MTL - When an Alien Is Bound to a World-Saving System-Chapter 51 First Zerg

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Then Huo Li and the praying mantis talked for a while, heard Xiaoyi in the clouds, and then the tall Zerg turned and did In a posture leading the way, the Zerg around them bowed down to make a path, and the two followed the mantis worm through the gap between this large and half-meter-high fern, and the distant one covered by dozens of meters. A forest of tall dark green trees is walking around.

The Zerg watched several people leave before they started to work on the land. The tall praying mantis worm walked first, but the dark-haired boy deliberately slowed his pace to maintain a distance of 10 meters behind him, while watching the zerg swayed with a metallic luster as he walked rhythmically. The cyan tail, while whispering the system:

"2d14, is there a Zerg language in your local thesaurus?"

System 2d14 hurriedly answered: "Yes, the host is greatly ... well, sir."

Dark-haired boy: "Play for me now, I have to hurry up and learn! Also, don't call me an adult."

System 2d14: "Okay, the host is big! But the Zerg has 27 different languages ​​... Which one do you want to learn?"

The dark-haired boy took a deep breath and whispered, "Just learn what kind of Zerg said."

System 2d14 was a little hesitant: "But they seem to belong to different zerg races, and they talk to each other with a mix of words?"

The black-haired boy: "Then 27 species! Then? Why? 27 species? Didn't it say in the Starship News that there are 28 branches of the Zerg?"

At this time, Huo Li also joined the conversation with consciousness: "Xiao Yi, in fact, the Zerg really only has 27 branches, each branch has a pair of insect king and queen, plus my insect king ... exactly 28."

The black-haired boy asked with an conscious back: "Don't you vowed to promise that you are human, and has nothing to do with the Zerg?"

Huo Li: "I assured that I had no 'blood relationship' with the Zerg."

The dark-haired boy resisted the urge to roll his eyes and followed them into the forest. At this time, due to the dense canopy cover, the sunny weather was immediately overcast, as if rain and wind were coming.

The black-haired boy responded concisely and coldly: "Don't quibble, explain."

So as a group walked through the forest, Huo Li slowly told the story of the year with consciousness: "There were not so many human colonial planets 700 years ago. Under the leadership of the entire Star Alliance, all human beings are in a kind of Under the state of crazy expansion, almost all habitable planets of nearby galaxies have been hurriedly exploited by human beings, and the population has been saturated until some exploration spacecraft have discovered this vast Zerg area in the galaxy.

Unlike the way humans fill all inhabitable planets, the Zerg only live and reproduce in the best natural conditions in the galaxy. . So although there are only tens of thousands of Zerg dwelling planets, the area of ​​the star field it occupies is almost equal to that of human beings at the time, and the ecological environment is much stronger than that of human stars. So the Star Alliance thought of attacking the Zerg to occupy the land. "

The black-haired boy: "Then humanity failed, causing the anger of the Zerg. Hundreds of human planets were captured by the Zerg and reduced to eschatology? At that time, in order to save the human world, you took the opportunity to sneak into the Zerg Kingdom and control the Zerg King and the insect Later, they turned the tide to stop the Zerg attack and saved all humanity? "

Huo Li hesitated a moment, but decided to tell the truth: "No. At the beginning of the offensive, humans had won many battles. Immediately breaking through the Zerg's outer defense line and driving straight into the Zerg hinterland, I dived in with the tacit consent of the main system. The Zerg King City changed some memories of the Zerg King and the Queen, making them think that I am the 28th Zerg King. "

Dark-haired boy: "What then?"

Huo Li: "I commanded the Zerg Army to defeat the human attack."

Dark-haired boy: "..."

Huo Li: "Xiao Yi, I really stand on the human side!"

Dark-haired boy: "Oh!"

At this moment, under the shadow of the trees, a modern manor house incompatible with the surrounding area appeared in front. The conversation came to an end. A few people walked around a 50-meter-tall shirt tree and walked into the door of the manor. The teenager saw at least dozens of Zerg in the manor working hard to clear the weeds on the turquoise lawn, trim the shrubs, and even more exaggerated was a team of Zerg to carry large buckets back and forth to add water to the small fountain pond.

Seeing Huo Li's arrival, the leader Zerg didn't know what to shout. The other bugs quickly speeded up the process. When several people came to the villa door, most of the Zerg laboring in the house had finished their work. Quickly withdrew, and only two or three Zerg clumsily clenched their buckets with their forelimbs and dusted with a rag. Seeing the coming of Lord Bug King, these Zerg people quickly and pitifully reduced their sense of existence as they wiped the glass quickly.

