MTL - When a Master of Metaphysics Marries into a Wealthy Family-Chapter 80

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Qian's father and Qian's mother thanked Shen Ye again.

"Mom and Dad, let's go to the hall." Qian Lisong said, "I have something to tell you next, better be mentally prepared, you might not be able to accept it."

"What's the matter?" Seeing his solemn expression, Qian's father and Qian's mother unavoidably became nervous.

Qian Lisong did not explain, but said: "You will know later."

A group of people walked to the living room.

Grandpa Qian and Grandma Qian were standing in front of Qian Chunhua, asking anxiously, "Chunhua, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing Qian Chunhua standing there silently, only her eyeballs kept rolling, Qian's father and Qian's mother were also very surprised.

"What happened to your eldest aunt?" Mother Qian asked Qian Lisong in a low voice.

Qian Lisong looked at Shen Ye: "Master Shen, can I tell my parents about my eldest aunt now?"

Shen Ye nodded: "Yes."

He casually slapped two talisman papers on Qian's father and Qian's mother to prevent accidents from being too excited.

So then Qian Lisong told several elders what Qian Chunhua and her husband did.

Grandpa Qian, Grandma Qian, and Father Qian and Mother Qian remained silent for a long time after listening. They really couldn't believe that the person who harmed them was actually Qian Chunhua.

After about half a minute, Grandpa Qian asked tremblingly, "Is what you said true?"

Qian Lisong nodded: "You, grandma, and my parents were all poisoned. Just now, Master Shen detoxified you. You should believe in Master Shen's ability, right? Master Shen can testify that everything was admitted by my aunt. ..."

Shen Ye easily undid the spell for Qian Chunhua, and said, "Yes, she admitted it herself. If you don't believe me, just listen to it again."

After speaking, he slapped the Dao talisman paper on Qian Chunhua's body, and asked her to repeat the cause and effect.

After listening, the Qian family members were all stunned.

Grandpa Qian and Grandma Qian stared straight at Qian Chunhua, as if they had never really known this daughter before.

Shen Ye removed the paper talisman from Qian Chunhua's body.

Qian Chunhua immediately knelt down in front of the Qian family: "I know I did something wrong, and I should be hacked into pieces..."

"You deserve to be hacked into pieces! Your husband is in debt, and you came here to kill your third brother and younger siblings, and even your mother and me! Qian Chunhua, you are devoid of conscience!" Grandpa Qian was furious. trembling.

Grandma Qian was also in tears: "How did I give birth to such a wolf-hearted thing like you!"

If Shen Ye hadn't used the spell of calming the mind and spirit on them, they would have fainted from the anger.

Qian Chunhua kept kowtowing: "I know I was wrong...but if we still don't pay the money, they will break my husband's legs and send my husband to jail...Third brother, please help my borrow We have six million, I promise I will pay you back in the future!"

"..." Everyone was shocked by her shamelessness.

"Didn't I help your family enough?" Qian's father was annoyed, "You almost killed our family and your parents, and you still want me to pay to save your husband? Are you out of your mind? Already?!"

In fact, if Qian Chunhua thought of borrowing money at first, maybe Qian's father and mother would really lend her. But the current situation is that Qian Chunhua has already poisoned the Qian family. It is obvious that he wants to kill Qian Lisong's parents, grandparents and inherit the property of the Qian family.

In the end, she said lightly that she knew she was wrong, and turned around to borrow money from Father Qian...

...How can there be such shameless and shameless people in the world!

Shen Ye was also shocked, and stared at Qian Chunhua curiously.

"I haven't seen such a strange thing like you. You failed to poison, and you borrowed money without even an apology... I have seen it today." Shen Ye sincerely sighed.

Thanks to Qian Lisong's great aunt for allowing him to open the door to a new world.

On the other hand, Mother Qian who was at the side quickly recovered her calm after being shocked.

She has actually seen shameless...or heartless people. In the past, her family had neighbors, and her son and daughter-in-law went abroad, leaving their old father and mother alone. The son said that he didn't want the family's house and car, but he would not return to China in the future. After that, the other party really severed the relationship with his parents, and he hasn't come back to visit his parents for decades, and he just pretends not to know when his parents are old and dead.

There are all kinds of weird things in this world. In Qian's mother's view, she can just be a kind person herself, but she will never think of human nature too great.

What's more, she is in the supermarket business and has all kinds of customers. She has seen countless examples of ungratefulness, so she can still remain calm at the moment.

