MTL - When an Alien Is Bound to a World-Saving System-Chapter 37 Mechanical Rebellion (9)

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At the same time, the dark-haired boy glanced coldly at the blond woman holding the child. Mrs. Alexander always judged the situation and saw her husband was dead. Knowing that she had no hope of turning around, she stopped crying and dragged two children into the crowd.

The dark-haired boy then turned his attention to the silent crowd and said, "I know that many of you, especially the guards and craftsmen, disapprove of the actions of the anti-mechanical alliance members. Most of you I believe that as long as I stay in this safe valley and avoid the reconnaissance aircraft that patrols every day, I can live a stable life forever.

Many of you apparently obeyed the leadership of Brother Claire and Sister, but in fact were very dissatisfied with his monthly organization of stealing fuel and ordnance to the oil field to support the construction of the valley base ’s arsenal. I think this is a superfluous move. Anyway, hundreds of thousands of humans can't beat hundreds of millions of mechanical warriors anyway.

You even secretly thought that organizing a rebel alliance is a threat to everyone's lives, but it is not beneficial! It is your most urgent hope not to resist, not to provoke machinery, to avoid a stable life in the valley.

Therefore, this time Alexander's usurpation was able to respond to all! Because the resistance to the mechanical alliance, that is, the death squadron, will bring danger to the base! This idea has long been hidden in the hearts of each of you! is this correct? "

The inhabitants of the valley below the audience heard the black-haired boy's questioning, and bowed their heads in shame. Brothers and sisters Claire and members of the Armed Rebel Alliance watched the survivors in the audience incredibly when they heard this! It turned out that he had spared his life to resist the machine, but in the eyes of his relatives and friends, it was a harm to the base!

"So," the dark-haired boy continued, "Today Alexander lied that the members of the death squad led the chaser to the valley base. So many people did not hesitate to believe his lie! But have you ever thought that the D system is right? Why did the human slaughter suddenly slow down? Obviously there are hundreds of millions of mechanical warriors in the world, why does System D not send them all at once and do everything in its power to kill all humans on the planet? "

The survivors in the audience heard this hypothesis, and they all looked terrified. They all knew subconsciously that the power of system D was far more than that. In the Holocaust that lasted nearly 30 years 20 years ago, human beings almost decreased at a rate of hundreds of millions per year. Even in the next few years, more than 10% of the total population were killed each year, but somehow, After System D cleaned up the coastal and lake humans, it suddenly slowed down, withdrawn most of the mechanical warriors, and even drone patrols became less frequent.

"Maybe because there are too few humans now?" A survivor in the audience replied hesitantly. "So System D thinks that our existence does not pose a threat to it? So ..."

At the same time, it also expressed the aspirations of other members of the valley base, and everyone nodded in agreement.

"Oh!" The black-haired boy laughed at him. "You think that D system thinks that 400,000 humans will not pose a threat to it, so you are acquiesced in the corners of the world. As long as you don't actively provoke machinery, D system Would n’t take the initiative to attack you, would you send a drone a symbolic investigation every day to acquiesce your survival? ”

The survivors of the audience were silent, but their expressions revealed their true thoughts.

The brothers and sisters on the stage at this time only realized why they had encountered so much resistance when they set up a mechanical resistance alliance for so many years! It turned out that most of the survivors of the Valley Base had the idea of ​​being at ease with the machinery!

"This idea is simply stupid." The dark-haired boy said coldly. "You don't think 400,000 people will pose a threat to the D system. At the time, the D system could kill you when there were hundreds of billions of humans in the world. There is no resistance! Is 4 million people a threat to it? Is 40 million people a threat to it? As long as the D system is operating normally, even hundreds of millions of people cannot shake it! At that time, the D system was still It ’s not a crazy slaughter of humans!

I can tell you, if I am a D system, then in my eyes, any living human being will be my heart trouble! If nothing else interferes, I will do my best to kill the last person! "

The survivors of the audience heard the words and made a frightful gasp! This layer of ignorance and timid fantasy of peace was ruthlessly pierced by the dark-haired boy. Everyone was shrouded in great fear, and some even began to cry in despair.