Another group of Zerg, under the leadership of their leaders, carefully held rows of colorful fruits and vegetables with sharp forelimbs, and arranged them in a row on the long huge white table. After the team rushed out, the zerg that led the way took a deep bow at the door, closed it respectfully and retreated.

Huo Li glanced at the zerg who was still cleaning the glass, only to scare one of them accidentally and excessively cut the rag into two sections, and then panically picked up the half with his forelimbs and quickly Wipe on the glass.

Huo Li continued to explain carefully with his mental strength: "Little difference, you must understand that under the circumstances of 700 years ago, if you let the Star Alliance send heavy soldiers into the heart of the Zerg, it will definitely evolve into an extremely tragic and protracted time. The war! At that time, the reason for the Zerg's failure was that humans only occupied the territories of two of the Zerg branches, and the Zerg sent troops were 2/27 of their vigor. But if humans continue to advance, Zerg will fight back. A full-scale war between evenly matched races will have consequences ... "

While listening to Huo Li's explanation in his mind, the dark-haired boy casually walked to the long table and curiously touched the weird food from the Zerg: "So you kindly help the Zerg resist the human attack, It also established a lot of prestige in the Zerg. But later, when the Zerg counterattacked humans, causing hundreds of eschatology, you can directly order to stop the attack, but you did not. "

At this time, the three bugs finally wiped the window in horror, lifted the limbs of the small bucket and quickly climbed out of the villa.

Huo Li looked at the teenager and hesitated for a while before nodding his head and admitting: "At that time, the power of Star Alliance was too great, and the entire human race was in a dangerous state of poverty and force. So Star Alliance must pay some for their advance. At the cost, we can reverse the situation and let humans cool down from the self-exalted arrogance. For the Zerg, the planet they attacked was originally their territory. The Zerg is just regaining their lost homeland, and I have no reason to stop it. Zerg as an oviparous creature Life is short, they don't care about their own lives, just like ants, they care about the population and site. "

The black-haired boy took a glass of spring water from the Zerg planet, took a sip, and lowered the cup with a smirk, saying, "It's pretty grand. After you let it go free, these hundreds of eschatological" small frictions ", the status of the Star Alliance suddenly Descended, and the Salvation Alliance finally gained a foothold in the human galaxy because of the needs of the last days. At that time, the prestige surpassed the Star Alliance at the time. And you, the savior who turned the tide, also enjoyed the scenery for a while, letting people temporarily let go of your Dear. This two birds with one stone, don't know which bird you really care about in your heart? "

Huo Li, who was completely exposed, became silent, and seemed to be caught in torture of his own heart.

The black-haired boy: "For such a stingy strategy ... I can only say: Good job! Star Alliance should have been beaten! Unfortunately, I was not born at that time!"

Huo Li looked at the young man who was radiating with excitement in his eyes, and for a moment did not respond.

Dark-haired boy: "What do you look at me like this? I am an alien, not a teenage girl who thinks that she has killed an innocent life and hurt her innocent lives ... but you are on a mission I have killed many Zerg and Zerg kings. Didn't they know you? "

Huo Li: "I only gave spiritual hints to the 27 pairs of King Bugs and Queens in King City, making them think that I am also a member of the Zerg. At present, only they and the guards around them know my specific form. Those border battlefields The Zerg and the low-level Zerg do not know that the 28th Zerg is a human ... Besides, the Zerg is an independent race, and they also have their own civilization. I do n’t want or control them. "Huo Li looked around the villa, "I just want to leave myself a way out."

The black-haired boy nodded: "Zerg is really different from what I imagined, and it is simple, hard-working and basically vegetarian. I thought ... forget it, it's too stupid to say."

Huo Li: "Zergs are eating steel on the bare planet? Bite other weak animals?"

The black-haired boy: "Hehe." Then he pretended to be indifferent and said solemnly, "Okay, don't care about these little things, let's start working! First we must find a way to separate parasites from humans on a large scale. Anyway, as long as I don't dissect them, I can't tell the difference. "

Huo Li: "I can't control all the more than 1,200 planets one by one, and turn their memories one by one, because the memory of the parasites is no different from that of humans except the moment when they break out. Control them It's easy, but identification, it's too time consuming, and ... "

Dark-haired boy: "You are afraid that your true strength will be exposed, and you do not want to control and invade so many people."

Huo Li was a little surprised that the teenager knew himself, and nodded silently.

Dark-haired boy: "There is only one way: a viral infection! If there is a chronic virus that can cause parasites and humans to have two completely different symptoms ..."

Huo Li: "What about direct death?"