"Don't be angry, we treated her well in the past as feeding the dog. No, the dog is very cute, she is more animal than the dog... Animals are inhumane and don't know how to be grateful... You must be sure Don't be angry." Qian's mother comforted Qian's father.

Qian Chunhua was scolded by Qian's mother as a beast, and she didn't refute it. She just continued to cry and begged Qian's father: "Third brother, please do me a favor and save my husband... My son just got married. If my daughter-in-law knows the situation at home, she will definitely Will divorce my son..."

"Shut up!" Grandpa Qian has the most straightforward personality, and he can't rub the sand in his eyes. Seeing Qian Chunhua's obsession, he covered his heart in anger, and almost couldn't kick him out.

Qian Lisong hurriedly stepped forward to support him, and patted his back reassuringly.

Shen Ye was puzzled: "What's the use of being angry, she even poisoned you to death, shouldn't you be thinking about revenge?"

The Qian family was momentarily stunned.

"Master Shen is right, it's time to discuss how to take revenge now." Mother Qian said.

Qian Chunhua has no blood relationship with her, so Mother Qian's hatred is not that deep. She very much agrees with Shen Ye's statement that if someone plots against her, of course she has to get revenge.

Just at this time, Qian Chunhua's husband Yu Haibo came back.

Yu Haibo is tall and thin, with a slick face. Seeing Qian Chunhua kneeling in the living room, he immediately realized that something must have been exposed. He was about to change his shoes, so he turned around and ran outside when he saw this.

Of course, Shen Ye couldn't let him run away, so he slapped a talisman on his back.

Yu Haibo could only turn around obediently and walk towards the living room, but his expression was full of annoyance and unwillingness, obviously he was very reluctant to face the Qian family.

"It's already here, what are you running for?" Shen Ye snorted coldly, "It's really irresponsible, your wife is still kneeling here, and you actually want to run away alone."

Being ridiculed by Shen Ye, Yu Haibo's face was very ugly, but he might be afraid, so he kept silent.

Shen Ye turned his head and said to Qian Lisong: "In fact, he was also used by others. The murderer who really wanted to harm your family was the friend who took him to gamble, and the master who gave him the talisman paper."

The Qian family was taken aback.

"Who is so vicious and wants to harm our whole family?" Qian's mother asked through gritted teeth.

She really couldn't figure it out, the Qian family had always been kind to others for so many years and had never offended anyone.

Shen Ye said: "Let him call his friend, and the truth will be revealed."

He put a talisman paper on Yu Haibo again, and asked Yu Haibo to call his friend and call him to Qian's house.

While waiting for Yu Haibo's friend to arrive, Qian Chunhua kept begging Qian's father for money.

Grandpa Qian couldn't take it anymore, and slapped her on the face: "Shut up, where did you come from to pester your third brother!"

He had never slapped a woman in his life, and the first time he slapped his eldest daughter. It would be a lie to say that she wasn't uncomfortable, but his eldest daughter was so vicious and irritating that he really wanted to kick her to death.

Killing his parents, brother and sister-in-law, Grandpa Qian couldn't believe that he would raise such a wolf-hearted thing.

Although Qian Chunhua is the eldest daughter, their family is a native of Haicheng, and the conditions are not particularly bad, and they have not treated the eldest daughter badly since they were young. Later, Qian Lisong's father made money, and even helped Qian Chunhua a lot, let Qian Chunhua's family work in the supermarket, and even paid half of the money for Qian Chunhua's son's wedding room!

This is really raising a Zhongshan wolf!

Grandma Qian was crying heartbroken. She felt as uncomfortable as Grandpa Qian, and couldn't believe that her eldest daughter could be such a vicious thing.

For a moment, the only sound in the living room was Grandma Qian's weeping.

Qian Lisong comforted Grandpa Qian, while Mother Qian went to comfort Grandma Qian.

Shen Ye glanced at Qian Chunhua and said, "Let's discuss how to deal with her and her husband. My suggestion is to send them both to prison."

Although he could punish Qian Chunhua and Yu Haibo in private, let them also taste the taste of poisoning. But after all, they are the daughter and son-in-law of the Qian family. The Qian family hates them now, but when they think about it later, they will probably be reluctant to part with them.

He didn't want to be the villain in the middle.

"No, I don't want to go to jail!" Qian Chunhua panicked and screamed immediately.

Grandpa Qian sneered and said, "Okay, that's it."

An attempted murder is enough for the two of them to drink a pot. What's more, these two people still owe loan sharks, so they will feel better in the future!

Qian Chunhua was still crying, Grandpa Qian looked at Shen Ye and said, "Please tell her to shut up, we really don't want to hear a word from her."

