MTL - When a Master of Metaphysics Marries into a Wealthy Family-Chapter 73

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To say that Mr. Wang is also pitiful, he has not been very tough since he was a child, and when he became an adult, he completely bit the bullet and took over his father's real estate company. The real estate company has been very profitable these years, and outsiders say that he is powerful, but in fact... he is just a fool!

Shen Ye took out a tissue and handed it to him: "Cry if you want to."

Mr. Wang couldn't cry anymore, and silently pinched the napkin.

"This kind of scum doesn't deserve your sorrow." Shen Ye looked back at Ye Ze, wanting to show off his own man, who is rich and devoted, there is no better man than Ye Ze in this world.

But think about it, Mr. Wang's heart is fragile, so it's better not to provoke him.

Shen Ye pointed to Deng Lingkun and said: "Think about it, he revealed to you Ziyan that your family has a magic weapon, and your family was almost killed by Ziyan. Why do you commemorate this kind of scum? If you don't want to He, continue to be with him, are you worthy of your old father and mother?"

After knowing Deng Lingkun's true face, Mr. Wang was sad, but he still had feelings for Deng Lingkun. He didn't want to think Deng Lingkun so badly, and always felt that Deng Lingkun's nature was not that bad.

But Shen Ye's words reminded him.

His parents are already old, if they die in Zi Yan's hands, it will be a bad end... As long as he thinks about it, he can't wait.

And Zi Yan was obviously recruited by Deng Lingkun!

So Master Shen is right, why does he still care about such a scumbag as Deng Lingkun? !

Seeing that he had finally figured it out, Shen Ye cast him an appreciative look and said, "You probably don't know that your family's business has been going smoothly for so many years because your ancestors left you blessings. But this The next time Ziyan set you up, when she went to your house to find an incense burner, she destroyed the good fortune left by your ancestors."

Mr. Wang stared wide-eyed: "Fuze?"

"Yes." Shen Ye nodded, "Recall carefully, since Zi Yan went to your house and took away the incense burner, has your business started to go bad?"

"Yes, yes!" Mr. Wang became excited instantly, "Some time ago, several real estates had accidents, some employees almost jumped off the building, some construction sites almost had accidents, and new projects were not easy to sell..."

It turns out that the reason why their family's real estate business is booming is because their ancestors left them blessings?

He just said that he is not good at business at all!

Outsiders say that he is very skilled, and he can make money by buying any piece of land to build a house, but he himself knows how much it weighs, and he really takes it casually...

He always thought that his business was booming because of luck, but he didn't expect it to be the credit of his ancestors.

It's a pity that this blessing was destroyed by Zi Yan not long ago.

Speaking of which, Deng Lingkun is the culprit!

Now his liking for Deng Lingkun turned into anger and disgust.

Mr. Shi was listening on the sidelines, feeling very complicated.

Hongyu Real Estate has been standing for so many years, which is very powerful. He had no contact with Mr. Wang, and like outsiders, he always felt that it was Mr. Wang's credit... It turned out to be the blessing left by his ancestors!

It's true, with Mr. Wang's silly and sweet personality, he really doesn't seem to be good at doing business.

Tsk tsk, he is really jealous.

Mr. Wang thought that he might have almost ruined his family's business, ruined his ancestors' blessings, and almost killed his parents because of dating a scumbag, and he regretted it.

While complaining that he didn't clean his eyes, he stared at Deng Lingkun fiercely: "You wait for me!"

It's a pity that even if he speaks harshly, his expression is not very fierce, and he has no deterrent effect at all.

Shen Ye shook his head.

If the Wang family did not have the protection of their ancestors, it is estimated that they would really be defeated by Mr. Wang.

Deng Lingkun was threatened by Mr. Wang, but he was still a little scared after all, and said in a low voice: "Brother A Ming, I know I did something wrong, I am sorry for you... But I want to tell you, my love for you is true, you want to Believe me."

Mr. Wang's full name is Wang Dingming. Deng Lingkun's "Brother A Ming" was greasy and charming, but it disgusted Shen Ye and Mr. Shi, and both of them had goose bumps all over their bodies.

"Don't call me Brother Ming!" President Wang mercilessly exposed him, "If you love me, how could you bring Ziyan to harm me?"

The most indignant thing is that the lives of his parents are also threatened, which is the last thing he can tolerate.

Shen Ye spoke from the side: "He's just kidding you, do you really think he loves you? A scum like him only loves himself."

