MTL - When an Alien Is Bound to a World-Saving System-Chapter 26 Zombie World (eighteen)

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"What !!!" The transfiguration man jumped directly from his seat in fright, and looked back and forth between Xiaoyi and Xu Yuncheng in surprise. "You're kidding me!"

However, he didn't get the answer he wanted during his restless wait: The dark-haired boy just looked at him with a smile in the back seat, while Xu Yuncheng, who was sitting on the left, said nothing and didn't deny it. meaning.

For 1 second and 2 seconds, as time passed, the fear of the transfigured person standing between the two rows of seats gradually accumulated, and the great sweat beads slid down his forehead.

At this time, Xu Yuncheng finally spoke, and only listened to his serious correction: "I did let 123 release a recruitment announcement yesterday, but the last one of the announcement stated the selection requirements: above S level, under 500. You are not eligible for selection condition."

The dark-haired boy heard the words, and laughed! This unpredictable Xu Yuncheng is unpredictable at all times. Somehow, he has a special skill to make his own face sweep every time.

The earth power that hid in the 'turtle shell' whenever something happened turned out to be an SSS-level savior! He turned out to be the owner of Yuncheng Base! All the 8 abilities in the car were frightened. I remembered that I had shown some disrespect to him before, and everyone was in danger, but at the same time, I was fortunate, but fortunately I didn't face the morph. Say bad things about him ...

Xu Yuncheng, who has always been unselfish, did not pay much attention to this kind of personal grudges. He did not care about the car task person who was cold and sweaty, but took this time to tell everyone about this task plan:

"Through my work with Xiaoyi during this time, we have found the source of the zombie eschatology and trapped it in a pre-apocalyptic research base in the north. Today we will launch a total attack on it! I will take them in turn in 10 minutes You teleport directly to the core area of ​​the experimental base, and your mission is to do your best to kill every zombies you encounter. If this mission is successful, it will reverse the situation in the entire zombie world! Will the end times be redeemed? , Success or failure! "

I have to say that Xu Yuncheng is still very talented in leadership. After a while, the people in the van have forgotten the crickets they just had, and they are very excited!

A few minutes later, the van drove into Qingyuan Town and stopped by the street. Xu Yuncheng and the dark-haired boy with a small alien took the lead in getting out of the car with the deliberate obedience of other saviors. The black-haired boy took this opportunity to whisper to Xu Yuncheng:

"With an area of ​​over 6,000 hectares and 200,000 zombies, you have 8 missionaries to kill them one by one. You can say such a fresh plan and make them believe it."

And Xu Yuncheng didn't think there was anything wrong: "You can almost guess my real plan, just do it in a while! My abilities are limited and I can't waste it on chatting."

The black-haired boy didn't say much, and turned away from Xu Yuncheng.

2d14 then asked in his head stupidly: "The host is big! Why can Xu Yun become unable to chat with you? What is he going to do with his power?"

Of course, it shields you and the system 123! Don't you know that all your data is now public? The dark-haired boy thought to himself, but didn't answer 2d14. So the system 2d14 was entertaining itself, and the missionaries in the carriage just changed their faces.

At this time, the remaining 8 questers also got off the train and assembled. Under the encouragement of Xu Yuncheng's remarks, he tried his abilities with enthusiasm and prepared to fight the zombies the next moment! And the transfigurer turned himself into a giant black panther nearly 4 meters long, and turned himself into a big brown bear 5 meters high in a moment, in exchange for hesitation.

Xu Yuncheng took the lead in calling Liu Ran and the black-haired boy in front of him, and the little black cub jumped into the boy's arms. Xu Yuncheng reached out and grabbed the shoulders of the two, and the three disappeared instantly. A few seconds later, the three appeared out of thin air outside the first computer room building of the experimental base.

The surrounding is covered with silver, and the surrounding cold air hits, and the temperature plummets to minus 40 degrees! A few people stumbled into the almost snowless white snow, and then Xu Yuncheng disappeared again to pick up the remaining saviors. Zombies scattered around the base like ice sculptures were also awakened by this movement. Kakaka twisted his joints to shake off the snow on his body, exposing the gray-black semi-rotten skin, and ran towards the two.

