MTL - When a Master of Metaphysics Marries into a Wealthy Family-Chapter 118

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On the way, Qi Lanhong told Shen Ye what happened.

Her classmate is Wu Mengying, who is in the same class as her in high school, and has just finished the college entrance examination. Both of them had good grades, and they were admitted to the Imperial Foreign Language School together.

After receiving the notice, she wanted to go on a trip with Wu Mengying to celebrate her admission to university.

It's just that after going to Wu Mengying's house, the Wu family didn't welcome her very much, and said that Wu Mengying was getting married soon and would not go to college.

Qi Lanhong was very surprised, Wu Mengying was only eighteen years old, she didn't even reach the legal age, how could she marry so early?

Wu Mengying was locked up by the Wu family. Qi Lanhong was more clever, so she found Wu Mengying's younger brother and got some words from him.

It turned out that the Wu family wanted Wu Mengying to marry the dead, commonly known as Yin marriage.

It was a Taoist priest who proposed this matter. It is said that the employer behind the Taoist priest can pay a lot of money, and even promised to give the Wu family a house in the second ring road of the imperial capital.

These days, the price of a house in the second ring road of the imperial capital is sky-high, how could the Wu family not agree!

The Wu family wasn't very wealthy in the first place, and Wu Mengying's younger brother was about to be a senior in high school. If he wanted to get married and have children in the future, he would have to buy a house in the imperial capital. The Wu family has been worrying about where the money will come from. Now that someone sends money to their door, they agree immediately without even thinking about it.

The request of the Taoist priest is that Wu Mengying must go with him after he gets married and can no longer stay in Wu's house.

The Wu family got the house and millions of cash, so how could they care about Wu Mengying's life or death.

It's just that Wu Mengying was furious when she heard about this, she packed her luggage and wanted to escape, but was finally caught by the Wu family and locked her up.

"There are still people getting married in the dark these days, and it's okay to marry in the dark, but they still have to take people away... The Taoist asked Mengying to go with him. I think he might want to kill Mengying and let Mengying go underground. Accompany that... that dead man!" Qi Lanhong said through gritted teeth, "Mengying's parents are also ridiculous, they just sold their daughter like this, they really don't deserve to be parents!"

After she inquired about the news, she left the village immediately, because she knew that some Taoist priests were very capable, and she was afraid of being discovered by Taoist priests.

Fortunately, she ran fast, as soon as she left, the Taoist priest arrived at Wu's house.

Qi Lanhong didn't care too much at the time, she happened to see Shen Ye's scarf and said that it could help girls who were forced into marriage. Wu Mengying's situation is special, but it can also be attributed to forced marriage, so she set up a number to call Xu Sisi.

The reason why she opened a new account is also to prevent being tracked down by Taoist priests. She has read a lot of online novels, and she always feels that bad Taoist priests are very evil, and she can guard against them whenever she can.

In fact, it was completely unnecessary for her to do this, but it delayed the progress of Ye Ze's sending someone to find her.

But the heart of defense is indispensable, and the direction of her thinking is right.

Shen Ye had already seen the whole story from Qi Lanhong's face.

And he also knew that if he didn't come this time, the Taoist priest would come to deal with Qi Lanhong after killing Wu Mengying.

Fortunately, Qi Lanhong contacted Xu Sisi in time.

"You guessed right, that Taoist just wanted your classmate to go underground to accompany the employer's son, so your classmate is really dangerous." Shen Ye paused and said, "But don't worry, I will rescue your classmate .”

Qi Lanhong was angry and grateful, and said excitedly: "Thank you, I knew you would definitely help us!"

Shen Ye couldn't help laughing, it seemed that this was another of his little fans.

The car quickly drove into Mingfeng Village and stopped directly in front of Wu's house.

Wu Mengying's home is also a small two-story villa built by herself, which still looks quite grand.

However, self-built houses usually cost hundreds of thousands. After the Wu family finished building the house, they had no savings, so they sold Wu Mengying to buy a house for their son in the city.

There were quite a few people in the Wu family's yard, besides Wu Mengying's parents and family members, there were also Taoist priests, employers, and bodyguards brought by the employers.

They planned to marry Wu Mengying to her employer's son tonight, so they came to Wu's house ahead of time to pick her up.

The employer was the first to react when he saw a few cars driving to his door.