In Shen Ye's heart, Deng Lingkun's nature was as bad as Ziyan's. Because Zi Yan harmed innocent people, but Deng Lingkun harmed the people next to him. Strictly speaking, Deng Lingkun is more vicious than Ziyan. Mr. Wang is so kind to him, giving him all kinds of resources, paving the way for him, and sincerely wants to marry him and bring him home...but he repays his kindness with revenge.

This temperament is similar to that **** Yang Ming.

Shen Ye hated Yang Ming the most, so he also hated Deng Lingkun.

Hearing Shen Ye's words, Deng Lingkun said with a sullen face, "Yes, I just coaxed him. If it were you, would you like him?"

Shen Ye: "?"

Although he joked that Mr. Wang is always a middle-aged greasy man, but in fact Mr. Wang is very handsome, his hair is not short, but his dress is a bit casual...

But that's not the point. The point is, why did Deng Lingkun ask him if he likes Mr. Wang?

"What's wrong with you? Why do I like Mr. Wang! I have a husband. My husband is handsome, rich and young, and treats me very well! Can Mr. Wang compare with my husband?" Shen Ye wanted to roll his eyes, but He felt it was indecent and held back again.

Deng Lingkun: "..."

Mr. Wang, who was shot in the knee with an arrow: "..."

"That's not what I meant." Deng Lingkun paused and said, "Have you ever seen someone cry while driving?"

Shen Ye: "?"

He didn't understand what Deng Lingkun meant.

Mr. Wang knew what Deng Lingkun was talking about, his face was a little stiff, and he said aggrievedly: "So you don't like it, then you can tell me..."

Deng Lingkun sneered: "I want the resources you gave, of course I can only coax you. To tell you the truth, you lose interest while crying and moving, who can stand it."

"..." Shen Ye seemed to suddenly understand what Deng Lingkun meant by driving.

It turns out that Mr. Wang still has this hobby?

He couldn't help but look at Mr. Wang.

Mr. Wang is about the same height as Deng Lingkun, and his figure is also about the same... Could it be that Mr. Wang is the one below?

"No, he's the one above!" Deng Lingkun shouted at Shen Ye in a broken voice, "That's why I asked you, if it were you, would you be able to bear it? Would you like it?"

Shen Ye: "..."

Mr. Shi who eats melons: "..."

Even the expression of Ye Ze, who was always silent at the side, was a bit indescribable.

"Bah, it's none of my business!" Shen Ye hugged Ye Ze's waist, thinking that my man would not be like that.

Ye Ze kissed his face, and couldn't help thinking, Shen Ye should be the one crying...

Mr. Wang really cried now: "I...I can't control it...If you don't like it, you can tell me."

"That's right, if you don't like it, just make it clear. Mr. Wang is not the kind of person who likes to pester others. It's because you covet the resources Mr. Wang gave you, so you don't want to leave him. In the end, you are selfish!" Shen Ye Immediately spat on Deng Lingkun, "It's okay if you are selfish, but in order to break up with Mr. Wang, you actually used Ziyan to harm Mr. Wang's family! You are a poisonous snake, it's too scary!"

Deng Lingkun pursed his lips tightly, as if he didn't think he was wrong.

Isn't everyone in this circle what they need?

Of course he was looking for Mr. Wang for his own acting career, otherwise why would he commit himself to a man?

Shen Ye poohed at him: "Scum!"

Deng Lingkun stared at him gloomily: "In your opinion, everything I say is wrong now. All right, then you can punish me for Mr. Wang, and you can kill or cut me up as you like."

He was trying to provoke Shen Ye on purpose, because he knew that he had no one in his hands, and Shen Ye would definitely not kill him.

Shen Ye sneered: "I won't kill you, but your life will not be easy in the future, you just wait for your imprisonment!"

Deng Lingkun's face suddenly changed.

He didn't forget that when Shen Ye said that something would happen to Xiao Yiyi and Li Xiaoqing, something really happened to those two. From then on, netizens believed in Shen Ye's ability. Now Shen Ye also said that he will be imprisoned...

He was terrified.

In the eyes of netizens, Shen Ye is a god; but in his eyes, Shen Ye is just a crow's mouth!

Shen Ye stared at his face: "You will be unlucky from tomorrow, and you will be imprisoned within half a month."

Deng Lingkun: "..."

"get out!"

Shen Ye slapped a talisman on Deng Lingkun, and Deng Lingkun walked out uncontrollably.

It was only at this moment that Deng Lingkun really panicked.

