main system, how could these miscellaneous pieces get in!" The eyebrow man sarcastically said, "My name is Zhang Hu. If we can go out safely, we will be able to go in the future. Be a brother. "

Han Yun and others nodded: "I hope Xu Yuncheng has a killer we don't know!"

It took a lot of willpower for the teenager to hear this, but he didn't laugh. There are many killers of Xu Yuncheng, but they are used for killing.

The kitten was still playing there with the handcuffs quietly, but the teenager could see that whenever someone mentioned Xu Yuncheng, her flicking with the handcuffs would stop for a moment, and the look of worry flashed in her eyes.

She apparently did not know about Xu Yuncheng's betrayal, and was still worried about his safety. Xiao Yi couldn't help but have a little more confidence in his ‘Girls Probation Demon Project’.

"Bring 4 people out." An inorganic electronic sound suddenly sounded in the metal warehouse, startling a few people here. The iron door was opened with a click, and a group of mechanical soldiers walked in uniformly, pulling up the four people who were sitting against the door and pressing outward.

The girl with shawl hair still wanted to hide inside the teenager, but the robot warrior, as if she had not seen the black hair teenager, grabbed the shawl hair that had escaped to the innermost side.

"What are you doing!" The girl in a shawl shouted in fright.

"Don't panic." The inorganic electronic sound sounded again. "Our master wants to find out what each power has to do. After the investigation is finished, I will release you back."

Han Han and Hans both looked at their companions in horror. Could the D system start to secretly execute the abilities? However, in the face of the four bombs and bombs that were tightly tied to his own hands, he could only leave the cell under the custody of a mechanical soldier.

The iron door clicked and locked, leaving only the teenager and the kitten in the cell.

"Kitten, do you know that Xu Yuncheng has betrayed humankind and turned to parasites?" The teenager opened his eyes.


"Xu Yuncheng has defected."

"It's impossible!" At this time, the girl's usual rushing tone had completely changed, and she shouted sharply, trying to distinguish the look of the boy to see if he was lying.

"He tried to kill me with space-time abilities 2 months ago," the boy lays out, "he folded the sides of the street, but I escaped before being crushed into a meatloaf. You should have heard In the sky flying pig incident, Xu Yuncheng's space-time domain cannot accommodate more than 10,000 life forms at the same time. "

The kitten originally tried to interrupt the young man's words to excuse Xu Yuncheng, but when she heard the description of Xu Yuncheng's space power, she became uncertain, just biting her lower lip. After the two were silent for a few minutes, the kitten's intellect returned to its cage, depressing the trembling in the voice and saying:

"But my predictions have never been foreseen ..." She knew that this reason was very unconvincing, and swallowed the remaining sentence.

"I have known him for hundreds of years, and he has been working hard to save human beings. Every task he accomplishes is so outstanding that he has never been affected by the personal self-interest, even the slightest!"

"Do you want to say that he is particularly calm and rational every time, he will never choose the wrong choice of saving 10 lives or saving 9 lives, even if those 9 have his relatives and friends?"

The kitten knew that what she wanted to say was the example of a teenager, but she did not want to nod when the teenager described it.

The teenager quietly looked at the girl with a kitten pattern and her hands trembling slightly: "How do you know that Xu Yuncheng's near-cold calmness stems from his fraternity towards humans, not a complete disregard for human life? ? "

The kitten covered her face with her hands in cuffs and was about to collapse.


The broadcast of the entire base suddenly sounded without warning.

"The missionaries of the Salvation Alliance, I'm Xu Yuncheng," Xu Yuncheng's anxious and fast voice came from the radio. "The black hand behind the kidnapping is not D system and Zerg, but 2d ..."

A series of currents sounded, and the broadcast was completely silent. It should be that the mechanical warriors cut off the power of the broadcast in anxiety.

But the first half of this sentence has passed into the ears of every tasker. The discussion in each cell was loud:

"What did Xu Yuncheng just say?"

"What are the black hands behind the scenes ..."

"Is it a system number, it's our own trick!"

Read The Duke's Passion