MTL - When an Alien Is Bound to a World-Saving System-Chapter 64 Dead Enemies in the Shadows (4)

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Just when the boy was about to hit the bulging flames, the boy's back grew a pair of huge black wings, he resisted With severe pain in the ribs, he changed his running direction and gliding to the sidewalk and stopped.

At the same time, the brains of the different light and flint are also moving fast: just now the highway is folded in half from the middle. According to the intensity of this traffic flow, there should be many vehicles overlapping and appearing in the same space at the same time. But in fact, the cars on both sides of the entire highway are staggered like dog teeth. All the cars just collided, but none of them were inlaid into the other.

This black man behind the scenes probably ... doesn't have this ability? Otherwise, wouldn't it be better for him to appear directly in an exploding tanker or in the concrete wall of a roadside building? Then I will die without doubt, at least this body is like this ...

Before the teenager thought about it, the space was distorted again. The teenager, along with the ground under his feet, appeared in a blast that smashed from a height and crashed directly below the ground off-road vehicle. The long-awaited little abnormality mobilized the muscles of the whole body, a lightning-like side slip, and the boy broke the ribs that had not yet grown, but he was also worthy of flashing from the smashed off-road vehicle. come out!

"There is no end to mD!" The black-haired boy cursed and stood guarding his ribs.

But the thinking in his head never stopped: he couldn't move me to the center of the explosion, he could only use my own speed by constantly twisting the space, or the speed of the vehicles themselves caused an impact to try to kill me. As long as I don't move myself, the risk factor is reduced by half.

The space was re-stitched again, while the boy was flying from above the tanker burning flames while he had not fallen too much due to gravity, and at the same time looked at the distance by virtue of his height: as he had guessed, the space Twisting only occurred on this section of 200 meters, and the scenery in the distance seemed to be strangely twisted by a layer of broken glass.

This 'world' has borders! Because of the reason behind the scenes, the master has to control this area more precisely, the scope of this 'world' is much smaller than last night! If I were him and wanted to kill someone on the highway, how would I control the scope of my field to maximize it?

At this time, Xiaoyi didn't know how much he knew about himself. Does he know that I am alien? Is this just to expose me to weakness or is it just to kill me? Or he knew me well and wanted to take the opportunity to let me take out the remaining limbs in the space so that I could be wiped out and killed completely?

So Xiaoyi summoned the black silk, and did not re-alienate his body and grow ribs again. Instead, I chose one of the safest and most labor-saving heuristics:

In the sky full of fire and explosions, the heat wave was mixed with the smell of acrid gasoline and burnt plastic. The boy opened his wings and fanned slightly, and flew to the top of the buildings on both sides of the road at a slow speed of 20cm per second, which is the boundary that Xiaoyi guessed.

At such a critical moment, the slowly moving Xiaoyi's figure seemed particularly funny, just like a **** fly hovering in the midst of the battlefield incompatible with the surroundings. The space was distorted a few more times, and the speedy little exceptions all smoothly avoided the danger, and then the airborne space slowly moved towards the border. After repeating this 7 or 8 times, the explosion and the car wreckage on the street gradually subsided, and this time the boy finally approached the space like a broken mirror behind the buildings on both sides.

This time until Xiao Yi fluttered his wings and flew to a distance of 5 meters from the border, the secret enemy was virtually motionless, just as if he had forgotten the war. Seeing that Xiaoyi only needs to accelerate a dive, he can hit the boundary in half a second!

But the boy still maintained that snail-like speed, slowly approached the broken mirror, and sneered in his heart: you want to seduce me to speed through the wall of the space before you twist the space, and then suddenly broke out when I was running at high speed, Let me crash into the fire? I don't want to!

There are 3 meters, Xiaoyi flying slowly.

There is still 2 meters, Xiaoyi still flies slowly.

With only 1 meter left, the black hand could not sit still behind the scenes, distorting the space again so that Xiaoyi appeared in the middle of the road. This time behind the scene, the master seemed to know that playing the game of "Crashing into the Fire" would not work, so he simply broke the jar and broke the traps and was too lazy to arrange them, which directly prevented the teenager from escape.

Then again on the streets glowed by fire, a scene of a large fly in suspension.

Xiaoyi's ribs have been healed, but the heat over the street is also hot. He is sweaty, but he is still patient and continues his plan: test whether crossing the broken mirror boundary can break this weird space. Behind the scenes, the black hand still gave up without any action for a few minutes.

3m, 2m, 1m Xiaoyi's guarded space distortion still did not appear, so the boy actually maintained the form of 'floating big flies' slowly passed through the broken mirror boundary across the horizon, and then ...

Xiao Yi flew out from the border on the other side of the street. The young man was a little puzzled: Since it is useless to cross the barrier, it is only passed from one side of the special space to the other. Then why did he pretend to transfer himself to the middle of the road in the pretense that he was afraid of 'hitting the wall'?

He's delaying time!

This behind-the-scenes black man seems to have many restrictions on the manipulation of this special space: the larger the range and the wider the folding space, it seems to be more labor-intensive. The reason why he just transmitted himself to the road before he bumped into the wall just was to seduce him to fly slowly again, and to give him breathing time!

It is also to stop thinking when you think you have found the right way to break through the space. This means ... there must be a flaw in this space to escape, so he doesn't want to keep trying! He hopes to make a fatal move in space before he finds a breakthrough.

At this time, the surrounding scenery moved as if in response to Xiao Yi's thinking! The entire space seems to be divided into two by a long knife along the centerline of the road. The opposite half where Xiaoyi is located starts to rise slowly, just like the fault zone caused by the earthquake. At 17,8 meters, the burning car wreck on the road opposite is already flush with Xiao Yifei's position on the roof.