He thought before that, since he didn't kill anyone, with Shen Ye's character, it was definitely impossible to kill him. And Boss Wang likes him so much, as long as he gives in at that time, Boss Wang will definitely forgive him.

But... the current situation is that Mr. Wang just let him go without even giving him a look.

As for Shen Ye, it was even more extreme, with a crow's mouth, saying that he would be unlucky from tomorrow...

He didn't want to be unlucky, and he didn't want to go to jail, so he didn't want to leave at all. He wanted Mr. Wang to help him plead with Shen Ye.

It's a pity that Mr. Wang still didn't look at him.

But Shen Ye's talisman paper was so powerful that he couldn't resist at all.

In this way, Deng Lingkun was forced to go out.

Only Shen Ye, Ye Ze, and Mr. Shi and Mr. Wang were left at the scene.

Shen Ye glanced at Mr. Wang and said, "I got your incense burner from Zi Yan. It is of great use to me, so I can't return it to you."

Mr. Wang watched Deng Lingkun go out, but he was actually a little sad.

He came back to his senses and said in a low voice, "Well, take it."

Shen Ye: "Don't worry, this incense burner has no direct relationship with your family's blessings. Strictly speaking, since this incense burner has been released, it will attract countless Taoist priests to **** it. It can't stay in your home, or it will bring you a lot of money. Come to kill yourself."

President Wang nodded: "I understand."

"Since I got this incense burner, I must exchange it with you." Shen Ye thought for a while and said, "Your family's fortune has been destroyed by Zi Yan and her master, but I can help you restore it. "

Hearing this, Mr. Wang immediately looked up at him: "Is it really possible?"

He was mainly guilty. Deng Lingkun was provoked by him, and because of Deng Lingkun, the blessings of the Wang family that had lasted for many years were gone. He felt that he was a sinner of the Wang family. He felt sorry for his ancestors and future generations.

If Master Shen can help to recover, that would of course be the best!

Shen Ye hummed: "I still have something to do today, and I'll go to your house tomorrow."

He is now thinking of going back early to try the effect of the incense burner, to see if he can let Ye Ze enter the Tao.

As for other things, even if the sky is falling, he doesn't want to worry about it!

Mr. Wang agreed immediately.

Seeing that he was still in a bad mood, Shen Ye took out a tissue and gave it to him: "Do you still want to cry?"

Just now when Deng Lingkun mentioned driving, Mr. Wang really shed a few tears, but he stopped crying when Shen Ye interrupted him.

Shen Ye also thought of Deng Lingkun's words, and couldn't help but want to laugh.

To be honest, Mr. Wang's lacrimal glands are indeed a bit developed...

Mr. Wang took the tissue and said with red eyes, "I won't cry!"

Shen Ye: "...very good, keep it up."

Mr. Wang looked at him sadly.

"...Let me ask you, are you very disheartened now, and even want to find a place to become a monk?" Shen Ye quickly changed the subject.

Mr. Wang was silent for a moment, then nodded: "Well, I want to hand over the family business to my second brother. I may travel for a while, and then go to a temple to become a monk."

Shen Ye had seen his plan before asking him, so he was not surprised at all.

On the contrary, Mr. Shi was very surprised: "You really want to become a monk?"

Also... not so much, right?

It's not worth it to become a monk for the sake of a scumbag.

Mr. Wang said: "It's not all because of Deng Lingkun... I have no intention of running the company, but my second brother prefers to work in a research institute. My grades are not as good as his, so I can only inherit the company... Now I think it's time to take a break .”

Shen Ye looked at him: "If you become a monk, you have to shave your hair, it doesn't look good."

Mr. Wang: "..."

Mr. Shi spoke for Mr. Wang: "In fact, there are good-looking monks. Mr. Wang is handsome, and he is also a handsome monk after he becomes a monk."

Shen Ye curled his lips: "But I'm a Taoist priest, why should I find a monk to be my apprentice!"

Mr. Shi: "???"

Mr. Wang was also dumbfounded: "Apprentice, apprentice?"

Ye Ze also looked at Shen Ye.

Shen Ye: "That's right, you and I are destined to be mentors and apprentices, and you are destined to be my second apprentice."

It's actually fake.

He has no cause and effect in this world, only Ye Ze seems to be pulling him in the dark. As for the others, they either had a cause and effect with the original owner, like Grandma Shen and Xu Sisi; and Xu Ce's apprentice was just a sudden thought on his mind.

At this moment, he accepts Mr. Wang as his apprentice, and it was just a flash of his thoughts.

