MTL - What is the Experience of Being Stronger Than Saitama?-Chapter 363

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"On the Judgment Organization's side... there are no casualties."

"They even brought back tens of thousands of people, as well as a treasure called Earth Spirit Spring."

Chris struggled to keep his body calm.

But in the corner that the three of them couldn't see, his expression was already shocked to the extreme.

how can that be!

With such a powerful existence as the Red Emperor, his comprehension of the profound meaning of the law is at the level of 6% or 7%!

Chris, who had devoured 2% of the Profound Truth at the beginning, had no ability to resist in front of him.

Even now, he has devoured the lack of money and has advanced his own profound meaning to 5%, which is not a small distance from him.

But such a powerful Red Emperor died at the hands of Youji?

"You chicken... what kind of monster are you?"

Chris muttered.

His eyes began to wander.

At this moment, he began to doubt whether his choice was correct.

If the Adjudication Organization can really resist the wave after wave of the Ossed's offensive, what's the point of his doing this?

Fortunately, Chris is also a battle-hardened strong man.

The wavering of will only appeared in him for a few seconds.

Soon he continued to become firm.

What he did was to leave another retreat for the race.

If the adjudication organization fails to resist the three major forces, then the soul of the human race he took away will continue to take root in countless planes in a new situation.

"My plan is the most foolproof."

Chris turned and left the cliff.

He couldn't wait any longer, he had to ripen the seed as soon as possible, and then take the opportunity to devour this great existence when it just matured and his consciousness was still awake!


"The area of ​​this Shelley Continent is actually as large as thirty azure star planes!"

"And Shelley Continent is only a medium-sized existence among the seven continents on the Ossed plane!"

"Not to mention the larger sea area. Compared with this Ossed plane, the Azure Star plane is really a corner."

Yang Xi temporarily understood the situation on the Ossed plane.

No wonder there are only a few Tier 4 powerhouses who colonize the Azure Star plane.

I am afraid that in the eyes of the Ossed, it is enough to send a few Tier 4 powerhouses to a plane with a relatively low level of magic power like Azure Star.

Even "colonization" may be the high-sounding words that the Ossedians in the occupied area of ​​the Southern Continent gave themselves.

"Exile" and "Refuge" are more appropriate to describe those invading aliens.

However, no matter how small the mosquito is, it is still meat. For the mercenary unions and alien beast alliances that already have a mature system, even if it is a low-level magic plane such as the Azure Star Plane, they will still send corresponding established branches.

After all, for these two large organizations, the "investment cost" of each time is within the controllable range, and it is only a matter of time before they return to their original business.

"However, judging from the classification given in this brief history, the blue star plane should have been upgraded from the low magic plane to the medium plane after a hundred years of development. Theoretically, the number of those powerhouses has not reached the standard..."

"My location is Shelley's Midwest, a place called 'Muyang Territory'."

"The five most powerful families in this Muyang Territory are Bernadotte of Undead Magic, Alfonso of Light Magic, Cecil of Forest Magic, Gabriel of Seraphim and Tai Chi Huntian Fist. The Li family..."

"Wait, why is this Li family's painting style different from the other four families?"

Yang Xi turned to the introduction of the Li family of Tai Chi Hun Tian Quan.

"It turns out that they migrated from Langya Continent."

It was still very strange. Originally, Yang Xi thought that the surnames and first names of the Ossedians were rather strange, but he didn't expect to encounter a person named "Li" in this Muyang Collar.

However, "li" here is actually transliterated by Yang Xi himself, and it is likely to be a homophone.

Perhaps on the Langya Continent, surnames with single-character pronunciations are more popular.

"Whether the last name is Li or Richard, they are both Ossedians, there is no difference."

Just as Yang Xi was immersed in the book, there was a sudden movement from his window.

Yang Xi was a little troubled. The girl, Nianfu, crawled over at night, was she really not afraid of being discovered by his father?

The girl jumped lightly on the windowsill.

The room where Yang Xi is located is only three or four meters high, which is a distance that can be easily crossed for a second-order ability user.

Not to mention that Nianfu is still a bloodline ability user of [Dark Scale Unicorn]. This height is a small case.

"Good evening, Miss Nianfu."

Yang Xi gave the girl a warm smile.

It seems that because she returned to her family's castle, Nianfu was not as shy as she was outside.

She rushed to Yang Xi and said, "Brother Chenlong, good evening!"

After a lot of decorations in Yang Xi's room, Nianfu said with some dissatisfaction: "My father is really rude. For a powerhouse like you, the best room should be arranged!"

She picked left and right to look, "It's still a flannel bed, my God, is this for guests to sleep in!"

"And there are no maids to serve, it's really too much!"

The girl who had put on pink toot pajamas looked angry, but she looked very pleasant.

