MTL - When an Alien Is Bound to a World-Saving System-Chapter 42 Weird World (1)

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A piece of orange light flashed through Xiaoyi and first left Planet D. After a long transmission, the dark-haired boy once again set foot on the spotless half of the Salvation Alliance town. Transparent street.

System 2d14: "The host is big! Because the time limit for this mission has passed and the number of survivors is too small, the score is no longer calculated according to the formula, but a one-time increase of 1 billion points is used as a reward! So the host now has 96.5565 It ’s so great! "

The joy of getting points swept away the haze brought by the secret fear, and the dark-haired boy happily said, "Let's go and buy a house!"

Once again at the Union Sales Center in North Street, the blonde girl in silver uniform who had received a teenager last time seemed to remember something after seeing Xiaoyi. She smiled stiffly, but she adjusted her mood quickly. Step greeted. Presumably, the embarrassing experience of taking numbers by people is still fresh in her memory. This time, the blonde beauty was very knowledgeable, instead of asking Xiaoyi to show the system number, she smiled and said:

"Do you still want to see the last few houses this time? I'll take you to the exclusive floor of the A-class missioner?"

As a professional sales clerk, this blonde beauty has a high level of professionalism. Once she meets, she remembers the rank of the tasker. She obviously wanted to make up for the stupid mistake of treating the dark-haired boy as a low-level tasker last time, but ...

Dark-haired boy: "No thanks, I'm SS now."

So the professional smile of the blonde beauty condensed on her face again. After a while, she recovered her voice: "Then I will take you to the top hall dedicated to SS and SSS questers now?"

The dark-haired boy smiled slightly, and didn't mind the disappointment of the blonde: "I just want to buy a house with a garden. I don't see many such houses on the street. You can tell me directly Just fine. "

Blondie: "First, sir, houses with gardens are difficult to sell because the price is too high, and idle houses have a large loss for our sales center. So those garden villas are generally built by God. , There are only one of the existing garden villas. And the price is higher and 8 billion points are needed. "

No wonder she said so eloquently, 10 billion points is the SSS-level god, there are only 9 people in the entire league.

The black-haired boy heard that he could just buy it, and said happily, "Can you take me to the field?"

Blonde: "OK, OK."

So the teenager quickly bought this two-story villa with a warm garden after the site visit. The dark-haired boy sat on a bench in the garden and looked at this little house of his own.

Because no one has lived for a long time, the entire garden has only lawns, which looks a bit singular, but the courtyard wall is composed of airtight iron railings surrounded by greens that are more than 4 meters high, which ensures a small The privacy of the courtyard. After a while, a green team from the sales office of the Alliance visited and entered the gate with the permission of the teenager.

"Hello, we are the exclusive greening team of the VIP villa. You can choose the most precious and elegant green plants for your estate as decoration. This is the price list of our planting service, please look over! Because this top villa is equipped with automatic irrigation Function, so you do n’t have to worry about the care of green plants when performing tasks. "

The teenager looked at the mobile terminal with interest, and there were all kinds of rare flowers and trees in it. Each one was lush and beautiful with holographic projection. It's just that the price is astounding. Any flower or plant needs hundreds of thousands or even millions of points. Even the cheapest tree has soared to 5 million points!

After juvenile looking through it endlessly, the teenager returned the terminal to the green team members.

"These flowers and trees are rare species found from various planets. Even if they are outside the town of the Salvation Alliance, each one can sell a sky-high price. So this price may seem expensive, but it is actually very reasonable. We also have First-time purchaser ’s super package, which includes 5 trees, 20 flowers and 20 herbs, and 1,000 square meters of high-grade lawn, only needs 49.99 million points. Of course, these are used to decorate your manor. Choose a more premium and exclusive package, 888.8 million points ... but we need to charge an additional planting fee for each flower. "

The black-haired boy smiled, "Thank you, I have collected a lot of cherished plants in the mission world, now you can help me plant them according to the layout of the exclusive package!"

Talking, the dark-haired boy took out nearly a hundred lush treasure trees and thousands of flowers and plants from the space.

"Okay, okay!" The man glared at the tyrant's behavior, and stuttered. Then a group of a dozen people started to get busy.

The black-haired boy sat on the bench and watched with relief as his dream home was gradually taking shape, and happily said to 2d14, "Look, now we finally have our own little house!"

System 2d14: "The host is big! This house is not ... small, is it?"

Dark-haired boy: "But I think it's quite small, but it's very warm!"

At this moment, two green chemical whispers were being planted in the ears of the teenager:

"How can you say that there will be such a rich tasker? The garden with more than 9,000 square meters ranks third in Alliance Town!"

