MTL - When a Master of Metaphysics Marries into a Wealthy Family-Chapter 69

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After returning to Haicheng, Shen Ye went directly to the hospital.

He couldn't bear Ye Ze to be tired, so he asked Ye Ze to go home first.

Ye Ze and Shen Shimu happened to have something to talk about, plus returning to the familiar environment, there must be no danger, so Ye Ze agreed. But he asked Zong Yiming to accompany Shen Ye, mainly to let Zong Yiming run errands. As for Xu Sisi and Xu Ce, of course they went home to rest.

Shen Shimu was a little dissatisfied: "Boss, Zong Yiming is also very tired, don't you feel sorry for your subordinates?"

Before Ye Ze could speak, Shen Ye said with a smile: "At first, I also thought that brother Zong must be tired after arranging the schedule these days, and I wanted him to go back to rest. Hearing what you said, I changed my mind." .”

Shen Shimu: "... Xiaoye, you have changed."

He is no longer the master Shen he admired, and he announced that he will be off fans from today!

Ye Ze didn't care about their dispute, and touched Shen Ye's face: "Come back early."

Shen Ye responded softly, and tiptoed to kiss him.

Over there, Zong Yiming walked up to Shen Shimu and said, "The 50,000 yuan has already been used up, and the temporary partner should also be over."

Shen Shimu glared at him angrily: "Say it again?"

Zong Yiming looked at him quietly for a few seconds, then rubbed his ears: "Go back and wait for me."

"What are you waiting for?" Shen Shimu continued to look at him.

Zong Yiming smiled: "Wait for me to love you."

Shen Shimu's face turned red all of a sudden.

When leaving, Xu Ce came over and said, "I'd better go to the hospital."

After all, he is still a minority shareholder of Basho Entertainment, and he has been friends with Ning Shihua for decades, and Mr. Shi is also in the hospital. Since he knows the news, he has to visit him no matter what.

Shen Ye naturally would not refuse.

So the three of them went to the hospital.

On the way, Shen Ye kept looking at Zong Yiming from the rearview mirror. He knew that Shen Shimu had no face, so he didn't dare to gossip when he was traveling. Now there is only Zong Yiming, so of course he has to explore it carefully.

Zong Yiming still had that calm face.

However, Shen Ye had already seen the red line between him and Shen Shimu before, and he knew it in his heart: "You must not play with Brother Shen's feelings, I think he is very persistent in feelings."

In fact, he didn't see anything wrong with Zong Yiming's face, on the contrary, Zong Yiming was also stubborn.

"No." Zong Yiming was very honest when facing Shen Ye. After all, Shen Ye was his husband's partner, and he also respected Shen Ye.

Shen Ye nodded and didn't say any more.

Just like what Ye Ze said, he, a brat, should not care about the affairs of adults.

When they arrived at the hospital, they found that there were many reporters at the entrance of the inpatient building. They probably came here after hearing the news of Ning Shihua's injury.

Shen Ye simply used a small trick to cover up his figure, and went to the VIP ward on the top floor with Zong Yiming and Xu Ce.

Ning Shihua was injured a bit badly. It is said that there were several nails under the mat, and the nails were still rusty.

It was also because of those rusty nails that Mr. Shi felt that someone had intentionally hurt Ning Shihua, so he asked Shen Ye to help him find the murderer.

Of course, the nail thing was kept secret, even the crew director didn't know about it.

It was all thanks to Ning Shihua Jiling. She felt that she had been nailed, so she immediately whispered to her manager. The agent immediately consulted Mr. Shi, and then someone from the company came and took the mat and nails away.

If you call the police and arrest someone later, this can be regarded as evidence.

Shen Ye and his group pushed open the door, and saw Ning Shi's leg was in plaster, and his head was wrapped in gauze. It was really miserable.

Mr. Shi came up to meet him and said, "Master Shen, I have to trouble you again."

Shen Ye waved his hand: "Old acquaintance, why are you polite?"

Zong Yiming was standing guard at the door.

Shen Ye and Xu Ce walked to the edge of the bed together.

"How are you?" Xu Ce looked at Ning Shihua with sympathy.

This is too miserable.

Ning Shihua sighed: "Not too good."

How did she know that she would be in trouble? In more than ten years of filming, this is the first time I have encountered such a thing.