"Master Yin, did you invite those people outside?" The employer's surname was Yao, and the Wu family didn't know his name, only that Master Yin called him Boss Yao.

Hearing this, Master Yin looked towards the gate of the courtyard.

Qi Lanhong got off the car first, and Master Yin sneered. This little girl dared to come here, so don't blame him for being rude!

In the next second, he saw Shen Ye and Ye Ze getting out of the car holding hands.

The moment he saw Shen Ye, Master Yin's expression changed drastically.

Taoist priests also have circles. They already knew that Shen Ye had killed several powerful masters, and the reason why those masters were targeted by Shen Ye was because they did bad things.

Master Yin knew very well that he was not a good person. It was a bad thing to marry Boss Yao's son who died young this time. He even planned to swallow Wu Mengying's soul. After all, Wu Mengying was born in a cloudy year, a cloudy moon, and a cloudy day , is a great tonic for him.

He originally thought that this matter would be silent and would not reach Shen Ye's ears. After all, he was in the countryside, and he deliberately kept Boss Yao low-key.

Who would have thought that Shen Ye would still find out!

He suddenly felt a little regretful, he should have dealt with Qi Lanhong earlier.

Otherwise, Shen Ye would not have found this place.

Boss Yao was also in a panic.

He knew Shen Ye, and Ye Ze even more.

Ye Ze is the head of the Ye family. Although the Yao family is rich, they are nouveau riche, so how can they compare with the Ye family.

He approached Master Yin and said nervously, " you have a way to deal with Mr. Ye and Master Shen?"

Those two people were not easy to deal with, but he still had a glimmer of hope.

Master Yin said with a dark face, "I can only try."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and grabbed Wu Mengying who was next to him.

Seeing his movements, Shen Ye sneered, "You want to threaten me with a hostage?"

At this time, the gate of the Wu family's courtyard was closed, and Master Yin shouted sharply through the iron fence: "Don't come here, one more step forward, and I will kill her immediately!"

Wu Mengying's face turned pale, but she was not afraid of Master Yin, and said loudly: "You kill me, I don't want to live anyway!"

She also knew Shen Ye, and seeing Qi Lanhong and Shen Ye coming here together, she guessed that Qi Lanhong must have invited Master Shen to save her.

She was especially grateful to Qi Lanhong and Shen Ye for their kindness, but she had long been ashamed and didn't want to live at all.

During this period of time, she kept begging her family to let her go, but her parents sold her for money and house, regardless of her life or death. Later, in order to prevent her from escaping, she was locked in the room, and she was only given one meal a day, so that she would not have the energy to run away.

The grief is greater than the death of a heart, and the betrayal of her parents makes her have no desire to survive.

Shen Ye saw her thoughts and said, "You are eighteen years old and an adult. You can break away from your parents. As long as you want, I will help you, not just with money."

Wu Mengying's eyes widened, and she couldn't help feeling a little moved.

She has been studying at ease for the past 18 years, and has never entered the society. This time she was sold by her parents. She felt that the sky was falling, and she didn't even know how to survive.

Now that she received Shen Ye's comfort and assurance, a glimmer of hope suddenly appeared in her heart.

Knowing that she had the fighting spirit, Shen Ye felt relieved a little, and turned his gaze to Master Yin: "You are not my opponent, and you can't hurt Wu Mengying either. If you take the initiative to release her, I can make you less painful You should have heard about my methods, if you refuse to let him go, I have plenty of ways to torment you."

Master Yin stared at him with a sullen face, without saying a word.

Shen Ye shrugged: "It seems that you are unwilling to let him go?"

Master Yin was of course scared, he knew very well that he was not Shen Ye's opponent, and the only way now was to find a chance to escape.

It's a pity that before he could take action, Shen Ye hit three talisman papers on him, and he was frozen there, unable to move any more.

Shen Ye slowly opened the iron gate of Wu's house, and led people in.

Master Yin couldn't move or speak, he could only stare at Shen Ye with fear and resentment.

Shen Ye ignored him, went straight to Wu Mengying, and said, "Don't be afraid, you're fine."

It may be that Shen Ye's tone was very gentle, Wu Mengying felt a piece of relief in her heart, and tears fell down inexplicably.