The dark-haired boy who caused all this looked at everyone silently, and seemed to be giving everyone time to digest the shock brought by this real situation.

But in fact he was busy chatting ...

Huo Li's voice sounded in the mind of the black-haired boy: "Xiao Yi, is your analogy too ... hey, anyway, I have deleted the relevant memories of 2d14 and 099 for you. Xiao Yi, you and D system killing Mad monsters are different! "

The black-haired boy kept silent on his face, and said in his mind with consciousness: "Well, if it were me, it would take three days to kill the 400 billion people of Planet D. How could it take 50 years like the system D? Unsure? "

Huo Li: "..."

The dark-haired boy looked at the shock and hesitation on Huo Li's face in the crowd on the stage, and mocked with a sense of God: "Okay, put away your hypocritical expression! Who knows that you can't use it at all? Three days, 5 minutes to kill the whole world. Well ... well, no one really knows. "

Huo Li stood awkwardly and coughed awkwardly, and quickly intercepted the signals of 099 and 2d14 to be transmitted back to the Salvation Alliance.

The dark-haired boy standing on the stage finally opened his heart again, and this broke the atmosphere of increasing fear and despair in the silence of the scene:

"Why didn't System D do this? Since it wasn't because of its benevolence, it must have some serious problems in its operation. As a result, it was unable to send the troops on a large scale to thoroughly clean up the human race. However, if We have failed to take advantage of this gap to fight effectively, and once we wait for it to ease, it will be the time when Planet D is completely destroyed! "

And hearing the D system would cause problems, which shocked the already desperate people! Could not help but whispered:

"The system D will also go wrong?"

"Mr. Yi said yes, then it must be!"

"What could go wrong with System D, wouldn't it be a virus?"

"how can that be?"

However, the black-haired boy just stood on the stage quietly, and made no comment on the discussion and speculation underneath, and then said, "About what is wrong with the D system itself, now Mr. Huo Li will give you a detailed explanation."

Then the young man beckoned to Huo Li, who was standing in the crowd, and walked off the stage around Alexander's already cold body. When passing away from Huo Li:

"Why don't you finish talking directly?" Huo Li asked in confusion in Xiaoyi's mind.

The dark-haired boy answered with a sense of God: "How do I know what's wrong with the D system? I'm not the one who can control the machine and read the heart! Go ahead and make it clear on the stage, just as I follow Listen together. "

Huo Li: "!!!" If you don't know anything, you dare to talk about it!

Huo Li quickly walked to the stage and looked at the dark-haired boy standing under the stage, listening carefully, looking curiosity. Huo Li took a deep breath and said loudly:

"The reason why the D system began to reduce its troop deployment 20 years ago is actually very simple-Planet D's oil and minerals have been almost consumed, and the D system has to reduce its own energy expenditure and reduce its costs after killing humans to a controllable range. Send troops, and instead put their experience in the research of renewable energy. However, due to the lack of water and wind resources on Planet D, System D can only use the remaining power to invest in the construction of nuclear power plants. For another 5 to 10 months, Planet D The major nuclear power plants on the road will be completed one after another. If the smart cabbage can not grow globally, the planet D will be completely destroyed!

Therefore, it is imperative now to fully guarantee the vigorous growth of smart cabbage! However, this speed is still too slow!

Therefore, three days later, Mr. Yi and I will lead the residents of the valley base selected by us to attack the oil field together! "

There was an uproar!

At this time, the dark-haired boy also returned to the stage: "Then, it will be up to me to decide the final task candidate. You can rest assured that this attack task volunteered to participate." The teenager looked nervous at the stage and thought that the whole people would attack Survivors added a bit of sarcasm.

"I would like to participate!"

"I do too!"

The members of the Mechanical Resistance Alliance heard the disdain in the boy's tone and rushed to show their attitude.

Xiaoyi nodded to them comfortingly, affirming this heroic behavior, and glanced at those survivors who hurriedly bowed their heads for fear of being named by 'Mr. Yi', and then said:

"I will select the personnel for this mission. Mr. Clare, would you like to participate in this attack?"