Xiaoyi and Liu Ran did not feel any discomfort in the cold weather, and went directly into battle. I saw the young girl waving her hand lightly, and the zombie rushing towards her automatically burned in front of her and became a running fire. After a few seconds, they were extinguished into black bones.

The black-haired boy directly spread the small aliens and rushed towards the surrounding zombies. The place where he walked knocked down a string of zombies and abandoned vehicles and debris in the courtyard, and issued a loud ping-pong sound. Success attracted more zombies!

At this time, with Xu Yuncheng's transmission, more missionaries arrived on the battlefield, and the fighting spirit joined the team that resisted the zombies! As a huge black panther descended from the sky, 10 people were formally assembled. I saw that when the short-haired black panther was about to kill the Quartet, Leng Buding was stunned by the sudden drop in the atmosphere, and then shook involuntarily. It can only give up its charge on the zombies, change itself back to that brown bear, and then wave away the two or three zombies that have rushed in front of it!

Ten people struggled hard to advance to the first computer room, bluntly killing a **** path from the zombies! All the zombies that stood between them and the building were bombed into pieces!

40 meters, 30 meters! Seeing that the entrance to the machine room can be reached in 15 minutes!

But this scene was silently recorded by the surrounding surveillance cameras ...

suddenly! The three or four radio speakers in the small courtyard issued huge alarm sounds without warning:

"Oh !!!!"

A group of missionaries were trembling with a tremor, as if one hundred and eighty trucks were whistle in their ears at the same time. This huge noise lasted for ten seconds before finally stopping.

However, more terrible things are still behind. With the sound of the siren in the courtyard, countless zombies in the base were alarmed by the sound and flew towards the source of the sound! After a few minutes, thousands of zombies had crossed the wall and rushed towards the taskmen!

"Not good!" Xu Yuncheng shouted, "It is the virus system that is fighting back! Everyone insists! We must break through the siege of zombies and break into the building!"

These words were also recorded by various cameras in the yard and transmitted to the virus system in the computer room ...

The missionaries have been fighting hard to resist the swarm of zombies! At this time, Liu Yan's long, neatly combed hair had been scattered at this time, and was covered with the corpse's flesh. A few zombies that were about to hit her instantly spontaneously ignited, and the orange-red flames even burned. A few strands of her hair.

The tall brown bear transformed by the transfiguration has also fallen into the zombies! More than a dozen zombies flew on him, and he barely shoved most of them out with a wave of left and right hands, while the new zombies still rushed to him!

The thick white snow on the ground in the courtyard has now turned into a black mud mixed with corpse slurry and rotten blood, and the small alien ran quickly from it and smashed away the corpse that was about to surround the crowd, like a whistling past A car is average, with a stream of mud behind it. However, the encirclement of the zombies is shrinking and shrinking, and the missionaries will be unable to support them!

"Everyone stick to it. After killing this group of zombies, victory is in sight! The lives and deaths of billions of survivors in the zombie world are tied to your shoulders, and they all cheer me up!" Xu Yuncheng's roar echoed in the battlefield .

Hearing this, the adrenaline surged by the already tiring and crumbling saviors! A huge sense of responsibility towards hundreds of millions of people emerged in my heart, red eyes continued to fight to the zombies!

On the courtyard wall, a ray of black silk that has been lurking here for more than ten days quietly looked up, maintaining his disguise to check the number of zombies inside and outside the courtyard wall: 966 zombies have been killed in the courtyard, and 13,000 remain. There are 42,000 zombies within 100 meters outside the hospital, and there are still 186,000 zombies in the base ...

Um, great, just go on like this ‘Victory is in sight’!

As a result, with the encouragement of Xu Yuncheng, everyone succumbed to support for another seven or eight minutes. At the time when the eight missionaries ran out of adrenaline and started to become sluggish under extreme fatigue, the dark-haired boy followed the roar. To:

"Stick for another 3 minutes! The mission of the Zombie World can be officially completed! 189, 179, 178 ..." The dark-haired boy counted at a constant rate with a frequency of three seconds.

Let's play together! Who won't!

Those saviors who have been dizzy and turned around and lack of oxygen in the brain are fascinated and believe in the words of the youngsters. The missionaries who have regained their hopes are like the first dawn in the night! They have drained their last potential and fight hard!

