MTL - When an Alien Is Bound to a World-Saving System-Chapter 71 Doomsday Earth (4)

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Huo Li argued: "Xiaoyi, this is my all-round consideration, and finally from the 16 behavior patterns I designed for your patron saint, the most right now A favorable situation. "

Dark-haired boy: "Oh? All-round consideration? I think my personal reputation and the sacred image of the patron saint should not be considered by you?"

Mask Huo Li silently flapped his wings in the corridor ...

The dark-haired boy looked at the deadly teeth of Huo Liqi, but due to people passing by from time to time in the corridor, the boy could only pull Huo Li little by little like a kite, until he had to hit his feet on the ground. The interrogative gaze of the teenager.

Huo Li was dying and struggling: "Xiao Yi, in the space, you changed the patron saint's clothes to dark blue construction clothes, didn't you just want to make the Black Silk Corps more rustic ..."

The black-haired boy looked at Huo Li's eyes and said consciously, "Do you want to wear 3,000 gods wearing holy angel robes and bricks without working clothes? Are you more stupid? 'There is a difference. In short, this stupid blindfold can't deceive that person.'

Huo Li was glad that he could finally change the subject, but the voice in his consciousness was even lower: "But he has no motivation."

Dark-haired boy: "You know who I'm talking about. Although I haven't figured out what his motivation is yet, it doesn't prevent me from doubting him from the beginning."

Huo Li: "When you say the word" friends and family "to me, you have never suspected that I have a blood relative or lover. The probability of this event is almost zero, but at first it was like I suggested The only suspect, Xu Yuncheng? "

Dark-haired boy: "I have doubted him since I was drawn into the special world for the first time. Isn't that so-called special world a combination of time and space powers? I have to be so powerful I thought of Xu Yuncheng. After all, I don't know that there is a second space-time power in the world that is equivalent to me. Although he hasn't used it in front of you and me, hasn't it become your routine?

And since I used the pig to escape the danger, he has basically locked him, knowing my approximate ability can guess my own body; and he can set the secret about the parasitic beast from his girlfriend kitten. To be honest, let alone having both of these conditions, even if only one of the world's human beings meets only Xu Yun. "

Huo Li was silent for a long time before answering with consciousness: "From the beginning I should have thought of two characteristics of that particular space: the time of the real world is still, and the space of the domain world is distorted. Since Xu Yuncheng's power is time and space and his Spatial abilities are not just manifested in teleportation. Instead, teleportation is just a manifestation of his ability to distort space. He and I have known each other for more than 2000 years, and he has not removed the camouflage. "

Dark-haired boy: "In the zombie world, I once thought that he gave up the lives of individual human beings because of another more fraternal sentiment and a higher ideological principle that put the interests of all human beings first. Now it seems that he That kind of indifference to human life is from the heart, and saving the world is just taking advantage of it. He doesn't care if the world perishes, but more about whether his 'salvation' is complete. "

Huo Li groaned for a moment: "Maybe I guess why he rebelled ..."

Dark-haired boy: "Why?"

Huo Li did not answer, but instead said: "Xiao Yi, maybe you are more pure than any human being as a alien. I don't want you to be infected with this idea ... Sometimes an idea will grow like cancer Even if it's hidden in my heart. "

Huo Li ’s words in the cloud and fog, the young boy slyed and responded with consciousness: “If you do n’t say it, you wo n’t say it! Anyway, with my brain of 120,000 tons, I will figure it out sooner or later. But you are the second in this year. One who despise human heart, the first is that kind of meat sea cucumber. "

At this time, the human assistant's sweaty trot ran into this corridor. When he saw the dark-haired boy, he finally breathed a sigh of relief and said quickly: "Comrade 2d14, the legacy of your patron saint has been transported. It ’s in the foyer at the side entrance. For your body ... Ah no! What are you going to do with the body of your patron saint? Our criminal investigators did not dare to investigate without permission. If you want it to settle in as soon as possible, the leaders It was unanimously decided that this body should be buried in the martyr's cemetery for future generations to study and admire ... "

During this period, Huo Li said in his mind: "Xiao Yi, I manipulated his patron saint to be completely differentiated the moment he was attacked, that is, it is now an ordinary corpse that does not contain alien genes, no matter who It will not reveal the horse's feet when it comes to testing. Of course, after losing the alien gene, it can be completely typed and cannot be alienated again. "

The dark-haired boy was slightly relieved after hearing the words, and turned his head to the interim secretary and gave a concise command: "Don't show me, you tell the criminal investigation department to freeze it."

"Ah?" The assistant secretary thought he had heard wrong.

Dark-haired boy: "What? Is there no place in the morgue?"

"Ah, okay, I'll notify the criminal investigation team." Said the little boy hurried out again.