However, compared to Xu Ce, Mr. Wang still had some involvement with him, because he took the incense burner from Mr. Wang's house.

Although he will restore the fortune to Mr. Wang's family tomorrow, he will return the cause and effect. But now that he has already got involved with the Wang family, he intends to take care of it to the end - Mr. Wang being his apprentice, whether it is for the health and safety of Mr. Wang's family members or Mr. Wang's life expectancy, it is always beneficial.

The main reason is that Shen Ye thinks that Mr. Wang is too stupid and sweet. If he doesn't watch, Mr. Wang will have to be tricked next time!

Mr. Wang is seriously considering whether to be Shen Ye's apprentice.

Master Shen's reputation is so great, and his fiancé is also the head of the Ye family in the imperial capital. If he is Shen Ye's apprentice, then he has double backing. It would be a lie to say that he didn't want to, he even called Master Shen Ye in his heart!

But...he felt a little ashamed again.

First, Deng Lingkun played him around, and Master Shen watched him the whole time, second, he peed his pants and cried just now, and third... he likes to cry while driving, and Master Shen heard him...

If he becomes Master Shen's apprentice, he may always think of his embarrassed appearance.

And he was also afraid of being laughed at by Master Shen and Mr. Ye!

Shen Ye saw his thoughts and was speechless immediately: "How about I give you a talisman to make you lose your memory?"

"...Let's forget it." Mr. Wang said unrepentantly, "Then shall I call you Master now? Or do we need a teacher apprenticeship ceremony?"

When he watched TV dramas, his apprenticeship was very grand.

Shen Ye waved his hand: "No need, as long as you agree, our master-student relationship will be established."

Mr. Wang immediately shouted: "Master."

Shen Ye was very satisfied, and turned to look at Ye Ze.

Ye Ze: "..." He already had a premonition of what was going to happen.

Sure enough, in the next second, Shen Ye said to Mr. Wang: "This is your wife."

Mr. Wang knew the relationship between Shen Ye and Ye Ze a long time ago, so he called without the slightest burden: "Master."

Ye Ze: ""

Shen Ye snickered.

Ye Ze's eyes were dark, he glanced at him, and said in a low voice, "Punishment."

Shen Ye: "..."

He suddenly remembered that the last time the man was punished, he was not allowed to touch him for two hours!

This is too cruel!

Shen Ye was wronged: "I protest."

Ye Ze looked at him silently.

"...You are the teacher's wife." Shen Ye pouted, "We are a couple, if he doesn't call you teacher's wife, what else can he call you?"

Seeing that the child seemed really aggrieved, Ye Ze suddenly felt a little guilty.

It's just a title, why should he care about it.

"Okay." He leaned over and kissed the child's face, "It's what you say."

Shen Ye showed his face instantly, and hugged his neck tightly: "You are the best."

Ye Ze smiled lightly.

When Mr. Wang saw how loving Master and Mistress are, there was a hint of envy in his eyes.

Shen Ye: "..."

He even forgot that Wang Zonggang was emotionally hurt.

"You should know the actor Xu Ce, right? He is your elder brother." Shen Ye said, "Xu Ce is living with us now, and you should have moved here too. But your family has just had an accident, so you should stay at home more It will take a while. When you calm down, you can move."

Except for Grandpa Ye and Grandma Shen, the rest of the family are in pairs. Xu Ce and Xu Sisi were inseparable. Although Shen Shimu and Zong Yiming had occasional quarrels, they were also quite crooked. Shen Ye was afraid of irritating President Wang.

Mr. Wang also wanted to spend more time with his family, so naturally he had no objection.

And so things settled down.

Mr. Wang brought his own bodyguard this time, and after saying goodbye to Shen Ye and others, he left by himself.

However, Shen Ye had to deal with the aftermath. After all, he directly killed Zi Yan and the old Taoist priest. If the crew knew about it, fear might arise.

He used the little paper figurine to transform Zi Yan and the old Taoist priest, and then walked out together with Ye Ze.

The director and the staff were anxiously waiting for Shen Ye to come out, and they were all guessing what would happen to Zi Yan and the old Taoist priest.

They were really worried that a homicide would happen in the crew.

After all... They still have to stay here for a few months, and it would be really unlucky if they become the scene of a murder.

A few minutes ago, Deng Lingkun stared out, and they went up to inquire about the situation, but Deng Lingkun couldn't say a word, so he just ran away.

They feel a little naughty...

Not long after, Mr. Wang also came out. Although he told them that everything was fine, they were still afraid that someone would die inside.