This time even Xu Yuncheng, who was obsessed with self-directed and self-acting, was surprised by the boy's open-mouthed humor: If he counted this, it was obviously 9 minutes.

"91, 90, 89 ..."

As the juvenile reported, the zombies inside and outside the courtyard also gathered more and more. Nearly 100,000 zombies were surrounded by dense zombies. And although the limbs have stiff limbs, the task person in front of the black is still fighting in blood! However, these 10 people have been compressed into a small circle of more than ten square meters by the zombie group, almost relying on the small alien left and right collision to barely resist, not completely submerged by the zombie group.

"10, 9, 8 ..."

Now even the dumb-minded missionaries who have killed zombies have gradually come to understand that it is now less than 10 seconds. This situation of being trapped in the center by tens of thousands of zombies does not look like it is about to complete the task. Could they have killed tens of thousands of zombies within 10 seconds, rushed into the building dozens of meters away, found the source of the last days and completely destroyed it? Absolutely impossible!

But they looked at the zombies that were already in front of them or continued to slash mechanized. Maybe the end of the countdown was not the time to complete the task, but the end of their lives, right?

"3, 2, 1, now!" Shouted the young brunette.

When Xu Yuncheng got the signal, he sacrificed his power instantly!

The whole world was momentarily still.

Tens of thousands of zombies still maintained the attitude of rushing towards several people, and some were exaggerated in the air! Even a few zombies were frozen at the moment of biting the morphing brown bear, and their teeth were even deeply embedded in the brown bear's flesh.

Even the burning flame on the zombie in front of Liu Ran's body was still, strangely maintaining a specific form, exuding an orange soft light on the scorching black zombies.

The dark-haired boy had no time to admire the rare "beauty" at this time, but quickly took out a stack of black silk from the space and threw it towards the surrounding zombies. After throwing all his inventory, watching the black silks spread in the dense zombies, he took the time to tell Xu Yuncheng:

"There are 150,000 zombies here. The raw materials for black silk are enough. How much time do you have?"

After waiting for a while, the teenager said to Xu Yuncheng, who was silent, with a little irritation, "What can be kept secret! Well, let me change the question. It will take about 10 minutes and 40 seconds. Right? "

Xu Yuncheng didn't hesitate this time: "Enough, even enough time to destroy the virus system."

The young man became relaxed and relaxed, and began to look around and admire the spectacle of stagnation in the four weeks.

At this time, Xu Yuncheng asked: "What is your power? How do you know my true ability? Now I only pull you into my field, 2d14 and 123 are like those who are tasked It's still, you can say it directly. "

"You don't even know my 'power' till now! When Huo Li modified the planet's memory and told you to help me keep it secret, didn't he tell you anything?" The black-haired boy was very surprised.

"No, he just told me that your powers are special and cannot be known to anyone, including the system." Xu Yuncheng looked at the teenager's incredible expression and added: "After all, I have time and space powers, not mental system powers. Yes, he doesn't trust my brain's ability to keep secrets.

"You're really his good buddy ..." Without knowing it, you could cut a knife!

"But how did you find the source of the problem in this world, and also broke through my power attributes?" Xu Yuncheng asked.

"The first question relates to the 'special abilities' that I need to keep secret. Since you don't trust your own mind, I won't tell you," said the dark-haired boy.

Xu Yuncheng froze.

"Well, in fact, I only inferred that human zombies had nothing to do with the virus, but related to the global power grid and system-like programs. It seems to be doing some kind of experiment, it seems to want to know the different frequencies and strengths What is the difference between the induction of electromagnetic waves on human beings, and the riverside base we passed by is one of its test products. The tests have proven that electromagnetic waves of that frequency are strong to a certain degree, and even the psionicist will upgrade in the power. In the process, they are directly alienated into zombies.

After that, I used my 'power' to cut cables and wires around the world to ensure the safety of other survivors. But I don't know where the host of that virus system is. I didn't know it until you found it first. "

Xu Yuncheng: "What did you say?"

"Since we are now friends, I should not continue to monitor you." The black-haired boy said apologetically while walking towards Xu Yuncheng.

Then with the expression of seeing a ghost in Xu Yuncheng's face, he reached out and picked up a squirming black wire from his shoulder ...

The author has something to say: Xu Yuncheng: mmp ...