Xu Ce didn't know how to comfort her for a while, so he could only say, "My master will definitely help you find the person behind the scenes."

Hearing the word 'Master', Ning Shihua stared at him weakly: "Don't show off in front of me that you are Master Shen's apprentice."

Shen Ye was amused.

Ning Shihua turned to him again, and said apologetically, "I really can't get up, Master Shen, please don't blame me for not being polite."

Shen Ye shook his head, stared at her face for a while, and said with great sympathy: "This is an innocent disaster, the murderer didn't want to kill you."

Hearing this, Ning Shihua and President Shi were all stunned there.

"You mean, I was implicated?" Ning Shihua really wanted to scold her, but it was a pity that when she got excited, she hurt her leg. She gasped in pain, trying to calm herself down.

Mr. Shi was also surprised: "That is to say, someone in the crew did cut the rope on purpose and put nails under the mat on purpose, but the other party didn't come for Xiao Ning?"

Shen Ye nodded, looked at Ning Shihua, and said, "Your Yintang is a little dark, but the blackness will dissipate in two days. You are very lucky, and this kind of accident shouldn't have happened."

He guessed that the murderer who caused the accident, or the person behind the murderer, should know how to spell. And Ning Shihua was implicated temporarily, which is also why he didn't see that Ning Shihua had an innocent disaster when he drew the talisman paper for Ning Shi last time.

Mr. Shi frowned: "This is strange, what are those people doing to trouble Xiao Ning?"

Ning Shihua is the biggest star in the crew and a senior in the industry, and he is backed by Basho Entertainment. Logically speaking, the disputes of the juniors should not involve Ning Shihua.

"I still don't know what's going on, I have to go to the crew to see the situation." Shen Ye said.

Mr. Shi: "After such a big incident, the crew gave everyone a two-day vacation...too bad, wouldn't the murderer have enough time to destroy the evidence?"

Shen Ye raised his eyebrows: "I don't look at evidence to do things."

He looks good, right?

Mr. Shi remembered this incident, and slapped himself on the forehead: "Look at me, I'm so confused."

Shen Ye said: "Then let's go to the film crew in two days."

He didn't even ask Ning Shihua to find out about the crew, because he guessed that Ning Shihua himself didn't know. However, he asked Ning Shihua for a list of several actors, and later planned to look for photos on the Internet to see their faces.

Mr. Shi knew Master Shen's ability, so of course he wouldn't rush him.

And so it settled down.

After that, Shen Ye brought Xu Ce and Zong Yiming back to Rongyuan.

As soon as he got home, Xu Sisi came over and asked, "How is Ning Shihua?"

Ning Shihua was also an artist brought by Xu Sisi at the beginning. Later, Ning Shihua opened a studio and Xu Sisi went to take care of newcomers, but the relationship between the two has always been good.

"The injury is a bit serious, but not life-threatening." Xu Ce said.

Xu Sisi breathed a sigh of relief, and hearing Xu Ce say that this was an innocent disaster, she couldn't help frowning: "Even if there are conflicts among the actors' families, it's just minor troubles. I really haven't seen anyone hurting someone's life in the crew."

"I also think this matter is very strange." Shen Ye sent the list of actors that Ning Shi painted to Xu Sisi, and said, "Please help me find their photos, I will look back at their faces."

Xu Sisi agreed.

Shen Ye smiled and said, "There's no rush, we won't be going to the set until two days later, let's have a good rest first."

He sat on the sofa, drew a few talisman papers that could relieve fatigue, gave one to Xu Sisi and Xu Ce each, and then gave two to Zong Yiming, and said, "Give the other one to Brother Shen."

Zong Yiming thanked in a low voice.

At this time, Ye Ze and Shen Shimu had already finished talking about things, Zong Yiming took the talisman paper and went to Shen Shimu's room.

Shen Ye went to the study, and Ye Ze was standing by the French window to answer the phone.

Hearing that the door was opened, he turned his head and saw that it was Shen Ye, he smiled and waved to Shen Ye.

Shen Ye walked over and hugged the man's waist from behind.

Ye Ze lowered his head and kissed his side face, talked to the phone for a few words and then hung up.

"Are you busy?" Shen Ye asked in a low voice, rubbing the man's back.

Ye Ze turned around and put him in his arms: "I'm a little busy. There is a project above that needs a leader, and Mrs. Ye has to be in charge of this. You can play the game for a while, okay?"