"Yeah! Even the SSS-level gods use their points to improve their strength, and they won't buy such an expensive house."

"Hey, I've worked for the Salvation Alliance for hundreds of years, and I only need a small house where I can fit myself!"

"Yes, the house is used to house myself, as long as I live in it, my wish can be realized ..."

As the two workers drifted away, the dark-haired boy fell into meditation: can the house he owns? The teenager thought about his current body size of 120,000 tons ... No, he was too fat to afford such a big house!

In the evening, the teenager was sitting at the gazebo table in the garden, eating dinner and admiring the artificial sun and sunset glow.

System 2d14: "Ding! The main system sends you a task assignment request: Mission location: Happy Planet. After 2 days of destruction. Task content: Finding the end-of-life cause of Happy Planet. The specific situation will be explained to you by Kitty the Prophet . "

The dark-haired boy froze for a moment: "What? I don't understand a few pounds of my brain now. The main system doesn't know why the happy planet is destroyed? Is the kitten the cloud-raised cat?"

System 2d14: "Ding! The stranger VV9988 requested to communicate with you. Is it connected?"

Dark-haired boy: "Yes."

"Hello little difference, I'm VV9988 Mission Kitten. The main system should have just sent you a task assignment request." A young girl's voice came.

The black-haired boy: "Hello, kitten! Are you the cat that Yun raised the cat? Fortunately, fortunately."

"Yes, I am." What Xiao Xiao didn't expect was that the kitten admitted that it was so good. The girl continued with a cold voice: "Now that we are back to work, I have language power, and sometimes I see some pictures. Or hear some foreshadowing of the future. The words I just heard in my dreams were: Happy Planet will be completely destroyed at 11 am on August 4, 12036, in the ephemeris.

But now Happy Planet is running as usual. So the main system sends you to the planet immediately to investigate the cause of the destruction. You have to remember that I have made all 1223 predictions. You must be careful about this! "

The girl's voice completely subverted the impression that Xiao Yi thought the kitten would be a delicate and weak girl, but he quickly put down his surprise and tried to analyze the beginning and end of the matter with his own only a few pounds of brain. And then finally caught the point:

"Kitten, did you not only make this prophecy? Otherwise, why did you find me as soon as the main system came out? It is a matter of life and death for a planet, and you are only sent me if you do n’t send an SSS missioner, And you take it for granted. Did you see me in other prophecies? "

"In my foresight, all predictions cannot be changed. No matter what changes you make, that specific result will still happen. But some pictures in my mind have changed the ending according to different choices of people. , But whenever I present these screen content like others, the new ending will always be worse. "

Dark-haired boy: "So you‘ see ’the picture about me? Well, do n’t tell me! I ’m leaving for Happy Planet. Why do n’t you have 2 days left in advance…”

The teenager disappeared into the orange light while complaining. Compared to Planet D, the happy world is significantly closer. A few minutes later, the dark-haired boy appeared on the bustling streets of Happy Planet.

This is a pedestrian street with high-rise buildings, restaurants, and malls on both sides. The street is full of bustling people walking around. It is not surprising that the dark-haired teenager appeared in the air around the tourists, and a young girl eating ice cream greeted Xiaoyi warmly:

"Welcome to Happy Planet Tour, you came directly through the teleportation array! You are really rich!"

The black-haired boy smiled, "Thank you, beautiful lady."

The girl looked at the teenager Qingjun's smile, blushed and dragged her girlfriends away, and while discussing the words "So handsome!", She looked back at the teenager's profile from time to time.

The dark-haired boy slowly moved along the street with the flow of people. A 2d14 system prompt sounded in his head:

"Ding! Now introduce the host planet of Happy Planet: Happy Planet is a well-known entertainment planet in the entire galaxy, known for its convenient transportation and rich entertainment facilities! Happy Planet has established a long-term teleportation array with more than 200 planets in the entire galaxy, and the global convergence Thousands of A-level simulated natural landscapes and thousands of iconic buildings. While letting people appreciate the natural scenery, it is also a good place for shopping and entertainment ... "

System 2d14 is still talking about the profile, but the dark-haired boy is bored to death: "Isn't the main system copying and pasting the travel advertisements of Happy Planet?"

The system 2d14 read it for another ten minutes before finally ending: "... the number of passengers across the planet reached 200,000 passengers per month. Now it is 47 hours and 23 minutes from the total destruction of Happy Planet."

The black-haired boy subconsciously looked at the clock on the square. It is now 11:05 am, which means that at 10:28 am two days after local time, the planet will be completely destroyed.

The black-haired boy wondered: "How is this? It doesn't look like it's going to be destroyed at all. What does 2d14's main system define the complete destruction of the planet?"