Seeing Zi Yan and the old Taoist priest behind Shen Ye and Ye Ze at this time, everyone secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

The director had a smile on his face, and immediately greeted him: "Master Shen, is the matter over?"

Shen Ye hummed: "I took these two away. They have lives in their hands, and I will not let them go. You can choose another actress."

Zi Yan is the third female in the play, and the role is quite important.

But the director didn't have the slightest opinion. Ever since he knew that Ziyan was a harmful demon, the director wished that Ziyan would leave early.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of the crew's affairs." The director patted his heart and said.

Shen Ye nodded, seeing the director standing in front of him, looking at him eagerly, but he didn't want to leave, so he asked, "Do you have anything else to do?"

In fact, he could see what the director was going to say.

In the next second, the director said, "Can I ask you for a favor?"

Shen Ye stared at his face: "Yes, but not today, I have something to do."

The director quickly said: "It's fine another day!"

As long as Master Shen is willing to help.

Shen Ye shrugged, he is a **** if he has money but doesn't make money, of course he will do it when the business comes to his door.

"I'm going to Mr. Wang's house tomorrow, and I'll go to your house the day after tomorrow." Shen Ye said.

The director recognized Shen Ye's ability in the first place, but now that Shen Ye didn't even ask him what help he needed, he knew that something happened to his family...Master Shen is really amazing!

"Okay, okay." The director's attitude became more and more respectful, "Just contact me the day after tomorrow, I will be waiting for you at home anytime."

Something had happened in his family.

For some unknown reason, his wife has been sleepwalking recently. It's okay if it's just sleepwalking, but his wife is running at night! At first he chased his wife with his legs, but he couldn't catch up! Later, he drove behind his wife, but he still had to work during the day, and sometimes the crew had to shoot all night, and he had to worry about his wife getting lost and unable to go home...

Anyway, during this period of time, he was physically and mentally haggard, and it was fine if he didn't die suddenly.

Before Shen Ye left, he took a talisman paper to the director: "You ask your wife to take it with you, before I go to your house, she won't sleepwalk again, and nothing will happen to her."

The director's eyes widened.

Master Shen even noticed his wife's sleepwalking!

"Thank you!" The director thanked Shen Ye a thousand times, and his attitude towards Shen Ye was even more respectful.

Shen Ye waved his hand, and got into the car with Ye Ze.

As soon as the car door was closed, Shen Ye put the incense burner and mahogany sword on the chair, then sat down on Ye Ze's lap, and said happily, "Uncle, we got the treasure!"

Ye Ze touched his face with a smile in his eyes: "Yes."

"I have a hunch that you will definitely be able to enter the Tao this time!" Shen Ye was very happy, "My intuition has never missed it!"

Ye Ze saw him so happy, the smile on his lips deepened unknowingly, and there was a hint of anticipation in his eyes.

Shen Ye picked up the incense burner, checked it over and over, and said, "This thing doesn't belong to this world... Maybe the ancestors of the Wang family had some adventures."

A magic weapon capable of producing aura is very rare even in his original world.

Ye Ze didn't understand these things, but when the child was happy, he was naturally happy too.

Shen Ye smiled and kissed him: "You mistress, don't be too stingy, don't punish me again, you understand?"

Let him not touch men for two hours, how can he do it!

Ye Ze kissed his lips: "'s fine if I take the initiative."

Children are not allowed to kiss him, but he can kiss children.

Shen Ye grinned and said, "That's right, anyway, I'm not at a loss."

He was in a particularly good mood, smiling all the way back to Rongyuan.

After returning home, Shen Ye took Ye Ze back to the bedroom, and told Xu Sisi and the others by the way that if they didn't come out at night, there was no need to call them.

Shen Shimu was dumbfounded, and it took a long time before he turned to Zong Yiming and said, "Are they... wanting to drive?"

Zong Yiming didn't speak.

Xu Sisi was thoughtful: "Should we make a banner to celebrate?"

Shen Shimu: "???"

Sis, are you a devil?

The author has something to say:

6000 words~ Good night, babies~

This chapter continues to give red envelopes~

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2019-12-1023:55:36~2019-12-1123:47:01~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the landmine: 5 no tears in the left eye; 1 Feiyu☆;

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: 100 bottles of Kuyt; 10 bottles of black mandala; 208362486 bottles; 5 bottles of Linkong and Shuangmuyan; sunset afterglow, wronged wallet, and 1 bottle of Yuyue;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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