Recently, Shen Ye has become obsessed with the game of kings, and every time he plays, he can call the opponent's elementary school student "father".

Shen Ye was so coaxed that his heart softened, and he kissed the man: "Well, you are busy with your work."

So Ye Ze carried the laptop to the sofa, he dealt with things, Shen Ye played games with his lap on his pillow.

After playing a few games of cruelty, Shen Ye lost interest, and casually opened his scarf to gossip.

As a result, he saw that he was on the trending search again.

This time, it was because the police in Jiang City announced the case of human traffickers, which mentioned that with the help of Shen Ye, the group of human traffickers was arrested and brought to justice.

When Shen Ye's fans saw this news, of course they gave another rainbow fart.

The marketing accounts were also moved after hearing the news, and each one praised Shen Ye.

Although all the posts and scarves of the gossip about the Ye family were deleted last time, this practice made everyone more convinced that Master Shen's husband is the person in charge of the Ye family.

Master Shen himself is very powerful, plus her husband has such a strong background, who would dare to provoke him.

Anyway, the marketing account didn't dare to offend Shen Ye.

So Shen Ye went on the hot search again, swiping a wave of netizens' favorability.

Shen Ye saw all kinds of rainbow farts in the comments and shook his head secretly.

He always wanted to keep a low profile, but the result became more and more high profile.

It is said that the higher you hold, the harder you may fall.

But Shen Ye didn't have such worries, his ability was his own, no one could take it away, and no one could hack it.

What's more, Ye Ze and Ye family are behind him.

Shen Ye closed his scarf and was about to sleep on Ye Ze when he received a WeChat message from Xu Sisi.

Xu Sisi is very dedicated, and found photos of several actors so quickly.

Shen Ye clicked on the photo, and found that female No. 2 and female No. 3 have similar facial features... Maybe it's plastic surgery...

It is said that appearance is born from the heart, but in fact plastic surgery will also change the appearance, and the change of appearance will affect the fate to some extent. Just like some people think that the nose is too fleshy and want to have a straight nose. But in fact, the meat nose is a kind of blessing, and it may cause bad effects if it is corrected.

This is why some people get better after plastic surgery, while others get worse.

Shen Ye scanned the photos of other actors.

Because Ning Shihua is the female lead, and the male lead is also a well-known actor, there are several investors in this film who have recruited newcomers. There are five actresses alone, and four male actors. It seems that each of them is handsome and beautiful.

Shen Ye looked around, and he already knew it in his heart.

He went online to search for information on the third female Ziyan and the second male Deng Lingkun.

The first page is all about Ziyan's big nose before plastic surgery, and it's still an enlarged version.

Shen Ye: "..." Hot eyes.

He continued to browse, and there was a post saying that the two were classmates or friends.

Shen Ye muttered: "'re lying to ghosts!"

If it's a good friend, Ziyan can **** Deng Lingkun's boyfriend, and Deng Lingkun can harm Ziyan?

The grievances between these two people are also bloody.

Originally, Shen Ye was not interested in these disputes in the circle, so he definitely wouldn't take care of them. But who told these two people to hurt Ning Shihua, and Ning Shihua is the first sister of Basho Entertainment.

Shen Ye sent Mr. Shi a wechat message: [I almost already know what's going on, you and Ning Shihua don't reveal the news of my meddling for the time being. 】

It's not good if you startle the snake.

Deng Lingkun and Zi Yan are not good people, and there are people behind them to help, so they have to catch them all.

Of course, it is impossible for Mr. Shi and Ning Shihua to disclose it, and Qiqi said that they would keep it secret.

"Ziyan may go to the hospital to visit Ning Shihua tomorrow, so don't see her." Shen Ye repeatedly urged, "If you really can't stop it, call me."

Mr. Shi agreed.

The next day, Mr. Shi really called and said that Ziyan had brought an old Taoist priest, and they couldn't stop him.

Shen Ye: "..."

...he still has to do it.

The author has something to say:

Come, come, 3500 words~

good night babies~

I can't bear to go to sleep... I will edit the article tomorrow~

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2019-12-08 18:40:46~2019-12-08 22:33:06~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: s1 who doesn’t like tea;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: 9 bottles of you little fairy; 2 bottles of Lingyue Chihiro; 1 bottle of Lost Light Year and Yuyue;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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