From the very beginning, Qian Chunhua didn't apologize, but kept begging Qian's father to borrow money... It was because their family was too used to Qian Chunhua that they raised her appetite.

Shen Ye nodded: "It's a small thing."

He did a trick and made Qian Chunhua dumb again.

The hall fell silent.

The Qian family may have been hit by Qian Chunhua and Yu Haibo, so they didn't say a word.

Shen Ye took Ye Ze's hand and said, "I guess it will be over after six o'clock. After driving for half an hour, we should go to the hot pot restaurant around seven o'clock. There should be time."

Ye Ze touched his face: "Are you hungry?"

"It's okay." He ate some snacks on the way here, and he's not hungry yet.

Over there, Mother Qian heard the conversation between Shen Ye and Ye Ze, got up and said, "I'll bring you some fruit, there seems to be old duck soup boiled in the kitchen at noon, if you don't mind, you can drink some, it can fill your stomach."

Shen Ye thought about it, but did not refuse.

He himself is not hungry, but he is afraid that Ye Ze will starve.

So Shen Ye fed the man while waiting for Yu Haibo's friend to arrive.

After about five minutes, Yu Haibo's friend Qin Shuhua came and brought the master with him.

Shen Ye used talisman paper to control Yu Haibo and asked him to open the door.

As soon as Qin Shuhua entered the door, he asked, "Is your wife's younger brother's family all dead? Did you ask me to come over to help with the funeral?"

Hearing his words, the faces of the Qian family instantly turned black like the bottom of a pot.

Yu Haibo was under control, so of course it was impossible to tell Qin Shuhua the truth, and let Qin Shuhua and the master come in sideways.

The master walked into the living room swaggeringly, and said at the same time: "Don't worry, my talisman paper is very useful, keeping them all alive..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Shen Ye in the living room, and immediately stopped talking, with a look of horror in his eyes.

Shen Ye smiled slightly: "Oh? Your talisman is so useful, it seems that you still have some real skills."

"Shen, Shen Ye, why are you here?" The other party was so frightened that his face turned pale and his legs went limp.

This master was the middle-aged Taoist priest who was invited by Jin Xu to deal with Shen Ye and was taught a lesson by Shen Ye.

"I told you, don't let me see you doing bad things again. But now you are helping others, it seems that you don't take me seriously." Shen Ye sneered and walked up to him , "Just wait for your soul to fly away!"

He is not a threat, he has always followed his word.

The middle-aged Taoist priest was obviously aware of Shen Ye's style of doing things. Hearing this, there was a bean of sweat on his forehead, and his body was also shaking.

He knew that if he fell into Shen Ye's hands this time, he would definitely not survive...but he didn't want to die!

He suddenly ran to the window in the hall, and even used magic tools and talisman papers, trying to escape by jumping out of the window.

Shen Ye only used one technique to immobilize him.

"No one can escape under my nose yet." Shen Ye sneered, "You just stand there, and I will settle the score with you after the matters of the Qian family are over."

The middle-aged Taoist priest was fixed at the window, with his back facing everyone, unable to move or open his mouth.

Shen Ye turned to Qin Shuhua: "Now it's your turn."

Qin Shuhua saw that the master he had invited was restrained so easily, knowing that things were bad, he also wanted to run away, but how could he escape.

"I, I'm innocent...everything was done by Yu Haibo, it has nothing to do with me!" Qin Shuhua yelled to excuse himself.

Yu Haibo stared at him fiercely.

Obviously, it was Qin Shuhua who took Yu Haibo to gamble, and it was Qin Shuhua who whispered in Yu Haibo's ear and asked Yu Haibo to **** the property of the Qian family to pay off the debt... Now that Qin Shuhua blamed Yu Haibo for everything, how could Yu Haibo not hate him.

It's a pity that Shen Ye didn't care about their grievances at all, so he said directly to Qian Lisong, "I'll let him explain why he harmed you. When he confesses, call the police and arrest him and your aunt and uncle. As for this Taoist priest, When the time comes, I will take it away."

He was in a hurry to eat hot pot, just wanting to get things done as soon as possible.

Qian Lisong quickly agreed.

Shen Ye used the talisman to make Qin Shuhua confess.

Qin Shuhua is also the owner of a supermarket. He opened the store on the same street as Qian's. The Qian family's business is good, but he may be unlucky, or he may not be able to manage it. His supermarket eventually closed down. From then on, Qin Shuhua hated the Qian family and vowed to ruin the Qian family's business.

Later, he approached Haibo in a planned way, and became good friends with Yu Haibo. At the beginning of this year, he met a middle-aged Taoist priest again, so he started his revenge plan.