However, the half of the road and the house did not run across as expected by the young master, but continued to rise until the 4, 5 meters thick dirt under the road had passed the height of the boy, but it has not stopped yet!

Isn't it what I think? Xiao Yi looked at the scene in front of him a little creepy, flapping his wings and flying towards the road on his side. Now this situation teenagers inexplicably feel that it is more dangerous to stay on the roof. Although another big move should have 90% certainty to break open the space, but ... too silly! As long as I don't have life! I definitely don't need it!

As the young man thought, the half of the road and the building on the opposite side had risen to a height of 7,80 meters. Then the master felt that a shadow covering the sky was cast, making the streets and buildings where he was dim. After a dozen seconds, that half of the space had completely moved to the top of this half, just like two slices of bread holding a large long hot dog, except that instead of sausages, it was tens of meters high in the air.

The flames were still burning on the streets, and the sweltering air in the dim light made this silent space even more suffocating.

Then the half-street above Xiaoyi's head suddenly made a 180-degree flip! The buildings, asphalt roads, car wrecks, and even green trees on the street are like overturned dinner plates, and they smashed down!

"You tm's ..."

The boy scolded, watching the inevitable fall in the city.

"Do you have to force me like this?"

The teenager looked up at the top of the building, which was photographed less than 40 meters away from him, with a stinking face urging the system space. Let's test the biological capacity of your special space! I don't believe you can pull hundreds of people here at the same time!

20 meters left! Xiaoyi threw out more than 10,000 fat pigs synthesized overnight.

As soon as this white-bloomed obese creature occupied the entire street, it was mourned by the fire! But at the same time, this extremely heavy load quickly collapsed this special space! The young man leaped forward and backward to avoid the vanguard who smashed the building. After two or three seconds of blood splashing and weeping pigs, the nose was filled with a pungent burning plastic mixed with the burnt aroma of pork. Feeling the surrounding area brighten, he returned to the moving car.

Before waiting for the young man to speak, the driving drunk suddenly braked! Shouted in surprise:

"Mistweed! There are so many pigs there !!!"

With the dissolution of the special space, the 11,000 fat pigs were liberated together and returned to reality with the teenager. The Flying Pig Army immediately filled the entire 200-meter street! Although the apocalyptic disaster just reduced them by half, the more than 5,000 brothers who immediately stepped on them and smashed into pieces and burned pork chops ran into the street!

After all, the stranger was an abnormal person's braking response in a timely manner, and Kankan avoided the 7 fat pigs in front! Then he was hit by an off-road vehicle that braked at the normal human reaction speed behind him! Similar traffic accidents happened almost simultaneously on this street. Herds of fat pigs and out of control cars hit the sidewalk at high speed, causing a new wave of casualties and chaos ...

The teenager turned away in guilty conscience in the car that was already overturned on the side of the road, and did not look at the chaos that he had caused. These fat pigs have completely differentiated, and I have no black silk, I can't control it!

Four hours later, Huo Li, who had returned from the alien planet, looked at the gray-faced injuries in front of himself and couldn't believe his eyes! Do not! It should be said that in the afternoon when he was working on forging a trans-galaxy Phillip chaebol, suddenly he was shown on the TV in the commercial building with the title "Breakfast! Fandu Planet Falling Flying Pigs!" After his subordinates, his heart was in a state of mystery.

Huo Li didn't know what could collectively injure his subordinates who had experienced hundreds of battles before the parasitic beast launched his general attack. But the subordinates and Xiaoyi did not send a distress signal to their brain terminals, so Huo Li suppressed the doubts in his heart and continued his plan calmly:

Falsified personnel information in the registration buildings of various planets, and built magnificent Philip estates and villas on 7 luxurious planets; family members such as 'parents', 'sisters', and 'uncles' who have stuffed Xiaoyi into his space Placed in the manor house and remotely controlled; changed the memory of 455 top-level servants of the planet to make them domestic servants of the Philip family; also changed the memory of more than 40 billion interstellar residents or parasites to make the Philip family thunder in the galaxy.

After doing all this quickly, the suspicious Huo Li rushed back to Fandu Planet with the fastest speed. Then found that his group of friends and Xiaoyi were together ... in a box of a luxury restaurant around the hotel is eating a full pig feast! !! !!

"Boss, don't be angry!" Wanderer, whose head was wrapped in a cripple, saw that his boss was not well, and quickly said, "Boss, the fright we received in the afternoon was too great, and it was too unlucky! So we propose to rest tonight. The whole pig banquet was overwhelming at first. And Dasao agreed too! ”Liu Mo looked at the little strange eating pork ribs, and pushed the ball over.

"It's the same to go to the hospital tomorrow." The teenager swallowed the pork and said briefly to Huo Li.

Huo Li's eyes glanced from the injuries. He couldn't believe that the six other people except Xiao Yi were all painted!

"We're all in the news, so we don't dare to get hurt right away, so it's the way it is now, boss!" Explained strongly that his forehead was stitched with 6 stitches, and now he looks quite sick. Beauty. Let Huo Li look straight hot eyes!

Huo Li nodded slightly, accepted the reason, and then his eyes fixed on Alena.

She was almost the worst of the six. Alina, wearing a **** sleeveless fire red dress, had her arms broken. At this time, her arms were wrapped like a mummy, and she was placed on the table and moved. Do not dare to move. The hot and soothing face was lined with pitiful expression under this sobbing expression. At this moment, she was grieving and eating roast piglets piece by piece on the fork handed from Britney.

Huo Li couldn't believe it. Alena's ability could be hurt so badly.

Huo Li's impulse to hold back Fu'er asked, "Alena, how did you get this!"

The small face between Alena's fiery red shawl hair was almost like tears:

"I, I was smashed by a big fat pig !!!"

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