Dark-haired boy: "The parasitic tissue dies, and then leave those half-human and uninvited shells? No, I don't want to do good things silently this time, I want to carry out those parasitic beasts and put them in large Show all humans in the universe in front of the screen! "

So the two transformed the rear house of the manor into a medium-sized biological laboratory under the hard work of the Zerg. Xiaoyi recovered dozens of human parasitic beast samples according to the samples he collected on Happy Planet and synthesized them with black silk The virus was injected into them for observation. However, due to the study of chronic viruses, the changes of the experimental subjects are very slow. Usually, the dark-haired young man who is doing nothing is taken by Huo Li, the worm king, to take a tour around the zerg king city.

Then, after persistently playing the Zongyu thesaurus on 2d14, the black-haired boy finally mastered 27 languages ​​in about two weeks. On this day Huo Li was taking the dark-haired boy under a cliff, watching the zerg with small frames on his body collecting a white berry on the cliff.

Huo Li: "Because dozens of nearby planets belong to the realm of Wang Cheng, the other 27 pairs of insect kings and queens built their lairs on these planets, and their subjects also formed no distinction because they lived near the end. Mixed race. "

The dark-haired boy looked at the worms crawling up and down the cliff and felt very novel: "Are they those little baskets made by themselves?"

Huo Li: "I gave them to me, so even though that war has passed 700 years, my position as the 28th King of the Bugs is still the head of the kings."

The young black hair laughed youngly: "It's a domineering leak to rely on a basket to make power!"

Huo Li's face was slightly red: "It's not all. I originally wanted to teach them more advanced farming techniques, but I'm afraid that this will cause their populations to skyrocket and threaten humans, as well as destroy what they originally had. The good natural environment is not taught. "

At this time, a Zerg was picking up a small basket of white berries, flapping his wings and flying down. While passing Huo Li, he never stopped to bow and salute in the Zerg language: "Hello, my dear King."

Then he turned to the dark-haired boy: "Hello, my dear queen."

Then flew away with newly opened wings.

Dark-haired boy: "!!!"

The dark-haired boy pretended to look at Huo Li, "What did he just say to me?"

Huo Li changed his face: "It just said: Dear guest, hello."

The dark-haired boy was also in shock: "Oh." Ah! Am I swollen for the second time by a human being 1000 times larger than me? Wait online, urgent!

After a while, the dark-haired boy decided to skip this little question: "Tomorrow I am going to go to the border of the insect domain alone, that is, a trip to the end of human planet. We are almost isolated from the world here. How does the Star Alliance and the main system play? I don't know at all. I'm going to find the salvation missionaries and listen to the news from them. "

Huo Li quickly said, "I'm with you."

The black-haired boy helped me: "I'm a law-abiding citizen zz2d14 now. What's the fun of you as a wanted criminal. Besides, who will take care of those experimental subjects you left?"

Huo Li: "Citizens who abide by the law? The three most wanted criminals now: Alien, 0193, 099, two of which are you! And you will not change your memory. If I am not by your side, I will be irreparable if exposed! Experimental body, you can use black silk to synthesize an experimenter and I can remotely control it. "

So, two days later, the dark-haired young boy who had wanted to find an excuse to go out alone and helplessly drove the small starship with Huo Li to a star-shaped planet that looked as if it had been grilled with carbon.

The dark-haired boy looked down at the dark planet through the glass window of the starship: "Is this right? It doesn't look normal."

Huo Li nodded in agreement, manipulating the starship and landing on a city square, and the two stepped out of the hatch to collect the starship. The dark-haired boy turned his head and looked around. The city's high-rise buildings were left with broken walls, and the diffused black mist condensed into a thick black cloud that was extremely low, making the entire world look like a storm. Coming to the evening, full of death and depression.

"Can you feel the humans around you?" The dark-haired boy asked, turning his head.

"Within 10 kilometers, there is no one," Huo Li answered, his face didn't look very good. "But there are other living things moving, not Zerg. How many teleportation symbols do you have left?"

"40 photos."

"Let's first understand the situation of the world along the way, the teleportation symbol should be more economical." Huo Li said, taking the lead to the dark road between the tall buildings.

The black-haired boy followed him, because he didn't know the basic situation of the world and didn't dare to let the black silk stretch easily. The streets were covered with a thick layer of dust. The two people stepped on and made a crunching sound, echoing in the silent dead city. The black-haired boy seemed to hear a noise from the office building on the right, and he slowed down and looked through the dirty, translucent French windows to the shadowy building. But suddenly Huo Li stepped forward and bowed in pain.

The black-haired boy quickly walked to him in two steps: "What's wrong!"

Huo Li wanted to speak, but he was choked by the first syllable. He coughed twice and spit out a lot of blood! However, his cough did not stop, but a continuous coughing sound blocked by blood ...

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