MTL - What is the Experience of Being Stronger Than Saitama?-Chapter 385

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Don't underestimate these superficial alchemy knowledge, this small alchemy handbook has almost saved about one tenth of the azure star human race.

The blue star human race alchemy developed on this basis will play a more important role in the near future.

"This second way is to refine the treasure of the plane and upgrade it."

Dimon's fingers tapped on the table, making a rhythmic rhythm.

Yang Xi was a little puzzled: "The treasure of the plane?"

"It's the sage's stone, the terrain spiritual spring and the like."

"In the high magic plane? For example, our Ossed plane? It will appear every hundred years."

"But in the low magic plane like your blue star plane, there is generally only one kind of it? Even some low magic planes do not exist such treasures at all."

Yang Xi's face was a little weird. There are two "planar treasures" on the blue star plane. It seems that his home plane? In the low magic plane? It is also a leader.

"The powerhouses who are promoted through the plane treasure will have the potential of silver heaven."

"But there are very few fifth-order powerhouses who can rely on their own efforts to reach the silver rank."

There was also a hint of yearning in Dimon's eyes.

He is disdainful of the bronze heaven position.

But if it can reach this silver sky position? In the long history of the Ossed plane, it can also leave a rich and colorful stroke!

Yang Xi asked, "Master Daimon? I don't know what's the difference between the silver heaven and the bronze heaven?"

Damon replied: "Silver Heavenly Rank has an ability called 'Domain' more than Bronze Heavenly Rank."

"Within the scope of the Silver Domain, can they reflect the profound meaning of the laws they comprehend into reality? It is a way of fighting that is more powerful in theory than our own development of moves."

"But this is not certain? After all, the profound meaning of the law that we 'understood'? It's just logical and self-consistent in our thinking."

"It doesn't represent the real laws of the world."

Yang Xi was a little puzzled, "What does this sentence mean?"

Dimon smiled, put the roast chicken bones into the bowl, and said inarticulately: "I ask you, what do you think the world is?"

Damon's face at this moment has a different kind of charm, not like a strong fourth-order peak, but more like a wise man trying to find the truth.

Yang Xi was stunned for a moment, wasn't he talking about the difference between the Silver Heavenly Rank and the Bronze Heavenly Rank?

Why is it related to philosophy?

"This world is a collection of planes one after another, and the matter in the void constitutes the world we live in."

After all, Yang Xi is also an existence that has penetrated the barriers of the plane. The truth of this world is not shrouded in fog in his eyes.

When Damon heard Yang Xi's answer, he smiled and said, "your answer, yes, but also incorrect."

"Master, please clarify your doubts."

"The world, in the perception of the blind, is made up of smells, sounds and touch."

"They have no concept of vision at all."

"We ordinary people think that what they see is pitch darkness. In fact, in their world, they don't even have the concept of 'black'..."

Yang Xi was even more confused when he was eating snacks. Although he was not a scumbag when he was studying, he was not the kind of person who liked to study.

There is a slight resistance to Dimon, who is talking so eloquently at the moment.

Can you be more explicit!

But now is not the time to play with his temper, so he can only bite the bullet and continue listening.

Dimon continued: "What I mean by this example is to illustrate that the 'world' we perceive is different with different observation methods."

"The world we outline in our minds is just a world translated by some senses."

"It's not the way the world is."

Damon's mouth twitched with a smile, and his eyes were a little crazy, "It's good that you have a philosophical debate called 'brain in a vat' on the plane of the blue star."

Brain in a vat?

Yang Xi also remembered that he seemed to have seen this thing, and had a vague impression.

Dimon said a lot and began to summarize: "In short, the truth of this world is like an onion, peeling layer after layer will always surprise us."

"With the continuous comprehension of the profound meaning of the law, the 'truth' of this world is also constantly changing."

"Looking at mountains is not mountains, and looking at water is not water."

"Looking at the mountains is still mountains, and the water is still water."


Yang Xi felt that she understood, but she didn't seem to understand.

Perhaps, in the heart of the strong Ossey Daemon, the reason for becoming stronger is because of the different scenery that can be seen from high places.

But Yang Xi knew that he did not have this qualification at present, and his compatriots were still living in dire straits. Saving the human race and expelling the colonists was the top priority.

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"Okay, having said so much, I just want to tell you that the laws we have comprehended are just self-consistent logic under certain circumstances."

"The power of some of the created moves is in the silver domain because the creator of this move hit by mistake and touched a law that is closer to the truth."

"It's that simple."

Yang Xi nodded, a little enlightened in his heart.

Dimon said so much, he was communicating with himself some more direct truths.

It's a pity that some people play the piano to the cow.

Dimon seemed to be aware of this situation, smiled, raised his glass and said, "My long talk, is it worth a drink?"

Yang Xi is naturally good-natured.

"Then Master Daemon, is this Heavenly Seed also a kind of Plane Treasure?"

Damon shook his head and said, "The Seed of Heaven is not a Plane Treasure, it comes from a place called the Continent of Origin."

Yang Xi asked curiously, "Original continent?"

"In countless planes, there is still a continent in the void."

"People call it the origin continent, and the seed of heaven is the product of this continent."

"Every other epoch, all Heavenly Powerhouses will be forcibly summoned to the Origin Continent."

"No one knows what happened in the Origin Continent, only that some of those Heavenly Rank powerhouses who came back alive will have Heavenly Rank seeds."

"This is the third way to advance to the Heavenly Rank. This Heavenly Rank seed can make people have the potential to become the Golden Heavenly Rank!"