At this time, the army of patron saints and architects have moved to the south of the city, and Xiaoyi, the nominal master, cannot be too far away from them. So now as a ‘almost all abilities to participate in the construction and lonely and helpless’ tasker, without any blush, he ordered Xiao Liu to arrange a convoy and came to the construction site in the south of the city unhindered. The uncovered canopy sheds daylight, giving the pedestrian the illusion of crossing from night to day.

Xiaoyi pretended to be serious and stopped there, admiring this rare construction picture in the world. Because the buildings in the south of the city are different from the old city, almost all of them are high-rise buildings, and the three or four-story isolation boards cut off most of the buildings. But obviously the architect cannot demolish the building at this time, because there are still hundreds of thousands of residents living in those buildings.

The masses who did not know the truth were still pointing and taking pictures. Obviously, in order to avoid confusion before the end of the world, governments of various countries did not release the news of the end of the world to the public. At least not until the country's reflectors are roughly completed will not cause large-scale panic and despair.

"At such a high temperature, the building will also become a heat conductor, at least it is not possible to let them stick out from the screen!" Beach pants said, "It should be removed immediately! It is the best choice."

"Forcibly evacuate the masses now or tell them 50 hours, no, if the sun is about to erupt after 150 hours, maybe they will die half by themselves before the end of the world." The architect as the chief person obviously understands Human heart, "The news of the doomsday will always arouse the extreme fear, despair, paranoia, and even ecstasy of the disordered world. If anyone now publishes the news to those who have died of robberies, suicides, cults and human crimes, Definitely more than those who were tortured to death ... "

Those automatically constructed frames naturally emptied each building in the past, but just connected with the building's tightness. The teenager listened with interest to the quarrel between the two, and then heard Huo Li's question coming from his mind: "Xiao Yi, you didn't know the specific information that the patron saint felt before his death, relying only on that forged tightly-seated monitoring How did the video discover that Uncle Liu wasn't really murderous? "

Dark-haired boy: "I can't really see it in the video, but after you told me that a patron saint was killed, when I saw it was shot dead by a" slab "I was sure it was absolutely Can't be related to Xu Yuncheng! "

Huo Li: "But small difference, this time the killer is not Xu Yuncheng."

The black-haired boy: "Of course I know that he has seen the power of alienated" living organisms "already in the zombie world. There is no need to do such a stupid temptation."

Huo Li: "So how do you ..."

Dark-haired boy: "Time of death! If it is shot dead with a brick, the death caused by cerebral hemorrhage will take a few minutes at the earliest. Generally, the entire death process will last for more than ten minutes or even longer. After one second, you directly told me that a patron saint was killed. Such an attack must be to blast the patron saint into pieces or stir all its brain into a paste in one second, unless it is involved here Time. "

Huo Li: "So Luma's foot does not mean that Xu Yuncheng's goal was finally confirmed, but that it proves that he has other associates in the Salvation Alliance. According to this stranger who casually killed and tried to cause so much trouble, look at him The requirements for the companion are not high. It also means that there are more than one or two betrayers in the Salvation Alliance. Xu Yuncheng should have items or tokens that can save his ability and distribute them to his followers. Verify the patron saint's combat power and kill it. "

The black-haired boy: "Yes, so the series of bricks behind and Uncle Liu's flawless remedy is extremely hasty. Xu Yuncheng thought that by monitoring, he left one in the entire league: I am always suspicious and arrogant. The negative image is nothing more than the fact that when I really found evidence to put forward the investigation again, in the eyes of everyone, it turned out to be a “child crying wolf” and nobody believed it. And I just took the opportunity to paralyze the traitors. After all, we have to borrow their hands to save the earth, and after their surplus value is used up, it is not too late to calculate the ledger. "

At this time, the two people in the distance finally quarreled, and decided to vacate the isolation panels of all the building body parts, and then inform the public of the truth after the domes have been set up throughout the world. section. After all, with these huge refuges, people's hearts will be much more stable.

"Humans are really weird things," Huo Li could not help laughing at.

The black-haired boy: "You one by one purebred humans don't seem to think highly of your own race! I have heard these self-deprecating words from humans more than once, and even some abilities have actually stood on the side of the parasite and hoped Humans are extinct. But from a alien perspective, humans are the most fascinating race I have ever seen. Indeed, because of the overabundance of emotions, beauty has also produced many ugliness. However, there is no fear, greed, selfishness, The jealous races also have no beauty. They can neither paint Da Vinci's "Mona Lisa" nor Beethoven's "Moonlight". Parasites, Zerg, Alien ... Some are just the only one of racial reproduction. It ’s just the desire. Of course, the alien must be killed. "

Huo Li quickly said in consciousness: "Xiao Yi, don't be like this ..." Say yourself.

The black-haired boy interrupted simply: "I'm human."

Huo Li: "..." I thought you started to hate yourself! I never thought I had been boasting about myself.