After listening to Qin Shuhua's narration, Mother Qian couldn't help jumping up: "You are insane! You don't know how to do business yourself, so blame us for what you are doing! There are so many supermarkets on the street, are you going to take revenge one by one?!"

Speaking of which, the Qian family is really wronged. Qin Shuhua's store is more remote, with very little traffic, so of course it can't continue to operate. How can the Qian family be blamed for this?

Just like the downstairs of the Qian family's community, there are several supermarkets side by side. There must be some good businesses and some bad ones. Could it be that the bad businesses can blame the good businesses for grabbing business?

This is completely an innocent disaster of the Qian family.

Grandpa Qian sighed and said, "I still blame Qian Chunhua and Yu Haibo. If Yu Haibo didn't gamble, he wouldn't be fooled!"

Back then, he and his wife married Qian Chunhua to Yu Haibo because they saw that Yu Haibo was honest. Now it seems that he and his wife were wrong. But their own daughter is also an animal, helping Yu Haibo to poison... So in the final analysis, it was they who didn't educate their children well.

Thinking of this, Grandpa Qian and Grandma Qian's expressions became gloomy.

Shen Ye scanned Qian's family: "The truth of the matter is like this. I will call the police now, and the police will come to arrest people later, and you just need to cooperate to make a record. As for the poison on your body, I have already detoxified you, don't worry."

He handed Qian Lisong a few more talisman papers and asked him to distribute them to several elders.

"Take it with you, this kind of thing won't happen again in the future, and the Qian family's business will get better and better." Shen Ye said.

The Qian family quickly took the talisman and thanked Shen Ye a thousand times.

"You're welcome. That's it, let's go." Shen Ye's heart flew to the hot pot restaurant, and while pulling Ye Ze out, he cast a spell on the middle-aged Taoist priest, so that the middle-aged Taoist priest follow him.

Qian Lisong sent them to the door: "Master Shen, our family's situation is really thanks to your help."

Shen Ye shrugged: "Remember to transfer the money."

"Of course!" Qian Lisong immediately promised.

This time Shen Ye saved the lives of four members of the Qian family, no... Originally, Qian Chunhua and Yu Haibo also wanted to harm Qian Lisong, and that was the lives of five members... In Qian Lisong's view, no matter how much the reward is given, it is not too much.

When Shen Ye and Ye Ze got in the car, Shen Ye received a call from Xu Sisi, saying that someone had transferred 2 million to the company account.

Then Qian Lisong also sent a WeChat message: [Master Shen, first transfer two million to you. The family has only so much cash flow recently, after we get rid of a few supermarkets, we will transfer the rest of the money to you. 】

The Qian family is planning to dispose of the store and give all the money to Shen Ye as a reward.

Looking at it this way, the Qian family really knew how to repay their kindness, but they didn't know how to come up with such a thing as Qian Chunhua.

Shen Ye returned to Qian Lisong: [Two million is enough. That's it, I won't charge any extra. 】

If the Qian family was really rich, he would not refuse even 20 million to 200 million.

But the Qian family is obviously not particularly rich, and he wouldn't let the Qian family cut off their business to pay him.

Qian Lisong replied several thank you WeChat messages, and then sent a scarf to thank Shen Ye earnestly.

Although he doesn't have many fans, but this is his intention, he just wants everyone to know how righteous Master Shen is.

This scarf was quickly found by Shen Ye's fans. Seeing that Shen Ye had done another good deed and made the person concerned so grateful, Shen Ye's fans were very proud and turned around this scarf one after another.

Shen Ye's current traffic is comparable to that of a big star. After his fans forwarded it, Qian Lisong's scarf soon became a hot search.

The comments below are all praising Shen Ye—

[Sure enough, he is handsome and kind-hearted, today is another day for Master Shen to do good deeds. 】

[Ma Ma, I am not fan of the wrong person! 】


Shen Ye didn't know about the scarf, he only cared about waiting for a seat at the hot pot restaurant.

As for the middle-aged Taoist priest, he threw him in another car.

He planned to eat hot pot first, and then deal with the middle-aged Taoist priest.

No one can stop his desire to eat hot pot!

The author has something to say:

5000 words~ I owe 1000 words, I will make up tomorrow~ I love you~

See you guys tomorrow, good night~

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2019-12-17 21:39:14~2019-12-18 23:55:59~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine:? Pursue? 1;

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: 30 bottles of Wang Xiaofei; 1 bottle of ylrenjing and sunset;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

Read The Duke's Passion