"And compared with the second way to use the plane treasure, it is easier for the heavenly seed to break through to the silver heavenly level."

Yang Xi nodded secretly, this heavenly seed is really a good thing, no wonder after he grabbed it, the fifth rank of the Gabriel family came out.

Maybe even that fifth-order powerhouse is not qualified to enjoy the heavenly seed.

Damon continued: "Our Muyang Region is considered to be the area with the highest strength on the Ossed plane. Each of the five major families has a seed. If you rob them of one of the Gabriel family, it means that they may lose their family future. pillars.”

"You said, do they want to chase you down with all their strength?"

Yang Xi tossed the glowing seed in his hand and sneered: "Who asked this Meredith to provoke me."

Dimon shook his head, "I don't like the Gabriel family anyway. It's a good thing that the seed of heaven falls into your hands."

"If you can break through to the fifth-order heaven with this heaven seed, then the dilemma of the blue star plane will not be a problem."

"After all, in my opinion, the Bernadotte family will not offend a fifth-order powerhouse with the potential of a golden position for the benefit of an indigenous plane."

"But this is after you successfully refine the heavenly seed and break through to the fifth order."

"Now that you are Tier 4, you will be hunted down by more families."

Speaking of this, Daimon's eyes became extremely sharp, "Because as long as the fourth-order powerhouse is killed, the heavenly seed will drop!"

The atmosphere of the tower's original harmony changed, and there was even a vague killing intent.

If some psychic abilities are here, they may not even be able to stand.

But in this chilling environment like the middle of winter, Yang Xi burst out laughing.

Damon said depressedly: "Aren't you afraid that I will kill people and steal treasures? You have the seeds of heaven that are enough to make a big family go crazy!"

Yang Xi smiled and said, "First of all, I believe in your character, Master Damon."

"Secondly, I think you, who already own a seed, should not be interested in the heavenly seed in my hand anymore, right?"

"In the end, if you really take action, it depends on whether you can succeed or not."

Although Daimon's strength is strong, he is not a fifth-order heaven.

Yang Xi was confident enough to escape.

Dimon gave a wry smile, "Okay, you're right."

"Indeed, I can't refine it if there are too many heavenly seeds."

"Okay, it's time to tell you how to refine the heavenly seed, you should wait."

Yang Xi smiled casually, "It is worthwhile to hear such a wonderful true meaning of cultivation."

Dimon laughed at himself: "It's just some gibberish. Maybe when I look back over the years, these truths that I think are extremely profound are just some absurd words."

After all, Damon taught Yang Xi a refining route, "As long as you run the magic power according to the route I gave you, within five days, this heavenly seed will be integrated into your body."

"However, it should be noted that, unlike those processes that are similar to 'digestion', the state of the heavenly seed is more like living in your body. Only after you advance to the fifth-order heavenly position will it be completely integrated with you. one."

"In your body, if there is a heavenly seed, it will automatically reject other seeds, which is why we can only refine one seed."

Yang Xi asked: "If you become a fifth-order heaven, can you refine the seeds of heaven?"

Damon felt that Yang Xi's question was a bit strange, but he answered patiently: "Anyway, I have never seen a fifth-order heavenly existence successfully refining the heavenly seed."

"Those existences that rely on life alchemy and plane treasures to advance cannot be refined, and there is no need to refine one more existences with the potential of golden heaven."

Yang Xi nodded thoughtfully, yes, the heavenly seed is a prop for the fourth-order to rise to the fifth-order. After becoming a fifth-order heavenly powerhouse, it would be too much to use it again.

Holding back his desire to refine the seeds of Heavenly Rank immediately, Yang Xi asked, "Then what is so powerful about this Golden Heavenly Rank."

But Damon wanted to say: "I have never seen the existence of the golden heaven, and I don't know anything about their power!"

"The powerhouse in the golden position is also very few in the history of the Ossed plane."

"Invincible is their pronoun."

589 Refinement Seeds

From Damon's mouth, Yang Xi also gradually understood that this golden throne is also an existence where the dragon sees its head and does not see its tail in Muyang Collar. xllgz

From the fourth-order breakthrough to the bronze heaven position, it is a big event enough to alarm several families.

Not to mention the change from the bronze heaven to the silver heaven, which takes a long time to accumulate.

"However, there is information about a golden position, and I can tell you about it."

Yang Xi was puzzled. Just now, this Damon said that he didn't understand the golden position, why did he change his words now?

However, he still made an appearance of listening intently.

Daimon said with a smile: "You should be familiar with the deep blue family, right? When I was walking on the plane of the blue star, they were already about to move, and now they must have caused a lot of things."

Yang Xi nodded: "Yeah, this deep blue family has indeed done a lot of things in the four seas and inland."

Even Yang Xi has come this far, thanks to the "prompt" of the deep blue family.

"The deep blue family is notorious in countless planes, but it is indeed extremely powerful." A hint of emotion appeared in Damon's eyes. "They can be so unscrupulous in various planes, and they rely on the deep blue queen behind them!"

"Dark Blue Queen"

Yang Xi frowned, and he was no stranger to the dark blue queen.

At the beginning, he was almost infected by this existence and became his lackey.

Dimon nodded: "Yes, the Empress of Deep Blue, also known as Deep Blue Consciousness by us."

"The reason why we think he is the golden throne is because his mortal consciousness still exists!" x

"But I am afraid that he has reached the peak of the golden heaven, and he is only one step away from the incarnation rules and becoming the supreme heaven."