"I do!" Mr. Clare replied loudly.

"You, you, you, you, and you" The dark-haired boy randomly ordered five members of the death squad who followed Mr. Claire. "Will you?"



The five players also hurriedly answered.

The audience held their breath again and waited for the teenager's roll call!

Dark-haired boy: "Okay, this time the personnel are determined. I, Mr. Huo and Mr. Clare will participate. The attack will begin in three days. Let's break up!"

Then Huo and Yi's Majesty were still immersed in the valley people in shock, and they stepped off the high platform.

Even the female leader Claire suspected that she had just heard it wrong, turned her head to look at her brother, and asked blankly: "Just Mr. Yi just chose 6 people. Is it true that 3 of you will go to attack thousands of people in 3 days? An oilfield guarded by a robot warrior? "

Mr. Clare: "Maybe the two saviors did not know much about the guarding of the oil field, I will confirm it again." Then he hurriedly chased Huo and Xun. But when he finally caught up with the two at the entrance of the cave and tried to describe to them the dangerous situation of the oil field while walking. Huo Li turned and patted Mr. Claire on the shoulder and said:

"Our plan this time is to take a helicopter with two left and two left robots. A total of 10 people disguised as daily patrol drones and flew directly to the oil field. No one can sit still. Do n’t worry, the valley base The main task at this stage should be to defend the cabbage ... "

Listening to Huo Li's successful bluffing of "Cabbism First", Claire succeeded, Xiao Yi turned to the side and whispered to the system:

"2d14 helped me buy 10,000 cubic meters of system space."

System 2d14 was a little distressed: "The host is big! But it will cost 20 million points!"

Dark-haired boy: "As an 8.8 billion SS-class system, can you be more atmospheric!"

System 2d14 is ashamed: "I'll buy a good host! Well, the system mall prompts you to get 20,000 cubic meters for free if you purchase 100,000 cubic meters of space at a time! Why don't we buy more?"

The black-haired boy: "Buy 呗, buy 100,000!" From now on, I will be able to take 120,000 tons of brains with me around the world and never have to worry about IQ going offline! Black-haired teen is beautiful ~

System 2d14: "Ding! Purchase successful! Spend 200 million points and your balance is 8.66626 million."

Mr. Claire, on the other hand, also agreed to this extremely perfect battle plan under Huo Li's brainwashing.

Three days later, the 20 tons of purple algae provided by the valley base had grown to 350 tons of smart cabbage under photosynthesis. Xiaoyi left 50 tons to continue growing, and then directly put 300 tons into the space.

Subsequently, the two boarded the gunship helicopter with five members of the death squad who looked as if they were dead, two mechanical warriors and Mr. Claire, and a mechanical warrior flew towards the oilfield.

Mr. Clare, who was already in the cabin at this time, always felt that there was something wrong. This "perfect plan" only wisely formulated the strategy of how eight people went to the oilfield, but there was no mention of **** the thousands of machinery. Warrior ... Even if you plant temporary smart cabbage, you can control so much! And last time, the smart cabbage was controlled within 200 meters from the drone, but the oil field attacked this time covers an area of ​​more than 500 square kilometers!

At the same time, Huo Li and Xiaoyi in the cabin were also chatting with God.

Dark-haired boy: "How much range can you control with 150 tons of black silk?"

Huo Li: "5 kilometers in diameter, do you want the remaining black silk ..."

The black-haired boy was eager to try: "Of course I have to participate in such a great battle!"

Huo Li was a little worried about teenagers playing off, and quickly began to persuade: "The entire oilfield is covered with the eyeliner of D system. If you notice the small aliens alienated by it, and then spread this news to the Star Alliance intentionally ... Xiaoyi, you know that I can't control the D system at this time. This operation is enough for me. I will protect you! "

Dark-haired boy: "... Did I say I was going to hit them with aliens?"

Huo Li: "But what else can you use without black silk and aliens? Even if you alienate black silk into a group of lions to kill the mech warrior, this is not self-explanatory. How would you explain the animals that appeared out of thin air? obedient."