Although their positions are different, judging from the current contacts, there is no difference between Niufu and those young girls in the blue human race.

He smiled and said, "Wouldn't it be more difficult for you to see me if there was a maid?"

Nanny also said, "Yes, why didn't I think of it!"

Looking at the smiling girl, Yang Xi asked, "Is there something wrong with Miss Nianfu?"

"If it is for the enemy in fifteen days, please rest assured that the contract I made with you will not change."

In fact, Yang Xi probably guessed what Naifu was thinking, didn't he just see that the handsome guy couldn't close his legs... ran out.

Chenlong's vest is so handsome, and his appearance is so cool, it's not surprising that a young girl like Nianfu will take the bait.

Hearing Yang Xi's words, Nianfu became a little dejected, and she said, "I'm sorry, Brother Chenlong, I brought you home, I really want your help."

"But my father doesn't believe me, and still insists on getting the help of the Bartlett family through marriage..."

She seemed very aggrieved. On the one hand, it was due to her father's distrust, and on the other hand, it was naturally because she could not escape the fate of marriage.

In fact, she didn't know why she came to Chen Long's side.

But at least she felt better after seeing Chen Long.

Yang Xi was speechless.

If so, what are you doing here with me?

They are all about to get married.

Yang Xi came to the plane of Oside, but he didn't want to have any emotional connection with the women here.

This nanny looks like a "good girl", so Yang Xi is naturally not interested.

Perhaps, her only role was to bring Yang Xi to the Red Dragon City.

However, people came, and Yang Xi didn't want to go too far and demolish the bridge, so he still had to give basic comfort.

"Do you reject marriage?"

The girl in pink pajamas nodded.

This naive look reminded Yang Xi of his sister who was far away on the plane of the blue star.

He couldn't help but touch ** Fu.

"...I want to have an unforgettable love like my aunt," she said, and looked up at Yang Xi, "Even if you sacrifice your life for it, you will not hesitate!"

Yang Xi looked at the girl speechlessly.

In her eyes, does it mean that love has to die to be considered "romantic"?

Girls... what troublesome creatures!

Yang Xi thought of several confidantes on the blue star plane. Speaking of which, apart from Li Caiwei who had been seen by him, the contact between Yang Xi and several other women was just hugs and hugs.

Sometimes, he can't figure out his own thoughts.

However, he didn't want to think about his own life events before completely driving the Ossids out.

Anyway, he is now a powerhouse of the fourth-order peak, with a long life and marriage, so let's take it slowly.

"Then I wish you success, and if you need any help from me, feel free to speak at that time."

Yang Xi said casually.

On perfunctory, he is an expert.

Who knows, maybe the brain circuit of the Osed people is not the same as the blue star human race, or because the girl is too stupid.

Yang Xi's words fell into her mind, and it directly changed to another meaning.

She, who was still a little downcast at first, suddenly lit up her eyes.

She picked Yang Xi up and kissed him.

"Brother Chenlong, this is what you said!"

"When the time comes, wait for my notice!"

After kissing Yang Xi, she became even more embarrassed, and slipped through the window to leave.

Looking at the pink pajamas that were gradually receding in the night, Yang Xi was completely spartan.

"Ossed's girls are really open!"

Yang Xi touched the place where he had been kissed.

This girl... must have misunderstood something?

I was just being polite just now!

It was the first time Yang Xi was so embarrassed after coming to the plane of Ossed.

This girl... Shouldn't he be asked to play a role of stealing relatives?

Yang Xi shook his head.

I don't think so, anyway, when the time comes, the Bartlett family of Roush will be wiped out.

The groom's family is gone, presumably Naifu's father won't force him to marry him?

Yang Xi feels that he is still very reliable, even in the face of Ossed's girls, he can speak his mind.

In the days that followed, Tours took Yang Xi to spend the day and drink in the Red Dragon City.

Tours, who ate and drank with public funds, was very forthright, and the showgirls ordered were all dozen dozen.

Yang Xi had to follow him to conduct a study on the physiological structure of women of various races in Osed.


The fourteenth day, the day before the enemy came.

Bloomfield took his family members and greeted the Bartlett family and his party at the city gate.

The Bartlett family patriarch Steinbeck is a strong bald man, and his son is a handsome man with long blond hair.

It's just that there is an evil spirit between the eyebrows, and when I see the milk fu, I also feel absent-minded.

In short, it is a sense of superiority that urbanites look over to rural people.

Yang Xi mixed in with the crowd, secretly looking at the strong bald man.

"Well, it's probably a fourth-order powerhouse with a 5% comprehension level, which is not bad."

"I heard that this guy is almost three hundred years old, and the enemy of the Ronid family is only sixty or seventy years old. According to the normal growth trajectory of the Ossed, it should not be the opponent of this Steinbeck. "