System 2d14: "Ding! Definition: All humans on the planet die."

System 2d14: "Ding! Because the host's operation is not a salvation act, the host system will temporarily change the host's system number to a temporary number of 0193, and will keep this operation confidential."

After listening to this, the black-haired boy thought for a moment and muttered to himself: "Because it is not a salvation operation, it needs to be kept secret? What is the system number? What is the logic! The excuse of the main system is too casual. It feels like the main system and The cat knew everything, so I was concealed in the drum ... "

Dark-haired boy: "No, my brain is not enough enough, I have to add some brain capacity."

Talking, the dark-haired boy quietly took out some transparent filaments that kept camouflage from the space and spread them out.

Three hours later, the dark-haired boy who was still on the pedestrian street was completely confused: "No, now my black silk has invaded the local government department, and there is no virus outbreak, global climate change or nuclear war is about to occur. The emergence of the emergence. What is it that can make tens of billions of people on a planet die in 68 hours? "

"Or a crisis that even the government of Happy Planet didn't realize?" The black-haired boy muttered to himself, feeling deeply that his brain capacity was not enough now. Fortunately, there are many local tyrants who suddenly appeared on the Happy Planet with a teleportation array. Black-haired teenagers took out a stack of teleportation symbols and appeared in various corners of the world for a walk of black silk for ten minutes. It should take another five hours for those limbs disguised as transparent silk to spread all over the planet.

At the same time, the teenager is thinking quickly about the possible situation.

System 2d14 watched the dark-haired young boy who had no intention to eat and rest, walking anxiously on the road, and also wanted to greatly worry about the host: "The host is big! Would you like me to read it all over the past 1,000 years, all within 10 days Why did the planet suddenly die? "

Dark-haired boy: "You read it!"

System 2d14: "Planet xx, 9 days of extinction, cause of interstellar war."

Dark-haired boy: "Well, it's possible."

System 2d14: "Planet xx, 10 days of extinction, super virus."

Dark-haired boy: "Yes."

System 2d14: "Planet xx, one day of extinction, due to asteroid impact."

The dark-haired boy: "If it is an asteroid, it is impossible to calculate the main system! Also count one."

System 2d14: "Planet xx. The extinction time is 3 days. The super earthquake caused by the drastic change of the crust."

Dark-haired boy: "Yes."

System 2d14: "Planet xx, one day of extinction, caused by a global nuclear power plant chain explosion."

Dark-haired boy: "But the planet of entertainment, as an entertainment planet, has no nuclear power station at all, and its energy is all imported, which is excluded.

System 2d14: "Planet xx, 1 minute of extinction time, due to star explosion."

Dark-haired boy: "Pass it. If the sun really explodes, then God can't save it."


System 2d14 read more than 20 kinds of rapid demise, but most of them are not in line with the conditions of Happy Planet. The dark-haired boy finally concluded, "There are 6 possible causes:

Severe earthquake

2. Asteroid impact

3. Star Wars

4. Nuclear war between nations on the planet

5. Super virus infection

6. Another planetary collective human zombies induced by the extinction system

The last case, although it never happened, cannot be ruled out. "

And the dark-haired boy thought silently: the possibility of these 6 eschatological signs without warning is almost zero, in fact, there are two more situations that are more consistent with the time of death in the prophecy: 7. I suddenly thought that I could not wash the planet with blood, It is expected to take 5 hours. 8. Huo Li suddenly had itchy hands to control the collective suicide of all humans on the planet, which is expected to take 3 minutes.

At 7:30 in the evening, 39 hours from the moment of extinction, the black silk was officially spread all over the world. A lot of the elimination work is done by Heisi, and the teenager decided to integrate into the civilian life of Happy Planet, and maybe he can find the problem better. So Xiao Yi came to a luxurious interstellar gourmet restaurant and had a dinner. At the same time, because Happy Planet has reached even the countryside and the wasteland, Black Silk was only available on a relatively remote street corner to more than 12,000 people worldwide. Quietly draw blood and collect pathogens in the air and water under the cover of the night.

But until the dark-haired boy finished a delicious dinner, the blood and pathogen test results showed that it was completely normal, and there were only some bacteria and viruses with a low lethality. The zombie virus genes in DnA in the sample blood did not mean to be transcribed.

The dark-haired boy sat at the dining table and looked at a pair of young lovers who were dining, a couple with children, an entrepreneur discussing business affairs, and a gray-haired old wife who seemed to be here on their wedding anniversary. This world is just too normal! There is not much time left, but the dark-haired boy has no other choice, because Heise has done all the work that should be done.

