MTL - When an Alien Is Bound to a World-Saving System-Chapter 79 Doomsday Earth (12)

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At this moment, thousands of giant starships are surrounded by the starry sky outside the town of Salvation Union. In their encirclement, the town of Salvation Union looks like a small transparent plastic plate. Small and fragile. In order to implement the Star Alliance's style of "bright and light", they did not take the attack immediately, but sent two starships to the front of the starship group, and the two starships stopped at a distance of 5 kilometers. Into space.

Subsequently, two starships were used as launchers, and a huge holographic projection appeared between them. The vice president of the Star Alliance and the commander of the operation, General Heinrich, appeared in the center of the picture. I saw him in his 50s or so, but the erosion of the years did not make him look sluggish or aging, but precipitated into a serious and decisive momentum.

"Listen to all the Salvation Alliance questers," said General Heilich, "your main salvation alliance ’s main system is the first dangerous species that is most harmful to humankind, and shields the former savior who destroyed the happy planet with nuclear war. 099 and 0193 have been identified as human betrayers by the entire Star Alliance vote! As a system should be destroyed immediately! "

The words of General Heinrich passed through the giant speakers of the spaceship and passed along the artificial atmosphere of the Salvation Alliance Town to the ears of every missioner in the Alliance Town. They stopped their work and looked up at the giant screen in the sky in the street.

"As ordinary missionaries of the Salvation Alliance, most of you are unaware of this. This crime was committed privately by the anti-human system, the main system." Heinrich continued, his serious look was wrinkled on his face. A deep gully has formed on the ground, "As the best human beings in the galaxy, you should not continue to be blinded and enslaved by this anti-human system! You should bravely resist it like every human with conscience! When the main system is destroyed, the unequal terms signed by the Salvation Alliance and you will be forever invalidated. At the same time, all abilities that actively attack the main system from the inside will receive the supreme status and rich material rewards! , Together launch an attack on the central control room of the main system! "

At this time, hundreds of high-level rebels led by Xu Yuncheng and the programmer should have emerged, and pretending to be a conscious savior began to attack the central system of the main system. And the main system as a program can not jump out and kill the sword by itself, so this plan can be said to be foolproof. As long as the interior of the Salvation Alliance town was first captured, the main system's computer room was taken over by Xu Yuncheng and others, and the protective cover of the Alliance Town was manually removed, then the Star Alliance battleships could be driven straight in.

Even if there were low-level missions loyal to the main system at that time, they were still stubbornly resistant, and they could not become a climate surrounded by hundreds of SS-class strong men and thousands of starships. In this way, the only uninfiltrated force in the galaxy that can fight the parasites will completely collapse.

This idea was very good, but unfortunately the attack began, but the rebel army did not come.

At this moment, there was a silence in the town of Salvation Union. The psionics in the town of Salvation Union had some sighs after hearing the words of General Heinrich. The main system they had always admired or feared was a day of betrayal to humanity? Most missionaries have doubts. These low-level missions are different from SS or SSS-level missions. Many of them are volunteers to join the Salvation Alliance and even think that saving the world is a very glorious mission. There are many motivated young taskmen who finally managed to fight hard in the last days and earned themselves B-level, A-level, and even S-level honors. But today someone suddenly told him that the Salvation Alliance had broken down! Because the Supreme Commander of the Alliance has betrayed humanity?

Most of the questers looked at each other on the streets of Alliance Town, hesitating that no further action was taken.

Heinrich watched the big screen of the Salvation Alliance town still crowded, and his face was gloomy. The Heinrich family has emerged on the political stage of the entire galaxy 1000 years ago. The family has been talented for thousands of years, and has reached Sissau. Heinrich ’s generation has lived up to expectations for decades in the Star Alliance, and eventually Became the vice president of the Star Alliance.

Heinrich turned and questioned his deputy Lucas with a glance: "What's going on? Don't you say that a considerable part of the savior's missions are dissatisfied with being ruled by an untrustworthy system, and will cooperate. Did we attack the control room? "

A lean white-haired old man bowed to his side and said, "Master, Lord Heinrich, maybe the taskers do not care about the systems bound to their brains, so they do not move. You just need to clarify to them that this is a system It's not that powerful, at most it's just a channel for positioning and data transmission. "

Heinrich looked at Lucas suspiciously: "How can you be sure?"

"Master Heinrich," Lucas said casually. "In fact, I am not sure, but there must be casualties in attacking a powerful anti-human system, isn't it?"

Heinrich groaned for a moment, and finally determined to turn on the big screen again to assure the saviors below that the system could not directly kill people, and then promised everyone that all those who participated in the attack on the anti-human system would become interstellar The honorary generals of the Alliance team enjoy the same tenure and high allowances as the real generals.