Dark-haired boy: "Actually ... I have developed a new form of power."

Huo Li's curiosity was picked up: "What is it?"

The teenager felt that the path fell on the back of his own head, and had a substantive line of knowledge. He turned to look at Huo Li behind him, and spit out two words with a smile:


Huo Li: "..."

The dark-haired boy added another sentence with his godly sense: "In a while you take them to attack the oil depot to attract the attention of the mech warrior. I will go to the oil well by myself."

So the 400-kilometer distance passed by the restlessness of the survivors. Now, the large pumping units on the Gobi Desert can be seen from the front window of the plane. Huo Li turned to everyone and began to plan today's attack:

"After a while, once the helicopter has landed at the airport north of the oilfield, there will be several repair robots to maintain it, and we will also be exposed at this moment! Mr. Yi has his own special task to complete, and I will lead you to the southeast of the oilfield From the oil depot.

All you have to do is shoot at all the robot warriors who are rushing towards you! At the same time, don't accidentally injure the robot that suddenly turns and is controlled by the smart cabbage, understand? "

"I see!" The six answered with a determined expression.

The black-haired teenager looked at the survivors who acted as a cover for them, all of them posing impassionedly with the machinery, and hurriedly added:

"Your ultimate mission today is: be sure to keep your own life, you know? Be careful, don't rush to death!"

Survivors, including Claire, take this as an inspiration to death! Hold back tears and promised loudly:

"We will definitely kill a few more mechanical warriors!"

"Don't worry! Mr. Yi! Our daredevil members are not so easy to die!"

"Even if we have one last breath, we have to stick to the task!"

The dark-haired teenager looked at the blood-swelling crowd in the cabin:


I do n’t want them to be too desperate when they are in the guise, just go around to attract the attention of the machine. What is wrong with them?

The plane had arrived over the airport, and everyone held their breath as they waited for the fuselage to land slowly. As the distance draws closer, survivors can see groups of mechanical soldiers walking out of a drone at the airport, and dozens of groups of repair robots interspersed in the huge airport!

As soon as the plane touched the ground, the black-haired boy sped out of the fuselage first, and quickly took out the 150-ton "black root system of smart cabbage" from space!

Then a large pile of black silk fell from the sky, pop! He landed in the airport and even smashed two helicopters and a dozen mechanical soldiers, and then quickly divided into small groups and channeled into the land, growing out of smart cabbages. At this point, Huo Li can finally use his mental power with his fairness!

From the moment the dark-haired boy rushed out of the cabin, dozens of robots around him discovered that they were wrong, and immediately issued a human invasion alert to the entire oilfield, and surrounded the helicopter with a gun! The bullets fired at this point like raindrops. The survivors were determined to die. They opened the bolts and were preparing for a heroic counterattack!

Suddenly, the gunfire stopped! The daredevil team members watched the enemies they were desperately working with, one of them turned back, and the neat team ran steadily to the oil depot in the southeast direction! There is still a hint of clearness in the 6 people who are suffering from adrenaline soaring, remembering Huo Li's instructions, and Kanken took the hand that was about to pull the trigger!

"Everyone did a good job!" Huo Li shouted to the stunned crowd, "the landing mission was successfully completed! Now everyone raided the oil depot with me!"

In fact, nothing was done, but the six survivors who had stayed for a while holding their guns hurriedly followed the brigade's mechanical soldiers and trot towards the oil depot ...

Before long, they gradually ran away from the control area of ​​the smart cabbage. The front of our mechanical warrior and the enemy's mechanical warrior in the oil field met narrowly and began a fierce exchange of fire! Huo Lichao survivor ordered: "Pay attention all! Don't waste bullets! Wait until the enemy rushes within 500 meters before firing!"

The daredevil team members looked at the battlefield 2 kilometers away, holding their guns destined to follow the end of the team and continue to run forward!

Twenty minutes later, the survivors who still had no shots: Are we here today to practice long distance running ...

At the airport, the black-haired boy who watched the group finally disappeared into the field of vision showed a smile, offering the power of self-explanatory power that he had thought about for three days ...

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