The teenager can barely press the impatience in his heart, step by step and live like the inhabitants of Happy Planet. At 1 o'clock in the middle of the night, 33 hours from the moment of extinction, the dark-haired boy sleeping in the hotel's large bed opened his eyes slightly, and Hess, who had infiltrated all government departments, confirmed that no government or illegal organization of any country or region was plotting to use nuclear weapons. One more rule is excluded, but the teenager just feels more upset.

At 7 am the next day, 27 hours from the time of extinction, millions of black silks that had dived into various geological bureaus and deep in the crust had collected and calculated the data overnight, and the possibility of a giant earthquake was ruled out.

In the morning, the dark-haired teenagers continued to wander aimlessly in the streets. It was hard to imagine the laughter and laughter of the people around them. It was hard to imagine that in less than 24 hours, all of them would die.

At 7 pm, 15 hours from the time of extinction, the black silk that had infiltrated the national space agencies used their brains comparable to 10,000 supercomputers to calculate for more than ten hours, ruling out the possibility that the asteroid would hit the happy planet in one day. Therefore, only the possibility that the viral system induced zombies and interstellar warfare was not ruled out, but the dark-haired boy did not think that if it was these two reasons, the main system would send himself specially. Because if it is the above two possibilities, as the main system that is so close to Happy Planet, it is impossible to be unaware, but to let yourself explore the situation.

The black-haired boy speculated that the end-time causes were related to organic matter, but the super virus was excluded from the beginning. The restless dark-haired boy could only let the black silk around the world continue to spread in secret, and he himself bought a ticket to a musical and came to the concert hall. The adults who came to the musical were all adults. When the aria ended at the end of the tragedy, many audience members weeped softly.

The serious dark-haired boy had no intention of admiring the beautiful voice. He looked around and looked at the thunderous applause in the theater. Everything was normal. Is there anything wrong?

The dark-haired boy returned to the hotel and took a break early, but never slept. At 9 am the next day, there is only one and a half hours away from the moment of extinction! The teenager returned to the street, even Star Wars and Zombies had to go through a process. The death of the last person on Happy Planet was only one hour, and these last two possibilities were also ruled out.

However, the kitten's language has never been wrong, it must be something that it has ignored! The black-haired boy only felt his heart beating like a drum, and he tried to suppress the anxiety and nervousness and thought about the countermeasures.

Is it really that he died in the last turn off his hair? Would you like to leave this planet right away? What did the kitten see about himself and couldn't tell himself? Maybe she was really killing humans in her foresight?

And Huo Li, it has always been that he was looking at the thoughts of others, but never really saw how his heart was! Could it be ...

The thinking of the dark-haired boy walking on the street almost turned into cranky thoughts, and he suddenly seemed to hit something.

"Oh! My ice cream!" A little girl's voice came.

The teenager hurriedly looked down, and turned out to have hit a 4- or 5-year-old girl. The ice cream in her hand was also knocked to the ground, and the colorful paste became a pool. And the little girl was grinning and was about to cry.

Xiao Yi quickly squatted down and apologized to the little girl who was being held by her parents: "I'm sorry, kid. Will my brother buy you another one?"

The little girl replied, crying, "OK, brother."

The little girl's parents kept saying no trouble, but the dark-haired boy hurried to the nearby ice cream stall to line up to help the little girl re-purchase a colorful ice cream, quickly hurried back and handed the little girl.

The 4-5 year old girl put away the grinning expression and said, "Thank you brother, I'm very happy." Then I ate ice cream and walked away with my parents.

The dark-haired boy looked at the back of the little girl, and felt a strange feeling that could not be said. After thinking hard, the boy finally found out that there was something wrong! The little girl just wanted to cry when there was no ice cream, and she said she was happy when she got it again. However, her expression was too stiff from beginning to end. Although she made a crying face after the ice cream fell to the ground, her eyes never looked like a pity like other children, and she did not even look at the ground. A glance at ice cream. After repurchasing her ice cream, her eyes did not rejoice in the loss of the ice cream, but thanked her straight away.

But it is not ruled out that the little girl was born with a rigid expression, Xiaoyi felt that she was going crazy, and even a little girl was suspicious. Did n’t you just suspect yourself and Huo Li? Now my suspicions can be completely ruled out, and there are still 20 minutes, not enough to kill everyone by myself.

The children in this world are indeed not quite right. They have hardly seen children between the ages of 2 and 10 in the streets and in shops and theaters. But what does this mean? A world that almost ruled out any possible, problem-free world, stiff-eyed little girls, streets and malls full of adults ... Xiao Yi seemed to feel that he had caught, but failed to string them together!

At this time, there was only 17 minutes from the moment of extinction.

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