While Heinrich was broadcasting live, the old secretary named Lucas turned to the bathroom and left the main control room under the pretext. As soon as he turned into the unmanned corridor, the expression on his face became hollow immediately. Lucas used his brain to broadcast a communication number, and after he connected it, he questioned:

"Mr. Xu Yuncheng, time is up. What about your human rebels?"

"There may be a little problem with us," Xu Yuncheng said. "The transmission channel was blocked by the main system, and we were all trapped on the earth."

"you guys!"

"Even if we don't attack the Salvation Alliance, it is a matter of capture," Xu Yuncheng's voice was not too anxious. "Because the main system trapped us, it also trapped all its reinforcements! That alien and soul-controller Huo Li was all They were imprisoned together on the earth, and the thousands of high-level abilities loyal to the main system could not help either. Your entire fleet is facing only low-level abilities and even a program without any mechanical warriors and starships. That's it. Moreover, those abilities can become your allies only after proper incitement. Good luck to you. "Xu Yun succeeded in unilaterally interrupting the call.

At the same time, Heinrich's powerful brainwashing is coming to an end. Among young missionaries, those who worship the Star Alliance blindly are even more serious than those of higher-ranking missionaries. Many ‘progressive’ questers are eager to try after hearing the conditions of the Alliance. The part of the psionicist who didn't believe much about the host system's cover of the aliens hesitated after hearing that if the resistance was all treated as crimes against humanity. Watching thousands of ‘progressive’ questees rush towards the main control room built in the Alliance Center with a clear attitude to protect themselves.

In the streets and buildings of the translucent Union Town, there is nothing special about the center's main control room, but it is wider than the surrounding buildings. It is a hexagonal 4-storey building. There weren't even links and guards around. The entire area is slightly larger than a football field. It is hard to imagine that this is the most powerful artificial intelligence among the millions of stars in the Milky Way.

At the beginning, the group of psionicists who decided to attack this anti-human system and made up for their deserved better life prospects still had some drums in their hearts. After all, for thousands of years, there has not been a tasker brain pumping to attack the control room of the main system. Who knows what the system in his own brain can do? What if it can explode in addition to adding points, subtracting points, and transmitting? What if that Star League general is lying?

They anxiously trot to the main control room building, all the defense nets of the Salvation Alliance town are external, and they have no other concerns except fearing the sudden explosion of the system in their minds. And this worry is repeated with the system in the brain:

"Ding! Please stop moving forward immediately! Otherwise 10,000 points will be deducted!"

"Ding! Points have been deducted, the host's remaining points are xxxxx points!"

"Ding! Mission **** please has seriously violated the rules! Deduct 50,000 points!"

"Ding! Points have been deducted, the host's remaining points are -xxx points!"

Wait for the endless system prompts to dissipate completely. It turns out that this main system really has no other means of punishment except for deductions! System sounds that sound rather solemn in the ears of a group of missioners are now even more ridiculous. It turns out that the first artificial intelligence in the galaxy has only this ability! Even if they are dismantled, they can only deduct points!

So a kind of missionary's past worship of the main system instantly turned to disdain, and before he was devoted himself to give such a thing to life, it is true that joining the Star Alliance is the correct and more promising choice.

Heinrich and a group of Star League generals watched a third of the taskmen rushed to the hexagonal control room through the big screen. The remaining two thirds were still hesitating but none dared to risk reaction. Human beings charged with the Star Alliance to stop it.

A group of officials nodded with satisfaction. It seems that the artificial intelligence outside their control that has been troubling them for thousands of years has finally come to an end today, and the greatest instability in the human world has finally been resolved.

The parasitic beasts in it watched calmly as the last anti-parasitic beast tissue of human beings was destroyed by human beings from the inside. This day was a great day. He marked that human civilization, an emotional animal, would eventually perish, and The more rational and savvy family of parasites will go farther than them!

The six doors of the honeycomb-shaped main control room connected to the ground of Alliance Town were opened by the powerists at almost the same time! As expected, those abilities swarmed in without any resistance at all. Two minutes later, officials expected the explosion and the sound of the system's fuselage did not come.

Heinrich stared at the hexagonal building in the big screen, and saw a team of powers out of nowhere, of course, everyone was pointed at his head by a Iron Man-like mechanical warrior with a laser cannon!

"Zoom in!" Roared Heinrich.

As the screen draws closer, each robot warrior is printed with a smooth line of big characters: the first generation of intelligent robots produced by the Philip family-a good assistant for your home entertainment.