Over the next 140 hours, the sun only rose three times. It's not that Xu Yuncheng's space-time ability can delay the rotation of the earth, but in this 3 to 1 time flow velocity. Everything on the earth's surface is relatively fast. Under the condition that people on the earth feel the same, if someone observes the earth from the moon, they will find that the second hand of the clock moves three times a second, and the speed of human action is three times faster. Times ...

Only a few hours before the sun bursts, most of the domes on Earth have been completed. Under Huo Li's control, this 14% of the area is actually allocated to a large number of natural areas, but not only the reflectors, but also the controllable filters, which are shrouded in the woods and grasslands. At the appropriate time, part of the light can be used to prevent the vegetation from dying, but whether the animals and plants can survive depends on luck.

Over the past six days, all mission personnel and Earth officials, soldiers, and volunteers had a real understanding of what it means to be overworked. In particular, C2001, which has undertaken 30% of the construction of reflectors, is on the verge of collapse. Due to the special characteristics of the last days, the main system canceled the purchase restrictions of the system mall, and it promulgated all necessary commodities for this salvation mission. After reimbursing this requirement, c2001 was drinking energy pills and glucose solution as water.

But this still can't avoid the sequelae that he has been in continuous power output for 6 days without sleep and has used thousands of high-efficiency teleportation symbols. At this time, he was still controlling the power to race against the clock for demolition of the tall building and the construction of the remaining reflectors.

I saw that he was still wearing the suit 6 days ago, but he had completely lost his meticulous look at that time. But because of the 6 days without washing and changing clothes and a lot of sweating, the whole person exhaled a stinky smell. The architect's face was yellow, with heavy dark circles, and he took a bottle of energy potion from time to time and took a sip. Then when the dizziness hit, grabbed a few glucose chewable tablets and chewed them. Because at this time he has found that drinking glucose is too easy to go to the toilet. But his eyes were still blinking at the flying glass in the sky ...

Huo Li is not much better. In order to avoid riots, he has to control the construction of 2999 patron saints while distracting to control the crowds and some officials who are not good at brains. This guarantees a smooth preparation before the end of the world. get on. However, he was in the respect of the parent star and did not try to control all the earth's human beings. After all, a planet full of puppets had little meaning to save.

At this time Huo Li finally no longer stupid fan wings, but rather stubbornly squatting on the roof of the car pulling his wings. If he took off his silver mask, the Earth people would definitely think that the little heterosexual had a vampire.

And the pair of sandals of beach pants has been worn out for thousands of times of teleportation and running. He now temporarily wears a pair of leather shoes taken out of the space, and the whole body is very uncoordinated. A conductive sheet has been attached to his temple to link the brain, and a construction plan has been calculated according to changes in conditions. However, after the programmer has calculated the overall plan in the larger city, he can still take a nap.

The other more than 2,000 abilities have also assigned their jobs internally. It took almost 6 days for each of them to perform their duties. Only then did they coordinate with humans to complete the handling of dangerous goods, and the evacuation of humans on the uncovered majority of the continent. A series of work. In short, no matter who is a traitor, it is also exhausted in the work of disguising and saving the earth.

And just before the entire league was about to die, Xiao Yi was obviously the most leisurely one. Because all his work is in name, the dark-haired boy is now leaning on the car door and standing there entertaining himself with his mind, grinning from time to time, his fingers swiping left and right on the brain screen .

The other busy Earthlings and abilities could not help admiring the calmness of the teenager when they saw this scene. Didn't they see that the thousands of patron saints in 2d14 were so busy that their hands were shaking when they raised their faces? And he had a mask behind him that couldn't even fly. This shows that the power of 2d14 is already on the verge of exhaustion! He could even pretend that he was reading a novel!

But in fact, the teenagers are not reading novels, but the power materials of more than 2,000 powerists. 6 days ago, in order to better distribute work and improve efficiency, everyone reported detailed information about their abilities, because no one dared to hide the report because of the monitoring of the main system. As a result, the secrets that everyone usually keeps have now become a publicly available information.

Xiaoyi pointed at the one she was watching, and said with mental strength and Huo Li: "B456 is very suspicious! An SSS-level quester is actually copying abilities! Although the abilities can only be used by other abilities beside him It can be stored once, and only 10% of the original power can be used for each use, but this ability to use hundreds of thousands of abilities is also against the sky! Isn't he able to use Xu Yuncheng's space-time abilities? "

"And this programmer," the boy immediately jumped over his target, and ignored Huo Lili, who was crazy and crazy, "maybe he changed the surveillance video!"

"Of course there is the old man, who opposed me when he was in the square ..."

Huo Li, who is almost crazy, is now automatically immune to the words of the teenager. He could not spare any experience to chat with the teenager. After a while, he found that Xiaoyi had listed a table in his mind. Just draw x, exclude suspected pictures √, slightly doubtful pictures o. And Xiaoyi has happily summarized the top 200 taskers.

Huo Li was curious to explore with consciousness, and then he saw the paper on his face with dark lines, except that he and he himself were not included, all of them were ooxx without exception!