Qi Lanhong hurriedly stepped forward to support her, and said, "Don't be afraid, everything will be fine with Master Shen here."

"Well, I trust Master Shen." Wu Mengying cried and hugged her, "Lan Lan, thank you."

She knew that Qi Lanhong must have invited Master Shen to help, otherwise she didn't know if she would survive tonight.

Qi Lanhong shook her head.

Shen Ye said, "Take her to rest in the car."

This is to isolate Wu Mengying and the Wu family.

Seeing this, the Wu family immediately murmured, "No, you can't take my daughter away!"

They just took away Boss Yao's money and house, and Wu Mengying was rescued. What if Boss Yao repents?

Wu's father stood in front of Qi Lanhong and pulled Wu Mengying: "You come back to me, and you are not allowed to go anywhere!"

Wu Mengying was obviously afraid of him, so she shrank her shoulders and began to cry.

"Why are you crying!" Father Wu scolded impatiently, "Hurry up and go back to my room, don't run out without the permission of me and your mother!"

After finishing speaking, he motioned for Wu's mother to take Wu Mengying back to the room.

Wu Mengying hugged Qi Lanhong's arm in fear.

Qi Lanhong looked at Shen Ye begging for help.

Shen Ye directly asked the Ye family's bodyguards to carry Wu's father and Wu's mother away, and then protect Wu Mengying and Qi Lanhong.

"Are you worthy to be parents? Even if you are a beast, you won't harm your own children." He sneered and scolded Wu's father and Wu's mother.

Wu's father and Wu's mother were very upset: "What are you talking about! Is it wrong for us to discipline our daughter!"

In their hearts, children are their private property, and they can do whatever they want. Outsiders have no right to intervene, and even the country cannot intervene in parents to discipline their children!

Shen Ye snorted coldly: "What a beast! Do you know that your daughter got married tonight and will die tomorrow!"

Wu's father and Wu's mother dodged their eyes.

"How is it possible, you are talking nonsense!" Father Wu said angrily.

Shen Ye stared at him: "What if your daughter is really going to die? Do you still want your daughter to marry a shady marriage?"

Father Wu stiffened his neck: "How can I die? Don't scare me, I won't be fooled!"

But there was no remorse on his face. Obviously, even if he watched Wu Mengying die in front of his eyes, he would not be able to give up his house and money.

It was not the first time for Shen Ye to see such a beast who disregarded the lives of his children, but he was still very angry when he saw Father Wu's face.

At this time, the sun was about to set, and the daylight in the yard gradually became dim.

Because Shen Ye and Ye Ze drove into the village just now, and the mayor Wang and others also came, many people in the village came to watch the excitement.

Everyone quietly discussed about the Wu family.

Before, everyone vaguely heard that the Wu family sold Wu Mengying and asked Wu Mengying to marry a shady marriage in exchange for several million yuan and a house.

After all, everyone lives in the outskirts of the imperial capital. Although there are unreasonable parents like the Wu family, there are also enlightened and law-aware parents. Many people in the village disapproved of Wu Mengying's shady marriage, and even persuaded Wu's father and mother not to do such immoral things.

But Wu's father and Wu's mother thought that everyone was jealous of their benefits and drove everyone away.

Now hearing from Shen Ye that Wu Mengying's life is in danger, some honest aunts can't help but stand up—

"Little master, please save Mengying, poor girl Mengying."

"Her parents favor sons over daughters, often beat her and scold her, and give her brother whatever is good, we have long been tired of it!"

"If it wasn't for the child's good grades, the principal of the high school would personally come to the Wu family to invite her, and the tuition and miscellaneous fees would be waived. The Wu family would definitely not send her to high school."

"But I heard that Mengying didn't pass the college entrance examination. Before the exam, her brother poured cold water on her and caught a cold. No one in her family cared about her..."

The author has something to say:

Babies, there will be daily updates in the future! Don't worry, it will be updated daily until the end!

I caught a cold and coughed today, and I was a little panicked because it's so close to Wuhan...but don't worry, I'm just thinking wildly...

Everyone, take more precautions, wear a mask to go out~~

I will revise the article another day~

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-01-1923:48:06~2020-01-2122:52:14~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: Wang Xianxian 1;

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: 2 bottles of Spring River Flower and Moon Night; 1 bottle of Sunset Afterglow;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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